What makes America "EXCEPTIONAL" is why 150 million want to come here.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
What these people know is what makes America "EXCEPTIONAL"!
I know, I know you intellectually fauxny, pompous provincial ignoramuses say "boo" on anyone
that touts America's Exceptionalism. You call people like me "jingoistic". "Supremacists", etc.

WELL get ready for a big ass surprise!

Those of us that know as do these 150 million other people the reason is because of "LEGAL Immigrants"!
YES. Our country is built on "Legal Immigrants" who WANT to be part of America. And this is the
reason for our "exceptionality"! It is America loves people who want to excel. Who want to succeed.
Who want the opportunity to be better then they were in their country of birth. They want this "LEGAL" opportunity so bad they will give up their birthright citizenship to become an American.
Now I knew this but it was totally confirmed by a lunch with a lady who 21 years ago gave up her foreign citizenship, studied American History, etc., learned American language,etc. and became an American!
We discussed this totally gross perception by the MSM/Liberals basically Anti-Americans ( who don't think America is great but want to tear it down)that people like me, her, President Trump and over 40 million Americans LIKE her who gave up their citizenship to become Americans are ANTI-IMMIGRANT!
That pissed her off! That pisses me and millions like me! We know that America is EXCEPTIONAL because people like her and millions of others worked hard and LEGALLY to enjoy the exceptionalism
of America. To thrive in an environment that encourages people...not one that wants to make them
dependent on the very few, i.e. those government cubicle dwellers that know so much more about how to take care of me!

Yes it is this love for these "Exceptional Legal Immigrants" that makes America EXCEPTIONAL!!!

150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.
What these people know is what makes America "EXCEPTIONAL"!
I know, I know you intellectually fauxny, pompous provincial ignoramuses say "boo" on anyone
that touts America's Exceptionalism. You call people like me "jingoistic". "Supremacists", etc.

WELL get ready for a big ass surprise!

Those of us that know as do these 150 million other people the reason is because of "LEGAL Immigrants"!
YES. Our country is built on "Legal Immigrants" who WANT to be part of America. And this is the
reason for our "exceptionality"! It is America loves people who want to excel. Who want to succeed.
Who want the opportunity to be better then they were in their country of birth. They want this "LEGAL" opportunity so bad they will give up their birthright citizenship to become an American.
Now I knew this but it was totally confirmed by a lunch with a lady who 21 years ago gave up her foreign citizenship, studied American History, etc., learned American language,etc. and became an American!
We discussed this totally gross perception by the MSM/Liberals basically Anti-Americans ( who don't think America is great but want to tear it down)that people like me, her, President Trump and over 40 million Americans LIKE her who gave up their citizenship to become Americans are ANTI-IMMIGRANT!
That pissed her off! That pisses me and millions like me! We know that America is EXCEPTIONAL because people like her and millions of others worked hard and LEGALLY to enjoy the exceptionalism
of America. To thrive in an environment that encourages people...not one that wants to make them
dependent on the very few, i.e. those government cubicle dwellers that know so much more about how to take care of me!

Yes it is this love for these "Exceptional Legal Immigrants" that makes America EXCEPTIONAL!!!
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150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.
good old USA. thank you for saying so.
we have a positive President that leads from in front.
Thank God for the Orange One, he's the ONLY ONE who can keep us from being overrun by these non-white hordes
The word exceptional also means money, if there was no money to be made there wouldn't be as many folks wanting in the USA..
The word exceptional also means money, if there was no money to be made there wouldn't be as many folks wanting in the USA..

DUH!!!!! Geez! Now I know why you call yourself "Moonglow". How brilliant.
Do you see many people wanting to go to the socialist country Venezuela? Come on tell me.
When you consider that anthropoligists think human civilization started somewhere in Africa or the Middle East several thousand years ago you have to scratch your head at the conditions people live in those areas today. A couple of hundred years ago the U.S. was the backwater edge of civilization when patriot colonists rebelled against an unjust monarchy and defeated the most powerful army in the known world to achieve independence. The greatest political document ever written in the history of human civilization, the U.S. Constitution, was created in single hot summer by a committee of farmers and lawyers and assorted patriots. The Bill of Rights still stands as the most audacious statement of human rights in human history and it's concept of limited government still works today. Most of the intelligent life on the planet, with the exception of North Korea and maybe Cuba and some "emerging nations" in Africa have adopted the system of democracy that the U.S. created but no other country on the planet lists and guarantees certain freedoms except the U.S. That's what makes America exceptional.
The word exceptional also means money, if there was no money to be made there wouldn't be as many folks wanting in the USA..

