What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

Right now, SD has very similar gun regs as Colorado except for the universal background checks. Otherwise, they are almost identical. But as of July 1 of 2019, CCW will not require a license of a permit but is not reciprocal to other states. SD will still have a reciprocal permit that you can receive for that purpose. That is the only change in the SD gun regs.
There are a lot more on the books that are going to be rolled back in years to come...
Getting a concealed weapons permit in the state currently takes less than five minutes... And that’s far too long

And a trip to the Sheriffs department, you leave out. The Law change means that the same requirements still exist only you don't need to pay a visit to the Sheriffs office anymore.
Yes you go to any county sheriffs in the state, you show your ID they take your fingerprints and they do a quick background track it takes less than five minutes, although it should take only seconds in reality With today’s technology.

July 1, 2019, you don't have to do that anymore. That's the upside. The Downside is, the CCW laws do apply regardless and some people are going to get in serious trouble because of this. CCW is different than open carry laws.
True, It’s a step in the right direction. Because the only permit to conceal carry should be the second amendment in reality
States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

Right now, SD has very similar gun regs as Colorado except for the universal background checks. Otherwise, they are almost identical. But as of July 1 of 2019, CCW will not require a license of a permit but is not reciprocal to other states. SD will still have a reciprocal permit that you can receive for that purpose. That is the only change in the SD gun regs.
There are a lot more on the books that are going to be rolled back in years to come...
Getting a concealed weapons permit in the state currently takes less than five minutes... And that’s far too long

And a trip to the Sheriffs department, you leave out. The Law change means that the same requirements still exist only you don't need to pay a visit to the Sheriffs office anymore.
Yes you go to any county sheriffs in the state, you show your ID they take your fingerprints and they do a quick background track it takes less than five minutes, although it should take only seconds in reality With today’s technology.

When I went for my renewal a few years ago, I was surprised that they issued it to me right on the spot. I thought I would have to wait for it in the mail like my original license. The worker said they do everything on the internet and it only takes like five minutes.
It should like a credit card, It should only take seconds at most...
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.
It’s none of your business who is armed and who is not at such events

Yes it is our business. I don’t want people with guns around my children or grandchildren.

I guess you should keep your children and grandchildren at home.

Years ago I was in line at our grocery store, and I forget how the subject came up with a few other customers. But we were discussing armed citizens. An elderly lady said something similar to what you did. I asked her how would she know who is carrying? She said she could tell just by the looks of them. I asked if I looked like one of those people? She replied "Of course not, you seem like too nice of a man to carry a gun!" I was wearing my shoulder holster and pulled my jacket back to show her I did indeed have a gun, and I just smiled.

I suggest you look up what that action gets you under most States CCW laws.

Some state's laws call the accidental revealing of your carry piece "brandishing." My state doesn't have that provision in our law. Brandishing would be considered waving your weapon around and acting as if you’re going to use it.
It’s none of your business who is armed and who is not at such events

Yes it is our business. I don’t want people with guns around my children or grandchildren.

I guess you should keep your children and grandchildren at home.

Years ago I was in line at our grocery store, and I forget how the subject came up with a few other customers. But we were discussing armed citizens. An elderly lady said something similar to what you did. I asked her how would she know who is carrying? She said she could tell just by the looks of them. I asked if I looked like one of those people? She replied "Of course not, you seem like too nice of a man to carry a gun!" I was wearing my shoulder holster and pulled my jacket back to show her I did indeed have a gun, and I just smiled.

I suggest you look up what that action gets you under most States CCW laws.

It was a friendly conversation and we all were smiling. No law against opening up your jacket.

Just a friendly bit of advice, pard.

Even though we are an open-carry state, if your gun does get exposed, it's legal as long as it was concealed. A friend of mine (who went to the same store) squatted down to get an item off the lower shelf. He's a pretty tall guy, and his shirt lifted up and exposed his gun. He said a lady was there and her eyes lit up. No law against it as long as it was concealed.
Right now, SD has very similar gun regs as Colorado except for the universal background checks. Otherwise, they are almost identical. But as of July 1 of 2019, CCW will not require a license of a permit but is not reciprocal to other states. SD will still have a reciprocal permit that you can receive for that purpose. That is the only change in the SD gun regs.
There are a lot more on the books that are going to be rolled back in years to come...
Getting a concealed weapons permit in the state currently takes less than five minutes... And that’s far too long

And a trip to the Sheriffs department, you leave out. The Law change means that the same requirements still exist only you don't need to pay a visit to the Sheriffs office anymore.
Yes you go to any county sheriffs in the state, you show your ID they take your fingerprints and they do a quick background track it takes less than five minutes, although it should take only seconds in reality With today’s technology.

