What Kind of Person is Supporting Trump?

Hello - George Costanza here, the author of this thread. Remember me?

479 posts on this thread and NOT ONE of them answers or even comments on the question raised in the thread title. What kind of person is supporting Trump? Well, no one DIRECTLY answered the question, but a whole bunch of you answered the question indirectly. The vast majority of the posts on this thread is rude, offensive, off-point, insulting to other posters and almost universally ad hominem. Nice going, "folks," as Donald likes to say - you really have answered the thread question.
There's nothing like a critique from a friendly liberal. What kind of answers would you be expecting from an arrogant idiot question like that in the first place? Many "kinds" of people are supporting Trump for various reasons, mostly economic. If you need a kind to cubbyhole, it's the kind that are worried about the country. I'm not a supporter but can understand the sentiment.
If the companies don't come back they can't do business here? That's going to increase job opportunities? Milwaukee sold to a Chinese company, so the brand would be banned here? Do you think this stuff through?

That SHOULD be the way of things..... American workers of American companies making American products here in America for American consumers. THAT should be the US economic model.

Says the guy driving a car built in Mexico. Just BATHE in that hypocrisy, dude!
Please, spare me from your utopia. I like eating bananas. I don't need some Kommisar deciding what I need.

I literally couldn't care less what you, or anyone else, likes or doesn't like. It's aboit what's best for the nation; and I don't LIKE seeing Americans buying crap from foreign countries. Especially Socialist and/or Socialist supported counties.

Yet...you did it. HYPOCRITE!
Odium is a socialist, a liberal, in other words. He supports Obama as well.

Proving yet again what a fucking retard bald-faced liar brainsplat is....

One of the worst resident white supremacists and neo-Nazi here supports Obama according to neo-confederate bri.


No, chump, he's your brethren Trump supporter.

"The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother."

Where did he mention Obama? If you don't believe me, then just do a search on "Odium" and "Obama." You'll see that he consistently defends Obama. He doesn't support Trump.

You just assumed that because he's a racist that he supports Trump. You only proved what a great big bigot you are.
See what a liar and a retard Brainsplat is?

He's a fucking white supremacist neo-nazi, you idiot. Your kin & a Trump supporter. He said he supports Trump, and not only does he hate Obama, he is cracked off his ass and thinks Obama murdered Scalia.

When obama Spoke About Justice Scalia, I Changed the Channel to Food Network.
...do not think he died naturally I think he was poisoned on purpose by Obama's drones so Obama could nominate a fellow Anti American to the... Post by: Odium,

Sanders: Wal Mart's Walton Family should get off welfare.
...term but long term. Why you think so many pro white folk wanted a Obama win in 2008? That dumbass has brought America to her knees damn near!...

Jesse Jackson to South Carolina Churchgoers: 'If You Voted Yesterday, You Need a Real Prayer'
White folks have had enough it seems of racist bastards like Jackson and Sharpton and Obama....GOOD! Its well past time we fix this country.

The search engine isn't that difficult for you to operate, dildo. Or maybe it is. :lol:

Wrong, you dumb asshole:

Obama Plays Hardball With Israel for Once CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
YES SIR! Show them sons of bitches who the boss is! The man is gaining more of my respect every day.

Obama GOP trying to bamboozle voters TheHill

President Obama used his speech to the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting to scold the GOP, accusing them of trying to "bamboozle" voters by saying they're the party of the middle class after doing everything they could to stop the policies he argued have helped lift the economy.

"Their rhetoric has not matched the reality. If you want to help working moms and dads, you can't just dismiss things like childcare and paid leave," he said to cheers and claps from the audience.

Right on the money.

Obama calls for more rights for struggling student borrowers - Yahoo News

Good one small step...needs to be bigger steps.

Boehner Obama is an anti-war president TheHill

And this is a bad thing? Now being a president means you must be pro war? What a flaming retard.

How does it feel to know someone proved that you're just a giant bigoted asshole?