DUH!!!!! Geez! Now I know why you call yourself "Moonglow". How brilliant.
Do you see many people wanting to go to the socialist country Venezuela? Come on tell me.
Don't try and play word games with me, it doesn't work..The big corporations want to live in socialist China for one reason, money...Money is the motivator, not anything else..
When you consider that anthropoligists think human civilization started somewhere in Africa or the Middle East several thousand years ago you have to scratch your head at the conditions people live in those areas today. A couple of hundred years ago the U.S. was the backwater edge of civilization when patriot colonists rebelled against an unjust monarchy and defeated the most powerful army in the known world to achieve independence. The greatest political document ever written in the history of human civilization, the U.S. Constitution, was created in single hot summer by a committee of farmers and lawyers and assorted patriots. The Bill of Rights still stands as the most audacious statement of human rights in human history and it's concept of limited government still works today. Most of the intelligent life on the planet, with the exception of North Korea and maybe Cuba and some "emerging nations" in Africa have adopted the system of democracy that the U.S. created but no other country on the planet lists and guarantees certain freedoms except the U.S. That's what makes America exceptional.
Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago..
When you consider that anthropoligists think human civilization started somewhere in Africa or the Middle East several thousand years ago you have to scratch your head at the conditions people live in those areas today. A couple of hundred years ago the U.S. was the backwater edge of civilization when patriot colonists rebelled against an unjust monarchy and defeated the most powerful army in the known world to achieve independence. The greatest political document ever written in the history of human civilization, the U.S. Constitution, was created in single hot summer by a committee of farmers and lawyers and assorted patriots. The Bill of Rights still stands as the most audacious statement of human rights in human history and it's concept of limited government still works today. Most of the intelligent life on the planet, with the exception of North Korea and maybe Cuba and some "emerging nations" in Africa have adopted the system of democracy that the U.S. created but no other country on the planet lists and guarantees certain freedoms except the U.S. That's what makes America exceptional.
Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago..

OH GEEZ... Are really that out of touch with reality Moonglow?
YES what you said was true. It took awhile for modern day production techniques even to the food industry to allow people like you now
to drive up to a McDonalds, order a meal and drive off. Less then 3 minutes of your time. But back to the period you were so upset about
Just do a little research.
1790 Total population: 3,929,214; farmers 90% of labor force; U.S. area settled extends westward on average of 255 miles; parts of the frontier cross the Appalachians Agriculture in the Classroom
Do you comprehend that figure? Almost EVERYONE worked in agriculture i.e. working to put FOOD on the table!
First for themselves because hey Moonglow there were no McDonalds in the 1790s!

TODAY MoonGlow In 2012, 3.2 million farmers feed ALL the USA
USDA - NASS, Census of Agriculture - Publications - 2012 - Highlights
Already today, one U.S. farmer produces enough food to feed 155 people and is the leading producer of more than 50 foods of importance to diets throughout the world.U.S. Agriculture - Availability | Farmers Feeding the World % of population:0.98%
WHAT the hell do you think the other 99% of Americans do? Certainly don't have to farm!

Do you comprehend what I'm pointing out to you?
YES we were BAD our ancestors... problem is we all were just trying to survive.
It was until NOW that you snowflakes with your excess time to mull about the status of people and be so concerned about CRAP have the LUXURY
of doing this. AGAIN I don't think you comprehend my point!
And of course YOU wouldn't because YOU never ever obviously had to WORK to put food on the table like some of us had to when we were
kids of 7, 8, 9 years old. Did YOU ever plant potatoes? Dig potatoes? Did you ever have to clean out a chick coop? Did you ever shovel snow
to pay for the dentist to work on your teeth? And we never considered ourselves POOR! Not one dime of welfare to my family.
So please this crap about oh "freedoms denied to all people" Grow the f...k UP!
Understand THESE people have now the BEST life they've ever had! And guess what?
Do you comprehend this?
The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950,
as opposed to about 68 percent today.
Do you understand? Back during those TERRIBLE TERRIBLE days just 18% of black households had ONLY a female head!
TODAY over 68% have just a female!
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

OH and WHAT do those POOR oppressed "POOR Households have today?
So, how are poor households today doing? Rector and Sheffield offer a few statistics:
* eighty percent of America's poor households have air conditioning,
* two-thirds have cable or satellite television,
* half have a personal computer and
* 43 percent have access to the internet.
Source: The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
AND THOSE are the POOR households!!!

When you consider that anthropoligists think human civilization started somewhere in Africa or the Middle East several thousand years ago you have to scratch your head at the conditions people live in those areas today. A couple of hundred years ago the U.S. was the backwater edge of civilization when patriot colonists rebelled against an unjust monarchy and defeated the most powerful army in the known world to achieve independence. The greatest political document ever written in the history of human civilization, the U.S. Constitution, was created in single hot summer by a committee of farmers and lawyers and assorted patriots. The Bill of Rights still stands as the most audacious statement of human rights in human history and it's concept of limited government still works today. Most of the intelligent life on the planet, with the exception of North Korea and maybe Cuba and some "emerging nations" in Africa have adopted the system of democracy that the U.S. created but no other country on the planet lists and guarantees certain freedoms except the U.S. That's what makes America exceptional.
Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago..

OH GEEZ... Are really that out of touch with reality Moonglow?
YES what you said was true. It took awhile for modern day production techniques even to the food industry to allow people like you now
to drive up to a McDonalds, order a meal and drive off. Less then 3 minutes of your time. But back to the period you were so upset about
Just do a little research.
1790 Total population: 3,929,214; farmers 90% of labor force; U.S. area settled extends westward on average of 255 miles; parts of the frontier cross the Appalachians Agriculture in the Classroom
Do you comprehend that figure? Almost EVERYONE worked in agriculture i.e. working to put FOOD on the table!
First for themselves because hey Moonglow there were no McDonalds in the 1790s!

TODAY MoonGlow In 2012, 3.2 million farmers feed ALL the USA
USDA - NASS, Census of Agriculture - Publications - 2012 - Highlights
Already today, one U.S. farmer produces enough food to feed 155 people and is the leading producer of more than 50 foods of importance to diets throughout the world.U.S. Agriculture - Availability | Farmers Feeding the World % of population:0.98%
WHAT the hell do you think the other 99% of Americans do? Certainly don't have to farm!

