What is your favorite Trump Quote

"i dont care whether the person i'm talking to is a truck driver or a head of state. they all have a story to tell!" - Trump

Trump: ‘I Love the Poorly Educated’

He hates the intelligence community, he hates American judges, he hates CNN, he hate MSNBC, he hates NBC, he hate hates most of the American Free Press, he hates the United States Constitution, he hates Latinos, he hates immigrants, he hates the FBI, he hates investigative journalists and he hates fact-checkers…but he loves the poorly educated.

Honestly, Trump isn’t all that bright himself. The lies that he tells are sorely lacking in sophistication or credibility. Without the poorly educated, Trump’s candidacy would never have been able to get off the ground. The poorly educated are Trump’s base.

It’s sad that a presidential candidate would target America’s dullards, halfwits and dropouts as his primary voting bloc, however what’s even sadder is the fact that there are enough of them out there to sway a national election. And even once Trump is gone, they’ll still be out there, and they’ll still have the power to elect presidents, governors, senators and judges.

So, how large is this voting bloc that Trump loves so much? I can’t give you an exact number, however we’re talking about, however it’s well over a hundred million.

This is a horrifying thought, and I’d love to tell you that we’ve got the math wrong and that there aren’t nearly that many Americans out there who are so utterly clueless and ignorant, however, the facts speak for themselves.

The Pew Research Group has done polling of the American people to see just how intelligent the American population is, and here is what they’ve found:

Twenty-five percent of Americans cannot identify which nation American fought a war against to gain their independence.

Twenty-nine percent of Americans cannot locate the Pacific Ocean on a map of the world.

Thirty percent of Americans do not know what the Holocaust was.

Thirty-three percent of Americans are incapable of naming ANY of the three branches of the United States government.

More than thirty-seven percent of the American people cannot name a single right protected by the First Amendment.

Nearly fifty percent of Americans believe that global climate change is some sort of hoax.

Fifty-three percent of Americans believe that undocumented immigrants have no legal rights under the United States Constitution.

Fifty-five percent of Americans believe that Christianity was written into the U.S. Constitution and that the Founding Fathers wanted America to be a Christian theocracy.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans are unable to identify Herbert Hoover, or Herbert Hoover’s role in American history.

And even though it is a cornerstone of medical science, immunology, genetic science and biology, a shocking SIXTY-FIVE PERCENT of Americans do not believe in the theory of evolution!

Over two-hundred years ago, Thomas Jefferson told us that an enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. He told us that self-government would not be possible unless the citizens were educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.

Trump is probably unaware of anything Thomas Jefferson said about the consequences of an uneducated citizenry, however, he seems to instinctively understand that an educated citizenry would not tolerate his lies and dishonest scheming. Trump doesn’t want an educated citizenry exercising oversight. He wants millions of credulous dullards mindlessly chanting slogans, believing absurd lies and supporting atrocities.

And while Donald Trump will soon be nothing more than a sad footnote in America’s history, the MILLIONS of intellectually-lazy dupes that believe America’s Founding Fathers wanted America to be a Christian theocracy, and think that climate change is a hoax, will still be with us. They will still be voting in national, state, local and school board elections.

Watching the way that the Republican Party has spent decades underfunding schools, pushing creationism as part of the school curriculum, denying the theory of evolution, vainly attempting to abolish the department of education and defaming teachers, college professors and scientists on right-wing radio, one could reasonably assume that the Republican Party actually WANTED to turn America into a nation swarming with millions of intellectually-lazy dupes.

Perhaps we should try to remove the Republicans from power, fully fund America’s schools, praise public school teachers for the admirable work that they do, commend all the good that scientists have done for this nation, and see if that helps to produce a more educated citizenry.

But it's not a fact. People are still not making what they were making in the 90's. Sorry, you want to lower the bar.

Trump Gave Americans a Massive Tax Cut. Few Are Noticing

Five Good Reasons It Doesn't Feel Like The Trump Tax Cut Benefited You

First, many people will technically have lower taxes, but the cuts are so tiny for most that they are hardly noticeable. The Tax Policy Center estimates the 60% of Americans at the lower end of the income distribution will have federal tax savings of less than $1,000. Also, most people believe the tax cuts didn’t benefit people like them but only the very wealthy. They are right. Those in the top 1% save $51,000.

