What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

At the same time I think it would be cruel to make people dependent on the govvernment dole and then just stop it with no transition.

don't forget that when Newt ended welfare as we know it, 70% just up and disappeared rather than work for thier money

Exactly. But again there was a transition. The people weren't told one day that there would be no more checks going out. They were advised that they needed to start making arrangements for when the checks would stop.

It is noted however, that there was no widespread neglect or hardship as a result of welfare reform any more than there would be widespread neglect or hardship if food stamps or other on going government subsidies were transitioned out.

Food stamps would be easy to get out of. You'd just restrict them to a very few cheap nutritious foods and largely avoid bailing out failed individuals. Liberals hate bailouts of businesses, not people!
I think the fall out would be harsh and brief...I think people would adjust much more quickly to life without foodstamps than they adjusted to life WITH foodstamps.

Because you have no choice. You can sit around and whine about it...but if they aren't there, you're going to get hungry and have to take some sort of action at some point before many days have passed.

And people do.

Indeed. And I agree with Franlin regarding making the poor uncomfortable in thier poverty as to force them out of it...

At the same time I think it would be cruel to make people dependent on the govvernment dole and then just stop it with no transition.

To me it is far more humane to gbive people a brief (maybe 30 days) of warning and instruction on where the food provisions could be picked up, and then transition out of food stamps into a limited number of government commodities that would ward off starvation but otherwise be so monotonous and unappealing that the people woiuld wean themselves off those fairly quickly.

I suspect only a fraction of food stamp recipients would go for the government food. but those who would really did need it.

And kudos for your resourcefulness KG. Currently, based purely on our income since we retired, Mr. Foxfyre and I could qualify for foodstamps which would be ludicrous because we eat quite well without them mostly because we have no debts and spend no money on tobacco or booze, eat out very sparingly, and don't engage in much recreation that costs anything. Mr. Foxfyre would hire at as a greeter at Wal-mart, however, before he would take foodstamps. So would I.

But when we were young, we pooled our food stocks with equally broke friends more than once when the paycheck ran out well before the end of the week. We know what that is like.

Of course they shouldn't...but it has to start beginning with getting governmen't boots off the necks of the private sector/businesses through lessening taxation/regulation.
Speaking from experience here....currently merging food pantry resources with my son and his wife to get through the month for both of us. He just moved here and so is cash poor, I'm always cash poor...but between us and a lot of spaghetti, rice, beans and eggs, we'll squeak. No soda on the menu. No frozen pizzas (though I will make a homemade one..I have a lot of pepperoni/salami that I bought from grocery outlet), no cookies (unless they're homemade sugar cookies), no chips, no nuthin except what we have...

That's what we do when we don't have money. We improvise, plan, and work our butts off. We don't go stare in the windows of those who have more and wait for a handout.

In other words? You're being furgal/responsible and not screaming for government to save you.
Indeed. And I agree with Franlin regarding making the poor uncomfortable in thier poverty as to force them out of it...

At the same time I think it would be cruel to make people dependent on the govvernment dole and then just stop it with no transition.

To me it is far more humane to gbive people a brief (maybe 30 days) of warning and instruction on where the food provisions could be picked up, and then transition out of food stamps into a limited number of government commodities that would ward off starvation but otherwise be so monotonous and unappealing that the people woiuld wean themselves off those fairly quickly.

I suspect only a fraction of food stamp recipients would go for the government food. but those who would really did need it.

And kudos for your resourcefulness KG. Currently, based purely on our income since we retired, Mr. Foxfyre and I could qualify for foodstamps which would be ludicrous because we eat quite well without them mostly because we have no debts and spend no money on tobacco or booze, eat out very sparingly, and don't engage in much recreation that costs anything. Mr. Foxfyre would hire at as a greeter at Wal-mart, however, before he would take foodstamps. So would I.

But when we were young, we pooled our food stocks with equally broke friends more than once when the paycheck ran out well before the end of the week. We know what that is like.

Of course they shouldn't...but it has to start beginning with getting governmen't boots off the necks of the private sector/businesses through lessening taxation/regulation.

