What Kind of Person is Supporting Trump?

Your Obamacare subsidies will end on January 21, 2017.
And I bet you're ready to celebrate people losing their health insurance. What a stand up guy!

They are free to do what I and many other Americans do. They can but their own insurance. I've been doing that since I was eighteen years old except for the time I was in the Army.
Maybe they don't have the money, hence the subsidies.

Obamacare is the law of the land. It's too late for you guys to do away with it. As Hillary says, let's make it better, not do away with it.

They made it before Obamacare. You'll find out if it's too late when President Trump takes office. We're not worried about what Hillary says.
You'd better be worried about what Hillary says. To underestimate your competition would be a big mistake

Do away with Obamacare and there will be a massive backlash against you, you will be "shellacked" in 2018 and 2020 and beyond.

Actually, it is the people who have Obamacare that we are counting on. Folks who saw their employer supported medical insurance go away. Folks who are seeing their co-pays, their deductibles, and their premiums skyrocket. Folks that saw their work week cut from 40 hours to 29. Folks that have had to take a part-time second job to replace the full time job they had before Obamacare came along. You know, the thousands that had good insurance before Obamacare through their employers.

As far as Hillary is concerned, just a couple of months ago she was beating Trump in all the polls in a head-to-head by double digits. Yesterday's Real Clear Politics had Trump beating her. She still has a couple of serious investigations ongoing as well.
And I bet you're ready to celebrate people losing their health insurance. What a stand up guy!

They are free to do what I and many other Americans do. They can but their own insurance. I've been doing that since I was eighteen years old except for the time I was in the Army.
Maybe they don't have the money, hence the subsidies.

Obamacare is the law of the land. It's too late for you guys to do away with it. As Hillary says, let's make it better, not do away with it.

Right, so it's too late to get rid of a law that has only been on the books for 6 years, but it's easy to dispose of the 2nd Amendment which has been on the books for 250 years.

You have to excuse us normal folks, but we don't buy the leftwing notion that once the leftwing agenda is passed that it's forever.
You can do away with it, and harm many people in the process of doing so.

For the record, I fully support the 2nd amendment. There is still room for laws to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

Obamacare is harming about 300 million Americans, so I will cheer when they do away with it.

And I sincerely doubt you support the 2nd Amendment.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is the idiocy of Trump supporters, not the ACA.
Non-republicans are nonetheless placing their trust in average, everyday, rank and file republicans to do the right thing and reject Trump as their nominee.

If not, then the American people will reject Trump during the GE, refusing to have a con artist and snake oil salesman as president, and republicans will have lost yet another presidential election.

Let's see:

A successful businessman vs a criminal under FBI investigation.

A successful businessman vs an admitted Socialist.

Yep, those informed Americans will surly vote against Trump.
They are free to do what I and many other Americans do. They can but their own insurance. I've been doing that since I was eighteen years old except for the time I was in the Army.
Maybe they don't have the money, hence the subsidies.

Obamacare is the law of the land. It's too late for you guys to do away with it. As Hillary says, let's make it better, not do away with it.

Right, so it's too late to get rid of a law that has only been on the books for 6 years, but it's easy to dispose of the 2nd Amendment which has been on the books for 250 years.

You have to excuse us normal folks, but we don't buy the leftwing notion that once the leftwing agenda is passed that it's forever.
You can do away with it, and harm many people in the process of doing so.

For the record, I fully support the 2nd amendment. There is still room for laws to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

Obamacare is harming about 300 million Americans, so I will cheer when they do away with it.

And I sincerely doubt you support the 2nd Amendment.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is the idiocy of Trump supporters, not the ACA.

You're not impressing anyone running around thread to thread saying this is a composition fallacy or a red herring, it's obvious you are unable to defend your comments and a total waste of bytes.
They are free to do what I and many other Americans do. They can but their own insurance. I've been doing that since I was eighteen years old except for the time I was in the Army.
Maybe they don't have the money, hence the subsidies.

Obamacare is the law of the land. It's too late for you guys to do away with it. As Hillary says, let's make it better, not do away with it.

