What Leftism Does to People

In your opinion, which statement most closely reflects the truth?

  • Leftism is America’s best hope.

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • Unchecked Leftism will destroy the America we know.

    Votes: 66 72.5%
  • Neither and I will explain in my post

    Votes: 7 7.7%
  • I am a troll and/or numbnut who has nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
Actually, the flaw in the argument is a common fallacy found in all humans thinking:

"My ideas lead to a nobel and just yet caring society, the ideas of my adversary lead to a hedonistic, sadistic world filled with chaos."

Left wingers say this about right wingers, right wingers say this about left wingers.

Now let me tell you the truth--the world is chaos and madness and the order you are trying to make the rest of us follow is just more madness!! There is no one "right way" yet there are many more "wrong ways". Of course, one has to define the critieria of what is right and wrong!!
No one should ever feel they're entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. That's not what our Country is all about. No one is entitled to steal from others. The Left has worked very hard to create bitterness & division. It's all about the power in the end. Pitting Citizen against Citizen is wrong and the Democrats should reconsider their awful strategy. Put the Country first.
I'm a liberal. I know TONS of liberals, and NONE of us are fascists. Smear campaign. FF thinks people on the right aren't vicious.

To her, Ann Coulter must seem like a little old lady.

Perhaps you're misidentifying yourself.

No she is simply apparently incapable of objectively discussing anything. Which is why I ignore most of her posts.

To the best of my knowledge Ann Coulter hasn't been out demonstrating or rallying with anybody lately either. But she, like Andrew Klavan, observes the really bad behavior of those on the left who do and compares it with the exemplary behavor of those on the right who do.

The topic is about mob behavior people. I think if they really REALLY tried, even our resident liberals/leftists/statist might be able to grasp that fact.

Andrew Klavan suggests that after observation of the mob behavior of leftists, it is mostly bad, disrespectful of the rights and property of others, sometimes violent, destructive and damaging.

He has observed that those on the right (here in America) don't seem to engage in antisocial, violent, destructive, and damaging behavior and they go the second and third mile to be respectful of the rights and property of others.

Is he right?

If so, why do leftists behave that way and Tea Partiers do not?

Is he wrong?

Actually, the flaw in the argument is a common fallacy found in all humans thinking:

"My ideas lead to a nobel and just yet caring society, the ideas of my adversary lead to a hedonistic, sadistic world filled with chaos."

Left wingers say this about right wingers, right wingers say this about left wingers.

Now let me tell you the truth--the world is chaos and madness and the order you are trying to make the rest of us follow is just more madness!! There is no one "right way" yet there are many more "wrong ways". Of course, one has to define the critieria of what is right and wrong!!

You need to spend more time with solving puzzles or playing Solitaire. You go with what works within the parameters, let accomplishment be your guide.
Liberal Fascism- "Absolute drivel"- The Economist. And shove the absolute BS about H G Welles while you're at it...Pub dupes!!

Franco.... have you ever tried to swallow your tongue???
Have your med's ever caused you to do it by accident?
Big Government always leads to Totalitarianism. It doesn't really matter whether you call it Fascism,Socialism,or Communism. It all starts with oppressive Big Government over-reaching. And that is what you're seeing in today's America. People should be very careful what they wish for. Big Government will own you. In fact,some could say they already do. Less Government is the logical way forward for this nation. I just don't understand the Big Government crowd. Are the prospects of a few freebies really worth giving all your Freedom & Liberty away?
Actually, the flaw in the argument is a common fallacy found in all humans thinking:

"My ideas lead to a nobel and just yet caring society, the ideas of my adversary lead to a hedonistic, sadistic world filled with chaos."

Left wingers say this about right wingers, right wingers say this about left wingers.

Now let me tell you the truth--the world is chaos and madness and the order you are trying to make the rest of us follow is just more madness!! There is no one "right way" yet there are many more "wrong ways". Of course, one has to define the critieria of what is right and wrong!!

You need to spend more time with solving puzzles or playing Solitaire. You go with what works within the parameters, let accomplishment be your guide.

But everyone does not want to accomplish the same things. Left wants "material equality" regardless of individual action. The right wants "Material Heirarchy" based on individuals deeds.

Yet reality is kind of like "You might gain a reward/punishment based on your action. You might gain a reward/punishment regardless of your actions. Heck, you might not gain a reward/punishment despite your actions!!"