Do you comprehend what I'm pointing out to you?
YES we were BAD our ancestors... problem is we all were just trying to survive.
It was until NOW that you snowflakes with your excess time to mull about the status of people and be so concerned about CRAP have the LUXURY
of doing this. AGAIN I don't think you comprehend my point!
And of course YOU wouldn't because YOU never ever obviously had to WORK to put food on the table like some of us had to when we were
kids of 7, 8, 9 years old. Did YOU ever plant potatoes? Dig potatoes? Did you ever have to clean out a chick coop? Did you ever shovel snow
to pay for the dentist to work on your teeth? And we never considered ourselves POOR! Not one dime of welfare to my family.
So please this crap about oh "freedoms denied to all people" Grow the f...k UP!
Understand THESE people have now the BEST life they've ever had! And guess what?
Do you comprehend this?
The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950,
as opposed to about 68 percent today.
Do you understand? Back during those TERRIBLE TERRIBLE days just 18% of black households had ONLY a female head!
TODAY over 68% have just a female!
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

OH and WHAT do those POOR oppressed "POOR Households have today?
So, how are poor households today doing? Rector and Sheffield offer a few statistics:
* eighty percent of America's poor households have air conditioning,
* two-thirds have cable or satellite television,
* half have a personal computer and
* 43 percent have access to the internet.
Source: The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
AND THOSE are the POOR households!!!


WTF...the clown guy doesn't pull the hamburger at Mickey D's out of a hat.
When you consider that anthropoligists think human civilization started somewhere in Africa or the Middle East several thousand years ago you have to scratch your head at the conditions people live in those areas today. A couple of hundred years ago the U.S. was the backwater edge of civilization when patriot colonists rebelled against an unjust monarchy and defeated the most powerful army in the known world to achieve independence. The greatest political document ever written in the history of human civilization, the U.S. Constitution, was created in single hot summer by a committee of farmers and lawyers and assorted patriots. The Bill of Rights still stands as the most audacious statement of human rights in human history and it's concept of limited government still works today. Most of the intelligent life on the planet, with the exception of North Korea and maybe Cuba and some "emerging nations" in Africa have adopted the system of democracy that the U.S. created but no other country on the planet lists and guarantees certain freedoms except the U.S. That's what makes America exceptional.
Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago..

OH GEEZ... Are really that out of touch with reality Moonglow?
YES what you said was true. It took awhile for modern day production techniques even to the food industry to allow people like you now
to drive up to a McDonalds, order a meal and drive off. Less then 3 minutes of your time. But back to the period you were so upset about
Just do a little research.
1790 Total population: 3,929,214; farmers 90% of labor force; U.S. area settled extends westward on average of 255 miles; parts of the frontier cross the Appalachians Agriculture in the Classroom
Do you comprehend that figure? Almost EVERYONE worked in agriculture i.e. working to put FOOD on the table!
First for themselves because hey Moonglow there were no McDonalds in the 1790s!

TODAY MoonGlow In 2012, 3.2 million farmers feed ALL the USA
USDA - NASS, Census of Agriculture - Publications - 2012 - Highlights
Already today, one U.S. farmer produces enough food to feed 155 people and is the leading producer of more than 50 foods of importance to diets throughout the world.U.S. Agriculture - Availability | Farmers Feeding the World % of population:0.98%
WHAT the hell do you think the other 99% of Americans do? Certainly don't have to farm!

Do you comprehend what I'm pointing out to you?
YES we were BAD our ancestors... problem is we all were just trying to survive.
It was until NOW that you snowflakes with your excess time to mull about the status of people and be so concerned about CRAP have the LUXURY
of doing this. AGAIN I don't think you comprehend my point!
And of course YOU wouldn't because YOU never ever obviously had to WORK to put food on the table like some of us had to when we were
kids of 7, 8, 9 years old. Did YOU ever plant potatoes? Dig potatoes? Did you ever have to clean out a chick coop? Did you ever shovel snow
to pay for the dentist to work on your teeth? And we never considered ourselves POOR! Not one dime of welfare to my family.
So please this crap about oh "freedoms denied to all people" Grow the f...k UP!
Understand THESE people have now the BEST life they've ever had! And guess what?
Do you comprehend this?
The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950,
as opposed to about 68 percent today.
Do you understand? Back during those TERRIBLE TERRIBLE days just 18% of black households had ONLY a female head!
TODAY over 68% have just a female!
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

OH and WHAT do those POOR oppressed "POOR Households have today?
So, how are poor households today doing? Rector and Sheffield offer a few statistics:
* eighty percent of America's poor households have air conditioning,
* two-thirds have cable or satellite television,
* half have a personal computer and
* 43 percent have access to the internet.
Source: The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
AND THOSE are the POOR households!!!

I'm not mad about it, it's a little late to cry over spilt milk...being poor is subjective to the desires that a corporation wants you to have...Thus you have advertisement which tells you how to live and how much you can't live decently without their products..What happens today in a person's life if totally up to how much effort one puts into wealth creation. I've been a single parent twice and it never kept me from working or earning a living..It only intensified my desire to give my children a stable home environment..The reason people fail is from a lack of trying to better themselves through honest means, there is too much of a lure in the fast cash society for illegal operations and lack of self control...However or whatever took these people to the wrong place is their choice alone, no one held a gun to their heads to make them do anything different..I am one of those 1% that does raise his own food and sell the excess or I simply give it away...And yes there were no McDonald's yet there were taverns and inns that served food and beverages and were patronized by many then...