Second, as Forbes contributor Howard Gleckman explained, the tax changes affected withholding through increases in the standard deduction and other provisions, especially the limit on deductibility of state and local taxes (SALT). But many taxpayers didn’t change their withholding allowances, so they may not have withheld the correct amounts in each time period. This means their tax refund is smaller than expected. The smaller-than-expected refund could be feeding a perception that taxes have increased even when they fell slightly.

Third, most Americans perceive the Trump tax cuts didn't benefit them because the highest income groups benefited the most . This is not only because of the rate changes, but because the drop in corporate taxes and rise in corporate profits ended up as higher incomes for the wealthiest households. The biggest winners in the Trump tax cuts were corporations and the households that get income from corporate profits—that is, the very wealthiest Americans. The top corporate income tax rate dropped by almost 40%, from 35% to 21%. And that cut is permanent, while the household rate cuts expire after 2025. The imbalance between household and corporate benefits is unpopular, with 62% of Americans saying it bothers them “a lot” that “some corporations don’t pay their fair share.” Even 42% of Republicans are bothered “a lot” about this.

Fourth, most Americans might doubt they benefited from the Trump tax reform because they believe the tax cuts are causing big deficits they will have to pay for sooner or later. Forbes contributor Chuck Jones showed the tax cuts were largely responsible for a 17% increase in the federal deficit last fiscal year. The Congressional Budget Office(CBO) estimates that deficits will average 4.4% of GDP between now and 2029, much higher than the average 2.9% from the previous fifty years. And federal debt—growing every year with the deficits—will reach an estimated 93% of GDP by 2029 (as CBO notes, this would be “a larger amount than at any time since just after World War II.”

Fifth, most Americans might think they didn’t benefit from the Trump tax cuts because the cuts aren’t just an economic issue—they are political. Pew Research found that the two parties increasingly disagree about whether taxes are fair—64% of Republicans think so, but only 32% of Democrats agree. That’s the biggest gap since Pew began asking this question over twenty years ago.

Democratic presidential candidates are reading the polling data and are attacking the tax cuts as unfair. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wants to increase the estate tax. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is proposing revisions to benefit lower- and middle-income households. And Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) advocates a wealth tax on the super-rich. You know something is changing politically when a billionaire, in this case hedge fund manager Ray Dalio, says capitalism is unfair and the president should declare inequality a national emergency.

Bottom line: People aren’t feeling a benefit from the tax bill. And feelings matter in politics. Bill Clinton won the presidency with a theme of “It’s the economy, stupid,” while incumbent George H.W. Bush correctly noted (in vain) that the economic recession technically ended over a year before the 1992 election. But voters didn’t feel a recovery and voted to make a change. If the economy slows or stumbles, President Donald Trump may be vulnerable to similar voter feelings, even if most people technically got a small benefit from the tax bill.

Reality never agrees with you or your bull shit. Watch and learn moron. You’ll be screaming impotently at the sky AGAIN in 2020.

Hey, as long as I'm still making 6 figures I'll survive.

I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020. I just wonder why poor people like you are voting for him. He's not made America great for blue collar or the poor. In fact Republican policies will make them poorer. Cut their social security and medicare, medicaid, Obamacare, raise their taxes to pay for tax breaks for millionaires.
/—-/ The poor have been voting democrat for 60 years and there just as many poor. Go figure.

Yea, after the Bush recession and sending all those good paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

There are still just as many poor under Trump too. Maybe Trump should have passed a middle class tax break instead of the trickle down one he passed?

I say fuck the poor. Make the middle class big and easy to get into. Anyone who wants out of the poor then can easily get out. Like when my dad was in his 20's. In the 1970's he went and got a job at Ford making $15 hr with benefits with only a high school diploma. That was when America was great. Today my dad would have went to work at Walmart for the same $15 hr he was making at Ford back in the 70's. But the Walton's are rich af.
/----/ " Make the middle class big and easy to get into. Anyone who wants out of the poor then can easily get out" That's always been the GOP agenda., but the democRATs need a permanent underclass for their base.

