What Kind of Crazy Hostage Deal Did Biden’s Administration Broker?

What is funny is that Trump supporters disagree among themselves, as do many Republicans and Democrats, on most of the issues I am examining. You two, however, are particularly obnoxious fanatics in your own ways — slandering and lying about serious people like myself — and so you earn special condemnation.
Is Iran a terrorist state?
What is funny is that Trump supporters disagree among themselves, as do many Republicans and Democrats, on most of the issues I am examining. You two, however, are particularly obnoxious fanatics in your own ways — slandering and lying about serious people like myself — and so you earn special condemnation.
We have your number.
Is Iran a terrorist state?
Of course it is! It supports Islamic terrorist groups abroad and also oppresses its own people! Isn’t that obvious?

But has the U.S. itself or Zionist Israel or many of the “Islamic” forces we have supported in this part of the world (and elsewhere) never themselves also acted … as state or non-state “terrorists”?

Nobody in the Middle East has totally clean hands.
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Of course it is! It supports Islamic terrorist groups abroad and also oppresses its own people! Isn’t that obvious?

But has the U.S. itself or Zionist Israel or many of the “Islamic” forces we have supported in this part of the world (and elsewhere) never themselves also acted … as state or non-state “terrorists”?

Nobody in the Middle East has totally clean hands.
Nope. The USA and Israel are not terrorist states or sponsored terrorists. You're confused. Islam is the problem.
It is sad and pathetic that Trumpster MAGA parrots and ultra-Zionist propagandists here accuse me of being “an anti-Semite” and a propaganda parrot … for some unmentioned party or foreign government.

My own views here as always are fairly unique. I could be wrong about many things, but I always think for myself, research carefully, and come to my own tentative conclusions on all these truly complex state-to-state and geo-political / economic / national and religious questions. Oil economics, Islamic fanaticism, Zionism, state and non-state terrorism, Western invasions and occupations in recent years, civil and national wars in and among Arab countries, all this has created toxic forces that cannot be neutralized easily. It is certainly not a question of one or the other U.S. major party having all the answers — indeed they are all divided amongst themselves on all these issues.

But for our emotional Trumpster and ultra-Zionist partisans any consideration of the complexity of these issues, which have built up over generations and which no force has yet been able to resolve peaceably, is just “blah, blah, blah … you are a pain, you are an anti-Semite, you are a propaganda parrot.”
Well you are one
Of course the U.S. Republic is not a terrorist state like Iran. We are a two and a half century basically secular democracy with free speech rights, a two party system, division of powers, etc. Israel is also a democracy, though of course it is a new national state still without stable internationally recognized borders and with a huge Palestinian problem.

As I have pointed out many times before, through adventurism, mistaken foreign policy or imperialist appetites even the U.S. has engaged in foreign invasions, occupations and acts of terror (bombings, etc). Start with the War in Vietnam if you wish … where millions died in a stupid war we waged unnecessarily half way around the world whose origins go back to our support of the French-Indochina War and which was based on our reasonable but there woefully misapplied fear of Communism.
Of course the U.S. Republic is not a terrorist state like Iran. We are a two century plus secular democracy with free speech rights, a two party system, division of powers, etc. So is Israel, though of course it is a new national state still without stable internationally recognized borders.

As I have pointed out many times before, through adventurism, mistaken foreign policy or imperialist appetites even the U.S. has engaged in foreign invasions, occupations and acts of terror (bombings, etc). Start with the War in Vietnam if you wish … where millions died in a stupid war we waged unnecessarily half way around the world whose origins go back to our support of the French-Indochina War and which was based on our reasonable but there woefully misapplied fear of Communism.
No one is perfect. But, the USA and Israel are highly civilized societies and cultures. We contribute a significant amount to technology and science that benefits the world. Hamas? Not so much.
No one is perfect. But, the USA and Israel are highly civilized societies and cultures. We contribute a significant amount to technology and science that benefits the world. Hamas? Not so much.
Of course this much is true. Hamas is now only a fanatic religious-based “national” terrorist organization of a poor and already mostly destroyed and dispersed “people.”
Of course this much is true. Hamas is now only a fanatic religious-based “national” terrorist organization of a poor and already mostly destroyed and dispersed “people.”
And it's their own fault. Israel has the right to exist. Seek peace.

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