What is your favorite Trump Quote

"Our air-traffic control is from a different planet. It’s horrible. It’s a horrible mess.
Our air-traffic control doesn’t work. They have spent billions and billions of dollars on it over the last seven years. Billions and it’s worthless. They had many different contractors doing many different locations using all different computers and computer companies. And when they hooked it up it didn’t work. So, I’m good at that stuff—we’ll fix it." - Eloquent Donald
/----/ Putting the president's speech pattern aside, do you disagree with his message?

President Trump is the best thing that happened to America ever. i love him. that doesn't mean i won't make fun of him.

He indeed is the best thing to happen to America since Carter.Our last GOOD president we had who was not evil and corrupt.:thup:

Here is hoping he is our next GREAT president which we have not had since JFK. I fear if he is indeed trying to fight the deep state as JFK did though,if he starts stepping on some very powerful toes like kennedy did,,he will suffer the same fate from the CIA that Kennedy did on nov 22nd 1963 because Trump like patriot Ron Paul,appears to be a RINO.

President Trump to a CNN clown at the White House..."Out!" :laugh:
kinda like every president we have had since Reagan.:2up::lmao::haha:
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"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

All you morons who whine about Trump's supposed lack of honesty will never get around the lies your Messiah told the public so he could fuck us up the ass. Trump isn't fucking anyone up the ass. That's why he will win.

Yeah these stupid as Obozo lover trolls ignore pesky facts how Obama lied about everything he said would do by not only continuing Bushs policys but expanding them.they cowardly run off from this video everytime you challenge them to watch it because they know they cannot refute the pesky facts in there that exposed him for the fraud he is the chickenshit cowards like the OP.they NEVER have any answers for this video.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl:

just watch how the coward OP and the rest of the Obozo worshippers evade this video,just watch.:rofl:

Wow, what a weird video. So many of the conspiracies are thin. Where does 1913 come in? Or the 1990's? Obama wasn't sworn in until 2009? And where is all the damage they accuse him of. It all happened before he even became president.
Then he turned over a great and growing economy to Trump. We know. It's only been a year.

If you want to look at a real dangerous scumbag, look at Trump:

The year porn stars, pedophilia, lying and adultery became synonymous with the Republican Party

You might want to read about the meaning of 1913. You indicate you have no idea how 1913 changed the nation. Doing so merely indicates you are uninformed. Get informed.

Did you notice how he refused to address the pesky facts in that video that Obama expanded everything that Bush got started and evaded the evidence as well that JFK was our last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and corporations which is WHY he was killed and WHY all presidents since him have all stayed alive,notice how he evaded that pesky little fact my friend and has no answers for them?:biggrin:

the fact that he is so clueless about 1913 how after that year we became the facist dictatership that we are still today ,just shows his ignorance indeed. :lmao:

I am thinking this dumbass OP here doesnt know about 1913 either.did you know he SERIOUSLY thinks the democrat party is any different then the republicans despite all the evidence over the years and that video of mine that proves otherwise?

Yes...it is sad that so many Americans think Obama was a good president. The funny thing is these same Americans know W was awful, yet both men were near clones of each other. W was a bigger warmonger, but BO was no slouch in warmongering and he greatly expanded the police state. These ignorant Americans have no idea what he did. It is sad the level of ignorance of so many Americans....the partisans of the two criminal parties, have to be the most ignorant.

yeah indeed.:thup:
Did you notice that ALL the Obozo worshippers like the OP closed their eyes when you posted this excellent informative post of yours same as they always do when I post my video that has hard documented facts that Obozo is every bit as much a war mongrel mass murderer evil man as Bushwacker is?:biggrin::haha:

they evaded this post of yours because they know they cannot disprove it because they are too much afraid to admit they have been brainwashed their whole lives and programmed by their corrupt school system to comes to grips with the cold hard reality that it is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats disguised as two so they think they have hope in getting rid of the corruption of all the criminals that reside in washington.:biggrin:

they did the same thing with this post of yours,that they did when I took them to school with my video that Obama is as much as mass murdererer as Bush was,this-:scared1:

they wont address the pesky facts in this post of yours same as they wont watch my video because they are so much in denial mode and afraid to look at the truth and because of that,they did THIS below after you made this post same as they did with my video.:lmao:


Man it sure is nice to talk to someone here on this thread who gets this.:thup:

You are the ONLY one on here that seems to have any intelligence and understands this and can think outside the box.:thup: Everybody else here is so biased like the OP that Obama can do no wrong that sadly,they wont take the time to look at the evidence as you did when you first hear about that video.:rolleyes: they wont follow the advise that Yoda says and do what we do which is WE were able to UNLEARN what we had learned from out corrupt school system,that both parties are corrupt.THEY wont look at the evidence as we did which is really pathetic and sad so they do THIS- below when you present then with cold hard facts and solid evidence on Obamas corruption.:lmao:


Beam me up Scotty,there's no intelligent life forms on this planet.:biggrin: well other than you of course,you can join me with scotty.:biggrin:;)
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"Our air-traffic control is from a different planet. It’s horrible. It’s a horrible mess.
Our air-traffic control doesn’t work. They have spent billions and billions of dollars on it over the last seven years. Billions and it’s worthless. They had many different contractors doing many different locations using all different computers and computer companies. And when they hooked it up it didn’t work. So, I’m good at that stuff—we’ll fix it." - Eloquent Donald
/----/ Putting the president's speech pattern aside, do you disagree with his message?

President Trump is the best thing that happened to America ever. i love him. that doesn't mean i won't make fun of him.