I'll tell you one thing that my Papa(1894-1991) told me for years.. You're a wealthy man if you have your health and that quite basically is the truth...If you be a working man...He was a farmer or rancher as they call them in Okiehoma and a construction worker..Just like I is today... So you want to tell me about the US being an agriculture based nation? No surprise in a pre industrialized country duh..Now carry on with your astute behavior in being a Nancy boi..
When you consider that anthropoligists think human civilization started somewhere in Africa or the Middle East several thousand years ago you have to scratch your head at the conditions people live in those areas today. A couple of hundred years ago the U.S. was the backwater edge of civilization when patriot colonists rebelled against an unjust monarchy and defeated the most powerful army in the known world to achieve independence. The greatest political document ever written in the history of human civilization, the U.S. Constitution, was created in single hot summer by a committee of farmers and lawyers and assorted patriots. The Bill of Rights still stands as the most audacious statement of human rights in human history and it's concept of limited government still works today. Most of the intelligent life on the planet, with the exception of North Korea and maybe Cuba and some "emerging nations" in Africa have adopted the system of democracy that the U.S. created but no other country on the planet lists and guarantees certain freedoms except the U.S. That's what makes America exceptional.
Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago..

OH GEEZ... Are really that out of touch with reality Moonglow?
YES what you said was true. It took awhile for modern day production techniques even to the food industry to allow people like you now
to drive up to a McDonalds, order a meal and drive off. Less then 3 minutes of your time. But back to the period you were so upset about
Just do a little research.
1790 Total population: 3,929,214; farmers 90% of labor force; U.S. area settled extends westward on average of 255 miles; parts of the frontier cross the Appalachians Agriculture in the Classroom
Do you comprehend that figure? Almost EVERYONE worked in agriculture i.e. working to put FOOD on the table!
First for themselves because hey Moonglow there were no McDonalds in the 1790s!

TODAY MoonGlow In 2012, 3.2 million farmers feed ALL the USA
USDA - NASS, Census of Agriculture - Publications - 2012 - Highlights
Already today, one U.S. farmer produces enough food to feed 155 people and is the leading producer of more than 50 foods of importance to diets throughout the world.U.S. Agriculture - Availability | Farmers Feeding the World % of population:0.98%
WHAT the hell do you think the other 99% of Americans do? Certainly don't have to farm!

Do you comprehend what I'm pointing out to you?
YES we were BAD our ancestors... problem is we all were just trying to survive.
It was until NOW that you snowflakes with your excess time to mull about the status of people and be so concerned about CRAP have the LUXURY
of doing this. AGAIN I don't think you comprehend my point!
And of course YOU wouldn't because YOU never ever obviously had to WORK to put food on the table like some of us had to when we were
kids of 7, 8, 9 years old. Did YOU ever plant potatoes? Dig potatoes? Did you ever have to clean out a chick coop? Did you ever shovel snow
to pay for the dentist to work on your teeth? And we never considered ourselves POOR! Not one dime of welfare to my family.
So please this crap about oh "freedoms denied to all people" Grow the f...k UP!
Understand THESE people have now the BEST life they've ever had! And guess what?
Do you comprehend this?
The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950,
as opposed to about 68 percent today.
Do you understand? Back during those TERRIBLE TERRIBLE days just 18% of black households had ONLY a female head!
TODAY over 68% have just a female!
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

OH and WHAT do those POOR oppressed "POOR Households have today?
So, how are poor households today doing? Rector and Sheffield offer a few statistics:
* eighty percent of America's poor households have air conditioning,
* two-thirds have cable or satellite television,
* half have a personal computer and
* 43 percent have access to the internet.
Source: The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
AND THOSE are the POOR households!!!


WTF...the clown guy doesn't pull the hamburger at Mickey D's out of a hat.
He doesn't understand that McD's is the world's largest land holding company and the world's leader in child toy distribution.. They are more than just a restaurant..That I don't eat at...
When you consider that anthropoligists think human civilization started somewhere in Africa or the Middle East several thousand years ago you have to scratch your head at the conditions people live in those areas today. A couple of hundred years ago the U.S. was the backwater edge of civilization when patriot colonists rebelled against an unjust monarchy and defeated the most powerful army in the known world to achieve independence. The greatest political document ever written in the history of human civilization, the U.S. Constitution, was created in single hot summer by a committee of farmers and lawyers and assorted patriots. The Bill of Rights still stands as the most audacious statement of human rights in human history and it's concept of limited government still works today. Most of the intelligent life on the planet, with the exception of North Korea and maybe Cuba and some "emerging nations" in Africa have adopted the system of democracy that the U.S. created but no other country on the planet lists and guarantees certain freedoms except the U.S. That's what makes America exceptional.
Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago..

OH GEEZ... Are really that out of touch with reality Moonglow?
YES what you said was true. It took awhile for modern day production techniques even to the food industry to allow people like you now
to drive up to a McDonalds, order a meal and drive off. Less then 3 minutes of your time. But back to the period you were so upset about
Just do a little research.
1790 Total population: 3,929,214; farmers 90% of labor force; U.S. area settled extends westward on average of 255 miles; parts of the frontier cross the Appalachians Agriculture in the Classroom
Do you comprehend that figure? Almost EVERYONE worked in agriculture i.e. working to put FOOD on the table!
First for themselves because hey Moonglow there were no McDonalds in the 1790s!