Why are you linking to articles? Why aren't you linking to his posts?

Or what anyone can see when they read your fellow white supremacists posts or do a search? That you plucked those jew-hater and dude who calls black kids "nigglets" quotes and try and pawn your white supremacist kin off on liberals is hilarious.

He's YOUR Trump supporting bro. Live with it, you skank ass bigot.

I think we've already proved that you're the bigot, based on the definition of the term. You assumed Odium was a right winger simply because he's a racist. Yet, he supports all the liberal social programs that you support. He supports government funded childcare, paid maternal leave, government pensions, "free" healthcare, and "free college education. In other words, he's a died-in-the-wool liberal. The fact is that aside from wanting to exterminate the Jews, liberals are indistinguishable from Nazis. I take that back. They aren't any different in that regard either. I have exchanges with a number of self styled "liberals" on this board who make it plain they would like to see the Palestinians and Israel's neighbors wipe it off the map.

Your problem is that you've swallowed all the bullshit your commie professors fed you in school, and it's all big fat fucking lie. When you are confronted with the truth, you're like dear in the headlights. All you can do is is sputter and call your critics "white supremacists" when you don't have a shred of proof that they are anything of the sort.

Your a great big asshole bigot. You have proved that hands down.
Last edited:
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

i think any of the remaining candidates would do that. trump just makes it easier because he has the highest unfavorable ratings of any candidate. but the reality is, since they're not smart enough to go for kasich, they lose anyway.
Proving yet again what a fucking retard bald-faced liar brainsplat is....

One of the worst resident white supremacists and neo-Nazi here supports Obama according to neo-confederate bri.


No, chump, he's your brethren Trump supporter.

"The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother."

Where did he mention Obama? If you don't believe me, then just do a search on "Odium" and "Obama." You'll see that he consistently defends Obama. He doesn't support Trump.

You just assumed that because he's a racist that he supports Trump. You only proved what a great big bigot you are.
See what a liar and a retard Brainsplat is?

He's a fucking white supremacist neo-nazi, you idiot. Your kin & a Trump supporter. He said he supports Trump, and not only does he hate Obama, he is cracked off his ass and thinks Obama murdered Scalia.

When obama Spoke About Justice Scalia, I Changed the Channel to Food Network.
...do not think he died naturally I think he was poisoned on purpose by Obama's drones so Obama could nominate a fellow Anti American to the... Post by: Odium,

Sanders: Wal Mart's Walton Family should get off welfare.
...term but long term. Why you think so many pro white folk wanted a Obama win in 2008? That dumbass has brought America to her knees damn near!...

Jesse Jackson to South Carolina Churchgoers: 'If You Voted Yesterday, You Need a Real Prayer'
White folks have had enough it seems of racist bastards like Jackson and Sharpton and Obama....GOOD! Its well past time we fix this country.

The search engine isn't that difficult for you to operate, dildo. Or maybe it is. :lol:

Wrong, you dumb asshole:

Obama Plays Hardball With Israel for Once CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
YES SIR! Show them sons of bitches who the boss is! The man is gaining more of my respect every day.

Obama GOP trying to bamboozle voters TheHill

President Obama used his speech to the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting to scold the GOP, accusing them of trying to "bamboozle" voters by saying they're the party of the middle class after doing everything they could to stop the policies he argued have helped lift the economy.

"Their rhetoric has not matched the reality. If you want to help working moms and dads, you can't just dismiss things like childcare and paid leave," he said to cheers and claps from the audience.

Right on the money.

Obama calls for more rights for struggling student borrowers - Yahoo News

Good one small step...needs to be bigger steps.

Boehner Obama is an anti-war president TheHill

And this is a bad thing? Now being a president means you must be pro war? What a flaming retard.

How does it feel to know someone proved that you're just a giant bigoted asshole?

Why are you linking to articles? Why aren't you linking to his posts?

