What It Feels Like To Be a Libertarian

"the Community Reinvestment Act that forces lenders to make more risky loans that they otherwise would"

No, it did not. Nothing like leading your complaint with a lie, huh?

"FDR’s New Deal that prolonged the great depression for a decade"

There is absolutely no proof of that statement. More revisionist bullshit theory.

My problem with libertarians is they seem to think the constitution was written to protect the markets. I've got news for you...

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate / UCLA Newsroom

How FDR's New Deal Harmed Millions of Poor People

Kevin that was two guys at UCLA who never quite seemed to figure in the Dust Bowl effects on the economy at the time.

Two guys at UCLA, the Cato Institute, and the Austrian economists.

The boom-and-bust cycle caused the recession, the Hoover and FDR interventions in the market worsened it.
You are confused if you think the Libertarian Party represents all Libertarians.

No, I'm not confused at all. And the only thing worse than advocating for a Party that is running itself into the ground is marginalizing yourself within that community. Talk about confused.

Who's advocating for the party? I haven't "advocated" for the party since the election on November 4.
Libertarians ARE loons when they demand cutting government to nothing. When they claim we don't need criminal law just civil courts to sue people that do crimes.

They are one step up from Anarchists.

Could you possibly have generlized libertarians any more?

You ought to THANK libertarians for supporting your domestic policies. At least that's not that many more liberals shitting on the principles that this country was founded on.

I'm a libertarian, and I DO NOT support cutting government to "nothing", nor do I support doing away with criminal law.

I don't know a single one that does, and I know a lot. I probably stand right with you on both of those.
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Whoever thinks the philosophy, and it's many variations, are completely synonymous with the party that happens to be called the "Libertarian Party", is a fool.

Go read a book or 10.
I like the libertarians I meet. They are bright and well educated on the issues. They are people of principle in general I find.

They just believe in a system that is unworkable. The unfettered market throughout history has produced short bursts of great stuff and then is quickly turned into a money funneling scheme to a few and before long you have a monarchy.

I wish it would work like they say it would. That would really be great. To allow people to just produce, sell and buy things freely and everyone would play fair and honor hard work and accept intellecual property. I would really love it. The problem is it never has and never will work any more than communism works like its supposed to on paper.

Polly Anna Ideas, they are a thing of beauty that cant swim the currents of real life.

But an ever growing ever more intrusive ever more expensive government will work?

A government that dictates to you how much of your money you can keep, what you can eat, how to raise your kids, what you can and can't do in your own home is better than a smaller less intrusive less expensive government?

A government that uses your money to extort state and local governments into doing its bidding is better than towns cities and states determining their own policies?

Is it Polly Anna to want the fucking government out of our lives so that we can merely live, work and take care of our families as we see fit?

Is it Polly Anna to think that people can make their own decisions and that they are not as pathetic as the government thinks they are, that we don't need to be taken care of by the government.

Government has continually failed in areas of economics and social engineering but you still want to be its fucking lab rats because you are too pathetic to stand up for yourself, to take care of yourself, to live or die on your actions and decisions. And since so many of you are afraid of that kind of responsibility, you delude yourselves into thinking that no one is capable and that government is just protecting us all for our own good.

It's fucking disgusting.
Truthmatters has given up on her fellow human beings. She's just convinced we're all too stupid to manage our own lives.

There's really nothing else that needs to be said. She proved it in her last post. She wishes we were smart enough, but admits we're not.

That must be a real shitty way to go through life.
If you dont like American government you can leave.

What you want will enver happen here. The US will never go to an unfettered market.

After seeing the effects of deregulations a couple of times now the history is set. There is too much evidence in our own history now that what you want doesnt work.

Democracy requires the peoples attention, there is no automatic setting.

The day you people accept this and actually help us come up with regulations that work and allow for growth and protection then the US will take the fuck off like nothing you can imagine. Until then we have you people trying to drag our shit into fantasy land instead of facing the hard realities and making the wise , adult and necessary decisions and performing the maintence on our regulations.