Which I see as a separate issue. Excessive/unnecessary regulation and taxation is pertinent to the issue of food stamps only in the sense that getting rid of excessive/unnecessary taxation and regulation would likely provide more opportunity for people to work to buy their own food.
At the same time I think it would be cruel to make people dependent on the govvernment dole and then just stop it with no transition.

To me it is far more humane to gbive people a brief (maybe 30 days) of warning and instruction on where the food provisions could be picked up, and then transition out of food stamps into a limited number of government commodities that would ward off starvation but otherwise be so monotonous and unappealing that the people woiuld wean themselves off those fairly quickly.

I suspect only a fraction of food stamp recipients would go for the government food. but those who would really did need it.

And kudos for your resourcefulness KG. Currently, based purely on our income since we retired, Mr. Foxfyre and I could qualify for foodstamps which would be ludicrous because we eat quite well without them mostly because we have no debts and spend no money on tobacco or booze, eat out very sparingly, and don't engage in much recreation that costs anything. Mr. Foxfyre would hire at as a greeter at Wal-mart, however, before he would take foodstamps. So would I.

But when we were young, we pooled our food stocks with equally broke friends more than once when the paycheck ran out well before the end of the week. We know what that is like.

Of course they shouldn't...but it has to start beginning with getting governmen't boots off the necks of the private sector/businesses through lessening taxation/regulation.

Which I see as a separate issue. Excessive/unnecessary regulation and taxation is pertinent to the issue of food stamps only in the sense that getting rid of excessive/unnecessary taxation and regulation would likely provide more opportunity for people to work to buy their own food.
I'm talking of creating jobs...a few million have disappeared since Obama came into office never to return.

The first argument from those that will eventually be asked to work will first claim that there are no jobs. ;)


Check your P.M's. :)
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Setting aside your leftist rant that apparently is based on nothing but prejudice and perhaps indoctrination as you haven't provided a rationale for it, I will address the three coherent statement you made.

The last one is the easiest to address. That our greatest prosperity as a nation coincided with our greatest level of union membership is coincidental because even then, most of the people who were prospering were not union. Also most unions back then were very different animals, at least those that the mob had not infiltrated.

Horseshit. Unions back in the day were pretty ruthless. They really did beat the shit out of "scabs". Today, they've kind of wussed out. They show up for one day with a rat balloon and think they've made a diffrence. That's why they are losing.

It was hardly co-incidental. Quite the contrary, union membership created prosperity, even for the non-unionized, because the Shitty Assholes realized that if they didn't give their non-union guys a fair shake, they might form a union or quit for a unionized job. In short, they raised the bar, even if not everyone always hit it.

Your observation that it is not investors but consumers who create prosperity is short sighted on the face of it, because without investors, there is nothing to consume. And without consumers, there is no incentive to invest. So both are absolutely essential to a local, regional, or national economy and neither can exist without the other. And demonizing one or both is not constructive.

Quite. The problem is, Labor is the Superior to Capital, because there can be no Capital without labor. Oh, before you go whining about "leftists", this was not said by Karl Marx, but Abraham Lincoln.

The rest is typical Club for Greed bullshit, so I'll ignore it. Life's too short.
If free market policies are the best economic policies then we should have experienced the most robust growth in the world during this period. But this has not happened. We have been outstripped by our trading partners.

outstriped when we have 30% more GDP percapita than Europe despite liberals ruining entire industries (like health care), taxing our corporations the most in the world, liberal unions driving millions of jobs away, liberal illegals taking 20 million jobs, and liberal deficits preventing balanced trade with China and Japan. Are you smart enough to be here?

Look around you, hon. While several people here are extremely smart, it's not like the baseline is hard to clear. Sadly, it looks like this site only requires liberals to be smart enough to find the ON button.
Setting aside your leftist rant that apparently is based on nothing but prejudice and perhaps indoctrination as you haven't provided a rationale for it, I will address the three coherent statement you made.

The last one is the easiest to address. That our greatest prosperity as a nation coincided with our greatest level of union membership is coincidental because even then, most of the people who were prospering were not union. Also most unions back then were very different animals, at least those that the mob had not infiltrated.

Horseshit. Unions back in the day were pretty ruthless. They really did beat the shit out of "scabs". Today, they've kind of wussed out. They show up for one day with a rat balloon and think they've made a diffrence. That's why they are losing.