Right, so it's too late to get rid of a law that has only been on the books for 6 years, but it's easy to dispose of the 2nd Amendment which has been on the books for 250 years.

You have to excuse us normal folks, but we don't buy the leftwing notion that once the leftwing agenda is passed that it's forever.
You can do away with it, and harm many people in the process of doing so.

For the record, I fully support the 2nd amendment. There is still room for laws to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

Obamacare is harming about 300 million Americans, so I will cheer when they do away with it.

And I sincerely doubt you support the 2nd Amendment.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is the idiocy of Trump supporters, not the ACA.

No it doesn't. It actually proves that Trump supporters are sensible people. It's the OP that is idiocy.
You liberals are just digging your own hole deeper and deeper. By your snobby, self-righteous, dehumanizing reaction to Trump supporters and their very real dissatisfaction of current policies, you're just showing your own elitist contempt for the poorer working class of America who are sick of politically correct, crybullying subversions to this society. Are liberals too dumb to notice that the more they rail against Trump with their arrogant self-righteousness, the more people they drive into supporting Trump? What am I saying, of course they are! At least under Obamaggot, the democratic party has turned into a movement that's sooooo far up its own asshole, I'll bet Obama supporter traitors could nurse out of their own gall bladders.


People think that Trump is popular because of the entertainment value. That's not so. The real entertainment value are the people who are so upset with his success that it's evident they are losing sleep at night.

That's not just on the left, it's on the right as well.

I listen to the Michel Smerconish show on Serious radio. The minute he gets a chance to stomp up and down about Trump, he takes it. Same goes for Michael Medved on Salem Communications. We also have a local guy here in Cleveland who has a two hour radio show, and he spent nearly all two hours last Friday bashing Trump.

You have to love it. The primaries have never been this entertaining before.

Good! American politics is fucked-up enough that adding some extra wild entertainment to it can only be a good thing. I would venture that most of mainstream America is sick and tired of the self-hating, 3rd-world-worship, anti-Free-Speech political retribution against white males that liberalism mutated into under the most crybaby, chip-on-shoulder, America-resenting president in American history.
Maybe they don't have the money, hence the subsidies.

Obamacare is the law of the land. It's too late for you guys to do away with it. As Hillary says, let's make it better, not do away with it.

Right, so it's too late to get rid of a law that has only been on the books for 6 years, but it's easy to dispose of the 2nd Amendment which has been on the books for 250 years.

You have to excuse us normal folks, but we don't buy the leftwing notion that once the leftwing agenda is passed that it's forever.
You can do away with it, and harm many people in the process of doing so.

For the record, I fully support the 2nd amendment. There is still room for laws to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

Obamacare is harming about 300 million Americans, so I will cheer when they do away with it.

And I sincerely doubt you support the 2nd Amendment.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is the idiocy of Trump supporters, not the ACA.

You're not impressing anyone running around thread to thread saying this is a composition fallacy or a red herring, it's obvious you are unable to defend your comments and a total waste of bytes.
He's impressing me!
Non-republicans are nonetheless placing their trust in average, everyday, rank and file republicans to do the right thing and reject Trump as their nominee.

If not, then the American people will reject Trump during the GE, refusing to have a con artist and snake oil salesman as president, and republicans will have lost yet another presidential election.

Let's see:

A successful businessman vs a criminal under FBI investigation.

A successful businessman vs an admitted Socialist.

Yep, those informed Americans will surly vote against Trump.

People who go bankrupt four times are not successful. They are coddled by plutocratic laws.
They are free to do what I and many other Americans do. They can but their own insurance. I've been doing that since I was eighteen years old except for the time I was in the Army.
Maybe they don't have the money, hence the subsidies.

Obamacare is the law of the land. It's too late for you guys to do away with it. As Hillary says, let's make it better, not do away with it.

Right, so it's too late to get rid of a law that has only been on the books for 6 years, but it's easy to dispose of the 2nd Amendment which has been on the books for 250 years.

