What lie does the other side spread about your party that's the most surprising and bizarre?

Do you see the difference between what I wrote and what these idiot right wingers wrote?

cutting school lunches for poor American children

voting against equal pay for equal work

billions of dollars on pallets disappearing in Iraq.

blocking health care for first responders for 10 years

wanting to end Social Security and Medicare.

blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush tax cuts by threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans.

blocking an investigation of BP

And what do these dipshits write about? Whether Hillary is rich or poor? The fight to keep substandard health care not a single one would pay a dime for?

And in their tiny pointed heads, blocking an investigation of BP, where 11 people died, is nothing compared to how much money Hillary may or may not have. This is why they deserve to be ridiculed. Threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of people who probably lost their jobs due to Republican deregulation is nothing to them. Doesn't mean anything. These people have no heart, no soul and no brains and ridicule anyone who does. Truly trailer trash.

At least there are tiny brains in those tiny heads.

You, however, are totally void of any grey matter.

All of this is either spin or whole cloth bullshit.

How can you even expect to be taken seriously when it is clear that you can't analyze anything.

Wanting to end S.S. ?? No wonder they call you brown-eyes.

The good thing is that we don't take most democrats to be as stupid, partisan, or uninformed as you. Unlike you (who knowingly tries to lump everyone into one category), we know the difference.

Go fuck yourself.
Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

So how were the GOP able to get Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts dipshit?

Dear ShitForBrainsDean....

Somehow you think that extending unemployment benefits was a good thing.

That is the whole premise of your statement.

After you change your underwear and have a banana, you can spare me the "See...he wants to cut unemployment benefits".

A moron like you can't see beyond the edge of his face.

There are plenty of better ways to handle unemployment.

As I said before....you are one dumb asswipe.
You said: There are plenty of better ways to handle unemployment.

Name some.
The biggest lie that each side spreads about the other side is the claim that their opponents are deliberately aiming to destroy America.
I believe that many right wing Americans want to trash the government and "start over". But what would they start over with? That's the mystery.
Adlai Stevenson II said: "If Republicans stop lying about Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about Republicans"...

that explains why democrats have been lying about Republicans so long. We stopped lying about them ages ago and they followed through

Uh, I think you misread the quote. Fascinating.

not at all. I just thought it through unlike the moron who stated the quote thinking was smart. But then we all know Stevenson had an overinflated view of himself
Why do you keep saying "we all know" when you clearly know very little or even anything of value? You can't even take the simplest of challenges. I gave an entire list of facts and ask which ones were lies? The answer can't be "the ones I don't want to believe".

propaganda isn't fact.

you've been answered multiple times by multiple people and you have yourself convinced no one has pointed out a single lie. That's delusional. It's like saying that grass is purple on a green spring day or that the sun has set at noon.
You said: you've been answered multiple times by multiple people and you have yourself convinced no one has pointed out a single lie.

Humor me. Somehow I missed those posts. Quote one or give me a link.

Just kidding. Since you haven't yet, we both know you can't.
The biggest lie that each side spreads about the other side is the claim that their opponents are deliberately aiming to destroy America.

Termites don't believe they are destroying the house the are eating away. They think they are improving it.
Do you see the difference between what I wrote and what these idiot right wingers wrote?

cutting school lunches for poor American children

voting against equal pay for equal work

billions of dollars on pallets disappearing in Iraq.

blocking health care for first responders for 10 years

wanting to end Social Security and Medicare.

blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush tax cuts by threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans.

blocking an investigation of BP

And what do these dipshits write about? Whether Hillary is rich or poor? The fight to keep substandard health care not a single one would pay a dime for?

And in their tiny pointed heads, blocking an investigation of BP, where 11 people died, is nothing compared to how much money Hillary may or may not have. This is why they deserve to be ridiculed. Threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of people who probably lost their jobs due to Republican deregulation is nothing to them. Doesn't mean anything. These people have no heart, no soul and no brains and ridicule anyone who does. Truly trailer trash.

At least there are tiny brains in those tiny heads.

