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What Kind of State in Israel?

"The Palestinians didn't know there were soldiers behind them, and the soldiers would just spray their legs. . . . His one goal was to lure Palestinian children, just to cut off their legs." "We had a commander in the unit who would just say in these words, . . . 'I want bodies. That's what I want.'""'You're not ranked by arrests -- you're ranked by the number of people you kill.'" davidswanson.org How to Criticize the Israeli Government | Let's Try Democracy
Should've been named "Let's Try Hashish", of course.
Calling all (kosher) stoners!

"[T]he brigade commander . . . briefs us, 'Any kid you see with a stone, you can shoot at him.' Like, shoot to kill. A stone!"

"t's unbelieva..."

You would never kill a kid for throwing a rock...
Right, drivel?

How to Criticize the Israeli Government | Let's Try Democracy
The Pro- Palestinian wants to know what Israel has offered.

Fact Sheet:

Abbas is the Obstacle to Peace

(Updated February 2012)


Read All Fact Sheets | Abbas: Table of Contents


Israel, the United States and most of the international community were pleased when Mahmoud Abbas was elected in 2005 as President of the Palestinian Authority (PA). Expectations were high that Abbas would radically alter the policies of his predecessor, consolidate his power, reform the PA, and put an end to years of senseless violence that had claimed many innocent lives on both sides and had left Palestinians with a feeling of hopelessness.

Abbas, however, has done little since then to deserve the faith the international community placed in him.

Rather than taking tangible steps toward peace, Abbas has done nothing but bypass and evade bilateral negotiations with Israel while incessantly repeating the longstanding irredentist demands of the PLO. Moreover, Abbas' insistence that Israeli intransigence - not Palestinian - has stalled the peace process, displays an incredibly narrow and hazy grasp on recent history. Abbas's power, prestige and popularity have dramatically weakened over the years, both internationally and amongst the Palestinian people, and the evidence is overwhelming that he is the biggest obstacle to making peace with Israel.

Abbas's refusal in both January 2012 and October 2011 to discuss tangible peace initiatives with Israel through talks facilitated by Jordanian King Abdullah and the Mideast Quartet - a grouping of Russia, the EU, US and UN - barely made news headlines. Likewise, his requirement that Israel meet a set of strict preconditions before negotiations - including a settlement construction freeze, acceptance of a Palestinian state based on pre-1967 lines, and the release of Palestinian prisoners not included in the Gilad Shalit exchange deal - was also mostly excused by an international media all too quick to make excuses for the Palestinian leader.

These recent refusals are far from the first times that the Abbas government has responded to Israeli peace initiatives with blank stares and impossible demands. In fact, they reflect a longstanding trend of evading negotiations that Abbas has maintained from his predecessor Yasser Arafat. Despite at least three successive Israeli administrations voicing support for compromise, Abbas has shown no willingness to meet Israel halfway.

In 2005, when Israeli PM Ariel Sharon ordered the evacuation of all Israeli civilian and military personnel from the Gaza Strip, Abbas had an opportunity to announce that he would support the “end of occupation” and would begin to build the infrastructure of a state. Instead, he emphatically opposed the withdrawal, preferring “occupation” to a position where Palestinians could actually enjoy independence. Abbas, however, was given the benefit of the doubt by external analysts because of his relatively moderate tone.

Abbas wasted yet another golden opportunity for peace in 2008. That year, Israeli PM Ehud Olmert made an offer for peace so overt that US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice called it "amazing" and warned that "Yitzhak Rabin had been killed for offering far less." Olmert's offer called for Israeli withdrawal from approximately 94% of the West Bank, the creation of a pasasge from the West Bank to Gaza, and the equal "swapping" of land so that Israel could annex its major settlement blocs. Olmert even proposed to divide Jerusalem and absorb a few thousand Palestinian refugees. Abbas, though, refused to consummate the deal. As Israeli daily Haaretz noted, "aficionados of the Palestinians again found a million and one reasons why the peace-loving Palestinian leader had refused the offer."

In 2009, Abbas again refused to negotiate, this time with new Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and rejected the Israeli leader's offer to immediately resume talks without preconditions. Perfidiously playing the game of diplomacy, Abbas's chief negotiator Saeb Erekat called on the Arab countries to suspend the Arab peace initiative and called on the international community to isolate Netanyahu for “sabotaging” the peace process. Abbas, meanwhile, said he hoped the Obama Administration would force Netanyahu out of office and declared his willingness to wait years until that happened.

