What Kind of Person is Supporting Trump?

That SHOULD be the way of things..... American workers of American companies making American products here in America for American consumers. THAT should be the US economic model.

Then people would buy much less because items would be much more expensive.

We as a nation have made our choice. We want cheap products and we don't care where they are made. Until you convince this majority that they are wrong, it's going to stay that way.

We want cheap products because the crap trade deals, and the influx of 11 million illegal workers (driving down wages) is what is affordable.

Drive the illegals back to the borders, do sound trade deals, wages rise and higher priced goods become affordable again.
Illegals aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living. America decided long ago they want lots of stuff. Most people prefer having more cheap shit than fewer quality items. Illegals didn't drive up the cost of TVs, radios and all the stuff that went to Japan, now China. I remember when Made in Japan was a joke, but they learned. So did the Chinese. They can make quality tools for much less. Like Milwaukee mentioned before, it's just as good as the US made one. My right angle drill for $250 would have cost $500 if made here and I wouldn't have bought it.

Lots of scapegoating going on.

Construction, being a meat cutter, for two examples used to be well paying jobs.

NOw, they are not.

I pay some one to cut my grass and rake my leaves. He is an America. It doesn't take him very long, and depending on how many customers he has he might be doing ok.

Good for him, imo.

He is an America. Why should he have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

I used to have a maid come in once a week. She was an American. She charged 30$ an hour. She only stopped because she had too many larger homes where she got more hours in.

Good for her, imo.

Why should she have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

Your complete lack of concern for lower class Americans is not called for.

This is not scapegoating. It is a real issue. These Americans have economic interests the our Trade and IMmigration policy is NOT serving.
I stated some facts about the real world and your butt hurtness saw me endorsing illegal work. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously.

You said that "illegal aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living".

My post addressed that.

I was happy to pay the wages that those Americans wanted.

There is not butthurt here. I responded seriously and honestly to your post.
Then people would buy much less because items would be much more expensive.

We as a nation have made our choice. We want cheap products and we don't care where they are made. Until you convince this majority that they are wrong, it's going to stay that way.

We want cheap products because the crap trade deals, and the influx of 11 million illegal workers (driving down wages) is what is affordable.

Drive the illegals back to the borders, do sound trade deals, wages rise and higher priced goods become affordable again.
Illegals aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living. America decided long ago they want lots of stuff. Most people prefer having more cheap shit than fewer quality items. Illegals didn't drive up the cost of TVs, radios and all the stuff that went to Japan, now China. I remember when Made in Japan was a joke, but they learned. So did the Chinese. They can make quality tools for much less. Like Milwaukee mentioned before, it's just as good as the US made one. My right angle drill for $250 would have cost $500 if made here and I wouldn't have bought it.

Lots of scapegoating going on.

Construction, being a meat cutter, for two examples used to be well paying jobs.

NOw, they are not.

I pay some one to cut my grass and rake my leaves. He is an America. It doesn't take him very long, and depending on how many customers he has he might be doing ok.

Good for him, imo.

He is an America. Why should he have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

I used to have a maid come in once a week. She was an American. She charged 30$ an hour. She only stopped because she had too many larger homes where she got more hours in.

Good for her, imo.

Why should she have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

Your complete lack of concern for lower class Americans is not called for.

This is not scapegoating. It is a real issue. These Americans have economic interests the our Trade and IMmigration policy is NOT serving.
I stated some facts about the real world and your butt hurtness saw me endorsing illegal work. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously.

You said that "illegal aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living".

My post addressed that.

I was happy to pay the wages that those Americans wanted.

There is not butthurt here. I responded seriously and honestly to your post.
That wasn't an endorsement. What exactly prevents you from hiring an American citizen? You didn't say.
But on April 20 the Supreme Court ordered a North Carolina lower court to review its decision on that state’s controversial redistricting plan, using the Supreme Court’s decision in the Alabama case as a guide. Previously, North Carolina’s Supreme Court found that the Republican redistricting plan was constitutional, based on older rulings from the federal court.

First, the March ruling lays the foundation for determining whether a redistricting plan falls under ‘unconstitutional racial gerrymandering,’ in violation of the Voting Rights Act. In the case of Alabama, the state argued that its attempts to pack minority voters into a smaller number of districts was really just an innocent attempt to comply with section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. The Supreme Court took exception to that argument, and in its rulingclarified that Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act does not require districts to be redrawn based on the racial characteristics of voters, as Alabama attempted to argue.

