What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

When I was a kid and my sons were young, you had to beg for a Summer Job and were lucky to get one.
Employers had a take it or leave it attitude and offered minimum wage with uncertain working hours.

Today I see kids being able to pick and choose the jobs they want and get well paid

There is an entire different attitude today. When we were young, if your parents seen you coming home high, not working, no care in the world, they'd throw your ass out of the house. Today a parent would never dream of doing that. In fact they welcome it. If the kid is doing nothing but smoking pot in the basement, dad goes down there and smokes with him.

We had what was called the generation gap. There is no generation gap today.
What programs are these and where can I sign up?

Section 8. I have one of those houses next to me. The government gives the vouchers enough to live in the suburbs which is cheating the working people that had to make the money to live there. They may only have to chip in 150 or 200 bucks a month. There is just nothing fair about it, especially because these lowlifes sleep all day and then making noise all night while working people are trying to sleep. I had to call the cops so many times I finally kept their non-emergency phone number in my recent calls list.
Not without workers they don’t.

Correct, they use workers to create the products or services they sell, but they don't create the profit. They didn't lease the building, they didn't buy the equipment, they don't pay the taxes, they don't maintain the building and property, they don't have to hire a payroll company, they don't have to pay unemployment and workman's compensation insurance. The employer does all these things and more. That's why it's the employer who created the profit.
Yes they do
They also make tremendous profit of which less and less is shared with those who create it

If you want a job where the company shares THEIR profit with you, you make sure you get a job with profit sharing. If you want to get paid by how much work you do, you get a piece job and you earn money with every piece you process. If you can't find either of those kinds of jobs. you go into sales where you make a commission off of every customer you bring to the company.
Section 8. I have one of those houses next to me. The government gives the vouchers enough to live in the suburbs which is cheating the working people that had to make the money to live there. They may only have to chip in 150 or 200 bucks a month. There is just nothing fair about it, especially because these lowlifes sleep all day and then making noise all night while working people are trying to sleep. I had to call the cops so many times I finally kept their non-emergency phone number in my recent calls list.

The argument was people living in the same house as their parents making $150,000. We can discuss Section 8 housing but that has nothing to do with the claim I questioned.
You can't have more than $3000 dollars in assets, savings, retirement accounts, property, to qualify for welfare, and if only one parent works, you can't have a second car, the second car would go towards your asset amount...

I do not think that couple friends you know who you claim are not working because the jobs are BELOW them, can collect welfare because if they did hold such good jobs before, they likely have more than $3000 in assets.

Where in hell are you getting your information from?
That’s not why there is a worker shortage. Young people are refusing to get jobs because they aren’t “up to their level.”

I see it differently. I think we have a huge drug problem in this country and better paying blue-collar jobs often have random drug testing policies. During the Trump years when the economy was booming, I heard the same thing from people at company after company. They can't find workers because many applicants can't pass a random drug screening.
Where do I sign up? I'm having some health problems right now and working is difficult with IBS. Having to run to the bathroom every ten minutes with the most unspeakably nasty diarrhea has really cut down on my productivity. It really sucks. It all comes out in one massive gas propelled explosion of brown chunks and strings of mucous. The hemorrhoids are worse than ever and they sometimes bleed just to add to my misery. So please tell me where to get the free money.

If it's documented by your physician and there is nothing you can do about it (which many times there is not, I know, trust me) then all you have to do is fill out the disability form on the internet. If they refuse your claim, hire a lawyer and fight it.
There is an entire different attitude today. When we were young, if your parents seen you coming home high, not working, no care in the world, they'd throw your ass out of the house. Today a parent would never dream of doing that. In fact they welcome it. If the kid is doing nothing but smoking pot in the basement, dad goes down there and smokes with him.

We had what was called the generation gap. There is no generation gap today.

Is this what you do with your kids?
I see it differently. I think we have a huge drug problem in this country and better paying blue-collar jobs often have random drug testing policies. During the Trump years when the economy was booming, I heard the same thing from people at company after company. They can't find workers because many applicants can't pass a random drug screening.

Then perhaps it is time to get rid of intrusive random drug test.
The last time minimum wage was raised was in 2009, 13 years ago. It hasn’t kept up with the cost of living by any means. Walmart wage rates, for example, run from $10/hour for cashier/sticker to $18.49/contact center engineer in WV. A Walmart optician earns 14.95/hr in Front Royal, VA. Average Walmart sales associate earns 13.30 an hour. Walmart is a good example of retail entry level jobs. $17 or $18 is probably in an area with a very high cost of living.

I don't know where you people get this idea this is something new. It's been going on longer than I've been alive. When I got out of school in 1978 I worked a minimum wage job, then another, then another. I couldn't afford to move out on my own until I got a job that paid double of minimum wage, and even then, the only reason I could make it was because it was a standard 6 day work week and I was able to make a lot of overtime.

When I got sick of not making enough money I went into a different field of work in my early 30's. Nothing has changed since the 70's. There were low paying jobs then and there are low paying jobs now. These were starter jobs back then and they're starter jobs now. You couldn't afford to support yourself on them then and you can't afford to support yourself on them today.

ThT is an excellent example of what is really the problem here in my opinion: lack of affordable child care or in some cases, any child care.

No, the real problem is people having children they could never afford in the first place.

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