Or what anyone can see when they read your fellow white supremacists posts or do a search? That you plucked those jew-hater and dude who calls black kids "nigglets" quotes and try and pawn your white supremacist kin off on liberals is hilarious.

He's YOUR Trump supporting bro. Live with it, you skank ass bigot.

I think we've already proved that your the bigot, based on the definition of the term. You assumed Odium was a right winger simply because he's a racist. Yet, he supports all the liberal social programs that you support. He supports government funded childcare, paid maternal leave, government pensions, "free" healthcare, and "free college education. In other words, he's a died-in-the-wool liberal. The fact is that aside from wanting to exterminate the Jews, liberals are indistinguishable from Nazis. I take that back. They aren't any different in that regard either. I have exchanges with a number of self styled "liberals" on this board who make it plain they would like to see the Palestinians and Israel's neighbors wipe it off the map.

Your problem is that you've swallowed all the bullshit your commie professors fed you in school, and it's all big fat fucking lie. When you are confronted with the truth, you're like dear in the headlights. All you can do is is sputter and call your critics "white supremacists" when you don't have a shred of proof that they are anything of the sort.

Your a great big asshole bigot. You have proved that hands down.

is this a "thing"? where the most disgusting bigoted trash on the board traipse around calling normal people bigots?

loser. :cuckoo:
Hello - George Costanza here, the author of this thread. Remember me?

479 posts on this thread and NOT ONE of them answers or even comments on the question raised in the thread title. What kind of person is supporting Trump? Well, no one DIRECTLY answered the question, but a whole bunch of you answered the question indirectly. The vast majority of the posts on this thread is rude, offensive, off-point, insulting to other posters and almost universally ad hominem. Nice going, "folks," as Donald likes to say - you really have answered the thread question.

Yes, that's true, but your Komrades are the ones who are rude, offensive, off-point and insulting.
Where did he mention Obama? If you don't believe me, then just do a search on "Odium" and "Obama." You'll see that he consistently defends Obama. He doesn't support Trump.

You just assumed that because he's a racist that he supports Trump. You only proved what a great big bigot you are.
See what a liar and a retard Brainsplat is?

He's a fucking white supremacist neo-nazi, you idiot. Your kin & a Trump supporter. He said he supports Trump, and not only does he hate Obama, he is cracked off his ass and thinks Obama murdered Scalia.

When obama Spoke About Justice Scalia, I Changed the Channel to Food Network.
...do not think he died naturally I think he was poisoned on purpose by Obama's drones so Obama could nominate a fellow Anti American to the... Post by: Odium,

Sanders: Wal Mart's Walton Family should get off welfare.
...term but long term. Why you think so many pro white folk wanted a Obama win in 2008? That dumbass has brought America to her knees damn near!...

Jesse Jackson to South Carolina Churchgoers: 'If You Voted Yesterday, You Need a Real Prayer'
White folks have had enough it seems of racist bastards like Jackson and Sharpton and Obama....GOOD! Its well past time we fix this country.

The search engine isn't that difficult for you to operate, dildo. Or maybe it is. :lol:

Wrong, you dumb asshole:

Obama Plays Hardball With Israel for Once CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
YES SIR! Show them sons of bitches who the boss is! The man is gaining more of my respect every day.

Obama GOP trying to bamboozle voters TheHill

President Obama used his speech to the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting to scold the GOP, accusing them of trying to "bamboozle" voters by saying they're the party of the middle class after doing everything they could to stop the policies he argued have helped lift the economy.

"Their rhetoric has not matched the reality. If you want to help working moms and dads, you can't just dismiss things like childcare and paid leave," he said to cheers and claps from the audience.

Right on the money.

Obama calls for more rights for struggling student borrowers - Yahoo News

Good one small step...needs to be bigger steps.

Boehner Obama is an anti-war president TheHill

And this is a bad thing? Now being a president means you must be pro war? What a flaming retard.

