What liberals dont understand.....

As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.

The Liberals are already engaging in violence.
Only on the propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence since Trump is against blacks Jews Muslims and gays...no matter how many times Fox shows that stupid antifa thing in Berkeley.
No, you are dismissing a problem with Antifa-the "new nazi".
Really scary, just like the two black guys that got run out of the election place by a little old lady. how many thousands of times have you seen that antifa clip from Berkeley, super dupe. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary. the FBI says the only spike in violence is against blacks Jews Muslims and gays.
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.
What conservatives don’t understand are strawman fallacies – this thread is one such example, and fails as a consequence.

‘Liberal’ and ‘socialist’ are not the same thing.

And that many on the right would resort to violence if they don’t get they way is further proof of their contempt for our democratic institutions, the will of the people, and the rule of law.
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.

The Liberals are already engaging in violence.
Only on the propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence since Trump is against blacks Jews Muslims and gays...no matter how many times Fox shows that stupid antifa thing in Berkeley.
No, you are dismissing a problem with Antifa-the "new nazi".
Really scary, just like the two black guys that got run out of the election place by a little old lady. how many thousands of times have you seen that antifa clip from Berkeley, super dupe. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary. the FBI says the only spike in violence is against blacks Jews Muslims and gays.
Do you have stats?
You may want to read the OP, doesn't sound tolerant to me.
He said he would not accept liberal/socialist rule. The key word is "rule". Our leaders are not supposed to "rule", they are supposed to "govern" (according to the Constitution). He's saying he won't accept tyranny (like millions of other American citizens).
It's the left that is intolerant, they prove it every single day and the people are tiring of it. They ignore the Constitution, step outside the boundaries of their authority, legislate from the bench when they can't get their agenda through the legislative process or to block laws they don't like that are enacted the legal way, in accordance with the Constitution. They're trying to criminalize free speech and they think they can pick and choose between which rights we get to keep.
One only needs to watch the last two debates to see their abuse of power and what they intend to do to our country if given the chance. Flood the country with parasites to win elections (buy elections), rob social security from Americans who have paid into it their whole lives and give it to illegals, convince our children to have sex changes, teach first graders how to have oral sex, wtf? What more do they need to do to convince you they're trying to destroy this country?
You and our politicians keep telling all these same lies and wonder why people on both sides just tune out. If you're looking for tyranny that is the path to it.
Nothing I said was a lie and you know it. And the more the left reveal themselves like they did in the last two debates, the more people are seeing just how radical and destructive they are to our republic. So keep it up.
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.
What conservatives don’t understand are strawman fallacies – this thread is one such example, and fails as a consequence.

‘Liberal’ and ‘socialist’ are not the same thing.

And that many on the right would resort to violence if they don’t get they way is further proof of their contempt for our democratic institutions, the will of the people, and the rule of law.
The left have already resorted to violence, moron.
Only on the propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron.
Didn't you just lecture me on insulting people?
That is a political insults and the main story of the last 30 years here. It doesn't mean you are stupid or anyting else personal. It's a great propaganda machine if you never change the channel.
Oh, I see how it works. If you call leftofleft a brainwashed moron, it's not a personal insult. If I call YOU an idiot, it's a personal insult. Got it.
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.
What conservatives don’t understand are strawman fallacies – this thread is one such example, and fails as a consequence.

‘Liberal’ and ‘socialist’ are not the same thing.

And that many on the right would resort to violence if they don’t get they way is further proof of their contempt for our democratic institutions, the will of the people, and the rule of law.

So why is the left so receptive to socialism?
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.
What conservatives don’t understand are strawman fallacies – this thread is one such example, and fails as a consequence.

‘Liberal’ and ‘socialist’ are not the same thing.

And that many on the right would resort to violence if they don’t get they way is further proof of their contempt for our democratic institutions, the will of the people, and the rule of law.

So why is the left so receptive to socialism?
Because they're suckers?
the right wing is not tolerant of the Poor, only the Rich.

What makes you say that?
I tolerate the poor because they have no effect on my life.
unless it has to do with social services?

If they're abusing the system I do.
the Richest are too rich to fail.

you only complain about the Poor "abusing the system"?
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.
What conservatives don’t understand are strawman fallacies – this thread is one such example, and fails as a consequence.

‘Liberal’ and ‘socialist’ are not the same thing.

And that many on the right would resort to violence if they don’t get they way is further proof of their contempt for our democratic institutions, the will of the people, and the rule of law.

So why is the left so receptive to socialism?

The left is part of the spectrum which encompasses socialism, why does the right like fascism so well?
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.
What conservatives don’t understand are strawman fallacies – this thread is one such example, and fails as a consequence.

‘Liberal’ and ‘socialist’ are not the same thing.

And that many on the right would resort to violence if they don’t get they way is further proof of their contempt for our democratic institutions, the will of the people, and the rule of law.

So why is the left so receptive to socialism?
the right wing simply doesn't understand what socialism is.

Capitalism "died in 1929 and socialism has been bailing us out ever since".
What a ridiculous comment.
As Mario Cuomo said, Ronald Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor... The poor also being code for minorities it appears.... As if the poor all of a sudden became lazy scumbags, as if it has nothing to do with the right give away to the rich and cuts in services and benefits for everyone else the last 35 years. Of course the dupes know nothing about that...
Mario Cuomo was a POS. He didn't have the guts to run against Ronald Reagan in '84 so he sat on the sidelines and took cheap shots at him. He was a coward and a liar, and only an idiot like you would hold him up as someone worthy of quoting.
Any chance you could argue the point instead of stupid insults about the messenger? Tell us how lazy poor people are, super duper.

Why's that, is insulting the messenger reserved for liberals? Dumbass.
I don't insult people except political insults. You people don't listen to very smart people because you know bumper sticker insults against each. Pocahontas crooked Hillary etc etc. The GOP is pathetic. You dupes refuse to listen to any policy ideas and reasons for them because the messenger is mocked beyond all recognition for actually nothing. And the version of policies you get is absolutely lies -pathetic. Worst voters in the modern world....

Policy ideas? And why is that? We know you idiots on the left refuse to negotiate on anything. So screw off.

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