You have to excuse us normal folks, but we don't buy the leftwing notion that once the leftwing agenda is passed that it's forever.
You can do away with it, and harm many people in the process of doing so.

For the record, I fully support the 2nd amendment. There is still room for laws to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

Obamacare is harming about 300 million Americans, so I will cheer when they do away with it.

And I sincerely doubt you support the 2nd Amendment.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is the idiocy of Trump supporters, not the ACA.

You are proof that Limousine Liberals are racists.
Non-republicans are nonetheless placing their trust in average, everyday, rank and file republicans to do the right thing and reject Trump as their nominee.

If not, then the American people will reject Trump during the GE, refusing to have a con artist and snake oil salesman as president, and republicans will have lost yet another presidential election.

Let's see:

A successful businessman vs a criminal under FBI investigation.

A successful businessman vs an admitted Socialist.

Yep, those informed Americans will surly vote against Trump.

People who go bankrupt four times are not successful. They are coddled by plutocratic laws.

In business you work the system to your advantage.
Deflect again. He uses companies and people to get whatever satisfaction for him. He is the definition of a pyschopath. There is no reasoning with him. He does what he wants all the time, because he has money. If you want to deflect then remember that at the time hillary was did these "evil" things trump was behind the clintons supporting them and well after. Now he doesn't like clinton. Surprise surprise. He is against most constitutional principles first amendment is what he wants to change.
Timothy, successful people use their companies to solidify their deals with others. A psychopath is a person with a mental disorder resulting in abnormal or violent social behavior. Now what has Trump done that is abnormal or violent?
Of course there is reasoning with him. He has changed his mind about people all during the campaign, one if which was Roger Ailes. Once they make a compromise, all is well again.
Now if you want abnormal behavior, let's talk about Hillary and her penchant for lying. I have different videos proving just that. She lies even about thinks that don't matter. Was there any problem with her landing in Bosnia like any other trip? No. But she made it out to be snipers shooting at their every move. What a brave lady she was! Hogwash. What a brave liar she is! Now, THAT is ABNORMAL!
He only changes his mind if you massage his ego, that is not the same. I am not going to defend hillary because she is indefensible. Trump lacks empathy a tell tale sign of a psychopath and research has shown those with power exibit these tendancies. If he is elected, he will maybe serve 6 months before he quits. He doesn't realise how much he has to do. And what he won't be allowed to do. He will quit because of his ego and tendancies and blame everybody else for his failings. I have worked with people like trump, they never last long.

Funny, that's what people were predicting throughout the primary debates.

Successful people don't become successful by running away from work. They actually work harder.
Sure he is successful, but on the backs of other people. He did not write any of " his" books but claims credit for them. Trump is a brand, they just use his name "logo" and other people do the work and he gets money. He is actually going to have to work and make life and death decisions. He is going to have to keep secrets, can he be trusted with intel? Or if some country critizises him is he going to open his mouth and use that Intel to threaten?
You must be a millennial. Trump is successful because of the people who work for him. LMAO!!! He gave thousands jobs, but it was their finesse and daring that made him a billionaire. You are out of our league, Timothy.
Well don't take it from me, let trump speak for himself. He is just a brand. He claims it is his genuis but never says what that means. You are being led by your nose. He did house the homeless at one point in the 80's but that was only to have the middle class tenants leave the buildings so he could make his buildings and cater to the upper class. So yes screwing people over is trumps brand and he sells it well. Trump university was a joke. But hey he is your guy so you will love him no matter what. Lmao. if elected he will trample the constitution, probably worse then bush and obama after him did with the patriot act BS. But he will not last long because of his ego and thin skin he will quit.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

Hopefully hillary or Bernie wins and the Republicans change their ways moving forward. 8 years of obstruction after 8 years of bush is enough.

Hopefully the dems take the Senate back too. Then maybe Paul Ryan will be reasonable
To try to answer the question posed by the OP...

