What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1


Substance Use Among Persons in Families Receiving Government Assistance
[COLOR=#fffff]In Brief

  • An estimated 27 million persons aged 12 to 64 lived in families that received government assistance in the year prior to the interview
  • Prevalence of past month heavy alcohol use was lower in assisted families than in unassisted families among persons aged 18 to 25, but higher among persons aged 35 to 49
  • Past month illicit drug use was higher in assisted families than in unassisted families among persons aged 12 to 64
Substance Use Among Persons in Families Receiving Government Assistance

And *I* have no problem with testing recipients that use the safety net for illicit purposes to include buying drugs of any kind on the public dole.

I agree.

Most decent paying jobs drug test applicants. If one is using, then they arent seriously looking for employment.

Once theyre employed, they can indulge in anything they want as far as Im concerned.
WHY do you agree with something *I* didn't state?

And *I* have no problem with testing recipients that use the safety net for illicit purposes to include buying drugs of any kind on the public dole.

I agree.

Most decent paying jobs drug test applicants. If one is using, then they arent seriously looking for employment.

Once theyre employed, they can indulge in anything they want as far as Im concerned.
WHY do you agree with something *I* didn't state?


I agreed and elaborated. Next time should I just call you a silly name and snicker?

Once again, clothing! Transportation. Now that there's a child ( or children ) day care, school supplies, toilet paper, dish soap, shampoo, towels, bed sheets, furniture, TAXES.

You're numbers omit real life, which means its fantasyland.

Once again, how often are you buying clothes? And where? How much are you spending on transportation (and why aren't you more pissed about Obama's soaring gas prices?) Personally, I never spent any money on day care. I made different life choices (something that never occurs to liberals, for some reason). I can't even imagine why you think towels, sheets, and furniture are regularly-occurring expenses in life. And where the hell are you shopping if you're spending that much money on school supplies and soap and such?

Getting by (with a family of three) making $10/hr would be extraordinarily difficult. I understand your point that you don't buy towels every week, ect, but there's absolutely no denying that getting by (virtually anywhere) making $10/hr with a family of three would be EXTREMELY difficult. You seem to downplay it.

Also, Obama does not control the gas prices (stop oversimplifying things), as that’s a silly thing to say. I’m going to guess that you probably won’t give him credit in the Fall when the prices drop, will you?

No one is "downplaying" anything by simply saying it can be done. In fact, everyone who has been saying it can be done has EACH said several times that it would utterly suck to do. On the other hand, those who keep going on about the necessity of "living wages" seem to be not just downplaying the fact that $10 an hour can be lived on, but utterly and totally denying it simply on the basis that it would suck.

Also, if Obama has no control over the gas prices, then may I ask what the fuck was up with all that disingenuous screeching and hollering at former President Bush every time the gas prices went up? What's sauce for the goose, and all that. I also submit that many of Obama's policies ARE, in fact, directly traceable to the rising gas prices.

Whether or not I give him credit for any fall will first require there to be one, and despite your confident assertion of "WHEN they fall", I see no evidence that that will be the case. It will also depend entirely on whether or not the fall can actually be traced to anything he's done. Unlike some people, I don't worship political leaders simply on the basis that they're coincidentally in office when something good happens. Prove to me that they were responsible, and we'll talk.
That's what the EXTRA $420 IS FOR, dipwad.

It's a LIVING wage. A wage that is meant to provide the BARE ESSENTIALS TO LIFE.

And it's more than enough.

$420 for everything else? I paid $72 dollars yesterday to fill up my car with gas so I can get to work. That's every week!!!

Day care HALF days costs $170 a week!

That's 242 and we haven't EATEN YET. Or paid for electricity, or garbage pick up, or clothes.

Or a trip to the dentist or the doctor.

Or an oil change, or replacing the tires on your car, or toilet paper, or tooth paste!

We don't live in Narnia, or NeverNeverland, or Oz...this is the really really world...come and join us.