That's just right wing nonsense. How can I even talk to you when all you do is spout off right wing nonsensical talking points? Ridiculous.

Even you have to admit corporations love to have a lot of poor people to pick from. For example Walmart. They don't want to bring the poor out of poverty. The amount they pay an hour proves it.

Even Trump's resorts hired illegals. Why? Because they don't want to pay an American an American wage.

It's why you are embarrassing whenever you travel abroad. ...

How would you know?
Because I have traveled abroad. ....

Yeah, you spent one weekend in a hotel in Germany once - ever. You're a real expert alright.

And after visiting Germany once for a week I now brag that I can speak German. Just because instead of good morning I say Goot Morgan.

This is how I suspect you speak 7 languages. Knowing 7 words from one language doesn't mean you can speak it.

It's why you are embarrassing whenever you travel abroad. ...

How would you know?
Because I have traveled abroad. ....

Yeah, you spent one weekend in a hotel in Germany once - ever. You're a real expert alright.

And after visiting Germany once for a week I now brag that I can speak German. ......

No, you just claim to know how everyone everywhere in the world feels about America. You must have seen it from your hotel room window.

It's why you are embarrassing whenever you travel abroad. ...

How would you know?
Because I have traveled abroad. ....

Yeah, you spent one weekend in a hotel in Germany once - ever. You're a real expert alright.

And after visiting Germany once for a week I now brag that I can speak German. ......

No, you just claim to know how everyone everywhere in the world feels about America. You must have seen it from your hotel room window.
Oh look the third grade teacher is back
Reality never agrees with you or your bull shit. Watch and learn moron. You’ll be screaming impotently at the sky AGAIN in 2020.

Hey, as long as I'm still making 6 figures I'll survive.

I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020. I just wonder why poor people like you are voting for him. He's not made America great for blue collar or the poor. In fact Republican policies will make them poorer. Cut their social security and medicare, medicaid, Obamacare, raise their taxes to pay for tax breaks for millionaires.
/—-/ The poor have been voting democrat for 60 years and there just as many poor. Go figure.

Yea, after the Bush recession and sending all those good paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

There are still just as many poor under Trump too. Maybe Trump should have passed a middle class tax break instead of the trickle down one he passed?

I say fuck the poor. Make the middle class big and easy to get into. Anyone who wants out of the poor then can easily get out. Like when my dad was in his 20's. In the 1970's he went and got a job at Ford making $15 hr with benefits with only a high school diploma. That was when America was great. Today my dad would have went to work at Walmart for the same $15 hr he was making at Ford back in the 70's. But the Walton's are rich af.
/----/ " Make the middle class big and easy to get into. Anyone who wants out of the poor then can easily get out" That's always been the GOP agenda., but the democRATs need a permanent underclass for their base.

That's just right wing nonsense. How can I even talk to you when all you do is spout off right wing nonsensical talking points? Ridiculous.

Even you have to admit corporations love to have a lot of poor people to pick from. For example Walmart. They don't want to bring the poor out of poverty. The amount they pay an hour proves it.

Even Trump's resorts hired illegals. Why? Because they don't want to pay an American an American wage.
Bringing the poor out of poverty isn't why corporations are created. They exist to make money for their owners, and that's the only reason they exist. Despite that, corporations have done 10,000 times more to alleviate poverty than all the government welfare programs combined.
Last edited:
How would you know?
Because I have traveled abroad. ....

Yeah, you spent one weekend in a hotel in Germany once - ever. You're a real expert alright.

And after visiting Germany once for a week I now brag that I can speak German. ......

No, you just claim to know how everyone everywhere in the world feels about America. You must have seen it from your hotel room window.
Oh look the third grade teacher is back

Who is a third grade teacher?
Reality never agrees with you or your bull shit. Watch and learn moron. You’ll be screaming impotently at the sky AGAIN in 2020.

Hey, as long as I'm still making 6 figures I'll survive.

I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020. I just wonder why poor people like you are voting for him. He's not made America great for blue collar or the poor. In fact Republican policies will make them poorer. Cut their social security and medicare, medicaid, Obamacare, raise their taxes to pay for tax breaks for millionaires.
/—-/ The poor have been voting democrat for 60 years and there just as many poor. Go figure.