GOP’s Racist Gerrymandering Takes Another Hit At The Supreme Court (VIDEO)

There is overt racism and subtle racism.
There isn't a shred of evidence that Trump is a racist. That's a meme that Democrats have pulled out in every election.
No but republican policies are racist.

Which Republican policies are racist?
Any of them that keep wages down or defunds safety nets that help cities with high crime and poverty

Wow. That is is completely NOT what racism is.

see below.

Full Definition of racism
  1. 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

  2. 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
Keeping wages down because you are a rigid Free Trade Ideologue is not racism.

Calling someone like that a racist is not true and is very divisive and counter-productive.
Their policies keep the black man down and keep black people out of white neighborhoods. But hey, I guess you are right because Herman Cain and Ben Carson live in those neighborhoods so maybe they are just keeping poor people out.

But then GOP policies keep poor people poor and since a large population of poor people are black, you can see why it seems racist.

If you believe that GOP polices are having such an effect on the poor, that is what you should be arguing.

INdeed, I have come to agree with your side on this on one or two points (immigration and trade).

As have quite a number of Republicans according to Trump's numbers.

The fact that those other well meaning but misguided Ideologues' mistakes might hit black people disproportionately does not mean that is purposeful. (the Free Traders)

And thus it is INCORRECT to call them racist, and very, very wrong of you to call them racists.

The policies you and I agree on, Trade and Immigration would have a disproportionate POSITIVE benefit for black people, as they tend to be in the Poor and Working Class, as you said.

Does that mean that I am "pro-black" or a "black activist" or something along those lines?

Rhetorical Question: THe answer is painfully obviously NO.

I am supporting policies and a candidate that I believe would be best for America as a whole.

The blacks may benefit disproportionately is not my motive.
I'm trying very hard to grow my retirement investments.

Every cent that the corporations I own stock in pay in taxes is a cent that does NOT grow my retirement.

Every cent that I eventually take out of that will be TAXED A SECOND TIME.

Nearly everything I buy with that money in the future will have TAXES on it.

And if those big corporations weren't cheating the hired help to the point where they REQUIRED unemployment, food stamps, medicare, medicaid, section 8 housing, and so on, there probably wouldn't be as much demand for government programs.

Them fucking darkies.... er, welfare people, refusing to fucking starve and voting for more government. How dare they?

Err, so I can see I hit a nerve with you...

My post was in the context of taxing corporations.

I'm not sure what your post was about.

Try to be less hysterical.

Oh, and shove your race card.

We want cheap products because the crap trade deals, and the influx of 11 million illegal workers (driving down wages) is what is affordable.

Drive the illegals back to the borders, do sound trade deals, wages rise and higher priced goods become affordable again.
Illegals aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living. America decided long ago they want lots of stuff. Most people prefer having more cheap shit than fewer quality items. Illegals didn't drive up the cost of TVs, radios and all the stuff that went to Japan, now China. I remember when Made in Japan was a joke, but they learned. So did the Chinese. They can make quality tools for much less. Like Milwaukee mentioned before, it's just as good as the US made one. My right angle drill for $250 would have cost $500 if made here and I wouldn't have bought it.

Lots of scapegoating going on.

Construction, being a meat cutter, for two examples used to be well paying jobs.

NOw, they are not.

I pay some one to cut my grass and rake my leaves. He is an America. It doesn't take him very long, and depending on how many customers he has he might be doing ok.

Good for him, imo.

He is an America. Why should he have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

I used to have a maid come in once a week. She was an American. She charged 30$ an hour. She only stopped because she had too many larger homes where she got more hours in.

Good for her, imo.

Why should she have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

Your complete lack of concern for lower class Americans is not called for.

This is not scapegoating. It is a real issue. These Americans have economic interests the our Trade and IMmigration policy is NOT serving.
I stated some facts about the real world and your butt hurtness saw me endorsing illegal work. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously.

You said that "illegal aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living".

My post addressed that.

I was happy to pay the wages that those Americans wanted.

There is not butthurt here. I responded seriously and honestly to your post.
That wasn't an endorsement. What exactly prevents you from hiring an American citizen? You didn't say.

I have and will.

