What Leftism Does to People

In your opinion, which statement most closely reflects the truth?

  • Leftism is America’s best hope.

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • Unchecked Leftism will destroy the America we know.

    Votes: 66 72.5%
  • Neither and I will explain in my post

    Votes: 7 7.7%
  • I am a troll and/or numbnut who has nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
It's a poorly written article with Klavins own hypocrisy opinion. It just is. Second paragraph which you highlighted My first question who in the left is he talking about and what is this about the tea party being innocent of Crimes? Remember Gabby in Az who was shot?

His last paragraph starts with not everyone on the left is a miscreant? What?

Your poll shows that many are afraid of unchecked leftism. I think that is more interesting then the article.

Gabby that was shot by a left wing loon?

Respectfully, I don't think that Mr. Loughner represented the left or the right. He had characteristics of both, as well as being batshit crazy.
And the reason I know what most are protesting is because I listen to what they ate saying. By this I also know your view of them is mostly wrong. You ate judging them by what you have seen on Fox. The movements are mostly non violent, not anti semantic, along with whatever you are spouting. The right just has a habit of judging many by a few. You do the same thing with so called welfare moms.
You might not be controlled by your government, but you are controlled by your stereotypes. ;)

She had a ton of stereotypes about Katrina survivors. Big surprise that the flame thread now moves to OW protestors stereotypes.

Bad behavior has nothing to do with political views. Klavan and FF have no argument.
Liberal Fascism- "Absolute drivel"- The Economist. And shove the absolute BS about H G Welles while you're at it...Pub dupes!!

I've had the misfortune to glance at some of your posts...and can, without a doubt, declare them to be …galactically stupid.

Any consideration of your posts is as useless as trying to blow out a lightbulb.

Hopefully your ability will improve by the time you are out of diapers.

Sure. I have a masters in History/ French Civilisation, and if you listen to "Liberal Fascism" for more than ten seconds, you're an ignorant moron/Beckbot. Liberalism and fascism are opposites.

:lol:......no seriously.....:eusa_eh: .....oh you are serious........
Sure. I have a masters in History/ French Civilisation, and if you listen to "Liberal Fascism" for more than ten seconds, you're an ignorant moron/Beckbot. Liberalism and fascism are opposites.

Did you read Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism"?

"I have a masters in History/ French Civilisation,..."

I didn't know that Clown College actually handed out degrees.

I've seen the quality of your writing, and there is a great deal of money in your future: simply threaten to reveal the name of the 'college'.....
...out of court settlement without a doubt.

When you come up with a quality response…just give me a call…I’ll be ice skating in Hell.

Progressives are fascists - they've demonstrated that by their actions of blocking and degrading all ideas and people they don't agree with..

Hell, just yesterday they were blocking individuals from leaving a conservative conference using their own children as human shields.

Liberals are not fascists. Nazi's are fascist. Pol Pot and Mao were fascists. These are demonstrators.

Some of them aren't "behaving" themselves. It has NOTHING to do with political views. It does speak to how unnerved some people are who eat a steady diet of TV news.

It speaks to how much hate the right has, that they would malign ALL people with liberal views for the actions of some who the rest of us have NO control over.
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I've had the misfortune to glance at some of your posts...and can, without a doubt, declare them to be …galactically stupid.

Any consideration of your posts is as useless as trying to blow out a lightbulb.

Hopefully your ability will improve by the time you are out of diapers.

Sure. I have a masters in History/ French Civilisation, and if you listen to "Liberal Fascism" for more than ten seconds, you're an ignorant moron/Beckbot. Liberalism and fascism are opposites.

Did you read Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism"?

"I have a masters in History/ French Civilisation,..."

I didn't know that Clown College actually handed out degrees.

I've seen the quality of your writing, and there is a great deal of money in your future: simply threaten to reveal the name of the 'college'.....
...out of court settlement without a doubt.