When I went for my renewal a few years ago, I was surprised that they issued it to me right on the spot. I thought I would have to wait for it in the mail like my original license. The worker said they do everything on the internet and it only takes like five minutes.
It should like a credit card, It should only take seconds at most...

I didn't mind. I was only there for about 20 minutes, and most of that was paperwork. I don't know why, but they ask you the same stupid questions as they did on your original application.
Right now, SD has very similar gun regs as Colorado except for the universal background checks. Otherwise, they are almost identical. But as of July 1 of 2019, CCW will not require a license of a permit but is not reciprocal to other states. SD will still have a reciprocal permit that you can receive for that purpose. That is the only change in the SD gun regs.
There are a lot more on the books that are going to be rolled back in years to come...
Getting a concealed weapons permit in the state currently takes less than five minutes... And that’s far too long

And a trip to the Sheriffs department, you leave out. The Law change means that the same requirements still exist only you don't need to pay a visit to the Sheriffs office anymore.
Yes you go to any county sheriffs in the state, you show your ID they take your fingerprints and they do a quick background track it takes less than five minutes, although it should take only seconds in reality With today’s technology.

July 1, 2019, you don't have to do that anymore. That's the upside. The Downside is, the CCW laws do apply regardless and some people are going to get in serious trouble because of this. CCW is different than open carry laws.
True, It’s a step in the right direction. Because the only permit to conceal carry should be the second amendment in reality

It has little to do with the 2nd amendment. It has everything to do with States Rights and Due Process. I don't ding SD for doing it. It's SDs constitutional right to do it while it's Colorado's right to do something else. It's not one size fits all.
Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.
It’s none of your business who is armed and who is not at such events

Yes it is our business. I don’t want people with guns around my children or grandchildren.

I guess you should keep your children and grandchildren at home.

Years ago I was in line at our grocery store, and I forget how the subject came up with a few other customers. But we were discussing armed citizens. An elderly lady said something similar to what you did. I asked her how would she know who is carrying? She said she could tell just by the looks of them. I asked if I looked like one of those people? She replied "Of course not, you seem like too nice of a man to carry a gun!" I was wearing my shoulder holster and pulled my jacket back to show her I did indeed have a gun, and I just smiled.

I suggest you look up what that action gets you under most States CCW laws.

Some state's laws call the accidental revealing of your carry piece "brandishing." My state doesn't have that provision in our law. Brandishing would be considered waving your weapon around and acting as if you’re going to use it.

He didn't "Accidentally" show it. In this state, that would be considered brandishing.
There are a lot more on the books that are going to be rolled back in years to come...
Getting a concealed weapons permit in the state currently takes less than five minutes... And that’s far too long

And a trip to the Sheriffs department, you leave out. The Law change means that the same requirements still exist only you don't need to pay a visit to the Sheriffs office anymore.
Yes you go to any county sheriffs in the state, you show your ID they take your fingerprints and they do a quick background track it takes less than five minutes, although it should take only seconds in reality With today’s technology.

July 1, 2019, you don't have to do that anymore. That's the upside. The Downside is, the CCW laws do apply regardless and some people are going to get in serious trouble because of this. CCW is different than open carry laws.
True, It’s a step in the right direction. Because the only permit to conceal carry should be the second amendment in reality

It has little to do with the 2nd amendment. It has everything to do with States Rights and Due Process. I don't ding SD for doing it. It's SDs constitutional right to do it while it's Colorado's right to do something else. It's not one size fits all.
I agree, Each state should do what suits it best. What works for one state certainly will not work for the next. That is why the 10th amendment needs to be strengthened along with the Second Amendment.
There are a lot more on the books that are going to be rolled back in years to come...
Getting a concealed weapons permit in the state currently takes less than five minutes... And that’s far too long

And a trip to the Sheriffs department, you leave out. The Law change means that the same requirements still exist only you don't need to pay a visit to the Sheriffs office anymore.
Yes you go to any county sheriffs in the state, you show your ID they take your fingerprints and they do a quick background track it takes less than five minutes, although it should take only seconds in reality With today’s technology.