What you think will materialize with your ideas will never come to fruation. Time for the adults to make the right choices.
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No one has commented on libertarian's views on foreign policy.
Another funny thing about Libertarians. They are really sensitive to criticism. :eusa_whistle:

Dimocrat politically correct, I am sorry if I offended you, sensitivity training, anger management people calling other people over sensitive.

THAT"S fucking hilarious.
No one has commented on libertarian's views on foreign policy.

What foreign policy? You mean the limits of the government to enter treaties and deal with other nations that is spelled out in the Constitution? That foreign policy?
Truthmatters has given up on her fellow human beings. She's just convinced we're all too stupid to manage our own lives.

There's really nothing else that needs to be said. She proved it in her last post. She wishes we were smart enough, but admits we're not.

That must be a real shitty way to go through life.

Smart enough?

Dude you are really not getting it.

Are we smart enough for communism?

Its not about smart , its about that there is always a certain portion fo the populace who are willing to scarafice their fellow man for power.

Not everyone on the playground is going to play fair without rules and playground marms.
No one has commented on libertarian's views on foreign policy.

What foreign policy? You mean the limits of the government to enter treaties and deal with other nations that is spelled out in the Constitution? That foreign policy?

well, what it feels like to be a libertarian when it comes to foreign policy. It gets lonely on the fringe, I must say.
Another funny thing about Libertarians. They are really sensitive to criticism. :eusa_whistle:

Dimocrat politically correct, I am sorry if I offended you, sensitivity training, anger management people calling other people over sensitive.

THAT"S fucking hilarious.
:lol: You're all pissed off and Pauli is crying. I'd call that sensitive.

You haven't seen me pissed off.

being completely and utterly disgusted by how pathetic people have become is not anger it is sadness.

How far we have fallen to be so afraid of our own futures that we need the government to save us from ourselves.
I’ll tell you. It feels bad. Being a libertarian means living with a level of frustration that is nearly beyond human endurance. It means being subject to unending scorn and derision despite being inevitably proven correct by events. How does it feel to be a libertarian? Imagine what the internal life of Cassandra must have been and you will have a pretty good idea.

I knew the Cassandra syndrome was going to be mentioned even before I read the post.

It must suck knowing one has all the right answers, but nobody will listen.

But I have to ask, if libertarians believe in the free market, and by extenstion the free market of ideas, why is it their ideas don't sell in the arena of free and open debate? Is it possible that if the idea or product that isn't compelling and convincing, it just won't sell? That's how the free market is supposed to work, isn't it?

Why don't they sell? Two reasons, people are stupid and there is a snake oil salesman dominating all media outlets telling people they can have whatever they want at no cost to them.

Which would you pick the guy selling pain or the guy selling an open candy store?

As an analogy, there are all kinds of infomercials selling equipment and programs that require real work to get that "toned" body. There are also infomercials for belts you strap on or pills you can take to watch the "fat melt away". It's the same thing.

The Libertarians have been around for 50 years, and haven't been able to sell their message.

Is your contention that its all just a marketing problem? That clever liberals are paying people off to follow liberal policies?

That's weak dude. If libertarian policies can improve the lives of working americans, and bring on a rennassaince of freedom, low taxes, and economic nirvana, they should be able to explain their ideology in a way that makes people believe them.

Its the free market of ideas. Ideas and products that don't sell in the free market are considered failures. Isn't the free market something libertarians honor and revere?
Another funny thing about Libertarians. They are really sensitive to criticism. :eusa_whistle:

Dimocrat politically correct, I am sorry if I offended you, sensitivity training, anger management people calling other people over sensitive.

THAT"S fucking hilarious.
:lol: You're all pissed off and Pauli is crying. I'd call that sensitive.

Youre one of the biggest complainers on this board, Rav. About shit that doesn't even fucking MATTER, too, like board policy. :rolleyes:

Tell me what I "cried" about.

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