When you come up with a quality response…just give me a call…I’ll be ice skating in Hell.

did you notice PC that he spelled CIVILIZATION wrong.....:lol:....if you have a degree in something,you know how to spell it....
Sure. I have a masters in History/ French Civilisation, and if you listen to "Liberal Fascism" for more than ten seconds, you're an ignorant moron/Beckbot. Liberalism and fascism are opposites.

Did you read Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism"?

"I have a masters in History/ French Civilisation,..."

I didn't know that Clown College actually handed out degrees.

I've seen the quality of your writing, and there is a great deal of money in your future: simply threaten to reveal the name of the 'college'.....
...out of court settlement without a doubt.

When you come up with a quality response…just give me a call…I’ll be ice skating in Hell.

did you notice PC that he spelled CIVILIZATION wrong.....:lol:....if you have a degree in something,you know how to spell it....
It is an accepted form of spelling...;)

World English Dictionary:LINK

civilization or civilisation (ˌsɪvɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən)
Okay, still trying to relate to the thesis here, you are saying that leftism promotes blame, hate, jealousy, bitterness? So would you then say that is the motive or justification for acting out? For trashing or defacing or damaging or destroying public and private property? For trampling on the rights of others?

Or are many leftists by nature simply immature and childlike and they throw a temper tantrum when they don't get their way?

But even if you agree with that--and I don't intend to put words in your mouth at all so I'm just supposing here--how do you account for the exemplary behavior of Tea Partiers who also blame components of government and lay blame where they see it? (There is however, little evidence of jealousy or bitterness in the Tea Party movement.)

It's called preying on flawed human nature. The Left/Democrats know that promoting hate & envy translates into votes on Election Day. Turning American against fellow American is an age-old Democratic tradition. It really is Party before Country for them. Without all the hate & envy,where would their party be? They have to keep the hate & division going. Their very survival depends on it. More people need to find God and stop hating each other. We're all Americans at the end of the day. We shouldn't allow Politicians to manipulate us this way. The closer people get to God,the better off our nation will be. I truly believe that.

Well I'm not about to dis God and I don't disagree with you there. But God hasn't been identified as a player in either the Occupy groups or specifically in the Tea Party groups though I have on occasion observed generic prayers being respectfully offered at Tea Party rallies. Also, there was a strong religious theme throughout Glenn Beck's "Restore Honor" rally in Wasington DC that was not a Tea Party event but was attended by a lot of Tea Partiers.

I would guess prayer or any other acknowledgment of God other than via crude profanity rarely if ever happens at an Occupy protest. :)

But you do raise an interesting point re a possible catalyst behind the Occupy movement. Some are trying to make it as grass roots and spontaneous as the Tea Party movement has been. But is the Occupy movement grass roots and sponteneous or is there something or somebody behind it urging it on? And urging the violence and destructiveness?

And if so who? And why?

That would absolutely explain why the Occupy groups are destructive while Tea Party groups are not.

And, for those who really don't like Klavan's thesis, it could even call into question whether it is leftism promoting the destructiveness or something else?

Interesting no?

It makes no sense to blame the behavior on some of the protestors for the cause that OWS represents.

Not all protestors are destructive. Anymore than ALL Tea Partiers are racist because a few behaved badly in DC.

Clearly, you have some serious stereotypes going on. Liberals are bad people. Liberals promote hate, blah blah blah.

This kind of thread promotes hate because the premise is based on stereotypes.

Why not talk to someone with liberal views if you want to know what we believe and why, and what we think is interesting about OWS versus Tea Party.

How do you know people at OWS don't pray? Just because they don't make a disgusting public display of acting holier than anyone else? There are people from all walk of life at these demonstrations. You disrespect all the people who are there behaving themselves by stereotyping everyone for the behavior of a few.

One of the most arrogant views represented by this post is the idea that God belongs only to conservative Tea Party people rather than ALL the people, including political opponents.

