What Kind of Person is Supporting Trump?

Bullshit. You come of like some frikken Nazi.

Yep; and with the exception of their genicide programs, there is a lot to be said for Germany of the late 1930's.
And this year that socialist country was voted #1 country in the world. Canada was #3. USA 4th.

I wonder what Canada and Germany got that we don't got

Better trade policy would be my guess.

Course that's a real low bar, to be fair.
THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
I doubt that. Make a thread poll. Maybe our most liberal will argue anything like the GOP nutters but I doubt no liberals you know understand how illegals bring wages down.

Conservatives don't get who it is that benefits from illegals. It's illegal employers. Corporations.

In fact I remember 2007 usmb members said consumers benefit from it. They didn't realize illegals weren't just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do.

My buddy tried opening his own pool cleaning business in az. Good luck when illegals do it cheaper

I totally understand that employers benefit economically from Illegals.

But liberals are benefiting politically from the demographic shift and that is why they lie or delude themselves about the decreased wages.

I will start a thread on it. Maybe with a poll.
when you point out a wrong being done by republicans now it liberals benefiting from this demographic then when it all slaps you in the face, or as we say it back fires on you ... then you want to blame liberals for pointing out your incompetence ... PRICELESS

Err, what?

Do you believe that illegals bring down wages?
If the companies don't come back they can't do business here? That's going to increase job opportunities? Milwaukee sold to a Chinese company, so the brand would be banned here? Do you think this stuff through?

That SHOULD be the way of things..... American workers of American companies making American products here in America for American consumers. THAT should be the US economic model.
We should all have unicorns to fly around on too. Meanwhile ...this isn't 1950 any more. The countries that were in no condition to compete with us have been doing so and Americans have been voting with their pocketbooks. People like to blame the businesses when their double the price item sits around and the foreign made item flies off the shelf. Businesses live in reality or they perish. The ones that are here have a depressed economy and can call the shots.

That reality is a product of government policy, and then thus be changed.
If the companies don't come back they can't do business here? That's going to increase job opportunities? Milwaukee sold to a Chinese company, so the brand would be banned here? Do you think this stuff through?

That SHOULD be the way of things..... American workers of American companies making American products here in America for American consumers. THAT should be the US economic model.

Then people would buy much less because items would be much more expensive.

We as a nation have made our choice. We want cheap products and we don't care where they are made. Until you convince this majority that they are wrong, it's going to stay that way.

People want jobs too.

And a growing Middle Class.

And rising wages.

IF they vote for Trump, and tariffs get placed on products from nations that insist on being assholes, then those products can sit on the shelf, and others, slightly more expensive will be bought.

Some of those are going to be American.
My dad was a cook at Ford 1975-1995 and was able to raise two kids.

Do Republicans want to return to those days?
The way you turned out? Fuck no.
Ten months my home paid off I'm 45. Live on a lake, living the dream. I just understand Ford paid well because a union made them. And non union companies paid better for fear of unionization and competition with union wages.

As unions have disappeared wages have declined. No coincidence
Wages have declined because the economy has declined. No coincidence. Businesses are flocking out of the US, explain how increasing their costs will motivate them to stay or come back.
Why did the economy decline? Too many jobs went overseas. No coincidence. Apparently American workers want too much.

That is part of it, but the bigger part were the unions that forced companies to pay extreme wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. That created inflation and we priced ourselves out of the world market.

On the other hand, it's not reasonable to expect FIrst World Workers to compete with workers making 270$ a month.

THat's a game designed to fuck US.
If the companies don't come back they can't do business here? That's going to increase job opportunities? Milwaukee sold to a Chinese company, so the brand would be banned here? Do you think this stuff through?

That SHOULD be the way of things..... American workers of American companies making American products here in America for American consumers. THAT should be the US economic model.
We should all have unicorns to fly around on too. Meanwhile ...this isn't 1950 any more. The countries that were in no condition to compete with us have been doing so and Americans have been voting with their pocketbooks. People like to blame the businesses when their double the price item sits around and the foreign made item flies off the shelf. Businesses live in reality or they perish. The ones that are here have a depressed economy and can call the shots.

That reality is a product of government policy, and then thus be changed.
You can't see what your brain filters out. Americans voted with their pocketbooks and you saw government policy? WTF?
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
For the record, I'm completely OK with manufacturing jobs coming home and moving to the States that offer the lowest taxes and minimum wage. But corporations have to pay federal taxes. We do have a military that defends them abroad so the French can drink Coca-Cola. Their trucks tear up our roads. They use our court system the most. Etc

I'm trying very hard to grow my retirement investments.

