What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

You are obviously a moron, but before I put you on ignore, let me point out that the inflation began when Biden began his war on Fossil Fuels, which immediately began to drive up fuel prices which is STILL pushing up transportation costs which is costing us so much at the grocery store.

Yeah put me on ignore - stay in your safe space, snowflake.

You couldn't refute a single bit of what I posted. In fact you didn't even respond to it - you deflected to some other completely unrelated shit about fossil fuels.

Hey dipshit, guess what? Gas prices have been declining since June. You can come out of your house and go for a drive now.

As for only being a "technical recession", the only thing that is saving appearances is that so many people have left the workforce over the past 3 years because of COVID that there's no one to lay off yet.

Right, is that why labor participation has increased a full percent since January 2021?
no, seriously
You Goofy

“inflation began when Biden began his war on Fossil Fuels, which immediately began to drive up fuel prices”

no, seriously
You Goofy

“inflation began when Biden began his war on Fossil Fuels, which immediately began to drive up fuel prices”
When you refuse to allow the industry to meet demand, it drives up the price. And before you claim that Biden isn't refusing to allow the industry to meet demand and that he has issued all those permits, explain why his introduction of a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters doesn't limit production.

If you want a job where the company shares THEIR profit with you, you make sure you get a job with profit sharing. If you want to get paid by how much work you do, you get a piece job and you earn money with every piece you process. If you can't find either of those kinds of jobs. you go into sales where you make a commission off of every customer you bring to the company.

I worked for an ESOP for five years. It was great.
Too many leeches and bottom feeders in this Country.
If you cannot contribute you need to leave.
When you refuse to allow the industry to meet demand, it drives up the price. And before you claim that Biden isn't refusing to allow the industry to meet demand and that he has issued all those permits, explain why his introduction of a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters doesn't limit production.

Production was down and so was demand in 2020. Trump threatened the Saudis if they didn't cut production. You don't get instant results when you want to increase production capacity.
Production was down and so was demand in 2020. Trump threatened the Saudis if they didn't cut production. You don't get instant results when you want to increase production capacity.

Not talking about Saudi production. Talking about Biden's actions to decrease future production as demand was increasing. I know you want everything to be Trump's fault, but you're just destined for disappointment.
Not talking about Saudi production. Talking about Biden's actions to decrease future production as demand was increasing. I know you want everything to be Trump's fault, but you're just destined for disappointment.

That's a silly lie. They were short oil workers and truck drivers. Instead of drilling they returned profits to their shareholders. 2020 put a hundred domestic producers in bankruptcy... and others were negative. Crude oil is just in time inventory.
That's a silly lie. They were short oil workers and truck drivers. Instead of drilling they returned profits to their shareholders. 2020 put a hundred domestic producers in bankruptcy... and others were negative. Crude oil is just in time inventory.
C'mon, stupid, Production was down in the Spring, which is when Trump put pressure on the Saudis. Demand was rising when Biden took over and changed oil and gas production policies that has put a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters. Careful, or this sock puppet will be ignored.
C'mon, stupid, Production was down in the Spring, which is when Trump put pressure on the Saudis. Demand was rising when Biden took over and changed oil and gas production policies that has put a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters. Careful, or this sock puppet will be ignored.

Big oil has several thousand oil concessions. They take options on Federal land and private property. You don't know anything about the oil business.
Production was down and so was demand in 2020. Trump threatened the Saudis if they didn't cut production. You don't get instant results when you want to increase production capacity.

Of course you do, you just don't understand how this all works.
Hey dipshit, guess what? Gas prices have been declining since June. You can come out of your house and go for a drive now.

In June is when they predicted a recession. That's why the price dropped. It had nothing to do with Biden except for him putting is in a recession. If you want to give him credit for that, I accept that.
Yeah I do. Big oil was using profits to pay their shareholders after a rotten 2020.

Big oil doesn't control prices, the market does. That's why when there is the least negative news about oil and gas, the effect is immediate and I mean that day.

What we did is replace a pro-energy President with an anti-energy President, and that's when prices started to go up. The first day of taking office, Dementia put a halt to the Keystone pipeline. Afterwards he stopped new drilling and exploration on public land. Then when our largest gasoline pipeline got hacked, Dementia made a public statement that this is a private industry matter--not a government one.

The prices kept increasing with every one of these measures, and then the Ukraine war which would have never happened under Trump. As I stated, the only reason it came down is because of the looming recession, and then of course the announcement we are technically in a recession.
Big oil doesn't control prices, the market does. That's why when there is the least negative news about oil and gas, the effect is immediate and I mean that day.