When I went for my renewal a few years ago, I was surprised that they issued it to me right on the spot. I thought I would have to wait for it in the mail like my original license. The worker said they do everything on the internet and it only takes like five minutes.
It should like a credit card, It should only take seconds at most...

I didn't mind. I was only there for about 20 minutes, and most of that was paperwork. I don't know why, but they ask you the same stupid questions as they did on your original application.

When I applied for my FFL it was before the Background Checks of today for purchasing a gun. The questions asked on the form was about the same ones as I would be asked today to purchase except for the storage and proof of business. IF I wanted an EFL for a full auto weapon license, it would be exactly the same questions as a standard background check except for the storage and the 200 bucks for the weapon.
The OP asked.....
What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

Statistically, it's almost exclusively Liberal / Leftist / Progressive areas where this is the case.

So, if you REALLY want to solve this nations gun problems, next time you vote.....avoid any chads next to the word "Democrat"
And a trip to the Sheriffs department, you leave out. The Law change means that the same requirements still exist only you don't need to pay a visit to the Sheriffs office anymore.
Yes you go to any county sheriffs in the state, you show your ID they take your fingerprints and they do a quick background track it takes less than five minutes, although it should take only seconds in reality With today’s technology.

July 1, 2019, you don't have to do that anymore. That's the upside. The Downside is, the CCW laws do apply regardless and some people are going to get in serious trouble because of this. CCW is different than open carry laws.
True, It’s a step in the right direction. Because the only permit to conceal carry should be the second amendment in reality

It has little to do with the 2nd amendment. It has everything to do with States Rights and Due Process. I don't ding SD for doing it. It's SDs constitutional right to do it while it's Colorado's right to do something else. It's not one size fits all.
I agree, Each state should do what suits it best. What works for one state certainly will not work for the next. That is why the 10th amendment needs to be strengthened along with the Second Amendment.

This is why I keep saying we need to rewrite the 2nd. For the most part, it has little meaning with the passage of various laws in the 20th century. The first 2 clauses are just plain meaningless and the last 5 words are too ambiguous for today. It worked fin for about 100 years but WAR changed things along with the power and the cost of weapons. As it is written, I question if the 1934 National Firearms Law is legal. But I can see why it was needed.
What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

Statistically, it's almost exclusively Liberal / Leftist / Progressive areas where this is the case.

So, if you REALLY want to solve this nations gun problems, next time you vote.....avoid any chads next to the word "Democrat"

When liberals talk about getting rid of guns, I remind them that they are the reason we need to carry guns. So if we want to get rid of guns, we would have to get rid of Democrats first. I'm all for that BTW.
The OP asked.....
What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

Statistically, it's almost exclusively Liberal / Leftist / Progressive areas where this is the case.

So, if you REALLY want to solve this nations gun problems, next time you vote.....avoid any chads next to the word "Democrat"

The first step to a cure is to get this Hate, Hate, Hate out of the picture. We are having a pretty good discussion without you coming in here and bringing in the political BS into things.
And a trip to the Sheriffs department, you leave out. The Law change means that the same requirements still exist only you don't need to pay a visit to the Sheriffs office anymore.
Yes you go to any county sheriffs in the state, you show your ID they take your fingerprints and they do a quick background track it takes less than five minutes, although it should take only seconds in reality With today’s technology.

When I went for my renewal a few years ago, I was surprised that they issued it to me right on the spot. I thought I would have to wait for it in the mail like my original license. The worker said they do everything on the internet and it only takes like five minutes.
It should like a credit card, It should only take seconds at most...

I didn't mind. I was only there for about 20 minutes, and most of that was paperwork. I don't know why, but they ask you the same stupid questions as they did on your original application.