Every cent that the corporations I own stock in pay in taxes is a cent that does NOT grow my retirement.

Every cent that I eventually take out of that will be TAXED A SECOND TIME.

Nearly everything I buy with that money in the future will have TAXES on it.
You don't have a non taxable IRA? Why not?
Not everyone can get into a career where their is a "lot of demand".

Do we ignore their interests? Do we feel a need to "punish" them with malignant neglect?

No, but we can't create jobs that people love. I wish I loved my job. I hate going to work every morning, but I have to keep a roof over my head so I do it.

Doesn't mean we can't consider policy to make them better, or at least pay better.

I don't understand. What policy can do that?

Better Trade Policy to bring manufacturing jobs back and immigration policies to reduce the labor pool.

You have a situation where employers have to worry more about finding and keeping employees and the jobs and wages will improve.

That may work in some sectors, but others, not.

Many years ago when I was repairing medical equipment, my company wanted me to enroll in electronics school, so I did.

Working full time, going to school three nights a week, and supporting my girlfriends kids wore me down fast, so after a few months,I asked my teacher what kind of money I would be able to make if I got my FCC license which was one year of schooling? He told me 16K. Again, I asked what kind of money I would be able to make if I stuck it out two years for the Associates Degree? He told me 18K. Hell, I was making more than that on the job I was doing, so I quit the school.

Electronics is very hard. It's mostly math. But the problem was that everybody was interested in electronics, so the jobs didn't pay anything even if you could find one. One of the top ten lowest paying professions is cosmetology. Why? Because it's a dream job for many women. That too takes a lot of schooling and messing around with the state to get licensed.

IF you improve the situation in some sectors, then people will get jobs in those sections.

That will reduce the number of desperate people trying to get "ahead" by taking electronics repair classes.

It would give opportunities for some of those women in Cosmetology for higher payer jobs that they might leave for. Or maybe their husbands would be making enough so they could be stay at home moms.

In short order, Employers would realize that when they went to hire new electronics repairmen or cosmetologists, that the pool of applicants was getting smaller.

The more sensible ones would start to think about how to retain their better employees...

Perhaps with better work conditions or God Forbid, higher wages.
If the companies don't come back they can't do business here? That's going to increase job opportunities? Milwaukee sold to a Chinese company, so the brand would be banned here? Do you think this stuff through?

That SHOULD be the way of things..... American workers of American companies making American products here in America for American consumers. THAT should be the US economic model.
We should all have unicorns to fly around on too. Meanwhile ...this isn't 1950 any more. The countries that were in no condition to compete with us have been doing so and Americans have been voting with their pocketbooks. People like to blame the businesses when their double the price item sits around and the foreign made item flies off the shelf. Businesses live in reality or they perish. The ones that are here have a depressed economy and can call the shots.

That reality is a product of government policy, and then thus be changed.
You can't see what your brain filters out. Americans voted with their pocketbooks and you saw government policy? WTF?

It is government policy to let China sell it's goods here despite the various ways they are fucking US.

Consumers "vote" with their pocket book based on the results of Trade POlicy.

If President Trump puts 25% tariffs on Chinese exports, the reality changes.

Consumers will start "voting" for other manufactures. Maybe even American ones.
THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
For the record, I'm completely OK with manufacturing jobs coming home and moving to the States that offer the lowest taxes and minimum wage. But corporations have to pay federal taxes. We do have a military that defends them abroad so the French can drink Coca-Cola. Their trucks tear up our roads. They use our court system the most. Etc

I'm trying very hard to grow my retirement investments.

Every cent that the corporations I own stock in pay in taxes is a cent that does NOT grow my retirement.

Every cent that I eventually take out of that will be TAXED A SECOND TIME.

Nearly everything I buy with that money in the future will have TAXES on it.
You don't have a non taxable IRA? Why not?

Yes, i do.

Hence my use of words like "eventually" and "in the future".

My point was that by taxing the corporate profits, they are taxing it before it gets to me, as "part owner" of that corporation, and then taxing it AGAIN, when I do, in the future, pull that money out.

Double Taxation.
You're not understanding the problem conservatives have with elitist snobs.
Oh I get it. But then you go and vote for elitists who sort of pretend not to be


Conservatives have no problem with CELEBRATING people who are successful.

Or even turning to them as leaders.

What pisses us off is the condescension we get from the Left Elitists.

What is Trumps accomplishment that qualifies him as a "successful" person?

Ohhhhhh, right, he has "money"...

