What is your biggest environmental concern not related to Global Warming?

For me...it's the fact that many countries in Europe and Asia are disposing of their nuclear waste in the ocean...and the fish in these disposal areas are getting tumors because of it.

Not sleeping properly. I often get tired, then I sleep well for a few days, then it's as if my body decides I don't need to sleep much, and then I can't get enough sleep.
I think the only thing that eases is your conscience.
Mine is clear where "carbon footprint" is considered. I have often stated (seriously) that the world would be a wonderful place if everyone was like me. :biggrin: (The older me, not the younger me.)
Mine is clear where "carbon footprint" is considered. I have often stated (seriously) that the world would be a wonderful place if everyone was like me. :biggrin: (The older me, not the younger me.)
I suspect your carbon footprint is not materially different than the average American.
I suspect your carbon footprint is not materially different than the average American.
About the only thing that would be average or above average are home utilities. As I live alone all the carbon (C02) would be assigned to me. Other than that, I'm well below in most or all other important metrics. I live a very spartan/minimalist lifestyle. For example, people spend an average of over $150 per month on clothing. I don't spend that much in a year or more. (The textile industry has a huge carbon footprint.) I also eat less, drive less, than average.
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What is your biggest environmental concern not related to Global Warming?​

Envirowhack moonbat "activists", who propose "solutions" to whatever given environmental "crisis" of the moment, that have downsides that are at least as bad, if not worse, than the problem itself.

What is your biggest environmental concern not related to Global Warming?​

Envirowhack moonbat "activists", who propose "solutions" to whatever given environmental "crisis" of the moment, that have downsides that are at least as bad, if not worse, than the problem itself.
It is beyond easy to have clean air and clean water. But without regulations american corporations would wantingly dump their chemicals anywhere without any regard for the health of american citizens.
I suspect your carbon footprint is not materially different than the average American.
It's silly for the average person to worry about their meager carbon footprint when the Davos Elites all have carbon footprints thousands of times as large and don't give shit.
It is beyond easy to have clean air and clean water. But without regulations american corporations would wantingly dump their chemicals anywhere without any regard for the health of american citizens.
Completely irrelevant to what I said.

Regardless, you think that people who work for and run big corporations don't want to breathe clean air and drink safe water too?
Completely irrelevant to what I said.

Regardless, you think that people who work for and run big corporations don't want to breathe clean air and drink safe water too?
I know they value the dollar over health. No question.
Just a concerned citizen in favor of holding corporations accountable at every little step they make.
Loss of biological diversity via extinctions
How would you like having Dinosaurs roaming all over the place? But another good example is would you love to have Bison roaming all of our towns as they once could have? When Washington was president, i believe there were millions of Bison from almost east to west. Due to cowboy movies many think Bisons were only in places like Yellowstone, Wyoming.
I know they value the dollar over health. No question.
When it is their dollars and your health, sure Democrats managers don't give a damn. When FDR was president the SF Bay was a living toilet. I recall as a child driving past the Bay and it stunk like a portable potty. And the surface of the water was floating turds. But we had Democrats managing things then. Later it got fixed.
How would you like having Dinosaurs roaming all over the place? But another good example is would you love to have Bison roaming all of our towns as they once could have? When Washington was president, i believe there were millions of Bison from almost east to west. Due to cowboy movies many think Bisons were only in places like Yellowstone, Wyoming.
And humans decimated the bison. For zero reason. Clueless loser lessers.
Just a concerned citizen in favor of holding corporations accountable at every little step they make.
Trouble is it applies to you. Even if you wish it was just the corporations, Democrat's make sure it applies to you as well. They manage your life for you.
Completely irrelevant to what I said.

Regardless, you think that people who work for and run big corporations don't want to breathe clean air and drink safe water too?
Of course they do, but do they actually care about others?

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