What Kind of Person is Supporting Trump?

.....hahahahahahi........ have no idea who he is other than senator from Alabama......hahahahahaha......such a paradox.....
here's this NY billionaire, shoulder to shoulder with this Southern good ole' boy, on this mission of desperate hope from the doom and gloom and anguish and despair....oh, the humanity......oh......
Think on this, fellow readers -- bripat is stupid enough to think an avowed white supremacist neo-Nazi supports Obama.

How funny is that?
I just proved it, you lying dumbass. It just kills you, doesn't it?
No, you didn't - idiot.

Keep slurping Odium's cum. It suits you. Maybe you and him can walk arm in arm to vote for your hero Trump:. The racist's choice supreme.

I leave it up to the other forum members to determine that. Meanwhile you can scurry home to cry on momma's skirts.
Where did he mention Obama? If you don't believe me, then just do a search on "Odium" and "Obama." You'll see that he consistently defends Obama. He doesn't support Trump.

You just assumed that because he's a racist that he supports Trump. You only proved what a great big bigot you are.
See what a liar and a retard Brainsplat is?

He's a fucking white supremacist neo-nazi, you idiot. Your kin & a Trump supporter. He said he supports Trump, and not only does he hate Obama, he is cracked off his ass and thinks Obama murdered Scalia.

When obama Spoke About Justice Scalia, I Changed the Channel to Food Network.
...do not think he died naturally I think he was poisoned on purpose by Obama's drones so Obama could nominate a fellow Anti American to the... Post by: Odium,

Sanders: Wal Mart's Walton Family should get off welfare.
...term but long term. Why you think so many pro white folk wanted a Obama win in 2008? That dumbass has brought America to her knees damn near!...

Jesse Jackson to South Carolina Churchgoers: 'If You Voted Yesterday, You Need a Real Prayer'
White folks have had enough it seems of racist bastards like Jackson and Sharpton and Obama....GOOD! Its well past time we fix this country.

The search engine isn't that difficult for you to operate, dildo. Or maybe it is. :lol:

Wrong, you dumb asshole:

Obama Plays Hardball With Israel for Once CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
YES SIR! Show them sons of bitches who the boss is! The man is gaining more of my respect every day.

Obama GOP trying to bamboozle voters TheHill

President Obama used his speech to the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting to scold the GOP, accusing them of trying to "bamboozle" voters by saying they're the party of the middle class after doing everything they could to stop the policies he argued have helped lift the economy.

"Their rhetoric has not matched the reality. If you want to help working moms and dads, you can't just dismiss things like childcare and paid leave," he said to cheers and claps from the audience.

Right on the money.

Obama calls for more rights for struggling student borrowers - Yahoo News

Good one small step...needs to be bigger steps.

Boehner Obama is an anti-war president TheHill

And this is a bad thing? Now being a president means you must be pro war? What a flaming retard.

How does it feel to know someone proved that you're just a giant bigoted asshole?

Why are you linking to articles? Why aren't you linking to his posts?

Or what anyone can see when they read your fellow white supremacists posts or do a search? That you plucked those jew-hater and dude who calls black kids "nigglets" quotes and try and pawn your white supremacist kin off on liberals is hilarious.

He's YOUR Trump supporting bro. Live with it, you skank ass bigot.

I think we've already proved that your the bigot, based on the definition of the term. You assumed Odium was a right winger simply because he's a racist. Yet, he supports all the liberal social programs that you support. He supports government funded childcare, paid maternal leave, government pensions, "free" healthcare, and "free college education. In other words, he's a died-in-the-wool liberal. The fact is that aside from wanting to exterminate the Jews, liberals are indistinguishable from Nazis. I take that back. They aren't any different in that regard either. I have exchanges with a number of self styled "liberals" on this board who make it plain they would like to see the Palestinians and Israel's neighbors wipe it off the map.

Your problem is that you've swallowed all the bullshit your commie professors fed you in school, and it's all big fat fucking lie. When you are confronted with the truth, you're like dear in the headlights. All you can do is is sputter and call your critics "white supremacists" when you don't have a shred of proof that they are anything of the sort.

Your a great big asshole bigot. You have proved that hands down.

is this a "thing"? where the most disgusting bigoted trash on the board traipse around calling normal people bigots?

loser. :cuckoo:
I'm heartened knowing regular, thoughtful people who have encountered bripat, Odium, etc., and the other white supremacists here will know just who the kind of people they are...The true Ugly Americans.

Wrong, you dumb asshole:

Obama Plays Hardball With Israel for Once CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
YES SIR! Show them sons of bitches who the boss is! The man is gaining more of my respect every day.

Obama GOP trying to bamboozle voters TheHill

President Obama used his speech to the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting to scold the GOP, accusing them of trying to "bamboozle" voters by saying they're the party of the middle class after doing everything they could to stop the policies he argued have helped lift the economy.

"Their rhetoric has not matched the reality. If you want to help working moms and dads, you can't just dismiss things like childcare and paid leave," he said to cheers and claps from the audience.