Well, I guess that qualifies, especially in a society people worship "money"

I think electing him as your "president" is not enough
Rather you should make him your "prophet"
Or even maybe your "god"....

Money and fame are two common standards of measuring success in this country.

It is not credible that you didn't know that, so stop playing dumb.

He has my support for his Presidential Run.

You can save your hyperbole for someone else.

Sooooo, Jesus was a LOSER in your "common" standards...

These are the values of the "new" conservatives, I guess.....................................................................

And now you're just talking nonsense.

DO you believe in Jesus Christ?
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
I doubt that. Make a thread poll. Maybe our most liberal will argue anything like the GOP nutters but I doubt no liberals you know understand how illegals bring wages down.

Conservatives don't get who it is that benefits from illegals. It's illegal employers. Corporations.

In fact I remember 2007 usmb members said consumers benefit from it. They didn't realize illegals weren't just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do.

My buddy tried opening his own pool cleaning business in az. Good luck when illegals do it cheaper

I totally understand that employers benefit economically from Illegals.

But liberals are benefiting politically from the demographic shift and that is why they lie or delude themselves about the decreased wages.

I will start a thread on it. Maybe with a poll.
Seems like Mexicans support Trump.
If the companies don't come back they can't do business here? That's going to increase job opportunities? Milwaukee sold to a Chinese company, so the brand would be banned here? Do you think this stuff through?

That SHOULD be the way of things..... American workers of American companies making American products here in America for American consumers. THAT should be the US economic model.

Then people would buy much less because items would be much more expensive.

We as a nation have made our choice. We want cheap products and we don't care where they are made. Until you convince this majority that they are wrong, it's going to stay that way.

We want cheap products because the crap trade deals, and the influx of 11 million illegal workers (driving down wages) is what is affordable.

Drive the illegals back to the borders, do sound trade deals, wages rise and higher priced goods become affordable again.
Illegals aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living. America decided long ago they want lots of stuff. Most people prefer having more cheap shit than fewer quality items. Illegals didn't drive up the cost of TVs, radios and all the stuff that went to Japan, now China. I remember when Made in Japan was a joke, but they learned. So did the Chinese. They can make quality tools for much less. Like Milwaukee mentioned before, it's just as good as the US made one. My right angle drill for $250 would have cost $500 if made here and I wouldn't have bought it.

Lots of scapegoating going on.

Construction, being a meat cutter, for two examples used to be well paying jobs.

NOw, they are not.

I pay some one to cut my grass and rake my leaves. He is an America. It doesn't take him very long, and depending on how many customers he has he might be doing ok.

Good for him, imo.

He is an America. Why should he have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

I used to have a maid come in once a week. She was an American. She charged 30$ an hour. She only stopped because she had too many larger homes where she got more hours in.

Good for her, imo.

Why should she have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

Your complete lack of concern for lower class Americans is not called for.

This is not scapegoating. It is a real issue. These Americans have economic interests the our Trade and IMmigration policy is NOT serving.
If the companies don't come back they can't do business here? That's going to increase job opportunities? Milwaukee sold to a Chinese company, so the brand would be banned here? Do you think this stuff through?

That SHOULD be the way of things..... American workers of American companies making American products here in America for American consumers. THAT should be the US economic model.

Then people would buy much less because items would be much more expensive.

We as a nation have made our choice. We want cheap products and we don't care where they are made. Until you convince this majority that they are wrong, it's going to stay that way.

We want cheap products because the crap trade deals, and the influx of 11 million illegal workers (driving down wages) is what is affordable.

Drive the illegals back to the borders, do sound trade deals, wages rise and higher priced goods become affordable again.

Job killing is a two tier operation. Yes, foreigners are half of it, but the other half is automation. When labor becomes too expensive for industry, they have robots built to do the work. McDonald's is using more automation than ever. Stores are pressuring people to scan their items themselves and pay through the machine. Even Turnpike toll booth workers are replaced by a scanner that picks up a code from a transmitter in your car and they send you a bill at the end of the month.

I went to see my doctor a few months ago. When I got there, I went to the desk that I normally go to check in, and it was dark with nobody behind the counter. I was greeted by a lady who escorted me to Kiosk, and she told me I have to checkin myself.

True, but just because immigration is only part of the problem is no reason to not address it.
If the companies don't come back they can't do business here? That's going to increase job opportunities? Milwaukee sold to a Chinese company, so the brand would be banned here? Do you think this stuff through?

That SHOULD be the way of things..... American workers of American companies making American products here in America for American consumers. THAT should be the US economic model.

Then people would buy much less because items would be much more expensive.

