What is your favorite Trump Quote

I have to preface my answer with what's known in the game of poker as a "tell." For the uninitiated or the uninformed, it's a subconscious signal someone sends out when they're bluffing (or lying). For example. a person's eyes may look away from who they're speaking to, or their voice may rise in volume or pitch.

With Trump, two of his tells are verbiage. It comes at the end of his sentence when he says one of the following two things:

That I can tell you!


Believe me!

If Trump says either of those two short sentences, you don't even have to bother to fact check him because he's lying through his teeth. Ironically, he lies so damn much, I'm not sure how useful the tell is in relationship to everything else he says without him using those phrases.
I have to preface my answer with what's known in the game of poker as a "tell." For the uninitiated or the uninformed, it's a subconscious signal someone sends out when they're bluffing (or lying). For example. a person's eyes may look away from who they're speaking to, or their voice may rise in volume or pitch.

With Trump, two of his tells are verbiage. It comes at the end of his sentence when he says one of the following two things:

That I can tell you!


Believe me!

If Trump says either of those two short sentences, you don't even have to bother to fact check him because he's lying through his teeth. Ironically, he lies so damn much, I'm not sure how useful the tell is in relationship to everything else he says without him using those phrases.

Remember trump said this last year?

WASHINGTON — President Trump was clearly looking to make some kind of news, but about what, exactly, was not clear. And the mystery, as it often does with a president whose statements baffle even his staff, only deepened the next day.

On Thursday evening, the White House told the presidential press corps that Mr. Trump was done with his public schedule for the day. But around 7 p.m., Mr. Trump summoned reporters who were still at work to the State Dining Room, where he was throwing a dinner for military commanders and their spouses.

Gesturing to his guests, he said, “You guys know what this represents? Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.”

“What’s the storm?” asked one reporter.

“Could be the calm before the storm,” Mr. Trump repeated, stretching out the phrase, a sly smile playing across his face.

In the days following I was waiting for something big to happen but nothing ever happened.

What did he mean? I thought we were going to war with Korea when he said it.
I have to preface my answer with what's known in the game of poker as a "tell." For the uninitiated or the uninformed, it's a subconscious signal someone sends out when they're bluffing (or lying). For example. a person's eyes may look away from who they're speaking to, or their voice may rise in volume or pitch.

With Trump, two of his tells are verbiage. It comes at the end of his sentence when he says one of the following two things:

That I can tell you!


Believe me!

If Trump says either of those two short sentences, you don't even have to bother to fact check him because he's lying through his teeth. Ironically, he lies so damn much, I'm not sure how useful the tell is in relationship to everything else he says without him using those phrases.
/----/ After the trouncing you democRATs took today, I guess making stuff up about Trump and his so called "tells' is all you have. Or Obama's tell "Let me be clear." BTW we all know what a tell is. We don't need your condescending explanation.
I have to preface my answer with what's known in the game of poker as a "tell." For the uninitiated or the uninformed, it's a subconscious signal someone sends out when they're bluffing (or lying). For example. a person's eyes may look away from who they're speaking to, or their voice may rise in volume or pitch.

With Trump, two of his tells are verbiage. It comes at the end of his sentence when he says one of the following two things:

That I can tell you!


Believe me!

If Trump says either of those two short sentences, you don't even have to bother to fact check him because he's lying through his teeth. Ironically, he lies so damn much, I'm not sure how useful the tell is in relationship to everything else he says without him using those phrases.

Remember trump said this last year?

WASHINGTON — President Trump was clearly looking to make some kind of news, but about what, exactly, was not clear. And the mystery, as it often does with a president whose statements baffle even his staff, only deepened the next day.

On Thursday evening, the White House told the presidential press corps that Mr. Trump was done with his public schedule for the day. But around 7 p.m., Mr. Trump summoned reporters who were still at work to the State Dining Room, where he was throwing a dinner for military commanders and their spouses.

Gesturing to his guests, he said, “You guys know what this represents? Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.”

“What’s the storm?” asked one reporter.

“Could be the calm before the storm,” Mr. Trump repeated, stretching out the phrase, a sly smile playing across his face.

In the days following I was waiting for something big to happen but nothing ever happened.

What did he mean? I thought we were going to war with Korea when he said it.

Trump has a flair and a love for the dramatic statement very much in the same way that a Hollywood producer loves to leave a cliffhanger at the end of each episode in a serialized series. What he fails to understand is that such an approach leads to uncertainty around the world because this is REAL LIFE and NOT fiction.