In 2010, Abbas made clear that he refused to even sit in the same room with the Israelis and the Obama administration had to levy all of its political power just to pressure the Palestinians into "proximity talks" with U.S. special envoy George Mitchell. Not surprisingly, these talks yielded little progress. Abbas's senior aide, Tayeb Abdel Rahim, said that Israel's request to launch direct negotiations was “unacceptable.” Even after Israel placed a ten-month moratorium on settlement construction in the West Bank, Abbas refused to sit with the Israeli leaders.

In 2011, Abbas finally took tangible steps in the peace process - only in the wrong direction. His political party, Fatah, declared war on normalization with Israel and discounted peace talks as useless. Later, Abbas agreed to a reconciliation agreement with Hamas despite the fact that it is an internationally recognized terrorist organization and vows to never negotiate with Israel. And, in September, Abbas tried to completely bypass negotiations once and for all, with the tacit support of the international community, by officially requesting that the United Nations recognize the independence of a unilaterally declared Palestinian state.

Mahmoud Abbas has consistently refused to negotiate a deal now with three different Israeli prime ministers and there is no reason to expect that a change in Israeli leadership would make him any less intransigent. Abbas has proven time and again that he is either incapable or unwilling to deliver on any agreement, yet despite this fact, Israel has repeatedly been asked by external actors to make gestures to the Palestinians.

Not surprisingly, no offer has ever been sufficient. If Israel releases prisoners, it is not enough; if Israel agrees to withdraw troops or dismantle checkpoints, it makes no impression on Abbas.

The United States and the international community continue to place all their faith in a man whose track record suggests that he will remain the principal obstacle to any progress in the peace process. Rather than continuing to pressure Israel to make concessions, it is past time to look and work for a Palestinian leader who will respect not only the hopes of Israel but the wishes of his own people, the majority of whom would prefer to live in peace rather than continue to pursue a futile and endless strategy of "resistance."

The " Arab Peace Initiative" that is spoken about has to do with the 67 Lines that were never recognized or respected plus " Right of Return". Someone please explain this to the Pro- Palestinian who has a problem with reading comphrension :D

No link, but it reads like an Israeli propaganda site.

Anytime I post something you post the above. Anytime I supply the link there is no response. Perfect example; You wanted the link where Abbas stated No Jews in " Palestine" and I gave it to you As usual there was no response. Don't believe the above? Google it yourself then. You won't because you don't have the Guts. :clap2:

Abbas stated No Jews in " Palestine" and I gave it to you ...

No you didn't.
Hey vet, what moronic army would let you in? Probably one that can't win a war, like the US army or the IDF. Which is it?

Hey, you asshole; Still waiting for you to tell us what compromises and concessions Abbas has made. Give them the proof they ask for and they ignore it. All Pro- Palestinians have are Big Mouths. :D

So what loser army lets an imbecile like you in? I bet you took a lot of group showers. :D

I'm for peace, I think Israel should make a serious offer if they don't want to get nuked. Soon.
No link, but it reads like an Israeli propaganda site.

Anytime I post something you post the above. Anytime I supply the link there is no response. Perfect example; You wanted the link where Abbas stated No Jews in " Palestine" and I gave it to you As usual there was no response. Don't believe the above? Google it yourself then. You won't because you don't have the Guts. :clap2:

Abbas stated No Jews in " Palestine" and I gave it to you ...

No you didn't.

Yes I did . Go back on the board.

Anytime I post something you post the above. Anytime I supply the link there is no response. Perfect example; You wanted the link where Abbas stated No Jews in " Palestine" and I gave it to you As usual there was no response. Don't believe the above? Google it yourself then. You won't because you don't have the Guts. :clap2:

Abbas stated No Jews in " Palestine" and I gave it to you ...

No you didn't.

Yes I did . Go back on the board.