We as a nation have made our choice. We want cheap products and we don't care where they are made. Until you convince this majority that they are wrong, it's going to stay that way.

We want cheap products because the crap trade deals, and the influx of 11 million illegal workers (driving down wages) is what is affordable.

Drive the illegals back to the borders, do sound trade deals, wages rise and higher priced goods become affordable again.
Illegals aren't taking your job unless you rake leaves for a living. America decided long ago they want lots of stuff. Most people prefer having more cheap shit than fewer quality items. Illegals didn't drive up the cost of TVs, radios and all the stuff that went to Japan, now China. I remember when Made in Japan was a joke, but they learned. So did the Chinese. They can make quality tools for much less. Like Milwaukee mentioned before, it's just as good as the US made one. My right angle drill for $250 would have cost $500 if made here and I wouldn't have bought it.

Lots of scapegoating going on.

Construction, being a meat cutter, for two examples used to be well paying jobs.

NOw, they are not.

I pay some one to cut my grass and rake my leaves. He is an America. It doesn't take him very long, and depending on how many customers he has he might be doing ok.

Good for him, imo.

He is an America. Why should he have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

I used to have a maid come in once a week. She was an American. She charged 30$ an hour. She only stopped because she had too many larger homes where she got more hours in.

Good for her, imo.

Why should she have to compete with some foreigner who would offer to do it cheaper?

Your complete lack of concern for lower class Americans is not called for.

This is not scapegoating. It is a real issue. These Americans have economic interests the our Trade and IMmigration policy is NOT serving.
I stated some facts about the real world and your butt hurtness saw me endorsing illegal work. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously.
Hello - George Costanza here, the author of this thread. Remember me?

479 posts on this thread and NOT ONE of them answers or even comments on the question raised in the thread title. What kind of person is supporting Trump? Well, no one DIRECTLY answered the question, but a whole bunch of you answered the question indirectly. The vast majority of the posts on this thread is rude, offensive, off-point, insulting to other posters and almost universally ad hominem. Nice going, "folks," as Donald likes to say - you really have answered the thread question.

You are obviously lying.

Plenty of people have answered the question.

Plenty of the posts in this thread have been very much on topic and very substantial.

For you, liar.

Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
For the record, I'm completely OK with manufacturing jobs coming home and moving to the States that offer the lowest taxes and minimum wage. But corporations have to pay federal taxes. We do have a military that defends them abroad so the French can drink Coca-Cola. Their trucks tear up our roads. They use our court system the most. Etc

I'm trying very hard to grow my retirement investments.

Every cent that the corporations I own stock in pay in taxes is a cent that does NOT grow my retirement.

Every cent that I eventually take out of that will be TAXED A SECOND TIME.

Nearly everything I buy with that money in the future will have TAXES on it.
You don't have a non taxable IRA? Why not?

Yes, i do.

Hence my use of words like "eventually" and "in the future".

My point was that by taxing the corporate profits, they are taxing it before it gets to me, as "part owner" of that corporation, and then taxing it AGAIN, when I do, in the future, pull that money out.

Double Taxation.
A ROTH IRA isn't taxable when you withdraw from it. That's why it was set up, I think 401K are similar but employers contribute as well.
The religious right are supporting trump now because he stands a chance of winning. They don't seem to care if he's a racist. They only care about electability. No sense in endorsing huckabee if he can't win.

And Christie backs trump. Does this confirm the GOP is the racist party?

There isn't a shred of evidence that Trump is a racist. That's a meme that Democrats have pulled out in every election.
No but republican policies are racist.

Which Republican policies are racist?
Any of them that keep wages down or defunds safety nets that help cities with high crime and poverty

Wow. That is is completely NOT what racism is.

see below.

Full Definition of racism
  1. 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

  2. 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
Keeping wages down because you are a rigid Free Trade Ideologue is not racism.

Calling someone like that a racist is not true and is very divisive and counter-productive.
Their policies keep the black man down and keep black people out of white neighborhoods. But hey, I guess you are right because Herman Cain and Ben Carson live in those neighborhoods so maybe they are just keeping poor people out.

But then GOP policies keep poor people poor and since a large population of poor people are black, you can see why it seems racist.

Hey, I don't blame them. If whites don't want to live with blacks, there should be places they can go to achieve this. Doesn't mean it isn't racist. LOL

If Republicans don't like being called racists, they can stop behaving like racists

Let's Be Honest About Race, America

MSNBC's Chris Matthews Accuses GOP Of Keeping Jim Crow Alive In 21st Century

Actually, Racism Is Behind the Shutdown

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

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