Right on the money.

Obama calls for more rights for struggling student borrowers - Yahoo News

Good one small step...needs to be bigger steps.

Boehner Obama is an anti-war president TheHill

And this is a bad thing? Now being a president means you must be pro war? What a flaming retard.

How does it feel to know someone proved that you're just a giant bigoted asshole?

Why are you linking to articles? Why aren't you linking to his posts?

Or what anyone can see when they read your fellow white supremacists posts or do a search? That you plucked those jew-hater and dude who calls black kids "nigglets" quotes and try and pawn your white supremacist kin off on liberals is hilarious.

He's YOUR Trump supporting bro. Live with it, you skank ass bigot.

I think we've already proved that your the bigot, based on the definition of the term. You assumed Odium was a right winger simply because he's a racist. Yet, he supports all the liberal social programs that you support. He supports government funded childcare, paid maternal leave, government pensions, "free" healthcare, and "free college education. In other words, he's a died-in-the-wool liberal. The fact is that aside from wanting to exterminate the Jews, liberals are indistinguishable from Nazis. I take that back. They aren't any different in that regard either. I have exchanges with a number of self styled "liberals" on this board who make it plain they would like to see the Palestinians and Israel's neighbors wipe it off the map.

Your problem is that you've swallowed all the bullshit your commie professors fed you in school, and it's all big fat fucking lie. When you are confronted with the truth, you're like dear in the headlights. All you can do is is sputter and call your critics "white supremacists" when you don't have a shred of proof that they are anything of the sort.

Your a great big asshole bigot. You have proved that hands down.

is this a "thing"? where the most disgusting bigoted trash on the board traipse around calling normal people bigots?

loser. :cuckoo:
I'm heartened knowing regular, thoughtful people who have encountered bripat, Odium, etc., and the other white supremacists here will know just who the kind of people they are...The true Ugly Americans.

You should be heartened to know that they are actually learning what a sleazy despicable douche bag bigot you are.

I'm surprised you're so hostile to white supremacists. Your hero Lincoln was a white supremacist, and you worship him. You, Odium and Lincoln all have a lot in common.
Oh, right ....in all seriousness, nah....I'm not up for that narrow-minded idiocy - white supremacy - these fuckwad knuckle-heads got their asses handed to them....wish they get incarcerated, honestly....lock-up all those meth-smoking white trash criminals....that blatant racism is the inner workings of an insidious, extreme, scum that would be just fine locked away for lifeeeeee
.....those girl (white supremacists) have become so insignificant, I've forgotten they even existed never mind a pack trolling internet political boards......I'll rip them new a-holes all day and night.....most of them are prison rats. They have to play a survival game when they get locked up, so they gravitate to white supremacist gangs being in lock-up....that mentality really warps the mind, if there was anything to start with,.....then they get out ready to kill their family, but instead, continue their anger against Blacks, Jews, Hippies, etc......it's pretty much a hate flavor of the month mentality with these white scum......
BTW, ....anyhow.....Trump has nothing to do with Nazi-skinheads......you all should just start a thread analyzing real issues .....always going off topic resulting in a dagger throwing duels.....hmmmmmpppphpph

....it's official.....thread in the graveyard......
That SHOULD be the way of things..... American workers of American companies making American products here in America for American consumers. THAT should be the US economic model.

Then people would buy much less because items would be much more expensive.

We as a nation have made our choice. We want cheap products and we don't care where they are made. Until you convince this majority that they are wrong, it's going to stay that way.

We want cheap products because the crap trade deals, and the influx of 11 million illegal workers (driving down wages) is what is affordable.

Drive the illegals back to the borders, do sound trade deals, wages rise and higher priced goods become affordable again.
Illegals aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living. America decided long ago they want lots of stuff. Most people prefer having more cheap shit than fewer quality items. Illegals didn't drive up the cost of TVs, radios and all the stuff that went to Japan, now China. I remember when Made in Japan was a joke, but they learned. So did the Chinese. They can make quality tools for much less. Like Milwaukee mentioned before, it's just as good as the US made one. My right angle drill for $250 would have cost $500 if made here and I wouldn't have bought it.

Lots of scapegoating going on.

Well, that's just wrong, because most of the workers in skilled trades have been replaced by illegals. Go on any construction site and most of the people you see will be Mexicans.
Apart from construction, farming and yard work you don't see many. The honest truth is it's hard as hell to find a young guy these days that will do the work.

Not at the pay rate of an illegal.

I do.

And so do Trump supporters.
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
For the record, I'm completely OK with manufacturing jobs coming home and moving to the States that offer the lowest taxes and minimum wage. But corporations have to pay federal taxes. We do have a military that defends them abroad so the French can drink Coca-Cola. Their trucks tear up our roads. They use our court system the most. Etc

I'm trying very hard to grow my retirement investments.

Every cent that the corporations I own stock in pay in taxes is a cent that does NOT grow my retirement.