Abbas' Palestine: No Jews Allowed

Don't know if this was the one ( there are a few of them)
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Abbas&#8217; Palestine: No Jews Allowed

May 30th, 2011 at 11:53 pm Emmanuel Navon | 36 Comments |

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&#8220;So now here is the question&#8221; Netanyahu cleverly asked in his masterly address to the US Congress. &#8220;If the benefits of peace with the Palestinians are so clear, why has peace eluded us?&#8221; Netanyahu&#8217;s answer to his own rhetorical question was correct: the Palestinian leadership has always refused, and continues to refuse, to sign a peace agreement that entails the acceptance and permanence of the Jewish state, regardless of its borders. Hence the PA&#8217;s rejection of the offers by Ehud Barack (in 2000) and by Ehud Olmert (in 2008) to establish a Palestinian state on virtually the entire West Bank and Gaza. Arafat and Abbas said no, because they were asked to abandon the fantasy of invading Israel with the descendants of the 1948 Arab refugees, because they refused to recognize the Jewish past of the Temple Mount, and because they would not commit to ending the conflict after reaching statehood.

So then here is another question. If Abbas refused to establish a Palestinian state within borders that were practically identical to the 1949 armistice lines, why would he accept to establish a Palestinian state on a smaller territory in order for Israel to have defensible borders? Those who claim that Israel will eventually achieve peace by keeping offering the Palestinians what they&#8217;ve rejected many times are a lively example of Einstein&#8217;s definition of insanity (&#8220;doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results&#8221;). And those who expect the Palestinians to agree to a downgraded version of what they rejected in the past somehow reenact the famous spat between Winston Churchill and Lady Astor (&#8220;Winston, if you were my husband, I&#8217;d poison your tea &#8230; Nancy, if I were your husband, I would drink it&#8221;).

A standard answer to this question is that all Israel needs to do in order to achieve peace with the Palestinians is to withdraw to &#8220;the 1967 border.&#8221; There never was such a border. What existed between 1949 and 1967 was an armistice line specifically defined as &#8220;temporary&#8221; in the Rhodes Agreements upon Jordan&#8217;s insistence. This line was not a border and never was meant to become one. UN Security Council Resolution 242 was specifically worded so as not to convert the armistice line into a border. There is no legal basis for &#8220;demanding&#8221; an Israeli withdrawal to the 1949 armistice line. But besides legality, claiming that withdrawing to those lines will produce peace with the Palestinians defies logics. There was no peace before 1967, so why would rewinding history back to 1967 bring a peace that didn&#8217;t exist then?

The reason why Israel was able to extract a peace agreement (though no real peace) from Sadat by withdrawing from Sinai is that all Sadat wanted was Sinai (and, incidentally, the American financial largess that came with it). If all the Palestinians wanted were the West Bank and Gaza, the &#8220;rewind to 1967&#8221; formula would work with them as well. But since what they want is all of Palestine, previous attempts to bring them to sign a peace agreement by settling for the pre-1967 setting have failed. The PA teaches Palestinian children that Jaffa and Haifa will eventually be liberated from the Zionist invaders and that the only purpose of signing agreements with the infidels is to achieve the ultimate goal of &#8220;liberating&#8221; all of Palestine. The message is getting through. A poll conducted by Stanley Greenberg in November 2010 reveals that 60% of Palestinians see in the two-state solution a mere step to replace Israel with an exclusively Arab state.

The claim that the Palestinians have abandoned their goal of &#8220;liberating&#8221; all of Palestine ignores what they themselves keep saying (though, admittedly, in Arabic). On May 28, Mahmud Abbas declared in Doha that he will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state, that he will never give up on the &#8220;right of return,&#8221; and that the future Palestinian state will be &#8220;clean&#8221; (or &#8220;empty,&#8221; depending on the translation) of any Israeli presence (including civilians). In such a scenario, the State of Israel would lose its Jewish majority, while the Palestinian state will be &#8220;clean&#8221; of any Jew. Jews would become a minority between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and they would be ruled by the Arab majority. If Abbas is so clear about his true intentions, and if he is so explicit about them, why is it so hard to believe him?

What would the world&#8217;s reaction be if Netanyahu declared that the State of Israel should be &#8220;clean&#8221; of any Arab? A two-state solution does not exclude the presence of minorities on both sides. India was partitioned in 1947, but there are Muslims in India and Hindus in Pakistan. This is what Netanyahu meant in his speech to Congress when he said that &#8220;in any real peace agreement that ends the conflict, some settlements will end up beyond Israel&#8217;s borders.&#8221; Contrary to what The Economist mistakenly (or mischievously) wrote, this doesn&#8217;t mean that some Jewish towns would &#8220;by implication, have to be removed&#8221; (&#8220;You can&#8217;t make everyone happy,&#8221; The Economist, May 26). It means that in a true peace there should be a Jewish minority in the Palestinian state, the same way that there is an Arab minority in the Jewish state. Either the Palestinian state is willing to tolerate a Jewish minority with equal civil rights similar to the ones enjoyed by Arabs in the State of Israel, or it is committed to ethnic cleansing. In that case, there should be a mutual population transfer, as suggested back in 1937 by the Peel Commission, between the two states.