You, however, are totally void of any grey matter.

All of this is either spin or whole cloth bullshit.

How can you even expect to be taken seriously when it is clear that you can't analyze anything.

Wanting to end S.S. ?? No wonder they call you brown-eyes.

The good thing is that we don't take most democrats to be as stupid, partisan, or uninformed as you. Unlike you (who knowingly tries to lump everyone into one category), we know the difference.

Go fuck yourself.
Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

So how were the GOP able to get Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts dipshit?
I still remember that sad day that the GObP held this great nation hostage just so that they could fluff their top donors.
You said: I still remember that sad day that the GObP held this great nation hostage just so that they could fluff their top donors

It was pretty awful. Then they went on about how Obama must have agreed with the Bush Tax Cuts or he "caved". I know the GOP leadership has zero problem hurting millions of American families. I'm sure there are a few Democrats who are just as bad. But for the GOP, it's the majority, I have no doubt. In fact, I'm sure many of those who would have lost their unemployment benefits were Republicans and actually cheered the GOP. It's because when the GOP leadership screws over Americans, somehow the GOP base believe they won't be included. And if they are, it's somehow the Democrats fault.
Do you see the difference between what I wrote and what these idiot right wingers wrote?

cutting school lunches for poor American children

voting against equal pay for equal work

billions of dollars on pallets disappearing in Iraq.

blocking health care for first responders for 10 years

wanting to end Social Security and Medicare.

blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush tax cuts by threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans.

blocking an investigation of BP

And what do these dipshits write about? Whether Hillary is rich or poor? The fight to keep substandard health care not a single one would pay a dime for?

And in their tiny pointed heads, blocking an investigation of BP, where 11 people died, is nothing compared to how much money Hillary may or may not have. This is why they deserve to be ridiculed. Threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of people who probably lost their jobs due to Republican deregulation is nothing to them. Doesn't mean anything. These people have no heart, no soul and no brains and ridicule anyone who does. Truly trailer trash.

At least there are tiny brains in those tiny heads.

You, however, are totally void of any grey matter.

All of this is either spin or whole cloth bullshit.

How can you even expect to be taken seriously when it is clear that you can't analyze anything.

Wanting to end S.S. ?? No wonder they call you brown-eyes.

The good thing is that we don't take most democrats to be as stupid, partisan, or uninformed as you. Unlike you (who knowingly tries to lump everyone into one category), we know the difference.

Go fuck yourself.
Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

So how were the GOP able to get Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts dipshit?
I still remember that sad day that the GObP held this great nation hostage just so that they could fluff their top donors.
You said: I still remember that sad day that the GObP held this great nation hostage just so that they could fluff their top donors

It was pretty awful. Then they went on about how Obama must have agreed with the Bush Tax Cuts or he "caved". I know the GOP leadership has zero problem hurting millions of American families. I'm sure there are a few Democrats who are just as bad. But for the GOP, it's the majority, I have no doubt. In fact, I'm sure many of those who would have lost their unemployment benefits were Republicans and actually cheered the GOP. It's because when the GOP leadership screws over Americans, somehow the GOP base believe they won't be included. And if they are, it's somehow the Democrats fault.
its what happens when they put ideology before love of this great nation & its people. They are to a "T", drones
Your point doesn't change the fact that people don't need insurance or even to own a home to survive. There have been alternatives through thousands of years of history. They are luxuries that we take for granted because we are the richest people in known history
you sound like Sue Lowden :tinfoil:

A lot of things Republicans say about Democrats that really surprise me because they are so bizarre.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that many things the Democrats say about Republicans are demonstrably true.


I'm not a Democrat or a Republican.I am a liberal however and the "other side" I presume are the conservatives.

What is most bothersome to me is how easily one side lies about the other. It's almost a sport at this point to out sensationalize the opposition.
The biggest lie that each side spreads about the other side is the claim that their opponents are deliberately aiming to destroy America.