Yea, after the Bush recession and sending all those good paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

There are still just as many poor under Trump too. Maybe Trump should have passed a middle class tax break instead of the trickle down one he passed?

I say fuck the poor. Make the middle class big and easy to get into. Anyone who wants out of the poor then can easily get out. Like when my dad was in his 20's. In the 1970's he went and got a job at Ford making $15 hr with benefits with only a high school diploma. That was when America was great. Today my dad would have went to work at Walmart for the same $15 hr he was making at Ford back in the 70's. But the Walton's are rich af.
/----/ " Make the middle class big and easy to get into. Anyone who wants out of the poor then can easily get out" That's always been the GOP agenda., but the democRATs need a permanent underclass for their base.

That's just right wing nonsense. How can I even talk to you when all you do is spout off right wing nonsensical talking points? Ridiculous.

Even you have to admit corporations love to have a lot of poor people to pick from. For example Walmart. They don't want to bring the poor out of poverty. The amount they pay an hour proves it.

Even Trump's resorts hired illegals. Why? Because they don't want to pay an American an American wage.
/—-/ Then explain other large corporations like Google, Apple and Microsoft.
A local deli is now serving a Trump sandwich .... It comes on white bread .... is full of baloney .... smothered with Russian dressing ... and comes with a small pickle.
Make America Great Again. There are too many good ones to pick from so I’ll do the one he is for sure accomplishing.

For who the rich? Bush already did that for them. Trump just made America GREATER for the rich.

U.S. Economy Slows: Trump's 3% Growth Pledge Now In Rearview Mirror

When he was running for president he said he would MAGA by giving us 4-5% growth. These numbers are worse than Obama's. And this is after the biggest tax break ever given to us.

A lot of experts say the reason his tax breaks didn't work for very long is because they went to the rich. Not enough went to the middle class. Had he did a middle class first tax break this economy would be booming.

And he would have less than 2.1% growth if not for the 5% increase of government spending. That's right. You guys cried about big government and government spending but without it Trump would be an utter failure.

Consumer confidence drops more than expected, reaching its lowest point in nearly two years
PUBLISHED TUE, JUN 25 2019 10:01 AM EDTUPDATED TUE, JUN 25 2019 11:21 AM EDT

No, not for the rich but for everyone. That is a fact.
But it's not a fact. People are still not making what they were making in the 90's. Sorry, you want to lower the bar.

Trump Gave Americans a Massive Tax Cut. Few Are Noticing

Five Good Reasons It Doesn't Feel Like The Trump Tax Cut Benefited You

First, many people will technically have lower taxes, but the cuts are so tiny for most that they are hardly noticeable. The Tax Policy Center estimates the 60% of Americans at the lower end of the income distribution will have federal tax savings of less than $1,000. Also, most people believe the tax cuts didn’t benefit people like them but only the very wealthy. They are right. Those in the top 1% save $51,000.

Second, as Forbes contributor Howard Gleckman explained, the tax changes affected withholding through increases in the standard deduction and other provisions, especially the limit on deductibility of state and local taxes (SALT). But many taxpayers didn’t change their withholding allowances, so they may not have withheld the correct amounts in each time period. This means their tax refund is smaller than expected. The smaller-than-expected refund could be feeding a perception that taxes have increased even when they fell slightly.

Third, most Americans perceive the Trump tax cuts didn't benefit them because the highest income groups benefited the most . This is not only because of the rate changes, but because the drop in corporate taxes and rise in corporate profits ended up as higher incomes for the wealthiest households. The biggest winners in the Trump tax cuts were corporations and the households that get income from corporate profits—that is, the very wealthiest Americans. The top corporate income tax rate dropped by almost 40%, from 35% to 21%. And that cut is permanent, while the household rate cuts expire after 2025. The imbalance between household and corporate benefits is unpopular, with 62% of Americans saying it bothers them “a lot” that “some corporations don’t pay their fair share.” Even 42% of Republicans are bothered “a lot” about this.