Accepting the principle that there should be an Arab minority in the Jewish state but no Jewish minority in the Palestinian state would set an unprecedented double-standard; it would absolve the Palestinians for their intolerance towards minorities; and it would implicitly endorse the idea that the Arabs have stronger rights than the Jews over a land that both peoples claim to be theirs.

Having " trouble" with the link? The author and date of this article are right on top. I realize it's hard for ANY Pro- Palestinian to admit they're wrong but in ADDITION to Abbas saying " No Israelis "( It IS understood that MOST Israelis are Jewish) he ALSO stated NO JEWS
Where is the quote saying no Jews?

Click here: Arab Leader: No Jew in Future Palestinian State

Don't like that article ? lol Here's another one. Even IF the article said " NO ISRAELIS" is that any different? I know you saw that article also. It IS understood that the VAST MAJORITY of Israelis are Jewish. Pro- Palestinians always squirm when you have them in a Corner. :clap2: :redface:
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Abbas’ Palestine: No Jews Allowed

May 30th, 2011 at 11:53 pm Emmanuel Navon | 36 Comments |

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“So now here is the question” Netanyahu cleverly asked in his masterly address to the US Congress. “If the benefits of peace with the Palestinians are so clear, why has peace eluded us?” Netanyahu’s answer to his own rhetorical question was correct: the Palestinian leadership has always refused, and continues to refuse, to sign a peace agreement that entails the acceptance and permanence of the Jewish state, regardless of its borders. Hence the PA’s rejection of the offers by Ehud Barack (in 2000) and by Ehud Olmert (in 2008) to establish a Palestinian state on virtually the entire West Bank and Gaza. Arafat and Abbas said no, because they were asked to abandon the fantasy of invading Israel with the descendants of the 1948 Arab refugees, because they refused to recognize the Jewish past of the Temple Mount, and because they would not commit to ending the conflict after reaching statehood.

So then here is another question. If Abbas refused to establish a Palestinian state within borders that were practically identical to the 1949 armistice lines, why would he accept to establish a Palestinian state on a smaller territory in order for Israel to have defensible borders? Those who claim that Israel will eventually achieve peace by keeping offering the Palestinians what they’ve rejected many times are a lively example of Einstein’s definition of insanity (“doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”). And those who expect the Palestinians to agree to a downgraded version of what they rejected in the past somehow reenact the famous spat between Winston Churchill and Lady Astor (“Winston, if you were my husband, I’d poison your tea … Nancy, if I were your husband, I would drink it”).

A standard answer to this question is that all Israel needs to do in order to achieve peace with the Palestinians is to withdraw to “the 1967 border.” There never was such a border. What existed between 1949 and 1967 was an armistice line specifically defined as “temporary” in the Rhodes Agreements upon Jordan’s insistence. This line was not a border and never was meant to become one. UN Security Council Resolution 242 was specifically worded so as not to convert the armistice line into a border. There is no legal basis for “demanding” an Israeli withdrawal to the 1949 armistice line. But besides legality, claiming that withdrawing to those lines will produce peace with the Palestinians defies logics. There was no peace before 1967, so why would rewinding history back to 1967 bring a peace that didn’t exist then?

The reason why Israel was able to extract a peace agreement (though no real peace) from Sadat by withdrawing from Sinai is that all Sadat wanted was Sinai (and, incidentally, the American financial largess that came with it). If all the Palestinians wanted were the West Bank and Gaza, the “rewind to 1967” formula would work with them as well. But since what they want is all of Palestine, previous attempts to bring them to sign a peace agreement by settling for the pre-1967 setting have failed. The PA teaches Palestinian children that Jaffa and Haifa will eventually be liberated from the Zionist invaders and that the only purpose of signing agreements with the infidels is to achieve the ultimate goal of “liberating” all of Palestine. The message is getting through. A poll conducted by Stanley Greenberg in November 2010 reveals that 60% of Palestinians see in the two-state solution a mere step to replace Israel with an exclusively Arab state.