It was hardly co-incidental. Quite the contrary, union membership created prosperity, even for the non-unionized, because the Shitty Assholes realized that if they didn't give their non-union guys a fair shake, they might form a union or quit for a unionized job. In short, they raised the bar, even if not everyone always hit it.

Your observation that it is not investors but consumers who create prosperity is short sighted on the face of it, because without investors, there is nothing to consume. And without consumers, there is no incentive to invest. So both are absolutely essential to a local, regional, or national economy and neither can exist without the other. And demonizing one or both is not constructive.

Quite. The problem is, Labor is the Superior to Capital, because there can be no Capital without labor. Oh, before you go whining about "leftists", this was not said by Karl Marx, but Abraham Lincoln.

The rest is typical Club for Greed bullshit, so I'll ignore it. Life's too short.

And while there was and remains a role for good unions that work with labor and industry to reach acceptable contracts for both, labor can and does exist quite nicely without unions. When unions advance their own leadership at the expense of free market principles, unions can be a very bad thing.

Again, labor, union or not, cannot exist without people with the ability and need to hire people. You cannot have one without the other.
Speaking from experience here....currently merging food pantry resources with my son and his wife to get through the month for both of us. He just moved here and so is cash poor, I'm always cash poor...but between us and a lot of spaghetti, rice, beans and eggs, we'll squeak. No soda on the menu. No frozen pizzas (though I will make a homemade one..I have a lot of pepperoni/salami that I bought from grocery outlet), no cookies (unless they're homemade sugar cookies), no chips, no nuthin except what we have...

That's what we do when we don't have money. We improvise, plan, and work our butts off. We don't go stare in the windows of those who have more and wait for a handout.

Back when we were really tight on money, I was so grateful to have been raised by Depression-era, hillbilly parents. Talk about a group of people who knew how to make Broke Food! I hadn't even considered until then how many of my favorite recipes learned in childhood were actually originally created to feed people who lived in poverty. I can feed my family for a week just on the staples I normally have on hand.
Speaking from experience here....currently merging food pantry resources with my son and his wife to get through the month for both of us. He just moved here and so is cash poor, I'm always cash poor...but between us and a lot of spaghetti, rice, beans and eggs, we'll squeak. No soda on the menu. No frozen pizzas (though I will make a homemade one..I have a lot of pepperoni/salami that I bought from grocery outlet), no cookies (unless they're homemade sugar cookies), no chips, no nuthin except what we have...

That's what we do when we don't have money. We improvise, plan, and work our butts off. We don't go stare in the windows of those who have more and wait for a handout.

Back when we were really tight on money, I was so grateful to have been raised by Depression-era, hillbilly parents. Talk about a group of people who knew how to make Broke Food! I hadn't even considered until then how many of my favorite recipes learned in childhood were actually originally created to feed people who lived in poverty. I can feed my family for a week just on the staples I normally have on hand.

Ditto. I can get a lot of mileage out of the basics. But I can't hold a candle to my mother. She would come for a visit and I would tell her I needed to go to the store as there wasn't a thing to eat in the house. She would say "let me look" and she would take a few crackers and whatver was in the bottom of the crisper and/or freezer and produce an amazing dinner.
You are obtuse. Reagan created as much debt in 8 years as all the previous president...COMBINED.

Paul O'Neill - George Bush's first Treasury Secretary

The president had promised to cut taxes, and he did. Within six months of taking office, he pushed a trillion dollars worth of tax cuts through Congress.

But O'Neill thought it should have been the end. After 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan, the budget deficit was growing. So at a meeting with the vice president after the mid-term elections in 2002, Suskind writes that O'Neill argued against a second round of tax cuts.

"Cheney, at this moment, shows his hand," says Suskind. "He says, 'You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due.' … O'Neill is speechless."

"It was not just about not wanting the tax cut. It was about how to use the nation's resources to improve the condition of our society," says O'Neill. "And I thought the weight of working on Social Security and fundamental tax reform was a lot more important than a tax reduction."

Did he think it was irresponsible? "Well, it's for sure not what I would have done," says O'Neill.