TODAY MoonGlow In 2012, 3.2 million farmers feed ALL the USA
USDA - NASS, Census of Agriculture - Publications - 2012 - Highlights
Already today, one U.S. farmer produces enough food to feed 155 people and is the leading producer of more than 50 foods of importance to diets throughout the world.U.S. Agriculture - Availability | Farmers Feeding the World % of population:0.98%
WHAT the hell do you think the other 99% of Americans do? Certainly don't have to farm!

Do you comprehend what I'm pointing out to you?
YES we were BAD our ancestors... problem is we all were just trying to survive.
It was until NOW that you snowflakes with your excess time to mull about the status of people and be so concerned about CRAP have the LUXURY
of doing this. AGAIN I don't think you comprehend my point!
And of course YOU wouldn't because YOU never ever obviously had to WORK to put food on the table like some of us had to when we were
kids of 7, 8, 9 years old. Did YOU ever plant potatoes? Dig potatoes? Did you ever have to clean out a chick coop? Did you ever shovel snow
to pay for the dentist to work on your teeth? And we never considered ourselves POOR! Not one dime of welfare to my family.
So please this crap about oh "freedoms denied to all people" Grow the f...k UP!
Understand THESE people have now the BEST life they've ever had! And guess what?
Do you comprehend this?
The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950,
as opposed to about 68 percent today.
Do you understand? Back during those TERRIBLE TERRIBLE days just 18% of black households had ONLY a female head!
TODAY over 68% have just a female!
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

OH and WHAT do those POOR oppressed "POOR Households have today?
So, how are poor households today doing? Rector and Sheffield offer a few statistics:
* eighty percent of America's poor households have air conditioning,
* two-thirds have cable or satellite television,
* half have a personal computer and
* 43 percent have access to the internet.
Source: The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
AND THOSE are the POOR households!!!

I'm not mad about it, it's a little late to cry over spilt milk...being poor is subjective to the desires that a corporation wants you to have...Thus you have advertisement which tells you how to live and how much you can't live decently without their products..What happens today in a person's life if totally up to how much effort one puts into wealth creation. I've been a single parent twice and it never kept me from working or earning a living..It only intensified my desire to give my children a stable home environment..The reason people fail is from a lack of trying to better themselves through honest means, there is too much of a lure in the fast cash society for illegal operations and lack of self control...However or whatever took these people to the wrong place is their choice alone, no one held a gun to their heads to make them do anything different..I am one of those 1% that does raise his own food and sell the excess or I simply give it away...And yes there were no McDonald's yet there were taverns and inns that served food and beverages and were patronized by many then...

I'll tell you one thing that my Papa(1894-1991) told me for years.. You're a wealthy man if you have your health and that quite basically is the truth...If you be a working man...He was a farmer or rancher as they call them in Okiehoma and a construction worker..Just like I is today... So you want to tell me about the US being an agriculture based nation? No surprise in a pre industrialized country duh..Now carry on with your astute behavior in being a Nancy boi..

THEN YOU of all people should comprehend that when YOUR Papa was a young one... almost everyone farmed. Almost everyone had a low
opinion of the same people you were fussing about .."Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago" including YOUR Papa! Your whining about "freedoms denied" is an embarrassment to him I'm
sure! Why have you, who's heritage WAS at one time willing to look the other way for those "poor black people who's freedom was denied" so critical if you understand that hard work is the basis of getting ahead. But your "blaming" a corporation is just dirt poor ignorant! And obviously you
watching the advertising have been affected. You certainly have lived a good and honorable life...but to poke fun of America when at the time
almost all Americans were not as "open minded" as you and as knowledgeable as you are today is just dishonest. You haven't put this in
perspective of someone who like your Papa lived in a time when 90% of people WORKED to put food on the table. They just didn't have time
to sit around and contemplate their navels as obviously you have but being critical of America when you poked fun of my premise that "legal
immigrants" are what makes this country exceptional. Why is that hard for you of all people to understand? Please don't fall for the biased
and ignorant MSM/Democrat mantras that the US is a bad country because we had slavery at one time! Of course we did! We didn't have
at that time the luxuries that even the POOR have today...cell phone, A/C, cable, computers you name it these poor trodden poor people today
that you think have been so taken advantage of are living BETTER then KINGs did 200 years ago!
When you consider that anthropoligists think human civilization started somewhere in Africa or the Middle East several thousand years ago you have to scratch your head at the conditions people live in those areas today. A couple of hundred years ago the U.S. was the backwater edge of civilization when patriot colonists rebelled against an unjust monarchy and defeated the most powerful army in the known world to achieve independence. The greatest political document ever written in the history of human civilization, the U.S. Constitution, was created in single hot summer by a committee of farmers and lawyers and assorted patriots. The Bill of Rights still stands as the most audacious statement of human rights in human history and it's concept of limited government still works today. Most of the intelligent life on the planet, with the exception of North Korea and maybe Cuba and some "emerging nations" in Africa have adopted the system of democracy that the U.S. created but no other country on the planet lists and guarantees certain freedoms except the U.S. That's what makes America exceptional.
Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago..

OH GEEZ... Are really that out of touch with reality Moonglow?
YES what you said was true. It took awhile for modern day production techniques even to the food industry to allow people like you now
to drive up to a McDonalds, order a meal and drive off. Less then 3 minutes of your time. But back to the period you were so upset about
Just do a little research.
1790 Total population: 3,929,214; farmers 90% of labor force; U.S. area settled extends westward on average of 255 miles; parts of the frontier cross the Appalachians Agriculture in the Classroom
Do you comprehend that figure? Almost EVERYONE worked in agriculture i.e. working to put FOOD on the table!
First for themselves because hey Moonglow there were no McDonalds in the 1790s!