In the Wonderful World of Conservatopia, everyone can get by on ten bucks an hour.

In the Wonderful World of Liberaltopia, it's other people's problem that you don't have enough money.
I agree.

Most decent paying jobs drug test applicants. If one is using, then they arent seriously looking for employment.

Once theyre employed, they can indulge in anything they want as far as Im concerned.
WHY do you agree with something *I* didn't state?


I agreed and elaborated. Next time should I just call you a silly name and snicker?


NO. Just be honest. (If you can muster it).
Don't sweat it T. Didja notice that Ravi has figured out that the big letter in your username is also the first letter ("T") of a whole bunch of words? http://www.usmessageboard.com/general-discussion/213759-the-t.html

It's very exciting to see her and some of her pals come up with words that begin with that letter.

She so clever!


:lol: She and the rest may continue on thier relentless quest in an attempt to discredit me.

Notice though brother Liability that this is the first I've seen of it?

Seems to me that her and her ilk and fellow travellers may go fuck themselves at thier leisure.

I'll NOT make fun of them in thier persuit. ;)
Don't sweat it T. Didja notice that Ravi has figured out that the big letter in your username is also the first letter ("T") of a whole bunch of words? http://www.usmessageboard.com/general-discussion/213759-the-t.html

It's very exciting to see her and some of her pals come up with words that begin with that letter.

She so clever!


:lol: She and the rest may continue on thier relentless quest in an attempt to discredit me.

Notice though brother Liability that this is the first I've seen of it?

Seems to me that her and her ilk and fellow travellers may go fuck themselves at thier leisure.

I'll NOT make fun of them in thier persuit. ;)

I will. :D

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Don't sweat it T. Didja notice that Ravi has figured out that the big letter in your username is also the first letter ("T") of a whole bunch of words? http://www.usmessageboard.com/general-discussion/213759-the-t.html

It's very exciting to see her and some of her pals come up with words that begin with that letter.

She so clever!


:lol: She and the rest may continue on thier relentless quest in an attempt to discredit me.

Notice though brother Liability that this is the first I've seen of it?

Seems to me that her and her ilk and fellow travellers may go fuck themselves at thier leisure.

I'll NOT make fun of them in thier persuit. ;)

I will. :D
Brother? You have my full support. Count on it fully if it is needed. YOU are a stalwart and master of the English Launguage, and use...I'l be mere filler in your shadow my brother.
I see this over and over. Conservatives are for limited government. Just because we say we don't want government doing things where government is inept, counterproductive, wasteful or whatever, does not mean that we should shut it down totally.

Yes, we do need roads, bridges, highways, jails, schools, aircraft carriers, GPS satellites, standard weights and measures, courts, etc etc. Saying we don't need subsidies for crummy cars badly built and still with astronomical prices does not mean we don't need highways.

The conservative view is that the government should be a useful servant of the people's needs. However, you give it too much money, power, authority it becomes the worst sort of master.

You know, I do see that from Libs.
I see the same hyperbole from Conservs too though. For example, if a Lib wants more reasonable gun laws, many Conservs immediately go into hysterics screaming "That's the road to destruction! The next step will be taking all the guns away!"
So both sides do it all the time.
Don't sweat it T. Didja notice that Ravi has figured out that the big letter in your username is also the first letter ("T") of a whole bunch of words? http://www.usmessageboard.com/general-discussion/213759-the-t.html

It's very exciting to see her and some of her pals come up with words that begin with that letter.

She so clever!


:lol: She and the rest may continue on thier relentless quest in an attempt to discredit me.

Notice though brother Liability that this is the first I've seen of it?

Seems to me that her and her ilk and fellow travellers may go fuck themselves at thier leisure.

I'll NOT make fun of them in thier persuit. ;)

I will. :D


I went and took a short look at the carnage...thing is?