I guess I have to go back to solitaire as you said, because I keep thinking if there is a god, he created a pretty twisted and random reward system based on actions.
Leftism has created millions of people who have a permanent victim-hood & entitlement attitude. They really do believe they're entitled to stealing other Citizens' money. Just talk to an average Left/Democrat and you'll notice very quickly how bitter & irrational they are. We have a nation full of Millions of Entitlement Hounds. And it is the Left/Democrats who created them. Remember,it's always Party before Country for Democrats.

But setting aside for a moment whether or ot we think their grievances are valid, do you see something in leftism that promotes the kind of antisocial, disrespectful, sometimes violent, destructive behavior of the leftists?

And what makes groups like the Tea Partiers, who also have strong grievances, different?

This is a jobless recovery from a 2nd Pub depression, so people HAVE to take advantage of the safety net. People want jobs, there aren't any. You are a Rush/Foxbot. Change the channel, idiot.
Obviously YOU are the haters, and considering the rich have tripled the wealth, bailed out despite causing the mess, it's you people doing the dividing and hating. Pubs in congress say damn the country to win the election. They are going to pay...not many are as brainwashed as you. Change the channel.
Some of you are just trolling. At least one troll had the integrity to admit it up there on the poll.

And some of you are making some excellent points, both for the left and right, but I still ask everybody to repackage those points to address the thesis.

One more time:

Andrew Klavan suggests that after observation of the mob behavior of leftists, it is mostly bad behavior, disrespectful of the rights and property of others, sometimes violent, destructive and damaging.

He has observed that those on the right (here in America) don't seem to engage in antisocial, violent, destructive, and damaging behavior and they go the second and third mile to be respectful of the rights and property of others.

Is he right?

If so, why do leftists behave that way and Tea Partiers do not?

Is he wrong?

Liberal Fascism- "Absolute drivel"- The Economist. And shove the absolute BS about H G Welles while you're at it...Pub dupes!!

I've had the misfortune to glance at some of your posts...and can, without a doubt, declare them to be …galactically stupid.

Any consideration of your posts is as useless as trying to blow out a lightbulb.

Hopefully your ability will improve by the time you are out of diapers.
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I'm a liberal. I know TONS of liberals, and NONE of us are fascists. Smear campaign. FF thinks people on the right aren't vicious.

To her, Ann Coulter must seem like a little old lady.

Perhaps you're misidentifying yourself.

No she is simply apparently incapable of objectively discussing anything. Which is why I ignore most of her posts.

To the best of my knowledge Ann Coulter hasn't been out demonstrating or rallying with anybody lately either. But she, like Andrew Klavan, observes the really bad behavior of those on the left who do and compares it with the exemplary behavor of those on the right who do.

The topic is about mob behavior people. I think if they really REALLY tried, even our resident liberals/leftists/statist might be able to grasp that fact.

Andrew Klavan suggests that after observation of the mob behavior of leftists, it is mostly bad, disrespectful of the rights and property of others, sometimes violent, destructive and damaging.

He has observed that those on the right (here in America) don't seem to engage in antisocial, violent, destructive, and damaging behavior and they go the second and third mile to be respectful of the rights and property of others.

Is he right?

If so, why do leftists behave that way and Tea Partiers do not?

Is he wrong?

Yes, he is absolutely right.

Violence, vandalism, and outright debauchery in a public setting does absolutely NOTHING to advance ones cause........As we just saw in the latest Quinnipiac poll, the OWS has dropped support from the public like a rock.....Down from around 50% to the low 30% range....Once they started with the vandalism and violence, their support dropped like a rock.

And, it's definitely no coincidence that once that poll came out, their violence has only escalated......Lefties get violent when they don't get their way. It's engrained in their very nature.
Trolling? If it is trolling, wouldn't you think at least one leftist would have come up with an argument to challenge Klaven's thesis?

Why? The ‘thesis’ is fundamentally flawed, cherry-pick and distort with a heavy dose of subjective opinion does not a credible thesis make.

…but again Klaven is very well schooled in history.

He is?

By what standard?

He’s violated most of the fundamental tenets of comprehensive, objective research and analysis I learned as a history student. I doubt the tenets have been abandoned in the decades since.
If you reach a point where you think you're entitled to steal from fellow Citizens,you have become a kooky Leftist/Socialist/Communist. Promoting jealousy & bitterness amongst the classes is an old Democratic Party tactic. I would like to say it doesn't work but sadly it often does. Many people want to blame & hate those more successful than themselves. That's just the way it is. And the Democrats exploit that better than anyone. It is very sad but it is what it is.
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Actually, the flaw in the argument is a common fallacy found in all humans thinking:

"My ideas lead to a nobel and just yet caring society, the ideas of my adversary lead to a hedonistic, sadistic world filled with chaos."

