What is your favorite Trump Quote

"I have a great relationship with the blacks." Not my favorite, but notable for this thread.

President Donald Trump said on Monday that he “spent a lot of time” at Ground Zero in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, resurfacing an old claim he has touted repeatedly without evidence to back it up.

“Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers and other first responders,” he said. “And I was down there also. But I am not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”

Fucking liar.

Trump’s statement ― a suggestion that he deserves some measure of credit for showing up at the site ― echoes previous remarks he’s made about Sept. 11, including at an April 2016 campaign stop in Buffalo, New York, where he told his supporters that he assisted with recovery efforts.

“Everyone who helped clear the rubble ― and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit ― but I want to tell you: Those people were amazing,” he said. “Clearing the rubble. Trying to find additional lives. You didn’t know what was going to come down on all of us ― and they handled it.”

The vague implication that he was lending a hand, even placing himself in harm’s way, remains completely unsubstantiated.
At the same time he was bragging about now having the tallest building in Manhattan.
/——-/ Here we go again with the libtard lie debunked yet again: EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say - nj.com

Well, if the blog, NJ.COM said it, it must be true! Although it is hard to imagine that, since none of us knew exactly WHO was attacking us until the next day.
A local deli is now serving a Trump sandwich .... It comes on white bread .... is full of baloney .... smothered with Russian dressing ... and comes with a small pickle.

What's their address and phone number?
Holyfuck, boobtoob... it was a joke.

... Americans are also seen from afar as ...

You have no idea beyond Google.

Do you know how people around the world view Americans? You know nothing. And if you do, please tell me the superior way you learned this that's different than the way I figured it out.

You see loser, I not only spent time in Greece, I spent time with people who were comfortable asking me political questions and telling me their honest opinion.

You, go as a tourist so no one is telling you what they really think.

And when I went to Germany we met with our counterparts from all over the world. They were fascinated/frustrated with America for electing Donald Trump. They think he's a nut and idiot. Half of America agrees. In fact more than half because more Americans voted for Hillary than Donald Trump.

Trump couldn't have won if it weren't for the poorly educated and idiots like you.

P.S. I remember when I was in Greece it was 1999. They were burning a Clinton doll and protesting against America, for some reason. I forgot the reason. I specifically remember telling someone, "If they hate America now, they better hope to hell this Bush guy doesn't get elected" Because I knew he would do something like invade Iraq. How did I know? It was all planned out long before Bush stole Florida in 2000.

PNAC. Ever hear of that?

Of the twenty-five people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. Observers such as Irwin Stelzer and Dave Grondin have suggested that the PNAC played a key role in shaping the foreign policy of the Bush Administration, particularly in building support for the Iraq War
A local deli is now serving a Trump sandwich .... It comes on white bread .... is full of baloney .... smothered with Russian dressing ... and comes with a small pickle.

What's their address and phone number?
Holyfuck, boobtoob... it was a joke.


My favorite Trump quotes

When Donald Trump was watching his 16-year-old daughter Ivanka host the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he turned to the then-Miss Universe and asked: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?”

In the almost 20 years since, Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ass”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.

When asked how he would react if Ivanka, a former teen model, posed for Playboy, Trump replied, "It would be really disappointing — not really — but it would depend on what's inside the magazine."

He added: "I don't think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."

“Isn’t that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?”

Rolling Stone interview, September 2015

“After I met Ivanka and praised her to her father, he said, ‘Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father . . .’”

On the Dr Oz show, September 2016

After they kissed, the host commented: “It’s nice to see a dad kiss his daughter.” According to several studio witnesses, Mr Trump replied that he kisses Ivanka “with every chance [he] gets”. The comment was apparently edited out of the final cut of the show when it went to air.
I sorta like when the ass with a Wharton school degree says fed lowering rates makes the market go up 10,000 points Rates went down DOW is down now 258
... Americans are also seen from afar as ...

You have no idea beyond Google.

Do you know how people around the world view Americans? ...

Not everyone, that's for sure. However, over several decades I have lived, befriended, and worked very closely with thousands of people from literally every corner of the globe; people from all races, religions, nationalities, cultures, and walks of life. I'm pretty confident that I have a more comprehensive view than your ten second interaction with the waiter at a German restaurant where someone else was ordering for you anyway.
... Americans are also seen from afar as ...

You have no idea beyond Google.

Do you know how people around the world view Americans? ...

Not everyone, that's for sure. However, over several decades I have lived, befriended, and worked very closely with thousands of people from literally every corner of the globe; people from all races, religions, nationalities, cultures, and walks of life. I'm pretty confident that I have a more comprehensive view than your ten second interaction with the waiter at a German restaurant where someone else was ordering for you anyway.

You said this: over several decades I have lived, befriended, and worked very closely with thousands of people from literally every corner of the globe; people from all races, religions, nationalities, cultures, and walks of life.

Who didn't stupid?

Who did you live with? Asian men? I bet. You love their feet for some reason.
... Americans are also seen from afar as ...

You have no idea beyond Google.

Do you know how people around the world view Americans? ...

Not everyone, that's for sure. However, over several decades I have lived, befriended, and worked very closely with thousands of people from literally every corner of the globe; people from all races, religions, nationalities, cultures, and walks of life. I'm pretty confident that I have a more comprehensive view than your ten second interaction with the waiter at a German restaurant where someone else was ordering for you anyway.

Lets see I have Indian friends, Iranian friends, Iraqi friends, Pakistani friends, German, Greek, Hispanic, British, Russian, Belarusian Girlfriend, Australians, Africans,

I just don't have any close asian friends. They're very hard to get to know and they have smelly feet which for some reason you love the smell.
Mine so far is

LESLEY STAHL: You're not known to be a humble man. But I wonder --

DONALD TRUMP: I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand.