TODAY MoonGlow In 2012, 3.2 million farmers feed ALL the USA
USDA - NASS, Census of Agriculture - Publications - 2012 - Highlights
Already today, one U.S. farmer produces enough food to feed 155 people and is the leading producer of more than 50 foods of importance to diets throughout the world.U.S. Agriculture - Availability | Farmers Feeding the World % of population:0.98%
WHAT the hell do you think the other 99% of Americans do? Certainly don't have to farm!

Do you comprehend what I'm pointing out to you?
YES we were BAD our ancestors... problem is we all were just trying to survive.
It was until NOW that you snowflakes with your excess time to mull about the status of people and be so concerned about CRAP have the LUXURY
of doing this. AGAIN I don't think you comprehend my point!
And of course YOU wouldn't because YOU never ever obviously had to WORK to put food on the table like some of us had to when we were
kids of 7, 8, 9 years old. Did YOU ever plant potatoes? Dig potatoes? Did you ever have to clean out a chick coop? Did you ever shovel snow
to pay for the dentist to work on your teeth? And we never considered ourselves POOR! Not one dime of welfare to my family.
So please this crap about oh "freedoms denied to all people" Grow the f...k UP!
Understand THESE people have now the BEST life they've ever had! And guess what?
Do you comprehend this?
The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950,
as opposed to about 68 percent today.
Do you understand? Back during those TERRIBLE TERRIBLE days just 18% of black households had ONLY a female head!
TODAY over 68% have just a female!
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

OH and WHAT do those POOR oppressed "POOR Households have today?
So, how are poor households today doing? Rector and Sheffield offer a few statistics:
* eighty percent of America's poor households have air conditioning,
* two-thirds have cable or satellite television,
* half have a personal computer and
* 43 percent have access to the internet.
Source: The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
AND THOSE are the POOR households!!!

I'm not mad about it, it's a little late to cry over spilt milk...being poor is subjective to the desires that a corporation wants you to have...Thus you have advertisement which tells you how to live and how much you can't live decently without their products..What happens today in a person's life if totally up to how much effort one puts into wealth creation. I've been a single parent twice and it never kept me from working or earning a living..It only intensified my desire to give my children a stable home environment..The reason people fail is from a lack of trying to better themselves through honest means, there is too much of a lure in the fast cash society for illegal operations and lack of self control...However or whatever took these people to the wrong place is their choice alone, no one held a gun to their heads to make them do anything different..I am one of those 1% that does raise his own food and sell the excess or I simply give it away...And yes there were no McDonald's yet there were taverns and inns that served food and beverages and were patronized by many then...

I'll tell you one thing that my Papa(1894-1991) told me for years.. You're a wealthy man if you have your health and that quite basically is the truth...If you be a working man...He was a farmer or rancher as they call them in Okiehoma and a construction worker..Just like I is today... So you want to tell me about the US being an agriculture based nation? No surprise in a pre industrialized country duh..Now carry on with your astute behavior in being a Nancy boi..

THEN YOU of all people should comprehend that when YOUR Papa was a young one... almost everyone farmed. Almost everyone had a low
opinion of the same people you were fussing about .."Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago" including YOUR Papa! Your whining about "freedoms denied" is an embarrassment to him I'm
sure! Why have you, who's heritage WAS at one time willing to look the other way for those "poor black people who's freedom was denied" so critical if you understand that hard work is the basis of getting ahead. But your "blaming" a corporation is just dirt poor ignorant! And obviously you
watching the advertising have been affected. You certainly have lived a good and honorable life...but to poke fun of America when at the time
almost all Americans were not as "open minded" as you and as knowledgeable as you are today is just dishonest. You haven't put this in
perspective of someone who like your Papa lived in a time when 90% of people WORKED to put food on the table. They just didn't have time
to sit around and contemplate their navels as obviously you have but being critical of America when you poked fun of my premise that "legal
immigrants" are what makes this country exceptional. Why is that hard for you of all people to understand? Please don't fall for the biased
and ignorant MSM/Democrat mantras that the US is a bad country because we had slavery at one time! Of course we did! We didn't have
at that time the luxuries that even the POOR have today...cell phone, A/C, cable, computers you name it these poor trodden poor people today
that you think have been so taken advantage of are living BETTER then KINGs did 200 years ago!
All I did was point out a fact, it's you that is having a meltdown and is throwing shit because you're mad...try to live in peace, it's heart healthy..
When you consider that anthropoligists think human civilization started somewhere in Africa or the Middle East several thousand years ago you have to scratch your head at the conditions people live in those areas today. A couple of hundred years ago the U.S. was the backwater edge of civilization when patriot colonists rebelled against an unjust monarchy and defeated the most powerful army in the known world to achieve independence. The greatest political document ever written in the history of human civilization, the U.S. Constitution, was created in single hot summer by a committee of farmers and lawyers and assorted patriots. The Bill of Rights still stands as the most audacious statement of human rights in human history and it's concept of limited government still works today. Most of the intelligent life on the planet, with the exception of North Korea and maybe Cuba and some "emerging nations" in Africa have adopted the system of democracy that the U.S. created but no other country on the planet lists and guarantees certain freedoms except the U.S. That's what makes America exceptional.
Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago..

