What make Newt believe blacks are "Satisfied" with Food Stamps?

I don't like the idea of people being on food stamps or any other type of welfare for life either, especially if there aren't any children involved. I think there should be a time limit on food stamps, section 8 etc. but the situation becomes very sticky when kids are involved. There is no law in the land, nor will there ever be, which limits how many kids anyone is allowed to have. Period.

The parents who have kids in order to collect welfare (and these cases are not nearly as rampant as conservatives suggest) are abusing the system for sure.

But if we put time limits on welfare programs, it will ultimately be the kids who suffer. How do we administer welfare directly to kids without allowing the parents to see a dime of it once the time limit on their welfare has expired? We can take away kids when the parents are abusive but so far, poverty is not classified as abuse. Do we start taking kids out of their homes just because a working, single mother is doing the best she can but just can't quite make ends meet?

like Newt Gingrich says we can prevent most poverty by teaching children 3 things....

1. work is good
2. graduate from high school
3. get married before having children

That's great Newt. Maybe we should have started doing that.... what... 5 generations ago? And while doing so, end ALL spousal abuse, child abuse, drug abuse and outlaw divorce and death?

In the meantime, let's make sure to cut education budgets first during our economic downturns.

Nonsense .lets create a system that enables poor behaviour and pay people to have children out of wedlock. We can pay them more per child.

To solve the school money problem add additional administrators.

All of your problems have been solved.

wonder how this turned out???:boobies::boobies::funnyface:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg98BvqUvCc]OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS... - YouTube[/ame]

Of course...........we're all real sure the genius on this vid isnt on food stamps!!!
Classic.................and certainly worth a re-post...............

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg98BvqUvCc]OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS... - YouTube[/ame]

This is the shit we're up against people..........and a president who's main objective is to make America, THE UNITED STATES OF HANDOUTS!!!
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Newt doesn't believe that. It was a dog whistle for the racist audience in South Carolina.

Right, blacks are your property. Where does he get off thinking they can make up their own mind when you've done it for them?

Gingrich, during an appearance in Plymouth, New Hampshire, spoke about remarks he would theoretically make if invited to speak to the NAACP.

"I'm prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps," Gingrich said.

Gingrich singles out blacks in food stamp remark - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Thanks for that. Would be a lot easier if OPs would link to their ranting.

It appears that what Newts said was pretty stupid... I get what he means but he worded it very badly.

He was talking about what he would say to the NAACP. Of course he would use the words "African American?"
like Newt Gingrich says we can prevent most poverty by teaching children 3 things....

1. work is good
2. graduate from high school
3. get married before having children

That's great Newt. Maybe we should have started doing that.... what... 5 generations ago? And while doing so, end ALL spousal abuse, child abuse, drug abuse and outlaw divorce and death?

In the meantime, let's make sure to cut education budgets first during our economic downturns.

Nonsense .lets create a system that enables poor behaviour and pay people to have children out of wedlock. We can pay them more per child.

To solve the school money problem add additional administrators.

All of your problems have been solved.

So how do you suggest getting welfare to kids when the parents have used up their allotment of welfare? Take the kids away from them?

You think the only problem with schools these days are too many administrators?
This is my opinion only. But, people weather black,white, yellow, brown are on food stamps for years and years. They must be satisfied with them or they would try to change it. Work 2 or 3 jobs or whatever it takes to get off of them. I know some people who have been on them their whole adult life ( My sister being one of them) and to them that is part of their income so they do not even try to better themselves to get off of them. People on the left feel they are entitled to this just for breathing. Sorry your not entitled to it. You should work for it. I believe that food stamps or welfare should be a stepping stool not a way of life.

You make it sound like getting 2 or 3 jobs is easy, I don't know about you but even getting a job at McDonalds or Burger King is harder than it used to be. You can't just roll out of bed, shower and shave and walk out there and get a job.

I know what you mean. A few years ago, I tried to get a job at a hotel near my home and was told I was overqualified and they were saving "those" jobs for people under-qualified enough to desire them. I told the gal accepting applications that if I didn't want the job, I would not have applied. Damn! Being rejected because you are over-qualified SUCKS!
A liberal going back to the race card. If I only had a nickel...

Newt says it. + I ask why = Me playing the race card?

Are you suffering from untreated long term syphilis or just pretending to be stupid?

Newt said blacks need jobs, not food stamps. What part of that equation do you exactly not agree with?

You left out that he said blacks were "satisfied" with food stamps. Why? Stop being dishonest with yourself, you are attempting to excuse a clearly inexcusable remark.
Newt says it. + I ask why = Me playing the race card?

Are you suffering from untreated long term syphilis or just pretending to be stupid?

Newt said blacks need jobs, not food stamps. What part of that equation do you exactly not agree with?

You left out that he said blacks were "satisfied" with food stamps. Why? Stop being dishonest with yourself, you are attempting to excuse a clearly inexcusable remark.

Because he didn't account for the left having a giant stick up your ass?

Blacks need jobs not food stamps. That's what he said, that's what he meant. The endless word parsing to create something from nothing just shows what petty, hate filled little gnomes the left are. Your solutions don't work because they're illogical, so this is all you have. Grow up.
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Why do you guys have such a hard time understanding Common sense. You actually think Newt was being Racists? Please, When he said they should demand Jobs not Food Stamps. He didn't mean they are happy with Food Stamps. He meant if they really want to better themselves, they should not support a President who has presided over them having a Massive Unemployment Number, and Record Food Stamp Collections. They should Demand Leadership that knows how to Create Jobs, Not leadership that knows how to spend money, and hand out short term help.
I had no idea there are record numbers of people on food stamps under the Obama administration.
like Newt Gingrich says we can prevent most poverty by teaching children 3 things....

1. work is good
2. graduate from high school
3. get married before having children
Except for one little thing... Gingrich didn't say that, Santorum did.

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