What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

Then perhaps it is time to get rid of intrusive random drug test.

Never happen. The politicians let the insurance companies run our country. Businesses get a cheaper workman's compensation rate if they have drug testing policies, so the politicians are not about to make law against it.

I agree with you with the exception drug testing is still allowed to see if you are intoxicated on the job. But if you smoke pot tonight, report for work on Monday morning, I have no problem with you working.
You’re going to move in with your mom, who is earning an excellent salary, where you won’t have to pay for rent? (Just being clear.) Then I guess you’ll do what the 50-year-old who lives with her parents in a $1 million condo did - apply for food stamps through the county.
So now you are on about another poster's family members?
When you made a blanket statement about all kids and their parents.

Where did I ever say "all" parents and kids? Statistics show we have the most adults living with their parents than any time since we kept track of it. It's been a topic on evil right-wing radio a few times. The former radio host Michael Medved covered the topic. He started out the show by saying both his adult kids moved back home with he and his wife, and they hope they never leave. All the callers I heard had the same sentiment. Unless I was out of my truck at the time, I didn't hear one caller state their kids still live with them and they wished they would get the hell out on their own.

It's simply recognizing the different mindset between today and when I was a kid.
We are in recession now

Now? A technical recession at worst, though that might have changed after Jackson Hole.

and well on the way to depression.

Always possible but certainly not the result of anything Dark Brandon has done. I completely agree that DB added inflationary pressure in March of 2021 with the stimulus that, in retrospect, was not well targeted. But the previous stimulus packages weren't well targeted either. It all culminated in the inflation story. There was probably $5 trillion + dollars of extra cash dumped into the market in less than a year, much of it (most of it, actually) under the previous president.

And NONE of it is a result of "orange man". It's all a result of the Left's economic theories being implemented.

You can say that if you want, but it's kinda stupid to say that everything that happened before January 20, 2021 is Trump's fault or credit and that everything after is Biden's. It takes time for economic policies to wind their way through the economy.
After a generation of abusing their workforce, I enjoy watching business grovel trying to get workers to accept their low wages and horrible working conditions
All the while you wear your Walmart Chinese-made underwear and socks made by a 6-year-old in a polluted Chinese factory. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
All the while you wear your Walmart Chinese-made underwear and socks made by a 6-year-old in a polluted Chinese factory. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I used to love the "what do you care about minority children" agendas these parasite evil cretins would push for guilt as neighborhoods were near 80% single parent. And now the social welfare state cannot be reduced due to the potential of nationwide riots that make the blue city insurrections' look like romper room.
Did I say everyone is getting a handout? i SPECIFICALLY said that adults living with their parents in a six-figure income HH, and who refuse to work a job, should not be getting taxpayer money for support.

And how do workers have multiple options? You mean they can decide to a) be responsible and get a job, or b) play video games all day and take OPM? That’s the “option” you leftists have created In your march toward getting everyone government-dependent.
Labor camps. Just what you are advocating for, right?
Now? A technical recession at worst, though that might have changed after Jackson Hole.

Always possible but certainly not the result of anything Dark Brandon has done. I completely agree that DB added inflationary pressure in March of 2021 with the stimulus that, in retrospect, was not well targeted. But the previous stimulus packages weren't well targeted either. It all culminated in the inflation story. There was probably $5 trillion + dollars of extra cash dumped into the market in less than a year, much of it (most of it, actually) under the previous president.

You can say that if you want, but it's kinda stupid to say that everything that happened before January 20, 2021 is Trump's fault or credit and that everything after is Biden's. It takes time for economic policies to wind their way through the economy.
You are obviously a moron, but before I put you on ignore, let me point out that the inflation began when Biden began his war on Fossil Fuels, which immediately began to drive up fuel prices which is STILL pushing up transportation costs which is costing us so much at the grocery store. As for only being a "technical recession", the only thing that is saving appearances is that so many people have left the workforce over the past 3 years because of COVID that there's no one to lay off yet.

Now, go peddle your ignorance elsewhere.
You are obviously a moron, but before I put you on ignore, let me point out that the inflation began when Biden began his war on Fossil Fuels, which immediately began to drive up fuel prices which is STILL pushing up transportation costs which is costing us so much at the grocery store. As for only being a "technical recession", the only thing that is saving appearances is that so many people have left the workforce over the past 3 years because of COVID that there's no one to lay off yet.

Now, go peddle your ignorance elsewhere.
You Goofy

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