What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

You’re making excusing for adults who refuse to take jobs - and instead get taxpayers to provide benefits for them. If they don’t want to work because they feel the jobs are beneath them, fine. We just shouldn’t be forced to support them.

And, your taxes are NOT the same whether or not they hand out free money to work refusniks. You liberals have no understanding of money.

And you are just pretending that you are supporting them because it makes you feel superior. Your taxes are based on your income. They don't go up or down depending on what the government is spending money on. If they weren't spending it on food stamps, they would be spending it on alligator filled moats along our southern border because money is about power and control and Washington has no desire to surrender either.
What the blue fuck does selling blood have to do with a total lack of a work ethic? You people are hopeless, completely hopeless.

Perhaps had you bothered to read the article you would have noticed the part about these collection centers being concentrated in impoverished areas.
And you are just pretending that you are supporting them because it makes you feel superior. Your taxes are based on your income. They don't go up or down depending on what the government is spending money on. If they weren't spending it on food stamps, they would be spending it on alligator filled moats along our southern border because money is about power and control and Washington has no desire to surrender either.
Now you’re starting to get nasty and personally insulting, in addition to the fact that you have no understanding of money.

If the government didn’t need as much as it does to hand out all this unnecessary free support, our taxes wouldn’t have to be raised. The idea that you are OK with non-working adults living six-figure households getting taxpayer money that comes from hard-working people earning half that is the problem.
Now you’re starting to get nasty and personally insulting, in addition to the fact that you have no understanding of money.

If the government didn’t need as much as it does to hand out all this unnecessary free support, our taxes wouldn’t have to be raised. The idea that you are OK with non-working adults living six-figure households getting taxpayer money that comes from hard-working people earning half that is the problem.

People making half of a six figure income are getting the health insurance and a billion other things subsidized by people with nine and 10 digit incomes. Poor Susie The Waffle House waitress isn't going to pay enough taxes in her life time to cover the cost of paving the road between her house and the closest intersection just one of the three times it will be paved in her lifetime.
Perhaps had you bothered to read the article you would have noticed the part about these collection centers being concentrated in impoverished areas.
I'll tell you the same thing I told a right-leaner that whined about the "impoverished" areas and supposed lack of jobs.....Move to where the jobs are.....It's not like their lot would be any worse.....I'll tell you this, you don't see Hispanics dicking around sitting on their hands.

Hell even blacks moved north to where the jobs were to better their lot. Sadly the leftists managed to put them back on the dem plantation and we now see the results of that.
Still no reply as to where all this free money is and how I can apply for it?
The last time minimum wage was raised was in 2009, 13 years ago. It hasn’t kept up with the cost of living by any means. Walmart wage rates, for example, run from $10/hour for cashier/sticker to $18.49/contact center engineer in WV. A Walmart optician earns 14.95/hr in Front Royal, VA. Average Walmart sales associate earns 13.30 an hour. Walmart is a good example of retail entry level jobs. $17 or $18 is probably in an area with a very high cost of living.

So because an able-bodied adult doesn’t want to take a job paying $15 an hour means WE should have to provide him with financial support? Why is he entitled to sit home and watch TV all day while others subsidize his rent and feed his kids?
ThT is an excellent example of what is really the problem here in my opinion: lack of affordable child care or in some cases, any child care. Child support is only as good as the salary of the other parent by the way. Childcare is so expensive that welfare benefits offer a better choice for single parents when you factor in the costs of working: childcare, a vehicle or transportation etc.

We need some genuine pro-family policies.
The example I have is when BOTH parents refuse to work Because they feel a job at Target or Walmart is “beneath” them. One parent stays home with the kids, and the other gets a job. Why should we have to help support their family when NEITHER parent is working?
Everyone has a story, some people are freeloaders but some have hidden disabilities.

Yes, and for those who have disabilities, there is SSI. But they need to prove it.
For every family like that, there is a family where there are genuine reasons for need: one parent is at home caring for children the other working one or mor low wage jobs.

OK….so because other families are doing it right - one parent is working and the other caring for children - how does that excuse the freeloaders?

This is what you’ve said, in effect:

Me: A family where neither parent is working, when there are jobs going begging at $15 or more an hour, because both parents feel that work is beneath them, should NOT be getting money from taxpayers to feed and house their children.

You: Not every family is like that. Some families have one parent working and one caring for the kids.

So how does THAT answer what we should do about the entitled parents, who BOTH feel that a job at Walmart is beneath them, but have no problems taking OPM to support their kids?
$18 an hour for a job that a high school kid could do is pretty damn good. Just how much do you want prices to go up to cover overpaying people?

For low skilled workers…..It is payback time

After generations of being bullied by employers and told to accept low wages and abusive working conditions or else they have three people waiting to to take your job……Workers have options.
I'll tell you the same thing I told a right-leaner that whined about the "impoverished" areas and supposed lack of jobs.....Move to where the jobs are.....It's not like their lot would be any worse.....I'll tell you this, you don't see Hispanics dicking around sitting on their hands.

Hell even blacks moved north to where the jobs were to better their lot. Sadly the leftists managed to put them back on the dem plantation and we now see the results of that.

I didn't complain about the lack of jobs or the lack or workers, now did I? I said I don't care if they work or not. You are one of the ones all up into how other people get by as if they are personally eating out of your fridge when you aren't looking.
Still no reply as to where all this free money is and how I can apply for it?
You don’t qualify. But if refused to work and instead moved in with your $150,000 a year mom’s house, you’d get taxpayer support.
You don’t qualify. But if refused to work and instead moved in with your $150,000 a year mom’s house, you’d get taxpayer support.

Great. I'm all in. Where do I apply? Please point out these programs for me.
For low skilled workers…..It is payback time

After generations of being bullied by employers and told to accept low wages and abusive working conditions or else they have three people waiting to to take your job……Workers have options.
That’s the problem! They are given options:

1) You can take the job at Walmart for $18 an hour, or

2) You can goof off all day and have someone else provide food and housing.

We need to take away that option and require able-bodied adults to work.
Great. I'm all in. Where do I apply? Please point out these programs for me.
You’re going to move in with your mom, who is earning an excellent salary, where you won’t have to pay for rent? (Just being clear.) Then I guess you’ll do what the 50-year-old who lives with her parents in a $1 million condo did - apply for food stamps through the county.
I didn't complain about the lack of jobs or the lack or workers, now did I? I said I don't care if they work or not. You are one of the ones all up into how other people get by as if they are personally eating out of your fridge when you aren't looking.
They may as well be if they are eating on my tax dime.
You’re going to move in with your mom, who is earning an excellent salary, where you won’t have to pay for rent? (Just being clear.) Then I guess you’ll do what the 50-year-old who lives with her parents in a $1 million condo did - apply for food stamps through the county.

I don't know if I will or not. I want you to point out these programs for me so I can research them and see if they are as worthwhile as you claim.
You’re making excusing for adults who refuse to take jobs - and instead get taxpayers to provide benefits for them. If they don’t want to work because they feel the jobs are beneath them, fine. We just shouldn’t be forced to support them.

And, your taxes are NOT the same whether or not they hand out free money to work refusniks. You liberals have no understanding of money.
You have a twisted view of our society
In your world, everyone is getting a handout and exploiting the system.

The reality is that we have 3.5 percent unemployment rate. Workers have multiple options available to them. They can demand better pay and better working conditions
I don't know if I will or not. I want you to point out these programs for me so I can research them and see if they are as worthwhile as you claim.
Why do I have to research them to help YOU mooch off of other people? If you want to quit your job and take other people’s money, do it yourself.

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