What Kind of Crazy Hostage Deal Did Biden’s Administration Broker?

That your head is still bobbing on top of your neck and talking such nonsense … seems a fucking coincidence. Funny how it repeats all the old already refuted Trumpster propaganda.
Why would Biden release billions to Iran when we know they fund hamas?
President Trump would have the American hostages home.
There wouldn’t have been any hostages in the first place if Trump were president. He would have kept Iran cash-strapped, and HAMAS wouldn’t have had the money for this.
Why would Biden release billions to Iran when we know they fund hamas?
First of all … most Hamas’ money has long come to them through Sunni & Muslim-Brotherhood sources transferred openly via Qatar with the approval of the Netanyahu government. I and others have provided Israeli and other sources to document this in separate OPs. For example, see: The End of the Netanyahu doctrine?

Secondly, The vast majority of Iranian funds have always come through yearly sales of its own oil to China and other Asian buyers. All the extra-territorial sanctions imposed by Uncle Sam on Iran has not stopped Iran from increasing these sales in recent years.

Finally, the few billions supposedly (but not really) “released” to Iran that you refer to was never U.S. taxpayer money but Iran’s own funds arguably “illegally” frozen. Unfortunately the Trump Administration unilaterally ended the multinational agreements that were to gradually end most sanctions on Iran when it agreed to international supervision of its nuclear research, which led inevitably to the defeat of the elected “reform” wing of the Islamic Republic leadership and the solidification of the Mullah state under extreme anti-U.S. and anti-popular dictatorial rule. The popular mass movement against the Mullahs was decapitated in the next few years.

In fact, the billions supposedly “released” by the Biden Administration never got to Iran. That money was Iranian money, from …
“payments made by South Korea to Iran to buy oil in recent years. The funds had been stuck in South Korea due to U.S. sanctions. That money is now held in a restricted account in Doha, and is meant to be used for solely humanitarian purposes — such as food and medicine for Iranians — and handled by what the administration described as vetted non-Iranian vendors….
Adrienne Watson, a spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council, said …

“Not a single cent from these funds has been spent, and when it is spent, it can only be spent on things like food and medicine for the Iranian people,” she said Saturday in a statement. “These funds have absolutely nothing to do with the horrific attacks today and this is not the time to spread disinformation.”…

Of course after the re-solidification of the Mullah regime, the brutal repression of the popular women’s movement for more freedom in Iran, Iran’s military help to Putin, and now the Hamas terror attack, as …
Brian Nelson, the undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence at Treasury … stressed … “these restricted funds cannot go to Iran” and that “any suggestion to the contrary is false and misleading.”

The Republican field is blaming Joe Biden for dealing with Iran after Hamas' attack on Israel
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Why are we giving up SO MUCH to get SO LITTLE?
What Kind of Crazy Hostage Deal Did Biden’s Administration Broker? Why are we giving up SO MUCH to get SO LITTLE?
The Animals that we are giving up are WAR Criminals. And we are NOT getting back any Americans!
What is wrong with this WEAK President?
The same guy that traded an assassin for a dyke basketball player, 5 people plus several billion dollars for…5 people.

Why would anyone question his negotiating skills?
First of all … most Hamas’ money has long come to them through Sunni & Muslim-Brotherhood sources transferred openly via Qatar with the approval of the Netanyahu government. I and others have provided Israeli and other sources to document this in separate OPs. For example, see: The End of the Netanyahu doctrine?

Secondly, The vast majority of Iranian funds have always come through yearly sales of its own oil to China and other Asian buyers. All the extra-territorial sanctions imposed by Uncle Sam on Iran has not stopped Iran from increasing these sales in recent years.

Finally, the few billions supposedly (but not really) “released” to Iran that you refer to was never U.S. taxpayer money but Iran’s own funds arguably “illegally” frozen. Unfortunately the Trump Administration unilaterally ended the multinational agreements that were to gradually end most sanctions on Iran when it agreed to international supervision of its nuclear research, which led inevitably to the defeat of the elected “reform” wing of the Islamic Republic leadership and the solidification of the Mullah state under extreme anti-U.S. and anti-popular dictatorial rule. The popular mass movement against the Mullahs was decapitated in the next few years.

The billions supposedly “released” by the Biden Administration was of course not U.S. taxpayer money. That money was Iranian money, from …

Of course after the re-solidification of the Mullah regime, the brutal repression of the popular women’s movement for more freedom in Iran, and now the Hamas terror attack, as …

The Republican field is blaming Joe Biden for dealing with Iran after Hamas' attack on Israel
Blah blah blah. Is Iran a terrorist state?
First of all … most Hamas’ money has long come to them through Sunni & Muslim-Brotherhood sources transferred openly via Qatar with the approval of the Netanyahu government. I and others have provided Israeli and other sources to document this in separate OPs. For example, see: The End of the Netanyahu doctrine?

Secondly, The vast majority of Iranian funds have always come through yearly sales of its own oil to China and other Asian buyers. All the extra-territorial sanctions imposed by Uncle Sam on Iran has not stopped Iran from increasing these sales in recent years.