Left wingers say this about right wingers, right wingers say this about left wingers.

Now let me tell you the truth--the world is chaos and madness and the order you are trying to make the rest of us follow is just more madness!! There is no one "right way" yet there are many more "wrong ways". Of course, one has to define the critieria of what is right and wrong!!

You need to spend more time with solving puzzles or playing Solitaire. You go with what works within the parameters, let accomplishment be your guide.

But everyone does not want to accomplish the same things. Left wants "material equality" regardless of individual action. The right wants "Material Heirarchy" based on individuals deeds.

Yet reality is kind of like "You might gain a reward/punishment based on your action. You might gain a reward/punishment regardless of your actions. Heck, you might not gain a reward/punishment despite your actions!!"

I guess I have to go back to solitaire as you said, because I keep thinking if there is a god, he created a pretty twisted and random reward system based on actions.

Examine what you just said from a perspective of "What is Legal", "What is Ethical".

It's up to you what you want to accomplish. It's generally up to you what obligations you choose to make, yet once made, there is a sense of Duty to remain true to your word, right?

Left wants "material equality" regardless of individual action.

That's also known as Theft, Theft of Intellectual Property, Theft of Property, Theft of Service, Fraud, when one claims position is interchangeable. We all have different talents, in different measure, and are motivated in different directions. Would it seem that we are all Equal and each Unique at the same time? If you had to choose between the two, in precedence, would you not rather be you first, rather than what someone else says you are, or wants you to be? How is Equal Outcome Just? In what way could it be without exact circumstance? Why argue Predetermined outcome in the first place?

The right wants "Material Heirarchy" based on individuals deeds.

How so. I'm Right. I just want Everyone coloring within the lines, unless there is strong reason not to. It's not my place to obstruct you from Lawful Action, nor would it please me to do so. You want to go along with an established Entity, or forge your own trail, go for it.

Yet reality is kind of like "You might gain a reward/punishment based on your action. You might gain a reward/punishment regardless of your actions. Heck, you might not gain a reward/punishment despite your actions!!"

What does Action follow? Was it Primary? Purpose, Cause, Principle, Intent? To what end? By what Means? What was Planned? What was Considered? Was it Predetermined? Was there Room for unanticipated Circumstance, Delay, Obstacles?

Dream, Vision, Discovery, Invention, have Pitfalls we learn from through cause and effect, advice, experience, reason, trial and error. Life 101. :)

I guess I have to go back to solitaire as you said, because I keep thinking if there is a god, he created a pretty twisted and random reward system based on actions.

It's good God talks to you through Solitaire. :D ;)
Why is so much we think of God based on Other Peoples words, and not our own Individual experience? Seek God through Conscience, in spite of what goes on around you, it doesn't fail. :)
If you reach a point where you think you're entitled to steal from fellow Citizens,you have become a kooky Leftist/Socialist/Communist. Promoting jealousy & bitterness amongst the classes is an old Democratic Party tactic. I would like to say it doesn't work but sadly it often does. Many people want to blame & hate those more successful than themselves. That's just the way it is. And the Democrats exploit that better than anyone. It is very sad but it is what it is.

Okay, still trying to relate to the thesis here, you are saying that leftism promotes blame, hate, jealousy, bitterness? So would you then say that is the motive or justification for acting out? For trashing or defacing or damaging or destroying public and private property? For trampling on the rights of others?

Or are many leftists by nature simply immature and childlike and they throw a temper tantrum when they don't get their way?

But even if you agree with that--and I don't intend to put words in your mouth at all so I'm just supposing here--how do you account for the exemplary behavior of Tea Partiers who also blame components of government and lay blame where they see it? (There is however, little evidence of jealousy or bitterness in the Tea Party movement.)
Liberal Fascism- "Absolute drivel"- The Economist. And shove the absolute BS about H G Welles while you're at it...Pub dupes!!

I've had the misfortune to glance at some of your posts...and can, without a doubt, declare them to be …galactically stupid.

Any consideration of your posts is as useless as trying to blow out a lightbulb.

Hopefully your ability will improve by the time you are out of diapers.

Sure. I have a masters in History/ French Civilisation, and if you listen to "Liberal Fascism" for more than ten seconds, you're an ignorant moron/Beckbot. Liberalism and fascism are opposites.
Tea Partiers are old fools who get bussed in by Glenn Beck to prove how clean they are. OWS are young people who've been SCREWED by skyrocketing college and college loan costs under Booosh and voodoo, and the people causing trouble are black-clothed anarchists who the OWS are fighting THEMSELVES. Not reported by Rush/Fox, bought off charlatans.Change the channel.
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