The claim that the Palestinians have abandoned their goal of “liberating” all of Palestine ignores what they themselves keep saying (though, admittedly, in Arabic). On May 28, Mahmud Abbas declared in Doha that he will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state, that he will never give up on the “right of return,” and that the future Palestinian state will be “clean” (or “empty,” depending on the translation) of any Israeli presence (including civilians). In such a scenario, the State of Israel would lose its Jewish majority, while the Palestinian state will be “clean” of any Jew. Jews would become a minority between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and they would be ruled by the Arab majority. If Abbas is so clear about his true intentions, and if he is so explicit about them, why is it so hard to believe him?

What would the world’s reaction be if Netanyahu declared that the State of Israel should be “clean” of any Arab? A two-state solution does not exclude the presence of minorities on both sides. India was partitioned in 1947, but there are Muslims in India and Hindus in Pakistan. This is what Netanyahu meant in his speech to Congress when he said that “in any real peace agreement that ends the conflict, some settlements will end up beyond Israel’s borders.” Contrary to what The Economist mistakenly (or mischievously) wrote, this doesn’t mean that some Jewish towns would “by implication, have to be removed” (“You can’t make everyone happy,” The Economist, May 26). It means that in a true peace there should be a Jewish minority in the Palestinian state, the same way that there is an Arab minority in the Jewish state. Either the Palestinian state is willing to tolerate a Jewish minority with equal civil rights similar to the ones enjoyed by Arabs in the State of Israel, or it is committed to ethnic cleansing. In that case, there should be a mutual population transfer, as suggested back in 1937 by the Peel Commission, between the two states.

Accepting the principle that there should be an Arab minority in the Jewish state but no Jewish minority in the Palestinian state would set an unprecedented double-standard; it would absolve the Palestinians for their intolerance towards minorities; and it would implicitly endorse the idea that the Arabs have stronger rights than the Jews over a land that both peoples claim to be theirs.

Having " trouble" with the link? The author and date of this article are right on top. I realize it's hard for ANY Pro- Palestinian to admit they're wrong but in ADDITION to Abbas saying " No Israelis "( It IS understood that MOST Israelis are Jewish) he ALSO stated NO JEWS

Did you scrub a lot of toilets in the IDF?
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Did you scrub a lot of toilets in the IDF?

All the Pro- Palestinian SCUM knows how to do is insult; especially this one. She claims she has " proof" that the Palestinians are cooperating in " negotiations" and it's ALL Israel's fault yet can't submit ANY proof when challenged. She wanted proof about Israel past negotiations. That was done with the result being insults. I have explained to this SCUM several times that Abbas has stated he will NOT accept anything short of 67 Borders and " Right of Return". This is well Documented EVERYWHERE for one who knows how to read yet she denies it. This is TYPICAL of the Pro- Palestinian mindset :clap2:
veteran-----I have named the islamo-nazi approach to 'reality'----the
TINKERBELLE PHENOMENON -------just repeat over and over

and tinkerbelle will BE A REALITY
veteran-----I have named the islamo-nazi approach to 'reality'----the
TINKERBELLE PHENOMENON -------just repeat over and over

and tinkerbelle will BE A REALITY

It's just unbelievable. I posted one article which clearly stated NO ISRAELIS which AUTOMATICALLY means NO JEWS then I posted another one which states NO JEWS.

Regarding past " negotiations and compromises" Israel has put forth I posted. Of course they were DE- NIED especially by the Pro- Palestinian DIRTBAGS One especially CONSTANTLY denies that Abbas is DEMANDING the 67 Borders yet she refuses to offer her " resources". That's because she doesn't have any. All she has is a big mouth :D
veteran-----I have named the islamo-nazi approach to 'reality'----the
TINKERBELLE PHENOMENON -------just repeat over and over

and tinkerbelle will BE A REALITY

It's just unbelievable. I posted one article which clearly stated NO ISRAELIS which AUTOMATICALLY means NO JEWS then I posted another one which states NO JEWS.

Regarding past " negotiations and compromises" Israel has put forth I posted. Of course they were DE- NIED especially by the Pro- Palestinian DIRTBAGS One especially CONSTANTLY denies that Abbas is DEMANDING the 67 Borders yet she refuses to offer her " resources". That's because she doesn't have any. All she has is a big mouth :D

Veteran ----- islamo nazi logic has not changed since its inception ---APPROXIMATELY
If it walks and talks like a 2013 CE fascist...