How does it feel to know someone proved that you're just a giant bigoted asshole?

Why are you linking to articles? Why aren't you linking to his posts?

Or what anyone can see when they read your fellow white supremacists posts or do a search? That you plucked those jew-hater and dude who calls black kids "nigglets" quotes and try and pawn your white supremacist kin off on liberals is hilarious.

He's YOUR Trump supporting bro. Live with it, you skank ass bigot.

I think we've already proved that your the bigot, based on the definition of the term. You assumed Odium was a right winger simply because he's a racist. Yet, he supports all the liberal social programs that you support. He supports government funded childcare, paid maternal leave, government pensions, "free" healthcare, and "free college education. In other words, he's a died-in-the-wool liberal. The fact is that aside from wanting to exterminate the Jews, liberals are indistinguishable from Nazis. I take that back. They aren't any different in that regard either. I have exchanges with a number of self styled "liberals" on this board who make it plain they would like to see the Palestinians and Israel's neighbors wipe it off the map.

Your problem is that you've swallowed all the bullshit your commie professors fed you in school, and it's all big fat fucking lie. When you are confronted with the truth, you're like dear in the headlights. All you can do is is sputter and call your critics "white supremacists" when you don't have a shred of proof that they are anything of the sort.

Your a great big asshole bigot. You have proved that hands down.

is this a "thing"? where the most disgusting bigoted trash on the board traipse around calling normal people bigots?

loser. :cuckoo:

It's a "thing" for payperview. That's his modus operandi.
Last edited:
oh stuff it. you snobs are the worst of all mankind in my book. your noses are so high up in the air you block the sun off your face.

low and slimy and that includes the author of the garbage and the LASlimes for putting it out
Ever noticed wgat direction Trump's nose is pointed when he's not speaking.

Funny how you think you're not voting for an elitist when you're voting for a freakin' New York billionare! You rubes!

You're not understanding the problem conservatives have with elitist snobs.
Oh I get it. But then you go and vote for elitists who sort of pretend not to be
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

i think any of the remaining candidates would do that. trump just makes it easier because he has the highest unfavorable ratings of any candidate. but the reality is, since they're not smart enough to go for kasich, they lose anyway.

Correct. We've had so much luck with moderates, you think we would have learned something by now.
I went to see my doctor a few months ago. When I got there, I went to the desk that I normally go to check in, and it was dark with nobody behind the counter. I was greeted by a lady who escorted me to Kiosk, and she told me I have to checkin myself.
Damn, pretty soon you'll be able to scan your pecker at home and be done with it.

Thank goodness I'll be off this earth by then.
......fuck that trashy assuming rag of an article.....to the OP inquiry........froommmmm the 'git...go.....most NY'ers are familiar with Trump pre 'reality tv' bitches....so, 'ya either love 'em or hate 'um, but......as NY'ers.;....we all know he's a driven man who gets great ideas implemented and then great things happen economically as well as>>>>>>>>>high quality....always bitches! ....key point>>>>>>>>>....quality......you can count on him to straighten out our economy, budgets, create jobs, build walls, etc.......he will do what he says.......that's good enough for me.....an d a big leauge fuck you to liberalism/obamaism
Everyone is a Trump supporter "Ya Freakin' OP Moronnnnsss! HAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Proving yet again what a fucking retard bald-faced liar brainsplat is....

One of the worst resident white supremacists and neo-Nazi here supports Obama according to neo-confederate bri.


No, chump, he's your brethren Trump supporter.

"The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother."

Where did he mention Obama? If you don't believe me, then just do a search on "Odium" and "Obama." You'll see that he consistently defends Obama. He doesn't support Trump.

You just assumed that because he's a racist that he supports Trump. You only proved what a great big bigot you are.
See what a liar and a retard Brainsplat is?

He's a fucking white supremacist neo-nazi, you idiot. Your kin & a Trump supporter. He said he supports Trump, and not only does he hate Obama, he is cracked off his ass and thinks Obama murdered Scalia.