But the "consumer" as a whole would go with the cheaper offer and these Americans would be hurt.

Why should we allow that?
Illegals aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living. America decided long ago they want lots of stuff. Most people prefer having more cheap shit than fewer quality items. Illegals didn't drive up the cost of TVs, radios and all the stuff that went to Japan, now China. I remember when Made in Japan was a joke, but they learned. So did the Chinese. They can make quality tools for much less. Like Milwaukee mentioned before, it's just as good as the US made one. My right angle drill for $250 would have cost $500 if made here and I wouldn't have bought it.

Lots of scapegoating going on.

Construction, being a meat cutter, for two examples used to be well paying jobs.

NOw, they are not.

I pay some one to cut my grass and rake my leaves. He is an America. It doesn't take him very long, and depending on how many customers he has he might be doing ok.

Good for him, imo.

He is an America. Why should he have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

I used to have a maid come in once a week. She was an American. She charged 30$ an hour. She only stopped because she had too many larger homes where she got more hours in.

Good for her, imo.

Why should she have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

Your complete lack of concern for lower class Americans is not called for.

This is not scapegoating. It is a real issue. These Americans have economic interests the our Trade and IMmigration policy is NOT serving.
I stated some facts about the real world and your butt hurtness saw me endorsing illegal work. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously.

You said that "illegal aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living".

My post addressed that.

I was happy to pay the wages that those Americans wanted.

There is not butthurt here. I responded seriously and honestly to your post.
That wasn't an endorsement. What exactly prevents you from hiring an American citizen? You didn't say.

I have and will.

But the "consumer" as a whole would go with the cheaper offer and these Americans would be hurt.

Why should we allow that?
I didn't say we should allow illegal immigration, and the fact is not all Mexicans are illegal. They do work for less and people do hire them, that part is up to the people.
Construction, being a meat cutter, for two examples used to be well paying jobs.

NOw, they are not.

I pay some one to cut my grass and rake my leaves. He is an America. It doesn't take him very long, and depending on how many customers he has he might be doing ok.

Good for him, imo.

He is an America. Why should he have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

I used to have a maid come in once a week. She was an American. She charged 30$ an hour. She only stopped because she had too many larger homes where she got more hours in.

Good for her, imo.

Why should she have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

Your complete lack of concern for lower class Americans is not called for.

This is not scapegoating. It is a real issue. These Americans have economic interests the our Trade and IMmigration policy is NOT serving.
I stated some facts about the real world and your butt hurtness saw me endorsing illegal work. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously.

You said that "illegal aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living".

My post addressed that.

I was happy to pay the wages that those Americans wanted.

There is not butthurt here. I responded seriously and honestly to your post.
That wasn't an endorsement. What exactly prevents you from hiring an American citizen? You didn't say.

I have and will.

But the "consumer" as a whole would go with the cheaper offer and these Americans would be hurt.

Why should we allow that?
I didn't say we should allow illegal immigration, and the fact is not all Mexicans are illegal. They do work for less and people do hire them, that part is up to the people.

This little portion of the thread was discussing illegals.

I'm glad that you agree that we shouldn't allow illegals to compete with Americans.

I am well aware that not all Mexicans are illegal.

The next question is, what is gained by allowing legal Mexicans to compete with these Americans?
No but republican policies are racist.

Which Republican policies are racist?
Any of them that keep wages down or defunds safety nets that help cities with high crime and poverty

Wow. That is is completely NOT what racism is.

see below.

Full Definition of racism
  1. 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

  2. 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
Keeping wages down because you are a rigid Free Trade Ideologue is not racism.

Calling someone like that a racist is not true and is very divisive and counter-productive.
Their policies keep the black man down and keep black people out of white neighborhoods. But hey, I guess you are right because Herman Cain and Ben Carson live in those neighborhoods so maybe they are just keeping poor people out.

But then GOP policies keep poor people poor and since a large population of poor people are black, you can see why it seems racist.

If you believe that GOP polices are having such an effect on the poor, that is what you should be arguing.

INdeed, I have come to agree with your side on this on one or two points (immigration and trade).

As have quite a number of Republicans according to Trump's numbers.

The fact that those other well meaning but misguided Ideologues' mistakes might hit black people disproportionately does not mean that is purposeful. (the Free Traders)

And thus it is INCORRECT to call them racist, and very, very wrong of you to call them racists.