"I would even dare to suggest that in Israel of the early 21st century, the fascist atmosphere with all its trappings &#8211; other than hatred of the Jews, which always serves as our decisive alibi for denial &#8211; reflects the public mood more than in the classic fascist regimes of the 20th century.

"Here, fascist politics is made in the very image and character of the nation, even more than it was made in the image and character of the Germans and Italians.

"Here, there is no disturbed, perverted and violent minority that is forcing its will on an entire culture &#8211; rather, this is the culture of the majority.

"Glorification of the race, hatred and aggression toward strangers and a lack of any compassion for the weak and helpless are the characteristics of the majority here.

"Beautiful Israel is represented by the minority of the minority &#8211; the fig leaf that soon will no longer be able to hide our nakedness. In another brief moment, even this little shoot will turn yellow and fall."

Eyal Megged: If it walks like fascism and talks like fascism | Israeli Occupation Archive

Ready for that Fall, rosie?
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Did you scrub a lot of toilets in the IDF?

All the Pro- Palestinian SCUM knows how to do is insult; especially this one. She claims she has " proof" that the Palestinians are cooperating in " negotiations" and it's ALL Israel's fault yet can't submit ANY proof when challenged. She wanted proof about Israel past negotiations. That was done with the result being insults. I have explained to this SCUM several times that Abbas has stated he will NOT accept anything short of 67 Borders and " Right of Return". This is well Documented EVERYWHERE for one who knows how to read yet she denies it. This is TYPICAL of the Pro- Palestinian mindset :clap2:
Ok, show me where I said that I have proof that the Pals... You just make shit up for no reason other than to deflect. I've said over and over again that I think Israel should take the opportunity as the dominant player right now to offer a meaningful peace deal to the arabs, and not just sit around waiting to get nuked. THAT"S IT!!!!!!!
All the Pro- Palestinian SCUM knows how to do is insult; especially this one. She claims she has " proof" that the Palestinians are cooperating in " negotiations" and it's ALL Israel's fault yet can't submit ANY proof when challenged. She wanted proof about Israel past negotiations. That was done with the result being insults. I have explained to this SCUM several times that Abbas has stated he will NOT accept anything short of 67 Borders and " Right of Return". This is well Documented EVERYWHERE for one who knows how to read yet she denies it. This is TYPICAL of the Pro- Palestinian mindset :clap2:
Ok, show me where I said that I have proof that the Pals... You just make shit up for no reason other than to deflect. I've said over and over again that I think Israel should take the opportunity as the dominant player right now to offer a meaningful peace deal to the arabs, and not just sit around waiting to get nuked. THAT"S IT!!!!!!!

According to you it's ALL Israel's fault so the Palestinians have to be " offering something". You CONSTANTLY deny that Abbas is DEMANDING the 67 BORDERS plus " Right of Return" yet you fail to provide proof. You CLAIM that Israel never made an offer ignoring proof that it's a lie,, that Israel did leave Gaza and immediately got " rewarded" with more Rockets.

Get it through your PRO- PALESTINIAN HEAD. Israel is NOT going to go back to the Borders that were NEVER honored or respected by the Arabs or allow " Right of Return" Iran initiating War with Israel? I thought it was Israel who was supposed to threaten with the First Nuke lol. I can see the Headlines; IRAN INITIATES WW 111 :clap2:
veteran-----I have named the islamo-nazi approach to 'reality'----the
TINKERBELLE PHENOMENON -------just repeat over and over

and tinkerbelle will BE A REALITY

You know what's funny? The Pro Palestinian S**MBAG DENIES Abbas is INSISTING on the 67 Borders yet a first grader would know enough to GOOGLE it. :tongue:
"Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made a rare if symbolic concession to Israel on Thursday, saying he had no permanent claim on the town from which he was driven as a child during the 1948 war of the Jewish state&#8217;s founding.

"Palestine now for me is &#8216;67 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. This is now and forever &#8230; This is Palestine for me. I am (a) refugee, but I am living in Ramallah. I believe that (the) West Bank and Gaza is Palestine and the other parts (are) Israel.&#8221;

Mahmoud Abbas Concedes No Right of Return

The 1967 borders with "minor and mutual modifications" has been accepted worldwide as a starting point for resolving the Israel/Palestine dilemma for forty years. It would be useful if Israel would stop building settlements on the land that is being negotiated for, however.

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