When obama Spoke About Justice Scalia, I Changed the Channel to Food Network.
...do not think he died naturally I think he was poisoned on purpose by Obama's drones so Obama could nominate a fellow Anti American to the... Post by: Odium,

Sanders: Wal Mart's Walton Family should get off welfare.
...term but long term. Why you think so many pro white folk wanted a Obama win in 2008? That dumbass has brought America to her knees damn near!...

Jesse Jackson to South Carolina Churchgoers: 'If You Voted Yesterday, You Need a Real Prayer'
White folks have had enough it seems of racist bastards like Jackson and Sharpton and Obama....GOOD! Its well past time we fix this country.

The search engine isn't that difficult for you to operate, dildo. Or maybe it is. :lol:

Wrong, you dumb asshole:

Obama Plays Hardball With Israel for Once CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
YES SIR! Show them sons of bitches who the boss is! The man is gaining more of my respect every day.

Obama GOP trying to bamboozle voters TheHill

President Obama used his speech to the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting to scold the GOP, accusing them of trying to "bamboozle" voters by saying they're the party of the middle class after doing everything they could to stop the policies he argued have helped lift the economy.

"Their rhetoric has not matched the reality. If you want to help working moms and dads, you can't just dismiss things like childcare and paid leave," he said to cheers and claps from the audience.

Right on the money.

Obama calls for more rights for struggling student borrowers - Yahoo News

Good one small step...needs to be bigger steps.

Boehner Obama is an anti-war president TheHill

And this is a bad thing? Now being a president means you must be pro war? What a flaming retard.

How does it feel to know someone proved that you're just a giant bigoted asshole?

Why are you linking to articles? Why aren't you linking to his posts?

Or what anyone can see when they read your fellow white supremacists posts or do a search? That you plucked those jew-hater and dude who calls black kids "nigglets" quotes and try and pawn your white supremacist kin off on liberals is hilarious.

He's YOUR Trump supporting bro. Live with it, you skank ass bigot.

I think we've already proved that you're the bigot, based on the definition of the term. You assumed Odium was a right winger simply because he's a racist. Yet, he supports all the liberal social programs that you support. He supports government funded childcare, paid maternal leave, government pensions, "free" healthcare, and "free college education. In other words, he's a died-in-the-wool liberal. The fact is that aside from wanting to exterminate the Jews, liberals are indistinguishable from Nazis. I take that back. They aren't any different in that regard either. I have exchanges with a number of self styled "liberals" on this board who make it plain they would like to see the Palestinians and Israel's neighbors wipe it off the map.

Your problem is that you've swallowed all the bullshit your commie professors fed you in school, and it's all big fat fucking lie. When you are confronted with the truth, you're like dear in the headlights. All you can do is is sputter and call your critics "white supremacists" when you don't have a shred of proof that they are anything of the sort.

Your a great big asshole bigot. You have proved that hands down.

Bripat <----proving again how he constantly lies.

His soulmate, Odium, HATES Obama, and supports Trump, and also hates Lincoln, (don't you love it?) just like Brainsplat.

It's killing him these are his fellow racist Trump supporters - the fun is watching the neo-confederate try to disavow his fellow brethren.

Okay, paperview.....Hmmmmmm.....what's your point my dearie? You some sort of Pseudo-intellectual - l-i-b-e-r-a-l......?

Whatcha' beez tri4lin' 'bout boy? .....hmmmmmmm
Where did he mention Obama? If you don't believe me, then just do a search on "Odium" and "Obama." You'll see that he consistently defends Obama. He doesn't support Trump.

You just assumed that because he's a racist that he supports Trump. You only proved what a great big bigot you are.
See what a liar and a retard Brainsplat is?

He's a fucking white supremacist neo-nazi, you idiot. Your kin & a Trump supporter. He said he supports Trump, and not only does he hate Obama, he is cracked off his ass and thinks Obama murdered Scalia.

