What is your favorite Trump Quote

WSJ: Is that relationship permanently broken between you and Steve?

Trump: You never know, you know again, the word—– I don’t know what the word permanent means, OK? I never know what the word permanent means. We’ll see what happens, but Steve had nothing to do with my win. Well, certainly very little.
He's right, and it's precisely because of the kind of shit vermin like you post in this forum.

Pearls before swine, bitch.
"Pearl" must be a snowflake euphemism for "ball of shit." And "swine" is an epithet you apply to anyone who tells the truth about you.

Your buyer's remorse after electing an Orange shit bag into office is your cross to bear. Your ire at me is misplaced. I didn't make this country a laughing stock. You did.

I'm very happy with Trump. The more idiots like you hate him, the happier I am. Snowflake idiots like you are what make this country a laughing stock. The whole world was laughing at that giant sucker Obama when he signed that Paris Climate Accord. snowflake could believe that the USA earns "respect" by bending over and taking it up the ass.
No, the whole world is laughing at Trump. So it's really funny that for 8 years you said the world was laughing at Obama when that wasn't true and now that the world is laughing at Trump, you don't care.

What a schmuck.

They aren't laughing. They're crying.
"When they said Jeb Bush was off his game; Trump killed him in the debate. Jeb was off his game because he hasn’t been governor now. He’s been out of politics for eight years. Oh, really? I’ve been out of politics for—I was never in politics." - Eloquent Donald
"What Sloppy Steve said about my son is horrible. My son had a brief meeting based on the fact that he thought whatever he thought. And he—somebody said bad stuff on an opponent. I don’t know of one politician in Washington—if you’re a politician and somebody called up that they have information on your opponent that might be negative.

I’m not sure, but I don’t think there’s one politician in all of Washington that would not take that would not take that meeting, number one. Number two, after the meeting was over nothing happened. In other words, it wasn’t like OK let’s meet again in a month and let’s plan out the—nothing happened, it was a dead meeting."

WSJ: Did you ever hear about the meeting during the campaign?

Mr. Trump: No, I never did; I never knew about it.

White House official: Excuse me, I just—we have about two or three minutes left and you’ve got to go to a meeting.

Mr. Trump: Oh I do?.
"I could end the deficit in 5 minutes,."You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election".
He's right, and it's precisely because of the kind of shit vermin like you post in this forum.

Pearls before swine, bitch.
"Pearl" must be a snowflake euphemism for "ball of shit." And "swine" is an epithet you apply to anyone who tells the truth about you.

Your buyer's remorse after electing an Orange shit bag into office is your cross to bear. Your ire at me is misplaced. I didn't make this country a laughing stock. You did.

Here's the sad thing. If the economy is doing fine in 2019 Trump will get re elected. We may not like Trump but we never liked Trump. And we are going to vote Democratic no matter what.

But what about the people who voted for Trump? If they voted for him after the pussy grabbing comment, I doubt anything he said since then is going to be a deal breaker for them. Maybe some of them won't show up to vote for him again but I don't think that number will be enough to change the results.

Are blacks, Mexican, women, gays and muslims so offended that they are going to show up this time? I don't believe it. Not if the economy is good. For example I don't give a shit about shit holes.
What about if he gets nailed for money laundering or obstruction?

you mean like the clintons did? LOL since they got off scott free why would Trump not?LOL
Pearls before swine, bitch.
"Pearl" must be a snowflake euphemism for "ball of shit." And "swine" is an epithet you apply to anyone who tells the truth about you.

Your buyer's remorse after electing an Orange shit bag into office is your cross to bear. Your ire at me is misplaced. I didn't make this country a laughing stock. You did.

Here's the sad thing. If the economy is doing fine in 2019 Trump will get re elected. We may not like Trump but we never liked Trump. And we are going to vote Democratic no matter what.

But what about the people who voted for Trump? If they voted for him after the pussy grabbing comment, I doubt anything he said since then is going to be a deal breaker for them. Maybe some of them won't show up to vote for him again but I don't think that number will be enough to change the results.

Are blacks, Mexican, women, gays and muslims so offended that they are going to show up this time? I don't believe it. Not if the economy is good. For example I don't give a shit about shit holes.
What about if he gets nailed for money laundering or obstruction?

you mean like the clintons did? LOL since they got off scott free why would Trump not?LOL
Scott free for what?

You have to have done something illegal and be prosecuted and convicted to be given a sentence or a fine. Like Trump.

Conspiracies don't count.

Next you'll be telling us Obama was born in Kenya.
Has anyone produced any evidence that he has assets in Russia?
Yes, Donald Trump, Jr. did.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets."
What year was that? I distinctly remember that during the campaign someone looked into it and there were NO business relationships with Russia at all.
Are all these money laundering schemes from years and years ago?
My favorite is in 2013 he said all blame for a shutdown goes to the top, the president What a huge POS he truly is
The one thing certain about Trump is that he will reverse any position he has if he thinks the audience he has at the moment wants him to reverse. So, we have a Potus who is not good for his word, and that's a bad thing, because anyone who goes back on a handshake can no longer be trusted in any deal, and politics is all about compromise and making deals. Obama's greatest failing was he really wasn't good at getting along with a large number of people on a personal level, unlike Reagan, LBJ, FDR and others who got legislation passed.