Every cent that I eventually take out of that will be TAXED A SECOND TIME.

Nearly everything I buy with that money in the future will have TAXES on it.
How do we get an economy where the worker can leave to go get a better wage elsewhere?
Reagan showed the country how long ago. I served businesses and there were new ones popping up every day. Sometimes the best way to get a pay raise it to start your own business.

I have a good friend who married a guy with a good job at a factory.

Shortly there after he lost that job.

THis guy is not a bad guy but he is not the guy to go out start his own business.

He now has a crappy job.

This has really fucked up the lives of these two people.

Yes. Some of it reflects their personal shortcomings. THat's true.

That does not mean that they are not American citizens and their their interests should not be considered in making economic policy.
Who said they were bad or not American? Their station in life will not improve until the economy improves and employers will pay more for good help and pay to keep them, and will have more money to do it. The economy won't improve until government gets off the backs of business, especially small business.

If we agree that they are good fellow American citizens, then we agree that we want to see them do well.

Getting off the backs of business is a good thing.

But Trade and Immigration are huge parts of the problem that needs to be fixed.
Immigration needs to be enforced. We have sanctuary cities and government not cracking down on it. Trade, we need smarter people at the helm, no question. But if your job can be replaced by someone barely speaking the language I'm somewhat unsympathetic.

I do.

And so do Trump supporters.
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
I doubt that. Make a thread poll. Maybe our most liberal will argue anything like the GOP nutters but I doubt no liberals you know understand how illegals bring wages down.

Conservatives don't get who it is that benefits from illegals. It's illegal employers. Corporations.

In fact I remember 2007 usmb members said consumers benefit from it. They didn't realize illegals weren't just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do.

My buddy tried opening his own pool cleaning business in az. Good luck when illegals do it cheaper

I totally understand that employers benefit economically from Illegals.

But liberals are benefiting politically from the demographic shift and that is why they lie or delude themselves about the decreased wages.

I will start a thread on it. Maybe with a poll.
I'm trying very hard to grow my retirement investments.

Every cent that the corporations I own stock in pay in taxes is a cent that does NOT grow my retirement.

Every cent that I eventually take out of that will be TAXED A SECOND TIME.

Nearly everything I buy with that money in the future will have TAXES on it.

And if those big corporations weren't cheating the hired help to the point where they REQUIRED unemployment, food stamps, medicare, medicaid, section 8 housing, and so on, there probably wouldn't be as much demand for government programs.

Them fucking darkies.... er, welfare people, refusing to fucking starve and voting for more government. How dare they?
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
I doubt that. Make a thread poll. Maybe our most liberal will argue anything like the GOP nutters but I doubt no liberals you know understand how illegals bring wages down.

Conservatives don't get who it is that benefits from illegals. It's illegal employers. Corporations.

In fact I remember 2007 usmb members said consumers benefit from it. They didn't realize illegals weren't just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do.

My buddy tried opening his own pool cleaning business in az. Good luck when illegals do it cheaper

I totally understand that employers benefit economically from Illegals.

But liberals are benefiting politically from the demographic shift and that is why they lie or delude themselves about the decreased wages.

I will start a thread on it. Maybe with a poll.
when you point out a wrong being done by republicans now it liberals benefiting from this demographic then when it all slaps you in the face, or as we say it back fires on you ... then you want to blame liberals for pointing out your incompetence ... PRICELESS
I'm trying very hard to grow my retirement investments.

Every cent that the corporations I own stock in pay in taxes is a cent that does NOT grow my retirement.

Every cent that I eventually take out of that will be TAXED A SECOND TIME.

Nearly everything I buy with that money in the future will have TAXES on it.

And if those big corporations weren't cheating the hired help to the point where they REQUIRED unemployment, food stamps, medicare, medicaid, section 8 housing, and so on, there probably wouldn't be as much demand for government programs.

Them fucking darkies.... er, welfare people, refusing to fucking starve and voting for more government. How dare they?
THE'LL NEVER GET IT Sorry from the caps
Huh? Have you actually listened to any of Trumps speeches or whatever he calls them. Just listen to the man himself. Oh because I use his own words about him, he might try to sue me. You must not like the constitution because every speech he has goes against the founding documents of this country. This is the ultimate popularity contest for him. Lol. And you are buying him hook line and sinker. And the sheep follow.
The religious right are supporting trump now because he stands a chance of winning. They don't seem to care if he's a racist. They only care about electability. No sense in endorsing huckabee if he can't win.

And Christie backs trump. Does this confirm the GOP is the racist party?

There isn't a shred of evidence that Trump is a racist. That's a meme that Democrats have pulled out in every election.
No but republican policies are racist.

Which Republican policies are racist?
Any of them that keep wages down or defunds safety nets that help cities with high crime and poverty

Wow. That is is completely NOT what racism is.

see below.

Full Definition of racism
  1. 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

  2. 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
Keeping wages down because you are a rigid Free Trade Ideologue is not racism.

Calling someone like that a racist is not true and is very divisive and counter-productive.

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