Finally, the few billions supposedly (but not really) “released” to Iran that you refer to was never U.S. taxpayer money but Iran’s own funds arguably “illegally” frozen. Unfortunately the Trump Administration unilaterally ended the multinational agreements that were to gradually end most sanctions on Iran when it agreed to international supervision of its nuclear research, which led inevitably to the defeat of the elected “reform” wing of the Islamic Republic leadership and the solidification of the Mullah state under extreme anti-U.S. and anti-popular dictatorial rule. The popular mass movement against the Mullahs was decapitated in the next few years.

In fact, the billions supposedly “released” by the Biden Administration never got to Iran. That money was Iranian money, from …

Of course after the re-solidification of the Mullah regime, the brutal repression of the popular women’s movement for more freedom in Iran, Iran’s military help to Putin, and now the Hamas terror attack, as …

The Republican field is blaming Joe Biden for dealing with Iran after Hamas' attack on Israel
Blah blah blah We owed Iran BS
They’re also reporting that of the 13 hostages released, 12 are Thai nationals. The Muslim terrorists are obviously not releasing Israeli (or American hostages), but the monsters are still holding on to the 10-month old infant or the 3-year old who saw her parents slaughtered in front of her.

In exchange, Israel is releasing 39 Palestinian terrorists.

Is that all you MAGA people do? Lie?
Tom is a pain and a propaganda parrot. What a fine ambition.
Yup. The antisemites keep saying “it was Iran’s money“ while ignoring that we were keeping them from the money because they use it to launch massacres against Jews.

It is sad and pathetic that Trumpster MAGA parrots and ultra-Zionist propagandists here accuse me of being “an anti-Semite” and a propaganda parrot … for some unmentioned party or foreign government.

My own views here as always are fairly unique. I could be wrong about many things, but I always think for myself, research carefully, and come to my own tentative conclusions on all these truly complex state-to-state and geo-political / economic / national and religious questions. Oil economics, Islamic fanaticism, Zionism, state and non-state terrorism, Western invasions and occupations in recent years, civil and national wars in and among Arab countries, all this has created toxic forces that cannot be neutralized easily. It is certainly not a question of one or the other U.S. major party having all the answers — indeed they are all divided amongst themselves on all these issues.

But for our emotional Trumpster and ultra-Zionist partisans any consideration of the complexity of these issues, which have built up over generations and which no force has yet been able to resolve peaceably, is just “blah, blah, blah … you are a pain, you are an anti-Semite, you are a propaganda parrot.”
It is sad and pathetic that Trumpster MAGA parrots and ultra-Zionist propagandists here accuse me of being “an anti-Semite” and a propaganda parrot … for some unmentioned party or foreign government.

My own views here as always are fairly unique. I could be wrong about many things, but I always think for myself, research carefully, and come to my own tentative conclusions on all these truly complex state-to-state and geo-political / economic / national and religious questions. Oil economics, Islamic fanaticism, Zionism, state and non-state terrorism, Western invasions and occupations in recent years, civil and national wars in and among Arab countries, all this has created toxic forces that cannot be neutralized easily. It is not a question of one or another U.S. major party having all the answers.

But for our emotional Trumpster and ultra-Zionist partisans any consideration of the complexity of these issues, which have built up over generations and which no force has yet been able to resolve peaceably, is just “blah, blah, blah … you are a pain, you are an anti-Semite, you are a propaganda parrot.”
And you just called us Trumpster MAGA parrots. You’re not one to complain about being labeled for what you are.
It is sad and pathetic that Trumpster MAGA parrots and ultra-Zionist propagandists here accuse me of being “an anti-Semite” and a propaganda parrot … for some unmentioned party or foreign government.

My own views here as always are fairly unique. I could be wrong about many things, but I always think for myself, research carefully, and come to my own tentative conclusions on all these truly complex state-to-state and geo-political / economic / national and religious questions. Oil economics, Islamic fanaticism, Zionism, state and non-state terrorism, Western invasions and occupations in recent years, civil and national wars in and among Arab countries, all this has created toxic forces that cannot be neutralized easily. It is certainly not a question of one or the other U.S. major party having all the answers — indeed they are all divided amongst themselves on all these issues.

But for our emotional Trumpster and ultra-Zionist partisans any consideration of the complexity of these issues, which have built up over generations and which no force has yet been able to resolve peaceably, is just “blah, blah, blah … you are a pain, you are an anti-Semite, you are a propaganda parrot.”
Is Iran a terrorist state?
Comparison to Hamas. Someday this country is gonna have a serious disagreement
It is much easier to attack Trump than defend Biden. Biden does not need defending and Trump needs attacking

After next fall's massive defeat of Trump and his minions, the losers will start shooting and be massacred. MAGAism is not Americanism. It is gangsterism of the worst bad American sort.

And good America will not have it.
And you just called us Trumpster MAGA parrots. You’re not one to complain about being labeled for what you are.

What is funny is that Trump supporters disagree among themselves, as do many Republicans and Democrats, on most of the issues I am examining. You two, however, are particularly obnoxious fanatics in your own ways — slandering and lying about serious people like myself — and so you earn special condemnation.

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