But imo Charlotte Alter got to the heart of what his legacy may be, even if he's a one termer, which I devoutly hope he'll be. LOL White women voted for him and not Hillary. Blacks didn't turn out to vote, and that may have been because the gop has succeeded in disenfranchising non-whites. But, regardless of that, if Trump and Hillary's numbers with white women were flipped, Hillary would have won, convincingly. And Trump said "he picked up women like bowling balls," and that was just lockerroom talk. I've been hanging out in locker rooms for 50 years (-:, and I haven't heard anything like that. We men at our most annoyingly paternal, have wives, daughters and mothers.

Somehow, that voting discrepancy, and Trump's view of women, have pissed off some women-folk. From the few special elections and "me too" it seems women are not in a forgiving mood right now. If they start getting elected, it may change the landscape.

A Year Ago, They Marched. Now a Record Number of Women Are Running for Office

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

All you morons who whine about Trump's supposed lack of honesty will never get around the lies your Messiah told the public so he could fuck us up the ass. Trump isn't fucking anyone up the ass. That's why he will win.

Yeah these stupid as Obozo lover trolls ignore pesky facts how Obama lied about everything he said would do by not only continuing Bushs policys but expanding them.they cowardly run off from this video everytime you challenge them to watch it because they know they cannot refute the pesky facts in there that exposed him for the fraud he is the chickenshit cowards like the OP.they NEVER have any answers for this video.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl:

just watch how the coward OP and the rest of the Obozo worshippers evade this video,just watch.:rofl:

Pearls before swine, bitch.
"Pearl" must be a snowflake euphemism for "ball of shit." And "swine" is an epithet you apply to anyone who tells the truth about you.

Your buyer's remorse after electing an Orange shit bag into office is your cross to bear. Your ire at me is misplaced. I didn't make this country a laughing stock. You did.

Here's the sad thing. If the economy is doing fine in 2019 Trump will get re elected. We may not like Trump but we never liked Trump. And we are going to vote Democratic no matter what.

But what about the people who voted for Trump? If they voted for him after the pussy grabbing comment, I doubt anything he said since then is going to be a deal breaker for them. Maybe some of them won't show up to vote for him again but I don't think that number will be enough to change the results.

Are blacks, Mexican, women, gays and muslims so offended that they are going to show up this time? I don't believe it. Not if the economy is good. For example I don't give a shit about shit holes.
What about if he gets nailed for money laundering or obstruction?

you mean like the clintons did? LOL since they got off scott free why would Trump not?LOL
Trump is a loser just like the Rams And WTF cares about Clinton and 20 years ago? We're talking about the HERE and NOW and this vile pos this lying scumbag you republicans gave us
"Pearl" must be a snowflake euphemism for "ball of shit." And "swine" is an epithet you apply to anyone who tells the truth about you.

Your buyer's remorse after electing an Orange shit bag into office is your cross to bear. Your ire at me is misplaced. I didn't make this country a laughing stock. You did.

Here's the sad thing. If the economy is doing fine in 2019 Trump will get re elected. We may not like Trump but we never liked Trump. And we are going to vote Democratic no matter what.

But what about the people who voted for Trump? If they voted for him after the pussy grabbing comment, I doubt anything he said since then is going to be a deal breaker for them. Maybe some of them won't show up to vote for him again but I don't think that number will be enough to change the results.

Are blacks, Mexican, women, gays and muslims so offended that they are going to show up this time? I don't believe it. Not if the economy is good. For example I don't give a shit about shit holes.
What about if he gets nailed for money laundering or obstruction?

you mean like the clintons did? LOL since they got off scott free why would Trump not?LOL
Trump is a loser just like the Rams And WTF cares about Clinton and 20 years ago? We're talking about the HERE and NOW and this vile pos this lying scumbag you republicans gave us

wow you sure are dense,that WOULD have been accurate statement a year ago to say the Rams were losers but this year they were one of the best teams.:biggrin: uh you are too ignorant obviously the fact you missed the point that since the clintons committed that crime and got away with it then why wouldnt trump? polticians expecially presidents are above the law so that would not happen to trump obviously.i take that back it WOULD happen to trump unlike it did to clinton or Bush because unlike those two he is not going along with their new world order agenda they have against us.:biggrin:

oh and my point is also that IF TRUMP did that,put the Clintons behind bars as well.stop playing fucking favorites and giving them special treatment,who gives a fuck if it was 20 years ago,a crime is a crime charlie. put them behind bars NOW it is long overdue,jesus christ stop being so biased and butthurt your candidate lost.:rolleyes:

Oh and IF Trump does that,then I will be the first to say Impeach him.I am not even a trump supporter,I just am not stupid enough to take the evil witch over him,I only reluctantly am Glad Trump is POTUS because of the alternative i had to choose from.the evil witch who IS part of the NWO agenda against us that the Bushs are as well.:biggrin:

oh and you want to bitch about lying scumbags.the CLINTONS have done 100 times worse than he has.if pinochio were true,their noses would stretch THOUSANDS of miles long and trump is the first president i can ever remember actually doint at least SOME of the things he said he would do,clinton sure as hell did not.:lmao:
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Mine so far is

LESLEY STAHL: You're not known to be a humble man. But I wonder --

DONALD TRUMP: I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand.

6 Bizarro Moments from Trump's '60 Minutes' Interview

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"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!"

I'm sure Obama personally hooked up a "tapp". lol

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