That one is a non starter for me...its so "out there" that the person making the claim should be shunned
Do you see the difference between what I wrote and what these idiot right wingers wrote?

cutting school lunches for poor American children

voting against equal pay for equal work

billions of dollars on pallets disappearing in Iraq.

blocking health care for first responders for 10 years

wanting to end Social Security and Medicare.

blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush tax cuts by threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans.

blocking an investigation of BP

And what do these dipshits write about? Whether Hillary is rich or poor? The fight to keep substandard health care not a single one would pay a dime for?

And in their tiny pointed heads, blocking an investigation of BP, where 11 people died, is nothing compared to how much money Hillary may or may not have. This is why they deserve to be ridiculed. Threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of people who probably lost their jobs due to Republican deregulation is nothing to them. Doesn't mean anything. These people have no heart, no soul and no brains and ridicule anyone who does. Truly trailer trash.

At least there are tiny brains in those tiny heads.

You, however, are totally void of any grey matter.

All of this is either spin or whole cloth bullshit.

How can you even expect to be taken seriously when it is clear that you can't analyze anything.

Wanting to end S.S. ?? No wonder they call you brown-eyes.

The good thing is that we don't take most democrats to be as stupid, partisan, or uninformed as you. Unlike you (who knowingly tries to lump everyone into one category), we know the difference.

Go fuck yourself.
Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

So how were the GOP able to get Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts dipshit?

Dear ShitForBrainsDean....

Somehow you think that extending unemployment benefits was a good thing.

That is the whole premise of your statement.

After you change your underwear and have a banana, you can spare me the "See...he wants to cut unemployment benefits".

A moron like you can't see beyond the edge of his face.

There are plenty of better ways to handle unemployment.

As I said before....you are one dumb asswipe.
You said: There are plenty of better ways to handle unemployment.

Name some.

You could stop with unemployment insurance and add it to a personal Social Security Account (not privatized so don't make stuff up).

A person could then draw from that account as he or she needs to. The potential to impact their retirement would certainly ensure that they are working hard to find a job.

Next, they would have more flexibility in what they take out.

If they hit a certain limit, a more general support fund will kick in (still taking some % of their retirement).

U.E.I. would then be paid into the account making it grow that much faster.

Need another ?
The big lie is that there is any meaningful difference between the two major parties.
When you consider that one party is 90% white and believes education is for snobs and the other party is basically everyone else, that single difference is obvious and enormous.
So a twit might say, oh, but whites make up the majority of the Democratic Party. Clearly the answer is "so what?" And why is that? Because those whites are the whites Republicans don't want. People like gays, atheists, college professors, scientists, liberals, intellectuals, feminists and so on.

You need some serious help.

There are gays, atheists, college professors, scientists in the GOP. Plenty of them.

What you won't fine many of in the democratic party is engineers.

That is because engineers have to make things work economically. Unlike scientists and college professors who have wine corks up their asses....engineers either make it work financially or it does not fly.
You said:
You need some serious help.

There are gays, atheists, college professors, scientists in the GOP. Plenty of them.

What you won't fine many of in the democratic party is engineers.

That is because engineers have to make things work economically. Unlike scientists and college professors who have wine corks up their asses....engineers either make it work financially or it does not fly.

You dumbass dipshit. Why would scientists and college professors want to belong to a party where the majority of members believe they walk around all day using wine corks as butt plugs? That's hilarious. Thanks for proving my point.
And as far as the GOP gays? Name a dozen.

You can start here: It's a slideshow of the 10 most famous gays in the GOP from the New York Observer:

Top 10 Power Gay Republicans New York Observer

Now the hilarious part is the slide show has only two slides. And read what the GOP did to the few gays who have come out. It only proves my point.

You guys are funni and so easy to beat.


The only thing you beat is attached to your body.

You claimed academia is liberal. I would agree. They don't live in the real world.

Engineers do.

You are a moron.
A lot of things Republicans say about Democrats that really surprise me because they are so bizarre.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that many things the Democrats say about Republicans are demonstrably true.


There rderp goes, lying again.

