What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

When I was young and in the workforce I walked off of 3jobs. No notice nothing. Talk about empowering and feeling great about oneself.
Big oil has several thousand oil concessions. They take options on Federal land and private property. You don't know anything about the oil business.
You're an idiot. Biden has canceled all the permits on Federal land (except Native American lands). Your ignorance is astounding and this ID isn't worth the trouble of reading in the future. Buh bye
In June is when they predicted a recession. That's why the price dropped. It had nothing to do with Biden except for him putting is in a recession. If you want to give him credit for that, I accept that.

And where did you get this from? Some people have been predicting a recession since 2018, so I don't think people put a lot of thought into predictions. Look, if you wanna say the consumer said "Fuck this I'm not paying $5 freakin dollars per gallon for gas, I'll park my ass on my couch," I can go along with that, because that's pretty much what happened. I'd say that explains about 75% of it.

But that being said, Biden has worked on supply chain. Biden has also put a lot of political pressure on the oil & gas companies. He has also released oil from the strategic petroleum reserves. So contrary to what you say, he's actually had some impact on gas prices, to the extent that he can.

It's still a global market, though. We're entering a time of intense geopolitical instability. Russia's behavior is threatening to intensify inflationary pressures whereas China's impending economic crisis is probably a pull in the opposite direction. I have no problem blaming Biden for shit that's legitimately blame-worthy, but he's managing the energy crunch about as well as anyone in his position can.
And where did you get this from? Some people have been predicting a recession since 2018, so I don't think people put a lot of thought into predictions. Look, if you wanna say the consumer said "Fuck this I'm not paying $5 freakin dollars per gallon for gas, I'll park my ass on my couch," I can go along with that, because that's pretty much what happened. I'd say that explains about 75% of it.

But that being said, Biden has worked on supply chain. Biden has also put a lot of political pressure on the oil & gas companies. He has also released oil from the strategic petroleum reserves. So contrary to what you say, he's actually had some impact on gas prices, to the extent that he can.

It's still a global market, though. We're entering a time of intense geopolitical instability. Russia's behavior is threatening to intensify inflationary pressures whereas China's impending economic crisis is probably a pull in the opposite direction. I have no problem blaming Biden for shit that's legitimately blame-worthy, but he's managing the energy crunch about as well as anyone in his position can.

I used to trade commodities for a few years so I stay up on the commodities news every now and then or when something is transcending like oil and gasoline.

Only the Communists were talking about a recession because they were desperate to bring Trump down during a fantastic economy. There were zero signs of it in 2018. Traders realized it was hate politics and nothing more. The strategic reserves are perhaps responsible for about five cents a gallon. Those reserves released is about the same as a drunk pissing on a two alarm fire to put it out.

The consumer has no choice but to pay whatever it is gasoline costs. People are not going to quit their job over the price of gasoline. Fuel is a worldwide commodity so Dementia can't put pressure on anybody or anything. The man can't even get out of the shower or ride a bike without hurting himself, so your comment about him pressuring oil companies is comical.
You're an idiot. Biden has canceled all the permits on Federal land (except Native American lands). Your ignorance is astounding and this ID isn't worth the trouble of reading in the future. Buh bye

Lol Big oil has leases and options galore. They don't cancel them after the fact.
Keystone XL is strictly an export pipeline. It only benefits the Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands. They can increase profits by using refineries in the Free trade zone and selling it abroad.

The keystone XL just deprived refineries in the Midwest that have been refitted to refine tarsands. That sludge sells for $29 a barrel.

We were still going to get some of that oil and it was being piped to Texas where our refineries could (and do) process it. We were the worlds largest exporter of fuel and when we put in a person that promised to end fossil fuels, what do you think people in the market are going to do?
We don't need to legislate them off the couch, we just need to stop paying them to lay on it and play GTA.