When I applied for my FFL it was before the Background Checks of today for purchasing a gun. The questions asked on the form was about the same ones as I would be asked today to purchase except for the storage and proof of business. IF I wanted an EFL for a full auto weapon license, it would be exactly the same questions as a standard background check except for the storage and the 200 bucks for the weapon.

On our application they demanded to know everywhere you lived since an adult. That's a task within itself. HTF am I supposed to remember every address I ever lived? And why do they ask about your criminal history? They run a background check to find out all that information anyway.......
It’s none of your business who is armed and who is not at such events

Yes it is our business. I don’t want people with guns around my children or grandchildren.

I guess you should keep your children and grandchildren at home.

Years ago I was in line at our grocery store, and I forget how the subject came up with a few other customers. But we were discussing armed citizens. An elderly lady said something similar to what you did. I asked her how would she know who is carrying? She said she could tell just by the looks of them. I asked if I looked like one of those people? She replied "Of course not, you seem like too nice of a man to carry a gun!" I was wearing my shoulder holster and pulled my jacket back to show her I did indeed have a gun, and I just smiled.

I suggest you look up what that action gets you under most States CCW laws.

Some state's laws call the accidental revealing of your carry piece "brandishing." My state doesn't have that provision in our law. Brandishing would be considered waving your weapon around and acting as if you’re going to use it.

He didn't "Accidentally" show it. In this state, that would be considered brandishing.

And how would one prove that?
And a trip to the Sheriffs department, you leave out. The Law change means that the same requirements still exist only you don't need to pay a visit to the Sheriffs office anymore.
Yes you go to any county sheriffs in the state, you show your ID they take your fingerprints and they do a quick background track it takes less than five minutes, although it should take only seconds in reality With today’s technology.

July 1, 2019, you don't have to do that anymore. That's the upside. The Downside is, the CCW laws do apply regardless and some people are going to get in serious trouble because of this. CCW is different than open carry laws.
True, It’s a step in the right direction. Because the only permit to conceal carry should be the second amendment in reality

It has little to do with the 2nd amendment. It has everything to do with States Rights and Due Process. I don't ding SD for doing it. It's SDs constitutional right to do it while it's Colorado's right to do something else. It's not one size fits all.
I agree, Each state should do what suits it best. What works for one state certainly will not work for the next. That is why the 10th amendment needs to be strengthened along with the Second Amendment.

And it's not just each state. It's each township,County, etc.. What works in Rangely, Colorado doesn't work in Denver Colorado. Rural V Metro.
It’s none of your business who is armed and who is not at such events

Yes it is our business. I don’t want people with guns around my children or grandchildren.

I guess you should keep your children and grandchildren at home.

Years ago I was in line at our grocery store, and I forget how the subject came up with a few other customers. But we were discussing armed citizens. An elderly lady said something similar to what you did. I asked her how would she know who is carrying? She said she could tell just by the looks of them. I asked if I looked like one of those people? She replied "Of course not, you seem like too nice of a man to carry a gun!" I was wearing my shoulder holster and pulled my jacket back to show her I did indeed have a gun, and I just smiled.

I suggest you look up what that action gets you under most States CCW laws.

Some state's laws call the accidental revealing of your carry piece "brandishing." My state doesn't have that provision in our law. Brandishing would be considered waving your weapon around and acting as if you’re going to use it.

He didn't "Accidentally" show it. In this state, that would be considered brandishing.

That sucks. We're lucky to have one of the most liberal concealed carry laws in the country: No course or qualification if you're a veteran, just provide your DD-214. $50 for the initial application and background check, permit good for 5 years, $25 to renew it, carrying in a posted business is just a misdemeanor trespassing charge if you refuse to leave, no rules against "printing" or accidentally revealing your weapon, or even revealing it on purpose. I can even carry concealed in a bar, as long as I'm not drinking anything alcoholic. Local municipal laws cannot override the state law either, and there is no "may issue". The law is "shall issue", so you don't have to be signed off by the sheriff.

The only thing I can't do is carry inside a courthouse, police station, on the grounds of a public school, or in a nut house. We also have open carry too but the federal gun-free school zone laws apply, so you can't carry open within 1,000 feet of a public school. You can carry concealed within 1,000 feet of a public school, but not on the property. Otherwise you have to unload the weapon and put it in the trunk. The laws also did away with having to store a long gun in a case, so now you can just put them in the trunk. Unloaded of course.