When obama Spoke About Justice Scalia, I Changed the Channel to Food Network.
...do not think he died naturally I think he was poisoned on purpose by Obama's drones so Obama could nominate a fellow Anti American to the... Post by: Odium,

Sanders: Wal Mart's Walton Family should get off welfare.
...term but long term. Why you think so many pro white folk wanted a Obama win in 2008? That dumbass has brought America to her knees damn near!...

Jesse Jackson to South Carolina Churchgoers: 'If You Voted Yesterday, You Need a Real Prayer'
White folks have had enough it seems of racist bastards like Jackson and Sharpton and Obama....GOOD! Its well past time we fix this country.

The search engine isn't that difficult for you to operate, dildo. Or maybe it is. :lol:

Wrong, you dumb asshole:

Obama Plays Hardball With Israel for Once CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
YES SIR! Show them sons of bitches who the boss is! The man is gaining more of my respect every day.

Obama GOP trying to bamboozle voters TheHill

President Obama used his speech to the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting to scold the GOP, accusing them of trying to "bamboozle" voters by saying they're the party of the middle class after doing everything they could to stop the policies he argued have helped lift the economy.

"Their rhetoric has not matched the reality. If you want to help working moms and dads, you can't just dismiss things like childcare and paid leave," he said to cheers and claps from the audience.

Right on the money.

Obama calls for more rights for struggling student borrowers - Yahoo News

Good one small step...needs to be bigger steps.

Boehner Obama is an anti-war president TheHill

And this is a bad thing? Now being a president means you must be pro war? What a flaming retard.

How does it feel to know someone proved that you're just a giant bigoted asshole?

Why are you linking to articles? Why aren't you linking to his posts?

Or what anyone can see when they read your fellow white supremacists posts or do a search? That you plucked those jew-hater and dude who calls black kids "nigglets" quotes and try and pawn your white supremacist kin off on liberals is hilarious.

He's YOUR Trump supporting bro. Live with it, you skank ass bigot.

I think we've already proved that you're the bigot, based on the definition of the term. You assumed Odium was a right winger simply because he's a racist. Yet, he supports all the liberal social programs that you support. He supports government funded childcare, paid maternal leave, government pensions, "free" healthcare, and "free college education. In other words, he's a died-in-the-wool liberal. The fact is that aside from wanting to exterminate the Jews, liberals are indistinguishable from Nazis. I take that back. They aren't any different in that regard either. I have exchanges with a number of self styled "liberals" on this board who make it plain they would like to see the Palestinians and Israel's neighbors wipe it off the map.

Your problem is that you've swallowed all the bullshit your commie professors fed you in school, and it's all big fat fucking lie. When you are confronted with the truth, you're like dear in the headlights. All you can do is is sputter and call your critics "white supremacists" when you don't have a shred of proof that they are anything of the sort.

Your a great big asshole bigot. You have proved that hands down.

Bripat <----proving again how he constantly lies.

His soulmate, Odium, HATES Obama, and supports Trump, and also hates Lincoln, (don't you love it?) just like Brainsplat.

It's killing him these are his fellow racist Trump supporters - the fun is watching the neo-confederate try to disavow his fellow brethren.


Odium has far more in common with leftwing douche bags like you than he does with me. He supports government paid childcare, paid maternity leave, free healthcare, free college and government pensions. Which of those do you disagree with?

It just kills you that you have so much in common with Odium, doesn't it? On top of that, you're a sleazy lying bigot.

Not a good day for you, is it?
Think on this, fellow readers -- bripat is stupid enough to think an avowed white supremacist neo-Nazi supports Obama.

How funny is that?
I just proved it, you lying dumbass. It just kills you, doesn't it?
No, you didn't - idiot.

Keep slurping Odium's cum. It suits you. Maybe you and him can walk arm in arm to vote for your hero Trump:. The racist's choice supreme.

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