Now that the black Democratic President is ringing up the debt just as good as Bushes and Reagan did, all of a sudden, its a huge issue for the right.

Its funny how they have no problem electing fiscally irresponsible Presidents that are white.

Of course - standards always change when the blacks show up. Now all of a sudden its bad for a President to take a vacation and even bad for him to bother the people for the secret service he takes along - and now, all of a sudden, every Presidential candidate should submit a birth certificate, whereas before the People depended on the Electors and Congress to prevent inelgile candidates from winning.

That the President is black seems to be a big issue to you guys on the Left since you're the only ones who ever bring it up.

The unsupportable spending and mounting debt was a big issue for us during the Bush administration which is why the GOP lost its majorityi in both the House and Senate in 2006 and Obama was elected in 2008 based on his promises to address irresponsible spending and deficits as candidate Obama. At least under Bush, until the housing Bubble burst, the deficit was coming down each year and a big chunk of the deficit in 2008 was TARP that Obama and the Democratically controlled Congress supported.

Well Candidate Obama turns out to be a huge liar and you're damned right the more than trillion dollar deficits every year he has been in office and stretching out as far as the eye can see with the President calling for even more spending and bigger deficits is a huge deal.

It should be for you too. How come it isn't?

Which reminds me again why arguing with liberals is so frustrating.
Liberals use race for political gain. Period.
Setting aside your leftist rant that apparently is based on nothing but prejudice and perhaps indoctrination as you haven't provided a rationale for it, I will address the three coherent statement you made.

The last one is the easiest to address. That our greatest prosperity as a nation coincided with our greatest level of union membership is coincidental because even then, most of the people who were prospering were not union. Also most unions back then were very different animals, at least those that the mob had not infiltrated.

Horseshit. Unions back in the day were pretty ruthless. They really did beat the shit out of "scabs". Today, they've kind of wussed out. They show up for one day with a rat balloon and think they've made a diffrence. That's why they are losing.

It was hardly co-incidental. Quite the contrary, union membership created prosperity, even for the non-unionized, because the Shitty Assholes realized that if they didn't give their non-union guys a fair shake, they might form a union or quit for a unionized job. In short, they raised the bar, even if not everyone always hit it.

Your observation that it is not investors but consumers who create prosperity is short sighted on the face of it, because without investors, there is nothing to consume. And without consumers, there is no incentive to invest. So both are absolutely essential to a local, regional, or national economy and neither can exist without the other. And demonizing one or both is not constructive.

Quite. The problem is, Labor is the Superior to Capital, because there can be no Capital without labor. Oh, before you go whining about "leftists", this was not said by Karl Marx, but Abraham Lincoln.

The rest is typical Club for Greed bullshit, so I'll ignore it. Life's too short.

Puhllleeeeze spare us the kneeling at the union altar crap. Nobody want's listen to anyone whine about the good old days.
Here's the inescapable facts. First, labor is a commodity. Supply and demand.
Next and most importantly, without capital to create jobs, there is no labor.
Thus the existence of the marketplace.
You are correct, the market must be able to create capital which then creates commerce which requires labor and consumption.
Unionism however seeks to create superiority for labor. That sets up an imbalance. Nobody wins.
Now you will raise the issue of management's abuse of labor. Acknowledged. Again, an imbalance. Nobody wins.
And while there was and remains a role for good unions that work with labor and industry to reach acceptable contracts for both, labor can and does exist quite nicely without unions. When unions advance their own leadership at the expense of free market principles, unions can be a very bad thing.

Again, labor, union or not, cannot exist without people with the ability and need to hire people. You cannot have one without the other.

and the ability to HIRE people cannot exist without the need to buy products, which they can't do if they don't make decent wages...

Cheat working folks out of good wages, and they can't buy stuff. Unless you do what we've done in this country for the last 30 years, which is give people credit, get them to borrow against homes they've already paid for, and put the whole country in debt...

Oh, wait. we did that. Until the bottom fell out.
Quite. The problem is, Labor is the Superior to Capital, because there can be no Capital without labor. Oh, before you go whining about "leftists", this was not said by Karl Marx, but Abraham Lincoln.

The rest is typical Club for Greed bullshit, so I'll ignore it. Life's too short.