In reality, almost nothing spread by him, the liberal Democrat Parody and its handmaiden -- the liberal main stream media -- about the Republican Party is true.

rderp is incapable of honesty. He is just a typically dishonest liberal purveyor of propaganda devoid of truth.
Lying about what? If you don't have any examples, others might think you a petulant dipshit. And you don't want that.

I quoted your post and it consists of your lies, you stupid hack shitbag.
What the fuck are you even talking about dipshit. No one can read your mind because there is no mind.

No, ass-sucker. YOU can't read my mind even when I use simple words for your pathetic twat lolberal mind. It's not necessarily your fault that you are a miserable cancer on the vagina of life; but you are fully dishonest and a complete abject lowlife hack bitch, and that is your fault.

Now, kindly go fuck yourself with a rusty fork, you idiot.
When the lowlife lying liberal loser, rderp, makes a typically stupid, baseless propagandistic claim to the effect that 'most of what the liberal Democratics say' about the Republicans is "true," he has clearly established (yet again) that he is adamantly opposed to the truth.
A lot of things Republicans say about Democrats that really surprise me because they are so bizarre.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that many things the Democrats say about Republicans are demonstrably true.


I'm not a Democrat or a Republican.I am a liberal however and the "other side" I presume are the conservatives.

What is most bothersome to me is how easily one side lies about the other. It's almost a sport at this point to out sensationalize the opposition.
Republicans sensationalize themselves. Could you ever have imagined that after something like the BP oil spill, the GOP would protect BP? Even shielding them from investigation? Did you ever think the GOP would hold millions of unemployed hostage simply so the president will be forced to extend tax cuts going mostly to the top 1%? Did you ever think the GOP would block health care for 10 years for first responders? Did you ever think the GOP would cut food stamps for poor children and veterans? Did you ever think the GOP would engage in such terrible voter suppression?

And you can't say these things didn't happen. Unless you either don't know how to use Google or simply refuse to know.
When the lowlife lying liberal loser, rderp, makes a typically stupid, baseless propagandistic claim to the effect that 'most of what the liberal Democratics say' about the Republicans is "true," he has clearly established (yet again) that he is adamantly opposed to the truth.
Which one is baseless. I'll send you a link.


you are too chicken. Is that it? Chicken? Bwak, bwak.
rderp, you stupid pig dog sow bitch twat. Let's simplify everything for you.

YOU, you jerk off, said that most of the stuff said about the Republicans by the Democraps was true.

You couldn't quantify that if your useless waste of a life depended on it. You stated it as though what you were saying was a fact. It wasn't. You lied. That's what you rancid twat liars do.

Now get back to sodomizing your ass with a rusty fork, you fuck wit. Be careful not to poke your eye out though.
The biggest lie that each side spreads about the other side is the claim that their opponents are deliberately aiming to destroy America.

That one is a non starter for me...its so "out there" that the person making the claim should be shunned
Whether they want to destroy America or not, if that is the end result, what does it matter?
Bring down the economy.
Destabilize the Middle East.
Send young Americans off to fight a, a, what were we fighting for again?
Create a massive deficit
shut down the government
Help move millions of jobs to China and then tell the newly unemployed to go get a job
It just goes on and on.
The flaccis GOP is actually contemplating allowing another Bush to run.

The asshole lolberal Democrap brigade, with standard bearers of dishonest invective like rderp cheering them on will unquestionably engage in character assassination of ol' Jeb Bush.

But I doubt even a shit stain like rderp could uncover a nickel's worth of difference between the things Jeb "stands for" and the things rderp's hero, the Obamination, stands for. Won't matter. rderp will vainly attempt to argue against the GOP candidate just because the GOP candidate will not be a Democrap.
rderp, you stupid pig dog sow bitch twat. Let's simplify everything for you.

YOU, you jerk off, said that most of the stuff said about the Republicans by the Democraps was true.

You couldn't quantify that if your useless waste of a life depended on it. You stated it as though what you were saying was a fact. It wasn't. You lied. That's what you rancid twat liars do.

Now get back to sodomizing your ass with a rusty fork, you fuck wit. Be careful not to poke your eye out though.
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