Unbelievable. That kind of thought makes me glad I don't know Christians like that. Most of the people in I know in RL are very open and expansive to others. We don't take politics that seriously that we would hate anyone for their views.

There is a reason politics is not discussed at the family dinner table. Most people love their families so much that no one wants to be upset over dinner.

That's what saddens me about this thread and Klavan and Fox's stance. It is so divisive and yet they dare to invoke the name of God.
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It's the French spelling. I'm just slumming here. Been on political message boards for 4 years, and despite the excruciatng ignorance of Pub dupes, I've never seen one learn anything. Now I just yell and laugh at them. LOL Their heroes are about to get their azzes handed to them. Their idiocy, hate, and BS are just too blindingly obvious to all but brainwashed Ugly 'Merican assholes like yourselves. The world is aghast. tyvm LOL!
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Why the heck do you "expect" to engage in civil discourse when you put up hyperbolic and insulting tripe like this?

This is really just spoiling for a fight. In other words..trolling.

Trolling? If it is trolling, wouldn't you think at least one leftist would have come up with an argument to challenge Klaven's thesis? At least one leftist would have had a thought about why the thesis is incorrect rather than accuse me of trolling or slinging insults at whomever? But after repeated requests, alas, not even a nibble re the topic.

And civility is impossible if those on opposite sides of the issue disagree?

I really find that sad.

But the further the thread goes, yes some on the right are engaging in the inevitable food fight too, but the more the leftists are demonstrating Klaven's thesis.

The fact that the straw poll is running 5 to 1 in agreement with Klaven's thesis should illustrate pretty clearly that there is something to say for the thesis.

What thesis? This is an indictment.

The "left" in this country was responsible for the revolution, the constitution, religious freedom, freeing slaves, women's rights, civil rights, a strong military, the middle class, innovation, infrastructure, labor rights, clean air, clean water, and heck..just about anything that makes this nation a super power.

Left to the right, we'd be an English colony and a backwater.

There's nothing to refute here.
i think your going just a tad overboard with your Liberal pat on the back Sallow.....back in those days there were plenty of "Conservative" people who banded with the "Liberals" to overthrow the crown,helped write the Constitution wanted Religious Freedom themselves they had wives who bitched at them too for Rights,they wanted civil rights , a strong Military and had thousands of people working in factories under the same Conditions as the Liberal worker,drink the same water, breath the same air....last time there was a thread on this i dont know how many links was put up proving this....but what was proven,was that back in the early days when something was needed to be done for the Country ....the Country came before Party Politics......
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Trolling? If it is trolling, wouldn't you think at least one leftist would have come up with an argument to challenge Klaven's thesis? At least one leftist would have had a thought about why the thesis is incorrect rather than accuse me of trolling or slinging insults at whomever? But after repeated requests, alas, not even a nibble re the topic.

And civility is impossible if those on opposite sides of the issue disagree?

I really find that sad.

But the further the thread goes, yes some on the right are engaging in the inevitable food fight too, but the more the leftists are demonstrating Klaven's thesis.

The fact that the straw poll is running 5 to 1 in agreement with Klaven's thesis should illustrate pretty clearly that there is something to say for the thesis.

What thesis? This is an indictment.

The "left" in this country was responsible for the revolution, the constitution, religious freedom, freeing slaves, women's rights, civil rights, a strong military, the middle class, innovation, infrastructure, labor rights, clean air, clean water, and heck..just about anything that makes this nation a super power.

Left to the right, we'd be an English colony and a backwater.

There's nothing to refute here.
i think your going just a tad overboard with your Liberal pat on the back Sallow.....back in those days there were plenty of "Conservative" people who banded with the "Liberals" to overthrow the crown,helped write the Constitution wanted Religious Freedom themselves they had wives who bitched at them too for Rights,they wanted civil rights , a strong Military and had thousands of people working in factories under the same Conditions as the Liberal worker,drink the same water, breath the same air....last time there was a thread on this i dont know how many links was put up proving this....but what was proven,was that back in the early days when something was needed to be done for the Country ....the Country came before Party Politics......
"Liberal Fascism" is garbage. End of story. University of Rochester.