Puhllleeeeze spare us the kneeling at the union altar crap. Nobody want's listen to anyone whine about the good old days.
Here's the inescapable facts. First, labor is a commodity. Supply and demand.
Next and most importantly, without capital to create jobs, there is no labor.
Thus the existence of the marketplace.
You are correct, the market must be able to create capital which then creates commerce which requires labor and consumption.
Unionism however seeks to create superiority for labor. That sets up an imbalance. Nobody wins.
Now you will raise the issue of management's abuse of labor. Acknowledged. Again, an imbalance. Nobody wins.

I agree there should be a balance. I will even agree, in some industries, unions have created an imbalance.

but in the macro economy, with outsourcing, right to work, at will employment, the imbalance has gone too far the other way.

And when firing people for people who will work for less or work harder for less money is the fast track to poverty. Because if everyone does it, sales go down, people get a little more use out of old stuff.
Quite. The problem is, Labor is the Superior to Capital, because there can be no Capital without labor. Oh, before you go whining about "leftists", this was not said by Karl Marx, but Abraham Lincoln.

The rest is typical Club for Greed bullshit, so I'll ignore it. Life's too short.

Puhllleeeeze spare us the kneeling at the union altar crap. Nobody want's listen to anyone whine about the good old days.
Here's the inescapable facts. First, labor is a commodity. Supply and demand.
Next and most importantly, without capital to create jobs, there is no labor.
Thus the existence of the marketplace.
You are correct, the market must be able to create capital which then creates commerce which requires labor and consumption.
Unionism however seeks to create superiority for labor. That sets up an imbalance. Nobody wins.
Now you will raise the issue of management's abuse of labor. Acknowledged. Again, an imbalance. Nobody wins.

I agree there should be a balance. I will even agree, in some industries, unions have created an imbalance.

but in the macro economy, with outsourcing, right to work, at will employment, the imbalance has gone too far the other way.

And when firing people for people who will work for less or work harder for less money is the fast track to poverty. Because if everyone does it, sales go down, people get a little more use out of old stuff.

There are only so many moving parts here.

Bringing back jobs - mandating it - will increase the cost of doing business across the board and make products we purchase more expensive. Bad.

Significantly strengthening unions would increase the cost of doing business across the board and make products we purchase more expensive. Bad again.

To cut to the bottom line, we'd be lowering our overall standard of living. Bad.

Oh, but wait a minute.

For the past three decades or so, America has been living on credit. We've been buying stuff with plastic. We've destroyed the equity in our homes so that we could purchase the latest computer, a new car and a trip to DisneyWorld™. We've even been paying off credit cards with home equity loans, only to -- wait for it -- run up those same credit cards again. And, all along, we have been encouraged to do so. And when those behaviors resulted in good GDP numbers, we all patted ourselves on the back. America! We're exceptional!

Our "prosperity", our "standard of living", has been an illusion.

Until we face that, we'll continue to decline. I've changed my mind about unions and offshoring, at least somewhat. If a "lower standard of living" means a 36" teevee instead of a 60" teevee, if it means driving a smaller vehicle, are you really going to tell me that you're going to suffer some kind of psychological damage? Really? Then I'd submit the problem is not with someone else.

We need to look in the mirror.

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Our "prosperity", our "standard of living", has been an illusion.
And there is the jist of it. In order to change we are going to have to accept that the standard of living is going to decrease. Simple as that and there is nothing we can do to avoid that. Unfortunately, Americans have become pampered whiners and do not want to accept that fate.
You mean like the way anyone receiving public assistance is a welfare cheat and all union workers are lazy, overpaid slobs?

I've never seen a conservative claim everyone on welfare is a cheat or that union workers are lazy. However we now have the highest percentage of people taking government entitlements than ever in our history. Do you really believe nearly half the population cannot provide for themselves any longer without hand outs?. . . .

And here we have one of the most frustrating issues of all when it comes to discussing these things with liberals.

The conservative knows how much the entitlement mentality is making whole groups of Americans dependent on government charity, is creating whole groups of permanently unemployed and too often unemployable, and eroding American virtues of self reliance, personal responsibility, accountability, and initiative. But when the conservative points out the truth of that, complete with examples and evidence, including the fact that the union mentality/activity in modern times is hurting more people than it helps, he or she is almost immediately confronted with the ignorant and hateful statements that we see all welfare recipients as cheats and all union workers as lazy.