The policies you and I agree on, Trade and Immigration would have a disproportionate POSITIVE benefit for black people, as they tend to be in the Poor and Working Class, as you said.

Does that mean that I am "pro-black" or a "black activist" or something along those lines?

Rhetorical Question: THe answer is painfully obviously NO.

I am supporting policies and a candidate that I believe would be best for America as a whole.

The blacks may benefit disproportionately is not my motive.
So imagine our shock when we found out Edmund would no longer be allowed to attend Gateway Science Academy due to state laws because he is African-American.

Our family is moving to the nearby Pattonville school district. When I asked the admissions office if Edmund would still be allowed to attend I was forwarded the admissions guidelines and was shocked at what I read. Children from the school district where we are moving are allowed to enroll in Gateway Science Academy as long as they don't identify as African-American.

Student can’t attend school because he’s African-American

This little portion of the thread was discussing illegals.

I'm glad that you agree that we shouldn't allow illegals to compete with Americans.

I am well aware that not all Mexicans are illegal.

The next question is, what is gained by allowing legal Mexicans to compete with these Americans?
I don't know why you assumed I was for illegal immigration? As for legal immigrants working, why not? It's always been that way.
Which Republican policies are racist?
Any of them that keep wages down or defunds safety nets that help cities with high crime and poverty

Wow. That is is completely NOT what racism is.

see below.

Full Definition of racism
  1. 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

  2. 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
Keeping wages down because you are a rigid Free Trade Ideologue is not racism.

Calling someone like that a racist is not true and is very divisive and counter-productive.
Their policies keep the black man down and keep black people out of white neighborhoods. But hey, I guess you are right because Herman Cain and Ben Carson live in those neighborhoods so maybe they are just keeping poor people out.

But then GOP policies keep poor people poor and since a large population of poor people are black, you can see why it seems racist.

If you believe that GOP polices are having such an effect on the poor, that is what you should be arguing.

INdeed, I have come to agree with your side on this on one or two points (immigration and trade).

As have quite a number of Republicans according to Trump's numbers.

The fact that those other well meaning but misguided Ideologues' mistakes might hit black people disproportionately does not mean that is purposeful. (the Free Traders)

And thus it is INCORRECT to call them racist, and very, very wrong of you to call them racists.

The policies you and I agree on, Trade and Immigration would have a disproportionate POSITIVE benefit for black people, as they tend to be in the Poor and Working Class, as you said.

Does that mean that I am "pro-black" or a "black activist" or something along those lines?

Rhetorical Question: THe answer is painfully obviously NO.

I am supporting policies and a candidate that I believe would be best for America as a whole.

The blacks may benefit disproportionately is not my motive.
So imagine our shock when we found out Edmund would no longer be allowed to attend Gateway Science Academy due to state laws because he is African-American.

Our family is moving to the nearby Pattonville school district. When I asked the admissions office if Edmund would still be allowed to attend I was forwarded the admissions guidelines and was shocked at what I read. Children from the school district where we are moving are allowed to enroll in Gateway Science Academy as long as they don't identify as African-American.

Student can’t attend school because he’s African-American

One kid getting jammed up in some obscure school district loophole is a weak response to my post.

I hope some one has the authority to solve that kids issue.

My above points all stand.
This little portion of the thread was discussing illegals.

I'm glad that you agree that we shouldn't allow illegals to compete with Americans.

I am well aware that not all Mexicans are illegal.

The next question is, what is gained by allowing legal Mexicans to compete with these Americans?
I don't know why you assumed I was for illegal immigration? As for legal immigrants working, why not? It's always been that way.

1. Your airy dismissal of the concerns of their interests.

2. Because American policy should be crafted to advance the interests of AMERICANS, not Mexicans.

3. It has NOT always been that way. We've had periods of high immigration, when we needed it. We've also had periods of low immigration when we needed that.
This little portion of the thread was discussing illegals.

I'm glad that you agree that we shouldn't allow illegals to compete with Americans.

I am well aware that not all Mexicans are illegal.

The next question is, what is gained by allowing legal Mexicans to compete with these Americans?
I don't know why you assumed I was for illegal immigration? As for legal immigrants working, why not? It's always been that way.