Fourth, most Americans might doubt they benefited from the Trump tax reform because they believe the tax cuts are causing big deficits they will have to pay for sooner or later. Forbes contributor Chuck Jones showed the tax cuts were largely responsible for a 17% increase in the federal deficit last fiscal year. The Congressional Budget Office(CBO) estimates that deficits will average 4.4% of GDP between now and 2029, much higher than the average 2.9% from the previous fifty years. And federal debt—growing every year with the deficits—will reach an estimated 93% of GDP by 2029 (as CBO notes, this would be “a larger amount than at any time since just after World War II.”

Fifth, most Americans might think they didn’t benefit from the Trump tax cuts because the cuts aren’t just an economic issue—they are political. Pew Research found that the two parties increasingly disagree about whether taxes are fair—64% of Republicans think so, but only 32% of Democrats agree. That’s the biggest gap since Pew began asking this question over twenty years ago.

Democratic presidential candidates are reading the polling data and are attacking the tax cuts as unfair. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wants to increase the estate tax. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is proposing revisions to benefit lower- and middle-income households. And Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) advocates a wealth tax on the super-rich. You know something is changing politically when a billionaire, in this case hedge fund manager Ray Dalio, says capitalism is unfair and the president should declare inequality a national emergency.

Bottom line: People aren’t feeling a benefit from the tax bill. And feelings matter in politics. Bill Clinton won the presidency with a theme of “It’s the economy, stupid,” while incumbent George H.W. Bush correctly noted (in vain) that the economic recession technically ended over a year before the 1992 election. But voters didn’t feel a recovery and voted to make a change. If the economy slows or stumbles, President Donald Trump may be vulnerable to similar voter feelings, even if most people technically got a small benefit from the tax bill.

Reality never agrees with you or your bull shit. Watch and learn moron. You’ll be screaming impotently at the sky AGAIN in 2020.

Hey, as long as I'm still making 6 figures I'll survive.

I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020. I just wonder why poor people like you are voting for him. He's not made America great for blue collar or the poor. In fact Republican policies will make them poorer. Cut their social security and medicare, medicaid, Obamacare, raise their taxes to pay for tax breaks for millionaires.

Wow! ignorant of the facts AND a liar? Good luck with that.

It's why you are embarrassing whenever you travel abroad. ...

How would you know?
Because I have traveled abroad. ....

Yeah, you spent one weekend in a hotel in Germany once - ever. You're a real expert alright.

And after visiting Germany once for a week I now brag that I can speak German. ......

No, you just claim to know how everyone everywhere in the world feels about America. You must have seen it from your hotel room window.

Yes and my company paid for that hotel room, the airplane ticket, every breakfast lunch dinner and drink I had. You've never experienced anything like it nor will you ever.

Where did you go this summer? Why not? You had the summer off and you didn't go anywhere? Loser. Me, I'm on vacation every night of the week starting at 5:15pm.
For who the rich? Bush already did that for them. Trump just made America GREATER for the rich.

U.S. Economy Slows: Trump's 3% Growth Pledge Now In Rearview Mirror

When he was running for president he said he would MAGA by giving us 4-5% growth. These numbers are worse than Obama's. And this is after the biggest tax break ever given to us.

A lot of experts say the reason his tax breaks didn't work for very long is because they went to the rich. Not enough went to the middle class. Had he did a middle class first tax break this economy would be booming.

And he would have less than 2.1% growth if not for the 5% increase of government spending. That's right. You guys cried about big government and government spending but without it Trump would be an utter failure.

Consumer confidence drops more than expected, reaching its lowest point in nearly two years
PUBLISHED TUE, JUN 25 2019 10:01 AM EDTUPDATED TUE, JUN 25 2019 11:21 AM EDT

No, not for the rich but for everyone. That is a fact.
But it's not a fact. People are still not making what they were making in the 90's. Sorry, you want to lower the bar.

Trump Gave Americans a Massive Tax Cut. Few Are Noticing

Five Good Reasons It Doesn't Feel Like The Trump Tax Cut Benefited You

First, many people will technically have lower taxes, but the cuts are so tiny for most that they are hardly noticeable. The Tax Policy Center estimates the 60% of Americans at the lower end of the income distribution will have federal tax savings of less than $1,000. Also, most people believe the tax cuts didn’t benefit people like them but only the very wealthy. They are right. Those in the top 1% save $51,000.