So you're the result of being frozen in a block of ice for four years!!!!
That's the school where you pay in fish?
I was sure you must be from Switzerland, where the clocks aren’t the only things that’re coo-coo.

It didn't go unnoticed that you didn't answer whether or not you had the read the tome about which you posted....
...didn't read it, huh?

...is that one of the study techniques they teach way up north?
Seems like quite a time saver.

What was your real major, 'Parallel Parking the Ice Sled,'?
or 'Social Etiquette of Rubbing Noses.'?

I know it must have been something that didn't require reading or writing.

It appears that a number of folks doubt that you have any education, much less a Masters...
...I wonder why that is?
It's a poorly written article with Klavins own hypocrisy opinion. It just is. Second paragraph which you highlighted My first question who in the left is he talking about and what is this about the tea party being innocent of Crimes? Remember Gabby in Az who was shot?

His last paragraph starts with not everyone on the left is a miscreant? What?

Your poll shows that many are afraid of unchecked leftism. I think that is more interesting then the article.

Gabby that was shot by a left wing loon?

Respectfully, I don't think that Mr. Loughner represented the left or the right. He had characteristics of both, as well as being batshit crazy.

1. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama…

a. “The Loughner they met when he was a freshman at Mountain View High School may have been socially awkward, but he was generally happy and fun to be around. The crew smoked marijuana every day, and when they weren’t going to concerts or watching movies they talked about the meaning of life and dabbled in conspiracy theories.” Shooting suspect?s Shooting-suspect

b. Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday's Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama, WND has learned.
Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter's curriculum?

While the MSM jumped at the opportunity to paint the right as instigators that fueled Loughner's rage, it was clearly the left wing that had the opportunity to do that...

Obama to Ayers to Klonsky to Loughner.

2. From his friends:
1. @lakarune I haven't seen him since '07. Then, he was left wing. less than 5 seconds ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to lakarune
2. @noboa more left. I haven't seen him since '07 though. He became very reclusive. 2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to noboa
3. @antderosa he had a lot of friends until he got alcohol poisoning in '06, & dropped out of school. Mainly loner very philosophical. 3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to antderosa [More...]
4. @antderosa As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy. 8 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to antderosa
5. @antderosa he was a pot head & into rock like Hendrix,The Doors, Anti-Flag. I haven't seen him in person since '07 in a sign language class 10 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to antderosa
6. @antderosa He was a political radical & met Giffords once before in '07, asked her a question & he told me she was "stupid & unintelligent" 12 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to antderosa
Jared Loughner's "Friends" on Twitter Discuss Him - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
Noting Bfgm's haste to evoke Godwin's Law to avoid dealing with the thesis.

Anyboy brave enough to deal with it? Anybody at all?

Bullshit you arrogant ass. CLEARLY behavior alone is not an accurate criteria. People who are highly conformist is not the desirable end.

The trains ran on time in Nazi Germany. I get the feeling Klavan envisions concentration camps for "leftists".

As far as I know there is no documentation of conservative even speaking of setting up concentration camps. That is unlike the leftist elites that were infiltrated in the 60s time frame planning where the "re-education camps" would be (for the conservatives). They even spoke of "eliminating" up to 10% of the population to gain control of the country. Are you projecting again, Sky?
Apparantly you have assessed the situation correctly as evidenced by Bfgrn's post going off onto tangents other than the root cause....the govt getting involved in the housing market and lending markets throughout the 90's under clinton and continuing keeping on under Bush.

Yes it began with Carter managing to get legislation passed to make it easier for the poor to buy homes. The rules were written in a responsible way at that time, however. In the Clinton administration, the bureaucrats started rewriting the rules and putting pressure for riskier and risker loans on Freddie and Fannie who attempted to minimize their own risk by bundling bad loans with good ones and selling these off to the financial institutions. As the bubble was building, it was highly lucrative and many jumped on the band wagon to get a piece of that pie.