OH GEEZ... Are really that out of touch with reality Moonglow?
YES what you said was true. It took awhile for modern day production techniques even to the food industry to allow people like you now
to drive up to a McDonalds, order a meal and drive off. Less then 3 minutes of your time. But back to the period you were so upset about
Just do a little research.
1790 Total population: 3,929,214; farmers 90% of labor force; U.S. area settled extends westward on average of 255 miles; parts of the frontier cross the Appalachians Agriculture in the Classroom
Do you comprehend that figure? Almost EVERYONE worked in agriculture i.e. working to put FOOD on the table!
First for themselves because hey Moonglow there were no McDonalds in the 1790s!

TODAY MoonGlow In 2012, 3.2 million farmers feed ALL the USA
USDA - NASS, Census of Agriculture - Publications - 2012 - Highlights
Already today, one U.S. farmer produces enough food to feed 155 people and is the leading producer of more than 50 foods of importance to diets throughout the world.U.S. Agriculture - Availability | Farmers Feeding the World % of population:0.98%
WHAT the hell do you think the other 99% of Americans do? Certainly don't have to farm!

Do you comprehend what I'm pointing out to you?
YES we were BAD our ancestors... problem is we all were just trying to survive.
It was until NOW that you snowflakes with your excess time to mull about the status of people and be so concerned about CRAP have the LUXURY
of doing this. AGAIN I don't think you comprehend my point!
And of course YOU wouldn't because YOU never ever obviously had to WORK to put food on the table like some of us had to when we were
kids of 7, 8, 9 years old. Did YOU ever plant potatoes? Dig potatoes? Did you ever have to clean out a chick coop? Did you ever shovel snow
to pay for the dentist to work on your teeth? And we never considered ourselves POOR! Not one dime of welfare to my family.
So please this crap about oh "freedoms denied to all people" Grow the f...k UP!
Understand THESE people have now the BEST life they've ever had! And guess what?
Do you comprehend this?
The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950,
as opposed to about 68 percent today.
Do you understand? Back during those TERRIBLE TERRIBLE days just 18% of black households had ONLY a female head!
TODAY over 68% have just a female!
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

OH and WHAT do those POOR oppressed "POOR Households have today?
So, how are poor households today doing? Rector and Sheffield offer a few statistics:
* eighty percent of America's poor households have air conditioning,
* two-thirds have cable or satellite television,
* half have a personal computer and
* 43 percent have access to the internet.
Source: The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
AND THOSE are the POOR households!!!

I'm not mad about it, it's a little late to cry over spilt milk...being poor is subjective to the desires that a corporation wants you to have...Thus you have advertisement which tells you how to live and how much you can't live decently without their products..What happens today in a person's life if totally up to how much effort one puts into wealth creation. I've been a single parent twice and it never kept me from working or earning a living..It only intensified my desire to give my children a stable home environment..The reason people fail is from a lack of trying to better themselves through honest means, there is too much of a lure in the fast cash society for illegal operations and lack of self control...However or whatever took these people to the wrong place is their choice alone, no one held a gun to their heads to make them do anything different..I am one of those 1% that does raise his own food and sell the excess or I simply give it away...And yes there were no McDonald's yet there were taverns and inns that served food and beverages and were patronized by many then...

I'll tell you one thing that my Papa(1894-1991) told me for years.. You're a wealthy man if you have your health and that quite basically is the truth...If you be a working man...He was a farmer or rancher as they call them in Okiehoma and a construction worker..Just like I is today... So you want to tell me about the US being an agriculture based nation? No surprise in a pre industrialized country duh..Now carry on with your astute behavior in being a Nancy boi..

THEN YOU of all people should comprehend that when YOUR Papa was a young one... almost everyone farmed. Almost everyone had a low
opinion of the same people you were fussing about .."Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago" including YOUR Papa! Your whining about "freedoms denied" is an embarrassment to him I'm
sure! Why have you, who's heritage WAS at one time willing to look the other way for those "poor black people who's freedom was denied" so critical if you understand that hard work is the basis of getting ahead. But your "blaming" a corporation is just dirt poor ignorant! And obviously you
watching the advertising have been affected. You certainly have lived a good and honorable life...but to poke fun of America when at the time
almost all Americans were not as "open minded" as you and as knowledgeable as you are today is just dishonest. You haven't put this in
perspective of someone who like your Papa lived in a time when 90% of people WORKED to put food on the table. They just didn't have time
to sit around and contemplate their navels as obviously you have but being critical of America when you poked fun of my premise that "legal
immigrants" are what makes this country exceptional. Why is that hard for you of all people to understand? Please don't fall for the biased
and ignorant MSM/Democrat mantras that the US is a bad country because we had slavery at one time! Of course we did! We didn't have
at that time the luxuries that even the POOR have today...cell phone, A/C, cable, computers you name it these poor trodden poor people today
that you think have been so taken advantage of are living BETTER then KINGs did 200 years ago!
All I did was point out a fact, it's you that is having a meltdown and is throwing shit because you're mad...try to live in peace, it's heart healthy..

See there you go again. Trying to be a "snowflake" at your age! Not to become Moonbeam.
What kind of "meltdown" and what kind of "shit" am I throwing? If you mean the FACTs are shit, that's just because you are a dumb old f...k!
Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago..