And BECAUSE this is real life, the stakes are far higher than just good versus bad ratings. The stakes could be miscalculation which stumbles us into a war that we don't want. Lives hang in the balance, and Trump is playing stupid and silly games. All I can say is that we're lucky it hasn't backfired on us already. Unfortunately, I don't get the impression that Trump is learning from his missteps at all. That could mean that it's only a question of time before Trump blunders the US into a monumental mess. As of now, we've got to hope that other leaders around the world have more common sense than Trump. As for me, I don't have that kind of faith in the leader of NK. Then again, we have to hope that dictators like Putin don't see Trump as some kind of fool who they can manipulate.

Like I said, what a mess we find ourselves in.
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I have to preface my answer with what's known in the game of poker as a "tell." For the uninitiated or the uninformed, it's a subconscious signal someone sends out when they're bluffing (or lying). For example. a person's eyes may look away from who they're speaking to, or their voice may rise in volume or pitch.

With Trump, two of his tells are verbiage. It comes at the end of his sentence when he says one of the following two things:

That I can tell you!


Believe me!

If Trump says either of those two short sentences, you don't even have to bother to fact check him because he's lying through his teeth. Ironically, he lies so damn much, I'm not sure how useful the tell is in relationship to everything else he says without him using those phrases.

Remember trump said this last year?

WASHINGTON — President Trump was clearly looking to make some kind of news, but about what, exactly, was not clear. And the mystery, as it often does with a president whose statements baffle even his staff, only deepened the next day.

On Thursday evening, the White House told the presidential press corps that Mr. Trump was done with his public schedule for the day. But around 7 p.m., Mr. Trump summoned reporters who were still at work to the State Dining Room, where he was throwing a dinner for military commanders and their spouses.

Gesturing to his guests, he said, “You guys know what this represents? Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.”

“What’s the storm?” asked one reporter.

“Could be the calm before the storm,” Mr. Trump repeated, stretching out the phrase, a sly smile playing across his face.

In the days following I was waiting for something big to happen but nothing ever happened.

What did he mean? I thought we were going to war with Korea when he said it.

Trump has a flair and a love for the dramatic statement very much in the same way that a Hollywood producer loves to leave a cliffhanger at the end of each episode in a serialized series. What he fails to understand is that such an approach leads to uncertainty around the world because this is REAL LIFE and NOT fiction.
uncertainty around the world is critical why?
"Our air-traffic control is from a different planet. It’s horrible. It’s a horrible mess.
Our air-traffic control doesn’t work. They have spent billions and billions of dollars on it over the last seven years. Billions and it’s worthless. They had many different contractors doing many different locations using all different computers and computer companies. And when they hooked it up it didn’t work. So, I’m good at that stuff—we’ll fix it." - Eloquent Donald
"Our air-traffic control is from a different planet. It’s horrible. It’s a horrible mess.
Our air-traffic control doesn’t work. They have spent billions and billions of dollars on it over the last seven years. Billions and it’s worthless. They had many different contractors doing many different locations using all different computers and computer companies. And when they hooked it up it didn’t work. So, I’m good at that stuff—we’ll fix it." - Eloquent Donald
/----/ Putting the president's speech pattern aside, do you disagree with his message?
"Our air-traffic control is from a different planet. It’s horrible. It’s a horrible mess.
Our air-traffic control doesn’t work. They have spent billions and billions of dollars on it over the last seven years. Billions and it’s worthless. They had many different contractors doing many different locations using all different computers and computer companies. And when they hooked it up it didn’t work. So, I’m good at that stuff—we’ll fix it." - Eloquent Donald
/----/ Putting the president's speech pattern aside, do you disagree with his message?

Yeah, I would disagree with his message here, for a couple of reasons.

First, the aviation safety record in this country would indicate that it does indeed work and work well.

Second, I did Aviation Operations for the Marines, my final job in the Corps was as an Airfield Operations Chief for a Marine Corps Air Station. So, I have some background in this area and know from personal experience it is not as bad as he said

Third, he is not "good at that stuff" and will not fix it. But, then again it is not his job to fix it. One of the few things he has suggested I fully supported was the privatization of ATC.
"Our air-traffic control is from a different planet. It’s horrible. It’s a horrible mess.
Our air-traffic control doesn’t work. They have spent billions and billions of dollars on it over the last seven years. Billions and it’s worthless. They had many different contractors doing many different locations using all different computers and computer companies. And when they hooked it up it didn’t work. So, I’m good at that stuff—we’ll fix it." - Eloquent Donald
/----/ Putting the president's speech pattern aside, do you disagree with his message?

President Trump is the best thing that happened to America ever. i love him. that doesn't mean i won't make fun of him.
"i am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way you & I sees America" - Trump on Obama

After giving out Graham’s personal #, Graham got pissed and destroyed his phone.
Trump, knowing Graham would give his # out, changed his outgoing message to one that promoted his campaign! :laugh:

That was pure genius! lol
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Not a Trump quote, but a little insight into the man who is now our president.....

Skip to the 45sec mark...


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