What we did is replace a pro-energy President with an anti-energy President, and that's when prices started to go up. The first day of taking office, Dementia put a halt to the Keystone pipeline. Afterwards he stopped new drilling and exploration on public land. Then when our largest gasoline pipeline got hacked, Dementia made a public statement that this is a private industry matter--not a government one.

The prices kept increasing with every one of these measures, and then the Ukraine war which would have never happened under Trump. As I stated, the only reason it came down is because of the looming recession, and then of course the announcement we are technically in a recession.

Keystone XL is strictly an export pipeline. It only benefits the Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands. They can increase profits by using refineries in the Free trade zone and selling it abroad.

The keystone XL just deprived refineries in the Midwest that have been refitted to refine tarsands. That sludge sells for $29 a barrel.
The last time minimum wage was raised was in 2009, 13 years ago. It hasn’t kept up with the cost of living by any means. Walmart wage rates, for example, run from $10/hour for cashier/sticker to $18.49/contact center engineer in WV. A Walmart optician earns 14.95/hr in Front Royal, VA. Average Walmart sales associate earns 13.30 an hour. Walmart is a good example of retail entry level jobs. $17 or $18 is probably in an area with a very high cost of living.

ThT is an excellent example of what is really the problem here in my opinion: lack of affordable child care or in some cases, any child care. Child support is only as good as the salary of the other parent by the way. Childcare is so expensive that welfare benefits offer a better choice for single parents when you factor in the costs of working: childcare, a vehicle or transportation etc.

We need some genuine pro-family policies.

Everyone has a story, some people are freeloaders but some have hidden disabilities.

For every family like that, there is a family where there are genuine reasons for need: one parent is at home caring for children the other working one or mor low wage jobs and living in a high cost of living area.
Hello Coyote,

You may or may not know this but I still work after countless battles with my health and refuse to take Welfare and why?

Most likely I am just plain stubborn and stupid but another reason why is because I want to work!

Now I understand that we have many who just are just lazy as can be, and the OP should understand you can take away everything and they still will not work…

Now the Op will go “ WTF Bruce? “ and my answer is those people will turn to a life of crime and how do I know?

Simple, had many of those types in my adopted family where they would abuse the system so they didn’t have to work and believe me they also did drug dealing, human smuggling, pimping and prostituting and much more stuff than work a true and honest job and all of them were either Baby Boomers or X…

Now as the two of you and others drop your damn jaw and wonder why didn’t I follow that path, well that was my adopted family and it isn’t in my genes to do this stuff.

So as the two of you bicker please understand my point and the issue is that some and maybe many people just do not want to work, but for me I will work until my last dying breath and no neither of you can choke it out of me either.

Take care and just remember Heil Hydra…

( Yeah, I am being goody with that last part )
Hello Coyote,

You may or may not know this but I still work after countless battles with my health and refuse to take Welfare and why?

Most likely I am just plain stubborn and stupid but another reason why is because I want to work!

Now I understand that we have many who just are just lazy as can be, and the OP should understand you can take away everything and they still will not work…

Now the Op will go “ WTF Bruce? “ and my answer is those people will turn to a life of crime and how do I know?

Simple, had many of those types in my adopted family where they would abuse the system so they didn’t have to work and believe me they also did drug dealing, human smuggling, pimping and prostituting and much more stuff than work a true and honest job and all of them were either Baby Boomers or X…

Now as the two of you and others drop your damn jaw and wonder why didn’t I follow that path, well that was my adopted family and it isn’t in my genes to do this stuff.

So as the two of you bicker please understand my point and the issue is that some and maybe many people just do not want to work, but for me I will work until my last dying breath and no neither of you can choke it out of me either.

Take care and just remember Heil Hydra…

( Yeah, I am being goody with that last part )
Yes work until your last breath. Retirement is a much better option. Retiring as soon as one can is paramount. I hope you live a long long long time and get to enjoy retirement. My only regret in life is not retiring earlier. A strong work ethic cloud d my thinking and I'm embarrassed to say I worked longer than I needed to. Shame on me for that. It's an awful feeling. What a terrible decision it was. Retirement is the greatest thing ever says everyone.
Yes work until your last breath. Retirement is a much better option. Retiring as soon as one can is paramount. I hope you live a long long long time and get to enjoy retirement. My only regret in life is not retiring earlier. A strong work ethic cloud d my thinking and I'm embarrassed to say I worked longer than I needed to. Shame on me for that. It's an awful feeling. What a terrible decision it was. Retirement is the greatest thing ever says everyone.
I can retire in the Philippines today and never work again and have a driver, maid and cook and no none of them would be my wife.

I need something to do and hobbies do not entertain me enough.
Get out get out get out as soon as you can. The american rat race is simply a means to an end.

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