I lived in Texas for 25 years and they have no restrictions on long guns. In other words, you can carry a loaded rifle or shotgun anywhere in your vehicle. The police tend to frown on that and rather you kept it out of sight.
Yes you go to any county sheriffs in the state, you show your ID they take your fingerprints and they do a quick background track it takes less than five minutes, although it should take only seconds in reality With today’s technology.

When I went for my renewal a few years ago, I was surprised that they issued it to me right on the spot. I thought I would have to wait for it in the mail like my original license. The worker said they do everything on the internet and it only takes like five minutes.
It should like a credit card, It should only take seconds at most...

I didn't mind. I was only there for about 20 minutes, and most of that was paperwork. I don't know why, but they ask you the same stupid questions as they did on your original application.

When I applied for my FFL it was before the Background Checks of today for purchasing a gun. The questions asked on the form was about the same ones as I would be asked today to purchase except for the storage and proof of business. IF I wanted an EFL for a full auto weapon license, it would be exactly the same questions as a standard background check except for the storage and the 200 bucks for the weapon.

On our application they demanded to know everywhere you lived since an adult. That's a task within itself. HTF am I supposed to remember every address I ever lived? And why do they ask about your criminal history? They run a background check to find out all that information anyway.......

At the time, I had a pretty high Military Security Clearance. What was it? Hell, never asked and if I had, I wouldn't have had it. Those that ask can't keep it. Those that claim that they know or knew what their real security level is or was are either lying out their ass or are fakes. The FBI already had all that information. I had recently retired from the Air Force and the Clearance was still standing.
Imagine for a moment that guns were fire extinguishers.....

It's like leftist go everywhere throwing gasoline and sparks on combustible materials, then get all bent out of shape because in response, people start carrying around fire extinguishers.

The ONLY reason we have a "gun problem" in this country is because the very people who want so desperately to "control guns" or take them away, make them absolutely necessary through their very poor social policies across the board.

Go back to the 1800's. CHILDREN carried loaded guns to school with them.
Correlation: liberal policies did not yet exist as we unfortunately know them today.
Yes it is our business. I don’t want people with guns around my children or grandchildren.

I guess you should keep your children and grandchildren at home.

Years ago I was in line at our grocery store, and I forget how the subject came up with a few other customers. But we were discussing armed citizens. An elderly lady said something similar to what you did. I asked her how would she know who is carrying? She said she could tell just by the looks of them. I asked if I looked like one of those people? She replied "Of course not, you seem like too nice of a man to carry a gun!" I was wearing my shoulder holster and pulled my jacket back to show her I did indeed have a gun, and I just smiled.

I suggest you look up what that action gets you under most States CCW laws.

Some state's laws call the accidental revealing of your carry piece "brandishing." My state doesn't have that provision in our law. Brandishing would be considered waving your weapon around and acting as if you’re going to use it.

He didn't "Accidentally" show it. In this state, that would be considered brandishing.

That sucks. We're lucky to have one of the most liberal concealed carry laws in the country: No course or qualification if you're a veteran, just provide your DD-214. $50 for the initial application and background check, permit good for 5 years, $25 to renew it, carrying in a posted business is just a misdemeanor trespassing charge if you refuse to leave, no rules against "printing" or accidentally revealing your weapon, or even revealing it on purpose. I can even carry concealed in a bar, as long as I'm not drinking anything alcoholic.

The only thing I can't do is carry inside a courthouse, police station, on the grounds of a public school, or in a nut house. We also have open carry too but the federal gun-free school zone laws apply, so you can't carry open within 1,000 feet of a public school. You can carry concealed within 1,000 feet of a public school, but not on the property. Otherwise you have to unload the weapon and put it in the trunk. The laws also did away with having to store a long gun in a case, so now you can just put them in the trunk. Unloaded of course.

I lived in Texas for 25 years and they have no restrictions on long guns. In other words, you can carry a loaded rifle or shotgun anywhere in your vehicle. The police tend to frown on that and rather you kept it out of sight.

In Colorado we also have the Veteran clause as well. But I suggest EVERYONE go through at least the short course. But it's better if you go through the 3 day course.

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