What is your ideal Federal Income Tax structure?

Taxes are not the problem, borrowing and spending is the problem. If your house is on fire you don't try to fix the bad wiring you put the fire out first.
Taxes are not the problem, borrowing and spending is the problem. If your house is on fire you don't try to fix the bad wiring you put the fire out first.

I am with you there....I'd like to see FEDERAL spending cut by 50%.

Mine is:

15% flat tax on any income over $20,000 and a 1% FEDERAL SALES TAX ON ALL NON-FOOD ITEMS.

No exemptions. No deductions.


No income tax, a national sales tax on all non-food/non-medical items and clothes over $250.00
I don't want any Federal income tax. Personal or corporate. The government makes enough to run their programs that are vital. Get rid of the unnecessary waste and free shit and we'll do just fine.
Mine is:

15% flat tax on any income over $20,000 and a 1% FEDERAL SALES TAX ON ALL NON-FOOD ITEMS.

No exemptions. No deductions.

Mine is the Fair Tax, with no exemptions.
Taxes are not the problem
They are the BIGGEST problem. Our tax structure has been thoroughly corrupted and is badly in need of reform.

You whine about spending, but don't even know that the biggest expenditure is the $1.4 trillion of government gifts in exemptions, credits, and deductions which have driven our debt and our tax rates higher.
Mine is:

15% flat tax on any income over $20,000 and a 1% FEDERAL SALES TAX ON ALL NON-FOOD ITEMS.

No exemptions. No deductions.


No income tax, a national sales tax on all non-food/non-medical items and clothes over $250.00
The Fair Tax is a sales tax with a prebate. The purpose of the prebate is to offset the sales tax on food and other necessities.

If you start exempting anything from a tax, then you open the door for tens of thousands of exemptions. That's how we got where we are now with the current tax scheme.

NO exemptions. None. Zip. Nada.
Mine is:

15% flat tax on any income over $20,000 and a 1% FEDERAL SALES TAX ON ALL NON-FOOD ITEMS.

No exemptions. No deductions.

Mine is the Fair Tax, with no exemptions.
describe what that is? that post says nothing.
The Fair Tax is a sales tax with a prebate. The prebate offsets the taxes on necessities. It offsets the regressive nature of a sales tax.

Everyone receives the same prebate amount, whether they are a slum tenant or a New York huckster fake billionaire.

It's a tax on consumption, which is superior to a tax on production (income tax).
Mine is:

15% flat tax on any income over $20,000 and a 1% FEDERAL SALES TAX ON ALL NON-FOOD ITEMS.

No exemptions. No deductions.

Not sure on the numbers, but I can get on board with that, assuming the numbers work.
15% is too low.
cut spending. why is that so fking difficult to understand? don't you do that at home when you don't have enough money to buy something?
Mine is:

15% flat tax on any income over $20,000 and a 1% FEDERAL SALES TAX ON ALL NON-FOOD ITEMS.

No exemptions. No deductions.


No income tax, a national sales tax on all non-food/non-medical items and clothes over $250.00
THAT seems like the poor would pay little and the rich would "pay their fair share", unless they invested instead of spending. Seems like a win-win. The only people who would lose are those getting rich off of the current tax system, CPAs, and Tax Attorneys. I can live with that.
What is your ideal Federal Income Tax structure?
NONE ... eliminate the Federal Income Tax, it's the most inefficient, most intrusive and most susceptible to corruption form of taxation one could conceive of.
- All the labor WASTED every year filing and processing of income tax returns GONE
- The intrusion by the federal government into the personal finances of the citizenry GONE
- The disincentive to production and capital investment GONE
- All the special interest favoritism in the tax code GONE

Consumption taxes and/or taxes on Land (aka Natural Resources, aka "Gifts of Nature") would be far more efficient and just.
Mine is:

15% flat tax on any income over $20,000 and a 1% FEDERAL SALES TAX ON ALL NON-FOOD ITEMS.

No exemptions. No deductions.


No income tax, a national sales tax on all non-food/non-medical items and clothes over $250.00
The Fair Tax is a sales tax with a prebate. The purpose of the prebate is to offset the sales tax on food and other necessities.

If you start exempting anything from a tax, then you open the door for tens of thousands of exemptions. That's how we got where we are now with the current tax scheme.

NO exemptions. None. Zip. Nada.

The problem with a "pre-bate" is we get into the whole "government giving you money" thing, which i think is worse than exceptions for certain sales.
Mine is:

15% flat tax on any income over $20,000 and a 1% FEDERAL SALES TAX ON ALL NON-FOOD ITEMS.

No exemptions. No deductions.

Not sure on the numbers, but I can get on board with that, assuming the numbers work.
15% is too low.
cut spending. why is that so fking difficult to understand? don't you do that at home when you don't have enough money to buy something?
If we eliminate tax expenditures, that's a cut in $1.4 trillion in annual spending. I've never seen anyone on here propose a bigger cut than I have.


You're welcome.

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