Second, as Forbes contributor Howard Gleckman explained, the tax changes affected withholding through increases in the standard deduction and other provisions, especially the limit on deductibility of state and local taxes (SALT). But many taxpayers didn’t change their withholding allowances, so they may not have withheld the correct amounts in each time period. This means their tax refund is smaller than expected. The smaller-than-expected refund could be feeding a perception that taxes have increased even when they fell slightly.

Third, most Americans perceive the Trump tax cuts didn't benefit them because the highest income groups benefited the most . This is not only because of the rate changes, but because the drop in corporate taxes and rise in corporate profits ended up as higher incomes for the wealthiest households. The biggest winners in the Trump tax cuts were corporations and the households that get income from corporate profits—that is, the very wealthiest Americans. The top corporate income tax rate dropped by almost 40%, from 35% to 21%. And that cut is permanent, while the household rate cuts expire after 2025. The imbalance between household and corporate benefits is unpopular, with 62% of Americans saying it bothers them “a lot” that “some corporations don’t pay their fair share.” Even 42% of Republicans are bothered “a lot” about this.

Fourth, most Americans might doubt they benefited from the Trump tax reform because they believe the tax cuts are causing big deficits they will have to pay for sooner or later. Forbes contributor Chuck Jones showed the tax cuts were largely responsible for a 17% increase in the federal deficit last fiscal year. The Congressional Budget Office(CBO) estimates that deficits will average 4.4% of GDP between now and 2029, much higher than the average 2.9% from the previous fifty years. And federal debt—growing every year with the deficits—will reach an estimated 93% of GDP by 2029 (as CBO notes, this would be “a larger amount than at any time since just after World War II.”

Fifth, most Americans might think they didn’t benefit from the Trump tax cuts because the cuts aren’t just an economic issue—they are political. Pew Research found that the two parties increasingly disagree about whether taxes are fair—64% of Republicans think so, but only 32% of Democrats agree. That’s the biggest gap since Pew began asking this question over twenty years ago.

Democratic presidential candidates are reading the polling data and are attacking the tax cuts as unfair. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wants to increase the estate tax. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is proposing revisions to benefit lower- and middle-income households. And Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) advocates a wealth tax on the super-rich. You know something is changing politically when a billionaire, in this case hedge fund manager Ray Dalio, says capitalism is unfair and the president should declare inequality a national emergency.

Bottom line: People aren’t feeling a benefit from the tax bill. And feelings matter in politics. Bill Clinton won the presidency with a theme of “It’s the economy, stupid,” while incumbent George H.W. Bush correctly noted (in vain) that the economic recession technically ended over a year before the 1992 election. But voters didn’t feel a recovery and voted to make a change. If the economy slows or stumbles, President Donald Trump may be vulnerable to similar voter feelings, even if most people technically got a small benefit from the tax bill.

Reality never agrees with you or your bull shit. Watch and learn moron. You’ll be screaming impotently at the sky AGAIN in 2020.

Hey, as long as I'm still making 6 figures I'll survive.

I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020. I just wonder why poor people like you are voting for him. He's not made America great for blue collar or the poor. In fact Republican policies will make them poorer. Cut their social security and medicare, medicaid, Obamacare, raise their taxes to pay for tax breaks for millionaires.

Wow! ignorant of the facts AND a liar? Good luck with that.

Why can't you imagine I make 6 figures because you make $40K a year? Why do you vote Republican then?

It's why you are embarrassing whenever you travel abroad. ...

How would you know?
Because I have traveled abroad. ....

Yeah, you spent one weekend in a hotel in Germany once - ever. You're a real expert alright.

And after visiting Germany once for a week I now brag that I can speak German. ......

No, you just claim to know how everyone everywhere in the world feels about America. You must have seen it from your hotel room window.

The rest of the world may think Americans eat a lot of burgers, have huge shopping malls and are ruled by an arrogant government. And yet the "Ugly American," it would seem, isn't all bad. Americans are also seen from afar as generous tippers, friendly, uncomplicated, rich and the standard bearers of freedom, equality, creativity and technological power.