6 Bizarro Moments from Trump's '60 Minutes' Interview

He is humble... If being humble mean being a loudmouth nutter that trolls everyone he can then he is truly Humble as can be...
Trump a Wharton grad who knows shit about our economy I wouldn't let him mow my lawn
I sorta like when the ass with a Wharton school degree says fed lowering rates makes the market go up 10,000 points Rates went down DOW is down now 258
And inquiring minds want to know? Who has that Wharton degree? Hmmmm?
I liked when they were having the Republican debates in 2015, Rand Paul said something negative about Trump and Trump replied, I've had you up to here, with his hand about hip level. It was a short person slight but maybe you had to be there. Viva Trump.
... Americans are also seen from afar as ...

You have no idea beyond Google.

Do you know how people around the world view Americans? ...

Not everyone, that's for sure. However, over several decades I have lived, befriended, and worked very closely with thousands of people from literally every corner of the globe; people from all races, religions, nationalities, cultures, and walks of life. I'm pretty confident that I have a more comprehensive view than your ten second interaction with the waiter at a German restaurant where someone else was ordering for you anyway.

Lets see I have Indian friends, Iranian friends, Iraqi friends, Pakistani friends, German, Greek, Hispanic, British, Russian, Belarusian Girlfriend, Australians, Africans,

I just don't have any close asian friends. They're very hard to get to know and they have smelly feet which for some reason you love the smell.

Well, unlsess it is a sock talking to itself, I humbly suggest you two stop that nonsense back there before I have to separate you!
"I have a great relationship with the blacks." Not my favorite, but notable for this thread.

President Donald Trump said on Monday that he “spent a lot of time” at Ground Zero in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, resurfacing an old claim he has touted repeatedly without evidence to back it up.

“Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers and other first responders,” he said. “And I was down there also. But I am not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”

Fucking liar.

Trump’s statement ― a suggestion that he deserves some measure of credit for showing up at the site ― echoes previous remarks he’s made about Sept. 11, including at an April 2016 campaign stop in Buffalo, New York, where he told his supporters that he assisted with recovery efforts.

“Everyone who helped clear the rubble ― and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit ― but I want to tell you: Those people were amazing,” he said. “Clearing the rubble. Trying to find additional lives. You didn’t know what was going to come down on all of us ― and they handled it.”

The vague implication that he was lending a hand, even placing himself in harm’s way, remains completely unsubstantiated.

May-be your the Fucking liar.

Oh, there is no "maybe" about it. Silly Bonobo lies incessantly. He IS a Marxist after all...
His overall body of work since 2015 is prodigious. The man has said and tweeted so many ignorant, embarrassing, childish things that picking one runs the risk of depreciating the rest. We don't want to normalize this man, his words, his behaviors, or his temperament.

If I had to pick one at this moment though, I think the lowest he's gotten was "I like people who weren't captured". I think that one not only symbolizes what a lousy human being he is, but also set the stage for how consistently low his supporters would go in defending him.

Tell me, when Trump said that, had Open Borders McCain been real kind to him, or was he a total kunt, thus deserving of such a response?

The thing about Trump is that he fights back, which causes you to clutch your pearls and declare "oh well I never ..."

But we Americans actually LIKE having someone who will stand up to the leftist thugs and use the same sort of language against them as they use against America and Americans.

Trump has never attacked anyone who didn't attack him first.

And you fucking well know it.
"I have a great relationship with the blacks." Not my favorite, but notable for this thread.

President Donald Trump said on Monday that he “spent a lot of time” at Ground Zero in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, resurfacing an old claim he has touted repeatedly without evidence to back it up.

“Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers and other first responders,” he said. “And I was down there also. But I am not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”

Fucking liar.

Trump’s statement ― a suggestion that he deserves some measure of credit for showing up at the site ― echoes previous remarks he’s made about Sept. 11, including at an April 2016 campaign stop in Buffalo, New York, where he told his supporters that he assisted with recovery efforts.

“Everyone who helped clear the rubble ― and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit ― but I want to tell you: Those people were amazing,” he said. “Clearing the rubble. Trying to find additional lives. You didn’t know what was going to come down on all of us ― and they handled it.”

The vague implication that he was lending a hand, even placing himself in harm’s way, remains completely unsubstantiated.
At the same time he was bragging about now having the tallest building in Manhattan.
/——-/ Here we go again with the libtard lie debunked yet again: EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say - nj.com
He said "thousands and thousands," which was a lie Besides, what does that have to do with him bragging about having the tallest building in Manhattan? Which was another lie. Nearly every time that guy speaks, he's lying.
/—-/ No he’s not lying you little turd ball. I watched the NY news that night and the broadcast news was going between Muslims in the US and Middle East and ran it on loops. Very easy over time to remember the exact details. Now STFU You American hating Prog.

Faun is a fucking pile of shit. No doubt fawn danced in the streets on 9/11 himself.
At the same time he was bragging about now having the tallest building in Manhattan.
/——-/ Here we go again with the libtard lie debunked yet again: EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say - nj.com

Thanks for verifying there was not “thousands and thousands" of people were cheering as that building was coming down.
/—-/ Thanks for verifying you’re a jackass.

Perhaps when you finally get back and finish your GED you will learn that the Gaza Strip is not part of New Jersey.

/—-/ I have a BS in Business and know where the Gaza Strip is, so now you have gone from no Muslims dancing, to some were to thousands were but not all in Jersey City you can now STFU. You were wrong.

Gator/Fawn (two socks, one hand) wasn't "wrong," he's lying through his fucking teeth. These Communists are lying fucks, they have no honor - not a shred.

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