The irresponsible policies continued well into the Bush administration. To his credit President Bush and a few others were sounding the alarm in the last few years before the crash, but the then Democratically controlled Congress continued to support Freddie and Fannie and deny there was a problem. Then when there was an economic downturn, people who had no investment in their homes began defaulting not in the hundrds but in the tens of thousands. And the bubble burst.

So now the Occupy groups blame Wallstreet for the problem. Wallstreet never would have been a problem if it had not been for an irresponsible Congress and bureaucracy. Wallstreet may indeed be guilty of crimes, but the Occupy groups are trying to hang them for a crime they did not commit.

And the Occupy groups are doing that by utter disregard for decency, the law, and the rights and property of others.

Is it the leftist mentality that prompts them to behave that way?

Is there anybody brave enough to tackle that question?

You want to smear anyone with leftist politics based on your "outraged sensibilities" about how some people are behaving at a protest.

Why not simply ask why do people behave this way in a crowd, rather than presuming it's the politics.

We have many examples of peaceful demonstrations by left leaning citizens. Of course, that doesn't fit your prejudice and hatred of people whose politics are different from yours.

I am still shaking my head at your ignorance about Katrina survivors. It sounded very close to racism.

The thread was comparing the actions of the left (OWS), to the actions of the conservatives (TEA party). The behavior between the two groups is vastly different. There seems to be a pattern: when the left gathers, there is immoral behavior; when the conservatives gather, there are few problems (other than the lefties trying to stir up trouble and no one taking the bait).
And please, give us these examples of "peaceful" demonstrations and give the numbers along with it, because at the TEA party rally in DC there were over 2 million, and there was not the mess, the violence, the gov't having to pay extra to "watch", or the outright crime that has been done at the OWS in NYC with a fraction of the people.
Bullshit you arrogant ass. CLEARLY behavior alone is not an accurate criteria. People who are highly conformist is not the desirable end.

So you are saying that leftism is not a component in the behavior of the Occupy groups? What do you attribute that bad behavior to?

And what do you attribute the courteous, respectful behavior of the Tea Party to?
Making some far flung assumptions there, Foxy! If you think the Tea Party folks display nothing but civil comportment, I suggest you re-visit the 2009 summer town hall meetings. How courteous were those Tea Party folks then?

And the other side of your assumption proffers the notion that the OWS folks are all boorish, ill-mannered louts with no social grace. I suggest such a group would find extremely limited support. And we know that's simply not the case.

I think that any political action taken by ones opponents can safely be presumed to be ill-behaved, discourteous mob action. And that's a poor example of clear thinking.

Compare those town hall meetings to the OWS gatherings, by all means. The town halls had politicians that worked very, very hard not to listen to the voters. The OWS are given additional privelages, beyond the normal protest permitting rules, and still there is not a "plan". The town halls had some voters get loud, and even a few swings, but they were not marching on individual's homes, they were not demanding that business provide for them (free of charge of course), they were not vandalizing others' property, and they did not have to have a sanitation crew come in after the meeting was over. The people that really misbehaved in the town halls were the people that were elected to office, and acted like elites to the people they represented.
Bullshit you arrogant ass. CLEARLY behavior alone is not an accurate criteria. People who are highly conformist is not the desirable end.

So you are saying that leftism is not a component in the behavior of the Occupy groups? What do you attribute that bad behavior to?

And what do you attribute the courteous, respectful behavior of the Tea Party to?

Spitting in the face of black politicians, calling them "*******" doesn't seem courteous or respectful to me.

What do you attribute that behavior to? Right wing politics?

Same kind of stupid analogy.

Your posts are all alike. The conclusion is always, "conservatives are superior human beings deserving of being American, liberals are scum."

NO evidence, no proof. Want to look at the evidence of the socially unacceptable behavior at the OWS?

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