Yet, America's admirers have felt betrayed by other shades of the American character: the military interventions in Vietnam, Iraq and elsewhere; the gun violence; the right (inexplicable to many) to carry weapons; the deep and angry racial divisions; and, lately, a presidential nominee calling for harsh restrictions on Muslims and Mexicans.

The Associated Press sent reporters across the world to ask ordinary people about their views of America. And in the opinions that came back, some clear threads emerge, anecdotal yet illuminating.

"The first word that comes to mind when I hear the word America is 'Arrogance.' They are big and loud and they are in charge of everything." - Christopher Darroch, 39, actor, Toronto

"Capitalism. Money rules everything. Overweight people, Donald Trump, elections, shootings." - Ingerlise Kristensen, 68, retired bank employee, Copenhagen, Denmark

"America is food ... fast food and (Coca) Cola. It's cars. It's the many electronics we have ... the bridge in San Francisco." - Ksenia Smertova, 21, student, Moscow

"America? Uhh, that's a huge country. Burgers, the American dream, choppers, ... Elvis, cowboys. We dream of America and they dream about Europe. But one thing for sure, they cannot make beer." - Knut Braaten, 43, handyman, Oslo, Norway

"Has a very liberal culture, great people and a country that drives innovation." - Shitij, 26, sales and marketing worker, New Delhi

"(America) welcomes all different races." - Marren Cahilig, 21, bartender, Manila, Philippines

"It is powerful." - Gennelyn Escopete, 33, DVD street vendor, Manila, Philippines

"Probably capitalism, but I see it more as freedom ... that every person can do what he wants, when he wants - true freedom, but it costs a lot I think, and sometimes it brings you lower than takes you higher." - Karin Cohen, 25, bookshop worker, Jerusalem

"The first thing I think when I hear United States is a world power." - Pedro Ivan Gonzalez, 35, juice seller, Havana

"It is a world imperialist power country. Obviously (the people) don't have much to do with the government's political decisions but I do think that it is a big, powerful country that has always tried to dominate countries it doesn't favor." - Rosa Moscoso, 42, Havana

"A country of freedom, particularly freedom of thought. And it's a country with quite advanced technology industries. You see, I even have two iPhones." - Liu Xiaodan, 30, hotel manager, Beijing

"America is a country that produces a massive amount of cultural output such as Hollywood movies, music and many other (forms of) entertainment." - Sam Wang, 20, university student, Beijing

"My image of America is a country that goes to war anywhere in the world," - Susumu Inoue, 82, retired agricultural lab technician, Tokyo

"I think of Major League Baseball," Ayumi Takeoka, 41, housewife, Tokyo
How would you know?
Because I have traveled abroad. ....

Yeah, you spent one weekend in a hotel in Germany once - ever. You're a real expert alright.

And after visiting Germany once for a week I now brag that I can speak German. ......

No, you just claim to know how everyone everywhere in the world feels about America. You must have seen it from your hotel room window.
Oh look the third grade teacher is back

One who is tough, has a masters, speaks 8 languages, he likes working more than 1 job, everyone loves him, he makes good money, he helps people in poverty, he's anti teachers union even though he'd be broke without them, what else?

Here he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would be any of these things.

It's why you are embarrassing whenever you travel abroad. ...

How would you know?
Because I have traveled abroad. ....

Yeah, you spent one weekend in a hotel in Germany once - ever. You're a real expert alright.

And after visiting Germany once for a week I now brag that I can speak German. Just because instead of good morning I say Goot Morgan.

This is how I suspect you speak 7 languages. Knowing 7 words from one language doesn't mean you can speak it.
/——/ Hola... now I speak Spanish
How would you know?
Because I have traveled abroad. ....

Yeah, you spent one weekend in a hotel in Germany once - ever. You're a real expert alright.

And after visiting Germany once for a week I now brag that I can speak German. ......

No, you just claim to know how everyone everywhere in the world feels about America. You must have seen it from your hotel room window.

Yes and my company paid for that hotel room, the airplane ticket, every breakfast lunch dinner and drink I had. You've never experienced anything like it nor will you ever.......


Classic case of an idiot who doesn't know when to stop digging the hole he's in. Bobobrainless continues to bat 0.00.

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