How can you have a decent discussion when dealing with that?

And this is where the conservative worldview and conservative moral system wants to make everyone live the way THEY think people must live. It is social engineering right out of Mein Kampf. You even assign all the human foibles by profiling and SELF created bias of people you label 'dependents' to justify your social Darwinism.

There is nothing better than punishment to teach people is there Foxfyre? Having some dad see his family starve will motivate the lazy ass to do something about it, right Foxfyre?

You folks are a huge danger to society. Take your right wing social Darwinism and shove it up your self righteous right wing ass Foxfyre.

Conservatives really want to change the basis of American life, to make America run according to the conservative moral worldview in all areas of life.

In the 2008 campaign, candidate Obama accurately described the basis of American democracy: Empathy -- citizens caring for each other, both social and personal responsibility -- acting on that care, and an ethic of excellence. From these, our freedoms and our way of life follow, as does the role of government: to protect and empower everyone equally. Protection includes safety, health, the environment, pensions and empowerment starts with education and infrastructure. No one can be free without these, and without a commitment to care and act on that care by one's fellow citizens.

The conservative worldview rejects all of that.

Conservatives believe in individual responsibility alone, not social responsibility. They don't think government should help its citizens. That is, they don't think citizens should help each other. The part of government they want to cut is not the military (we have 174 bases around the world), not government subsidies to corporations, not the aspect of government that fits their worldview. They want to cut the part that helps people. Why? Because that violates individual responsibility.

But where does that view of individual responsibility alone come from?

The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family. The father is The Decider, the ultimate moral authority in the family. His authority must not be challenged. His job is to protect the family, to support the family (by winning competitions in the marketplace), and to teach his kids right from wrong by disciplining them physically when they do wrong. The use of force is necessary and required. Only then will children develop the internal discipline to become moral beings. And only with such discipline will they be able to prosper. And what of people who are not prosperous? They don't have discipline, and without discipline they cannot be moral, so they deserve their poverty. The good people are hence the prosperous people. Helping others takes away their discipline, and hence makes them both unable to prosper on their own and function morally.
Our "prosperity", our "standard of living", has been an illusion.
And there is the jist of it. In order to change we are going to have to accept that the standard of living is going to decrease. Simple as that and there is nothing we can do to avoid that. Unfortunately, Americans have become pampered whiners and do not want to accept that fate.

Or we can just demand an equal and reasonable division of wealth.

The thing is, there is plenty of wealth to provide a good standard of living for everyone. It's just that 1% owns about half of it.

And that's the problem. Right Wingers have made it easier for the 1% to take more, and they've created the exact kind of government dependence they decry.
Our "prosperity", our "standard of living", has been an illusion.
And there is the jist of it. In order to change we are going to have to accept that the standard of living is going to decrease. Simple as that and there is nothing we can do to avoid that. Unfortunately, Americans have become pampered whiners and do not want to accept that fate.

Or we can just demand an equal and reasonable division of wealth.

The thing is, there is plenty of wealth to provide a good standard of living for everyone. It's just that 1% owns about half of it.

And that's the problem. Right Wingers have made it easier for the 1% to take more, and they've created the exact kind of government dependence they decry.


The communist wing of the Republican Party speaks out.
Our "prosperity", our "standard of living", has been an illusion.
And there is the jist of it. In order to change we are going to have to accept that the standard of living is going to decrease. Simple as that and there is nothing we can do to avoid that. Unfortunately, Americans have become pampered whiners and do not want to accept that fate.

Or we can just demand an equal and reasonable division of wealth.

The thing is, there is plenty of wealth to provide a good standard of living for everyone. It's just that 1% owns about half of it.

And that's the problem. Right Wingers have made it easier for the 1% to take more, and they've created the exact kind of government dependence they decry.

Ironic, vendors committed 93% of welfare fraud. But 'vendors' are not immoral, unethical or dishonest, they are merely 'enterprising', 'creative' and 'shrewd' entrepreneurs.

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