1. Your airy dismissal of the concerns of their interests.

2. Because American policy should be crafted to advance the interests of AMERICANS, not Mexicans.

3. It has NOT always been that way. We've had periods of high immigration, when we needed it. We've also had periods of low immigration when we needed that.
My airy dismissal? You're responsible for your own errors, not me.

Not all immigrants are Mexicans and work visas are legal. With citizenship, they ARE Americans.

I'm not aware of immigration being turned up or down like a spigot, what's your source?
Oh I get it. But then you go and vote for elitists who sort of pretend not to be


Conservatives have no problem with CELEBRATING people who are successful.

Or even turning to them as leaders.

What pisses us off is the condescension we get from the Left Elitists.

What is Trumps accomplishment that qualifies him as a "successful" person?

Ohhhhhh, right, he has "money"...

Well, I guess that qualifies, especially in a society people worship "money"

I think electing him as your "president" is not enough
Rather you should make him your "prophet"
Or even maybe your "god"....

Money and fame are two common standards of measuring success in this country.

It is not credible that you didn't know that, so stop playing dumb.

He has my support for his Presidential Run.

You can save your hyperbole for someone else.

Sooooo, Jesus was a LOSER in your "common" standards...

These are the values of the "new" conservatives, I guess.....................................................................

And now you're just talking nonsense.

DO you believe in Jesus Christ?

Matthew 19:24; Mark 10:25;Luke 18:25
Jesus said: “Dear children, it is very hard to enter the Kingdom of God. In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”

and I believe him..............................................................................................
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
For the record, I'm completely OK with manufacturing jobs coming home and moving to the States that offer the lowest taxes and minimum wage. But corporations have to pay federal taxes. We do have a military that defends them abroad so the French can drink Coca-Cola. Their trucks tear up our roads. They use our court system the most. Etc

I'm trying very hard to grow my retirement investments.

Every cent that the corporations I own stock in pay in taxes is a cent that does NOT grow my retirement.

Every cent that I eventually take out of that will be TAXED A SECOND TIME.

Nearly everything I buy with that money in the future will have TAXES on it.
heres the problem with retirement investments.. they don't work ... heres why I have said this ... when I turned 21 I started a retirement account with the company I worked for ... it was a great Idea ... as time went on My account got bigger and bigger from my donation each week and the money I made from the bond and stocks I bought ....when I turn 52 in 2001 I watched my retirement account go from almost a million dollars to just a little over 100,000 by 2002 ... I kept telling my money Mgr to pull it out, he kept saying to let it ride the market will turn around and go back up ... I fired him and haired a new money mgr ... what he's been doing for me is called "covered calls" its been working even thought I don't have a lot of retirement money its been keeping me financially stable for 15 years ...each month he sells it then I make about 2000 dollars ... this guys very good at what he does ... he pays me 1200 dollars a month, with my social security I do fine3 ... if I had to do it over I would have never bought into the retirement plan I would just saved my money deal with the low interest banks offer ... now your concern over how much taxes a corporation pays, well with my covered called each month coming from a corporation is costing them more then andy 2% tax will ever cause ... I'm not the only one doing this
heres the problem with retirement investments.. they don't work ... heres why I have said this ... when I turned 21 I started a retirement account with the company I worked for ... it was a great Idea ... as time went on My account got bigger and bigger from my donation each week and the money I made from the bond and stocks I bought ....when I turn 52 in 2001 I watched my retirement account go from almost a million dollars to just a little over 100,000 by 2002 ... I kept telling my money Mgr to pull it out, he kept saying to let it ride the market will turn around and go back up ... I fired him and haired a new money mgr ... what he's been doing for me is called "covered calls" its been working even thought I don't have a lot of retirement money its been keeping me financially stable for 15 years ...each month he sells it then I make about 2000 dollars ... this guys very good at what he does ... he pays me 1200 dollars a month, with my social security I do fine3 ... if I had to do it over I would have never bought into the retirement plan I would just saved my money deal with the low interest banks offer ... now your concern over how much taxes a corporation pays, well with my covered called each month coming from a corporation is costing them more then andy 2% tax will ever cause ... I'm not the only one doing this
That sounds like he's playing the market. He must be good to keep it going for 15 years, but it sounds dangerous too.
Trump supporters on this forum constantly expose themselves as the scum of the GOP. Even the majority of republicans know it. They are the trouble makers and bigots, that will cost the GOP the election this year.

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