What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

Most of that has been paid back. Why am I am helping pay for a 30-year-old’s apartment when he refuses to take a job?

Where can I sign up?

(The corporate farms are never going to pay back the billions they got)

They get barely enough while the markets get billions. Oddly it seems for many (like yourself) the only problem is with those just scraping by.
But it isn't. It is what you spout that has to be absolute truth. The real dogma. people abuse the system. I do not know how many get Social Security disabilities now but some years ago it was around 12 million people, and it was estimated that half of them were questionable. You damn well know there are men and women who scam. And more than that believe they are owed with no appreciation from those who foot the bill. And yes, there are many who do not scam and are in a bad situation.
Where can I sign up?
If you live in my county, which you don’t, you could go online and find it yourself. They’re still offering “rent coverage” because of COVID!

On a related note, I just got a notice that my property taxes went up. They used to be $200 MORE than my mortgage, and now they’re $300 more. PER MONTH.
But it isn't. It is what you spout that has to be absolute truth. The real dogma. people abuse the system. I do not know how many get Social Security disabilities now but some years ago it was around 12 million people, and it was estimated that half of them were questionable. You damn well know there are men and women who scam. And more than that believe they are owed with no appreciation from those who foot the bill. And yes, there are many who do not scam and are in a bad situation.

Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam | National Review
If you live in my county, which you don’t, you could go online and find it yourself. They’re still offering “rent coverage” because of COVID!

On a related note, I just got a notice that my property taxes went up. They used to be $200 MORE than my mortgage, and now they’re $300 more. PER MONTH.
Jesus lady.

Quit whining already . Stop worrying about other people
When I used to bitch about the neighbor’s kids having more I’d get smacked

You need a good smack
If you live in my county, which you don’t, you could go online and find it yourself. They’re still offering “rent coverage” because of COVID!


On a related note, I just got a notice that my property taxes went up. They used to be $200 MORE than my mortgage, and now they’re $300 more. PER MONTH.

That's because of the inflation caused by the trillions pumped into the markets.
Seems like employers need more low skilled workers
Lets expand work visas
You and your fellow Liberals are upset about unskilled American minorities not having employment opportunities and your solution is to actively prevent them from gaining employment altogether and collecting welfare.
It's obvious you are a Democrat shill.
Jesus lady.

Quit whining already . Stop worrying about other people
When I used to bitch about the neighbor’s kids having more I’d get smacked

You need a good smack
A Black parent smacking their child?!
Do not make everything about Race.

African Americans in USA (even now), like Jews in USSR (prior to about 1988) face significant discrimination and obstacles.
There are unfortunately too many Black neighborhoods who keep voting for the party that has nothing about crime for 50 years, so yes, I do blame race.
You and your fellow Liberals are upset about unskilled American minorities not having employment opportunities and your solution is to actively prevent them from gaining employment altogether and collecting welfare.
It's obvious you are a Democrat shill.

I see Help Wanted signs up all over the place
I see business being open only eight hours a day and five days a week

Looks like a great opportunity to offer temporary work visas to allow business to stay open longer and make more money
There are unfortunately too many Black neighborhoods who keep voting for the party that has nothing about crime for 50 years, so yes, I do blame race.

What are Republicans doing for those neighborhoods?
I see Help Wanted signs up all over the place
I see business being open only eight hours a day and five days a week

Looks like a great opportunity to offer temporary work visas to allow business to stay open longer and make more money
So do I...I also see used BMWs all over Uniondale and Hempstead.
Too much loose money being loaned out to minorities.
I also see Mexicans doing construction now instead of Blacks earning that higher wage.

HSBC Retail went broke because they only hired minorities and they handed out loans like water and nobody paid back.
So do I...I also see used BMWs all over Uniondale and Hempstead.
Too much loose money being loaned out to minorities.
I also see Mexicans doing construction now instead of Blacks earning that higher wage.

HSBC Retail went broke because they only hired minorities and they handed out loans like water and nobody paid back.
Has nothing to do with employers being unable to fill low skilled jobs
Has nothing to do with employers being unable to fill low skilled jobs
When Trump was President, Home Depot's parking lot was empty in the morning.
I know as I drive past every morning on my way to work so don't hand me your bullshit.

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