If their families want to keep bringing them Ramen so they can survive, that's up to them.
We were still going to get some of that oil and it was being piped to Texas where our refineries could (and do) process it. We were the worlds largest exporter of fuel and when we put in a person that promised to end fossil fuels, what do you think people in the market are going to do?

Yep.. ending fossil fuels is a ways off.
Yep.. ending fossil fuels is a ways off.

Correct, but Dementia just didn't just talk the talk, he walked the walk and that's what traders take notice of. End fossil fuel? It's political talking point for sure. But that doesn't mean he won't take steps towards it and that's what the market responds to.
What a bullshit premise.

People retired early.

Gonna force them back to work now?
We were still going to get some of that oil and it was being piped to Texas where our refineries could (and do) process it. We were the worlds largest exporter of fuel and when we put in a person that promised to end fossil fuels, what do you think people in the market are going to do?
Why are we allowing big slimy oil companies export it when every last drop is needed here?
The answer is NOT increasing the minimum wage, as I see signs all over the place offering $17 and $18 an hour to run a cash register or restock clothes on shelves. The answer is to stop giving taxpayer money away to people able to work and who simply feel jobs are beneath them.

1. Any adult not working a full-time job and living with a parent in a six-figure household should be exempt welfare-type benefits:

a) I know a young mother, now divorced, who moved in with her mother (a GS 14), who not only gets child support for her two children, as she should, she also gets food stamps, Medicaid for her kids, and a host of other benefits. She works one day a week, as a fill-in receptionist for a vet.

b) I also know a woman in her 50s, who lives with her parents, both of whom are retired government professionals with a six-figure pension. She too gets food stamps, and works two afternoons a week at the library.

2. Any parent in a two-parent household, where neither is working, should get no welfare. I know a couple (with kids) where both refuse to get a job, saying what’s available is beneath them, and they are getting rent relief, food stamps, Medicaid, and so forth.
You are 100% correct

End welfare for any household with able bodied adults
Why are we allowing big slimy oil companies export it when every last drop is needed here?

Because fuel is a worldwide commodity, not a domestic one. You don't want to get out of the market because the market is designed to somewhat stabilize prices. If we ever did get out of the market, then yes, the oil companies could charge us $10.00 a gallon if they wanted to. In the market, they have little control over prices.
The answer is NOT increasing the minimum wage, as I see signs all over the place offering $17 and $18 an hour to run a cash register or restock clothes on shelves. The answer is to stop giving taxpayer money away to people able to work and who simply feel jobs are beneath them.

1. Any adult not working a full-time job and living with a parent in a six-figure household should be exempt welfare-type benefits:

a) I know a young mother, now divorced, who moved in with her mother (a GS 14), who not only gets child support for her two children, as she should, she also gets food stamps, Medicaid for her kids, and a host of other benefits. She works one day a week, as a fill-in receptionist for a vet.

b) I also know a woman in her 50s, who lives with her parents, both of whom are retired government professionals with a six-figure pension. She too gets food stamps, and works two afternoons a week at the library.

2. Any parent in a two-parent household, where neither is working, should get no welfare. I know a couple (with kids) where both refuse to get a job, saying what’s available is beneath them, and they are getting rent relief, food stamps, Medicaid, and so forth.
Take away the XBOX.
Because fuel is a worldwide commodity, not a domestic one. You don't want to get out of the market because the market is designed to somewhat stabilize prices. If we ever did get out of the market, then yes, the oil companies could charge us $10.00 a gallon if they wanted to. In the market, they have little control over prices.
So don't complain about anyone being a globalist.
The answer is NOT increasing the minimum wage, as I see signs all over the place offering $17 and $18 an hour to run a cash register or restock clothes on shelves. The answer is to stop giving taxpayer money away to people able to work and who simply feel jobs are beneath them.
In my opinion, many people with mental disability can not find a job or can not stay at a job. People with mental disability have a Right to Life, but they can not support themselves.

I have Moderately Severe Asperger's Syndrome and some Depression. Thank G-d and my parents, I am provided for!

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