He indeed is the best thing to happen to America since Carter.Our last GOOD president we had who was not evil and corrupt.:thup:

Here is hoping he is our next GREAT president which we have not had since JFK. I fear if he is indeed trying to fight the deep state as JFK did though,if he starts stepping on some very powerful toes like kennedy did,,he will suffer the same fate from the CIA that Kennedy did on nov 22nd 1963 because Trump like patriot Ron Paul,appears to be a RINO.

President Trump to a CNN clown at the White House..."Out!" :laugh:
kinda like every president we have had since Reagan.:2up:

Okay I take that back about Gipper being the only poster on this thread who is so pathetic they refuse to look at the facts and evidence that Obozo was a mass murderer just as much as Bush was.

Cellblocked liked my last two posts so HE same as Gipper,has an invitation to join me and Gipper to meet up with scotty when he beams us up from this planet that has no intelligent life forms on it.:biggrin:

Just morons who cant think outside the box and wont unlearn what they have learned because they cant accept facts they have been programmed and brainwashed by their corrupt school system like the idiot OP who is obviously a black man since he wont watch that video of mine that exposed Obozos corruption and how evil he was same as Bush and refused to look at the facts of Gippers as well where he ALSO exposed Obomination in his excellent informative post.:thup:
"Our air-traffic control is from a different planet. It’s horrible. It’s a horrible mess.
Our air-traffic control doesn’t work. They have spent billions and billions of dollars on it over the last seven years. Billions and it’s worthless. They had many different contractors doing many different locations using all different computers and computer companies. And when they hooked it up it didn’t work. So, I’m good at that stuff—we’ll fix it." - Eloquent Donald
/----/ Putting the president's speech pattern aside, do you disagree with his message?

President Trump is the best thing that happened to America ever. i love him. that doesn't mean i won't make fun of him.

He indeed is the best thing to happen to America since Carter.Our last GOOD president we had who was not evil and corrupt.:thup:

Here is hoping he is our next GREAT president which we have not had since JFK. I fear if he is indeed trying to fight the deep state as JFK did though,if he starts stepping on some very powerful toes like kennedy did,,he will suffer the same fate from the CIA that Kennedy did on nov 22nd 1963 because Trump like patriot Ron Paul,appears to be a RINO.

President Trump to a CNN clown at the White House..."Out!" :laugh:
kinda like every president we have had since Reagan.:2up:

Okay I take that back about Gipper being the only poster on this thread who is so pathetic they refuse to look at the facts and evidence that Obozo was a mass murderer just as much as Bush was.

Cellblocked liked my last two posts so HE same as Gipper,has an invitation to join me and Gipper to meet up with scotty when he beams us up from this planet that has no intelligent life forms on it.:biggrin:

Just morons who cant think outside the box and wont unlearn what they have learned because they cant accept facts they have been programmed and brainwashed by their corrupt school system like the idiot OP who is obviously a black man since he wont watch that video of mine that exposed Obozos corruption and how evil he was same as Bush and refused to look at the facts of Gippers as well where he ALSO exposed Obomination in his excellent informative post.:thup:
Yes there are a few of us who get it. I suspect more and more Americans are coming around to the charade. Hopefully it won't be too late.
“Melania and I spent our wedding anniversary like any other night: in separate bedrooms, consulting with lawyers, while I watched Fox News and touched myself.”
"i'm a free trader. i'm a fair trader. i'm all kinds of traitor!" - Trump

towards the end...

Some of the things Trump says are downright appalling.

“Let me sit this a** on you.”
“You like it wet and so do I.”
“Why can’t I keep my fingers off it?”

Oh wait.

Those are Beyoncé’s lyrics off her new album. And she’s a role model for kids, so nevermind.
"i love getting even. go for the jugular! destroying the lives of my enemies gives me great pleasure!"
"Trump University is better than the best business schools. it will provide a better education!"

"the media are enemies of the people"
"we're gonna set a record in terms of making america great again, in terms of military, in terms of our immigration situation..."

“When I pulled ahead in the polls, this group spent a million dollars on ads attacking me in Iowa. This is one smart group; they come to my office asking for a million-dollar donation— and it ends up costing them a million dollars.”

Criticizing Carly Fiorina without using her name: “Folks point out how ‘successful’ they were when they were CEO of a great company — where they cut 30,000 jobs, many of which ended up overseas, thus making them experts on job creation — experts on sending jobs outside of America to replace jobs inside of America.”

“Contrary to the jokes, I don’t think the White House needs any bright neon signs on the roof. No need to add additional wings or sell the air rights.”

“I think people are shocked when they find out that I am a Christian, that I am a religious person. ... I go to church, I love God, and I love having a relationship with him.”

Praising Joe Biden on calling La Guardia an airport you would see in the "third world": “There are some things so obvious that even Joe Biden can see them.”

“Some folks may be wondering why the picture we used on the cover of this book is so angry and so mean looking. I had some beautiful pictures taken in which I had a big smile on my face. ... But I decided that it wasn’t appropriate. In this book we’re talking about Crippled America. ... So I wanted a picture where I wasn’t happy, a picture that reflected the anger and unhappiness that I feel, rather than joy.”
This is my new favorite Trump quote...

“We’ve fulfilled far more promises than we’ve promised”
"i know more about taxes than anybody in the history of the world"

"people say i have self-confidence. who knows?"

"politicians talk a great game in campaigns, and they play like total losers when they actually try to govern"

"i'm a really nice guy, but i'm also passionate and determined to make america great again"

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