OH GEEZ... Are really that out of touch with reality Moonglow?
YES what you said was true. It took awhile for modern day production techniques even to the food industry to allow people like you now
to drive up to a McDonalds, order a meal and drive off. Less then 3 minutes of your time. But back to the period you were so upset about
Just do a little research.
1790 Total population: 3,929,214; farmers 90% of labor force; U.S. area settled extends westward on average of 255 miles; parts of the frontier cross the Appalachians Agriculture in the Classroom
Do you comprehend that figure? Almost EVERYONE worked in agriculture i.e. working to put FOOD on the table!
First for themselves because hey Moonglow there were no McDonalds in the 1790s!

TODAY MoonGlow In 2012, 3.2 million farmers feed ALL the USA
USDA - NASS, Census of Agriculture - Publications - 2012 - Highlights
Already today, one U.S. farmer produces enough food to feed 155 people and is the leading producer of more than 50 foods of importance to diets throughout the world.U.S. Agriculture - Availability | Farmers Feeding the World % of population:0.98%
WHAT the hell do you think the other 99% of Americans do? Certainly don't have to farm!

Do you comprehend what I'm pointing out to you?
YES we were BAD our ancestors... problem is we all were just trying to survive.
It was until NOW that you snowflakes with your excess time to mull about the status of people and be so concerned about CRAP have the LUXURY
of doing this. AGAIN I don't think you comprehend my point!
And of course YOU wouldn't because YOU never ever obviously had to WORK to put food on the table like some of us had to when we were
kids of 7, 8, 9 years old. Did YOU ever plant potatoes? Dig potatoes? Did you ever have to clean out a chick coop? Did you ever shovel snow
to pay for the dentist to work on your teeth? And we never considered ourselves POOR! Not one dime of welfare to my family.
So please this crap about oh "freedoms denied to all people" Grow the f...k UP!
Understand THESE people have now the BEST life they've ever had! And guess what?
Do you comprehend this?
The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950,
as opposed to about 68 percent today.
Do you understand? Back during those TERRIBLE TERRIBLE days just 18% of black households had ONLY a female head!
TODAY over 68% have just a female!
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
(Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

OH and WHAT do those POOR oppressed "POOR Households have today?
So, how are poor households today doing? Rector and Sheffield offer a few statistics:
* eighty percent of America's poor households have air conditioning,
* two-thirds have cable or satellite television,
* half have a personal computer and
* 43 percent have access to the internet.
Source: The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
AND THOSE are the POOR households!!!

I'm not mad about it, it's a little late to cry over spilt milk...being poor is subjective to the desires that a corporation wants you to have...Thus you have advertisement which tells you how to live and how much you can't live decently without their products..What happens today in a person's life if totally up to how much effort one puts into wealth creation. I've been a single parent twice and it never kept me from working or earning a living..It only intensified my desire to give my children a stable home environment..The reason people fail is from a lack of trying to better themselves through honest means, there is too much of a lure in the fast cash society for illegal operations and lack of self control...However or whatever took these people to the wrong place is their choice alone, no one held a gun to their heads to make them do anything different..I am one of those 1% that does raise his own food and sell the excess or I simply give it away...And yes there were no McDonald's yet there were taverns and inns that served food and beverages and were patronized by many then...

I'll tell you one thing that my Papa(1894-1991) told me for years.. You're a wealthy man if you have your health and that quite basically is the truth...If you be a working man...He was a farmer or rancher as they call them in Okiehoma and a construction worker..Just like I is today... So you want to tell me about the US being an agriculture based nation? No surprise in a pre industrialized country duh..Now carry on with your astute behavior in being a Nancy boi..

THEN YOU of all people should comprehend that when YOUR Papa was a young one... almost everyone farmed. Almost everyone had a low
opinion of the same people you were fussing about .."Those freedoms that were denied to all people not white and of certain European cultures until the US finally put a stop to it just a few decades ago" including YOUR Papa! Your whining about "freedoms denied" is an embarrassment to him I'm
sure! Why have you, who's heritage WAS at one time willing to look the other way for those "poor black people who's freedom was denied" so critical if you understand that hard work is the basis of getting ahead. But your "blaming" a corporation is just dirt poor ignorant! And obviously you
watching the advertising have been affected. You certainly have lived a good and honorable life...but to poke fun of America when at the time
almost all Americans were not as "open minded" as you and as knowledgeable as you are today is just dishonest. You haven't put this in
perspective of someone who like your Papa lived in a time when 90% of people WORKED to put food on the table. They just didn't have time
to sit around and contemplate their navels as obviously you have but being critical of America when you poked fun of my premise that "legal
immigrants" are what makes this country exceptional. Why is that hard for you of all people to understand? Please don't fall for the biased
and ignorant MSM/Democrat mantras that the US is a bad country because we had slavery at one time! Of course we did! We didn't have
at that time the luxuries that even the POOR have today...cell phone, A/C, cable, computers you name it these poor trodden poor people today
that you think have been so taken advantage of are living BETTER then KINGs did 200 years ago!
All I did was point out a fact, it's you that is having a meltdown and is throwing shit because you're mad...try to live in peace, it's heart healthy..

See there you go again. Trying to be a "snowflake" at your age! Not to become Moonbeam.
What kind of "meltdown" and what kind of "shit" am I throwing? If you mean the FACTs are shit, that's just because you are a dumb old f...k!
It's your shitty 'tude dude...take a chill pill..and fuck your snowflake BS..Along with yourself....I don't rate my nation on what happened in the past only the present and future since that concerns me the most..But I am sure that you feel the need to animate an enemy to produce your pathetic sophism...

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