What Killed Detroit: Democrats or Black People?

What Killed Detroit: Democrats or Black People

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I grew up in Detroit and watched it decline into the sewer it is today.

My father owned several rental properties in the city, which he acquired in the 1950s, only to sell them in the late 1970s for almost nothing.

Many factors lead to it's decline. Busing, corruption, and ineffectiveness destroyed the p-schools; corrupt police department failed to control crime, explosion in welfare, illegitimacy, illiteracy, broken families, overwhelming city government corruption leading to a complete breakdown in effective governance, illegal drugs, gangs, purposeful destruction of small business via high taxation and regulations, complete cultural collapse, white flight, businesses fleeing, decline of auto industry employment.

To summarize, if you had to point to one thing that caused the city's decline, it was the natural consequence of oppressive big government policies....aka Progressivism.
I grew up in Detroit and watched it decline into the sewer it is today.

My father owned several rental properties in the city, which he acquired in the 1950s, only to sell them in the late 1970s for almost nothing.

Many factors lead to it's decline. Busing, corruption, and ineffectiveness destroyed the p-schools; corrupt police department failed to control crime, explosion in welfare, illegitimacy, illiteracy, broken families, overwhelming city government corruption leading to a complete breakdown in effective governance, illegal drugs, gangs, purposeful destruction of small business via high taxation and regulations, complete cultural collapse, white flight, businesses fleeing, decline of auto industry employment.

To summarize, if you had to point to one thing that caused the city's decline, it was the natural consequence of oppressive big government policies....aka Progressivism.

Except reality disagrees with your fairy tale.
I lived in Detroit as a kid for four years in the early 60's with my Grandfather while my Father was going to school at San Diego State University to obtain his degree after being discharged from the Navy.

A good friend of mine who was from there wrote the following article almost two years ago, and we spoke at length before it was published:

The Urbanophile » Blog Archive » The Reasons Behind Detroit?s Decline by Pete Saundersersatz
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You hate black people we get it.

I don't hate black people. But I am recognizing black trends. You know it is easy to denounce those who provide facts and stats to prove an uncomfortable point, however, denouncing is not refuting. Too many people in this forum think they are one in the same. Providing the truth is not tantamount to hate. By such a standard displayed in your post above no one should make a valid point so as long as the subject matter is uncomfortable to those who would rather accuse me of hatred as opposed to addressing the facts.

I recognize trends in racists and callous conservatives. A common trend is to seek out negative sources to justify their racism and opinions, and present a single source - above, the black community - as an academic truth. The fact is reality is rarely as simple as racists try to make it, for there are many variables - events and judgments, dependent and independent - which effect outcomes.

Thus it is simple to see that the author of the OP hopes to place blame on a single race based on his beliefs. My takeaway here is why is he a racist and a callous conservative? Who or what events in his life created in him the fear and hate which motivates him to post such rhetoric? It sure isn't posted to solve problems, in fact, his every post comes down to one theme: "ain't it awful".
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I grew up in Detroit and watched it decline into the sewer it is today.

My father owned several rental properties in the city, which he acquired in the 1950s, only to sell them in the late 1970s for almost nothing.

Many factors lead to it's decline. Busing, corruption, and ineffectiveness destroyed the p-schools; corrupt police department failed to control crime, explosion in welfare, illegitimacy, illiteracy, broken families, overwhelming city government corruption leading to a complete breakdown in effective governance, illegal drugs, gangs, purposeful destruction of small business via high taxation and regulations, complete cultural collapse, white flight, businesses fleeing, decline of auto industry employment.

To summarize, if you had to point to one thing that caused the city's decline, it was the natural consequence of oppressive big government policies....aka Progressivism.

Except reality disagrees with your fairy tale.

Another shallow response from Shallow.
You hate black people we get it.

I don't hate black people. But I am recognizing black trends. You know it is easy to denounce those who provide facts and stats to prove an uncomfortable point, however, denouncing is not refuting. Too many people in this forum think they are one in the same. Providing the truth is not tantamount to hate. By such a standard displayed in your post above no one should make a valid point so as long as the subject matter is uncomfortable to those who would rather accuse me of hatred as opposed to addressing the facts.
Yet your myopic focus belies that claim. Try again Heinrich.
I grew up in Detroit and watched it decline into the sewer it is today.

My father owned several rental properties in the city, which he acquired in the 1950s, only to sell them in the late 1970s for almost nothing.

Many factors lead to it's decline. Busing, corruption, and ineffectiveness destroyed the p-schools; corrupt police department failed to control crime, explosion in welfare, illegitimacy, illiteracy, broken families, overwhelming city government corruption leading to a complete breakdown in effective governance, illegal drugs, gangs, purposeful destruction of small business via high taxation and regulations, complete cultural collapse, white flight, businesses fleeing, decline of auto industry employment.

To summarize, if you had to point to one thing that caused the city's decline, it was the natural consequence of oppressive big government policies....aka Progressivism.

Except reality disagrees with your fairy tale.

Another shallow response from Shallow.

Implied nuance isn't your forte, is it? A quick study of the subject, and I don't mean relying on Occidental for your "data", will give you a complete causative perspective of the subject being "discussed". It's much more complex than Heinrich is prepared (or willing) to present, it doesn't fit his paradigm.
What killed Detroit was the Democrat Party and their Soviet Central Planning called: Model Cities.

Detroit was the first Model City and sure enough it is now like any other pre-1989 Soviet run Eastern European Hellhole
Why is Democrats and black people seperated on the survey chart? Black people are Democrats.
Nice to know what your race view is. Wish I'd known sooner...... :fu:

How Detroit Went Broke

Try starting with it back in the late 60s, early 70s, you know compounding complex causative factors culminating in the current circumstances. Or doesn't that fit your Kahnish paradigm.

Since 1962 the city was led by a Democrat. The only time Detroit's revenue exceeded their debt was between 1977 and 1987. It wasn't until the end of Coleman's term in 1988 that the debt again started to exceed their revenue and has been increasing ever since.

I have no idea what you mean by Kahnish.

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