Self-Proclaimed Trump Supporters Wear KKK Robes at Nevada Caucus Trump Supporters Wear KKK Robes at Nevada Caucus

View attachment 65041

Yeah, guilt by association has always worked well for you liberals, hasn't it?
Has Trump rejected the support? It is guilt by tacit acceptance of their support

Trump stares down protester wearing 'KKK endorses Trump' shirt
Ok.....but he said the good old days, and he referenced police abuse by taking those guys out of their seats so fast. Lol then he referenced how political correctness is destroying America. The KKK is very unPC. Not sure what your point is but it seems like it may be opposite of what you intended.
Sure he is successful, but on the backs of other people. He did not write any of " his" books but claims credit for them. Trump is a brand, they just use his name "logo" and other people do the work and he gets money. He is actually going to have to work and make life and death decisions. He is going to have to keep secrets, can he be trusted with intel? Or if some country critizises him is he going to open his mouth and use that Intel to threaten?

Define "other people".

What did you buy with the Trump logo on it?
What kind of people ask and answer their own question? Generally it's people who turn out to be the very thing they accuse others of being I'm not a Trump supporter but I also don't see those who support Trump as racist hate filled uneducated people.
Deflect again. He uses companies and people to get whatever satisfaction for him. He is the definition of a pyschopath. There is no reasoning with him. He does what he wants all the time, because he has money. If you want to deflect then remember that at the time hillary was did these "evil" things trump was behind the clintons supporting them and well after. Now he doesn't like clinton. Surprise surprise. He is against most constitutional principles first amendment is what he wants to change.
Timothy, successful people use their companies to solidify their deals with others. A psychopath is a person with a mental disorder resulting in abnormal or violent social behavior. Now what has Trump done that is abnormal or violent?
Of course there is reasoning with him. He has changed his mind about people all during the campaign, one if which was Roger Ailes. Once they make a compromise, all is well again.
Now if you want abnormal behavior, let's talk about Hillary and her penchant for lying. I have different videos proving just that. She lies even about thinks that don't matter. Was there any problem with her landing in Bosnia like any other trip? No. But she made it out to be snipers shooting at their every move. What a brave lady she was! Hogwash. What a brave liar she is! Now, THAT is ABNORMAL!
He only changes his mind if you massage his ego, that is not the same. I am not going to defend hillary because she is indefensible. Trump lacks empathy a tell tale sign of a psychopath and research has shown those with power exibit these tendancies. If he is elected, he will maybe serve 6 months before he quits. He doesn't realise how much he has to do. And what he won't be allowed to do. He will quit because of his ego and tendancies and blame everybody else for his failings. I have worked with people like trump, they never last long.

Funny, that's what people were predicting throughout the primary debates.

Successful people don't become successful by running away from work. They actually work harder.
Sure he is successful, but on the backs of other people. He did not write any of " his" books but claims credit for them. Trump is a brand, they just use his name "logo" and other people do the work and he gets money. He is actually going to have to work and make life and death decisions. He is going to have to keep secrets, can he be trusted with intel? Or if some country critizises him is he going to open his mouth and use that Intel to threaten?

Most of the other countries already have our intel secrets. They got them from Hillary's server.
I hope you are trying to be funny, but Intel changes every day sometimes on the hour, and are briefed daily to the president sometimes more than once.
To try to answer the question posed by the OP...

Self-Proclaimed Trump Supporters Wear KKK Robes at Nevada Caucus Trump Supporters Wear KKK Robes at Nevada Caucus

View attachment 65041

Yeah, guilt by association has always worked well for you liberals, hasn't it?
Has Trump rejected the support? It is guilt by tacit acceptance of their support

Trump stares down protester wearing 'KKK endorses Trump' shirt
Ok.....but he said the good old days, and he referenced police abuse by taking those guys out of their seats so fast. Lol then he referenced how political correctness is destroying America. The KKK is very unPC. Not sure what your point is but it seems like it may be opposite of what you intended.

I have no idea WTF you're watching or reading. Trump's reference of political correctness was that the police acted too slow in getting rid of those people. In the good ole days "as Trump put it" the police would have ripped those people right out of their seats.

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