I side on the cause of LiberTy...That is The cause...;)

They may have Thier fun...
youre failing to take into account people who already have families and get laid off forcing them to take a lower paying job.

Still missing the point where that becomes MY problem, rather than theirs. Life sucks sometimes; adults had best be smart and flexible enough to deal with it.
thats a good christian attitude you have there. a guy gets fired because his boss made some bad business decision and your solution is oh well fuck 'em, its his own fault.

Don't even TRY that "government aid is the Christian thing to do" bullshit on ME, Reverend Dumbfuck. You show me anywhere that the Bible a) indicates that charity should be run through the government, and b) it's acceptable for people to sit on their dead asses and demand the fruits of others' labor for themselves, and we'll talk, but until then, I am deeply and spectacularly unimpressed by Satan spouting Scripture.
Still missing the point where that becomes MY problem, rather than theirs. Life sucks sometimes; adults had best be smart and flexible enough to deal with it.
thats a good christian attitude you have there. a guy gets fired because his boss made some bad business decision and your solution is oh well fuck 'em, its his own fault.

Don't even TRY that "government aid is the Christian thing to do" bullshit on ME, Reverend Dumbfuck. You show me anywhere that the Bible a) indicates that charity should be run through the government, and b) it's acceptable for people to sit on their dead asses and demand the fruits of others' labor for themselves, and we'll talk, but until then, I am deeply and spectacularly unimpressed by Satan spouting Scripture.

And when there aren't enough jobs to go around?....
Also, if Obama has no control over the gas prices, then may I ask what the fuck was up with all that disingenuous screeching and hollering at former President Bush every time the gas prices went up? What's sauce for the goose, and all that. I also submit that many of Obama's policies ARE, in fact, directly traceable to the rising gas prices.

Whether or not I give him credit for any fall will first require there to be one, and despite your confident assertion of "WHEN they fall", I see no evidence that that will be the case. It will also depend entirely on whether or not the fall can actually be traced to anything he's done. Unlike some people, I don't worship political leaders simply on the basis that they're coincidentally in office when something good happens. Prove to me that they were responsible, and we'll talk.

People did holler at Bush, but as I mentioned earlier, that's rather baseless justification for doing the same thing to Obama. Two wrongs don't equal a right.

I'm predicting gas prices will drop in the fall (just as they rise in the Spring). It's the natural way of things.
Also, if Obama has no control over the gas prices, then may I ask what the fuck was up with all that disingenuous screeching and hollering at former President Bush every time the gas prices went up? What's sauce for the goose, and all that. I also submit that many of Obama's policies ARE, in fact, directly traceable to the rising gas prices.

Whether or not I give him credit for any fall will first require there to be one, and despite your confident assertion of "WHEN they fall", I see no evidence that that will be the case. It will also depend entirely on whether or not the fall can actually be traced to anything he's done. Unlike some people, I don't worship political leaders simply on the basis that they're coincidentally in office when something good happens. Prove to me that they were responsible, and we'll talk.

People did holler at Bush, but as I mentioned earlier, that's rather baseless justification for doing the same thing to Obama. Two wrongs don't equal a right.

I'm predicting gas prices will drop in the fall (just as they rise in the Spring). It's the natural way of things.

And is there ANY justification for it with our resources? *NO*
Still missing the point where that becomes MY problem, rather than theirs. Life sucks sometimes; adults had best be smart and flexible enough to deal with it.
thats a good christian attitude you have there. a guy gets fired because his boss made some bad business decision and your solution is oh well fuck 'em, its his own fault.

When will liberals realize that no one gets a free ride in life, you make your life what it is. If you are born poor with no opportunites it is up to you to make it in life. I know someone that I went to school with that had every thing against him being successful, but he worked hard, stayed in school, worked his ass off and is doing really well today. Thats what is great about this country, he did not sit on his ass and hold his hand out, he worked his ass off and made it.
maybe you should tell all those people in the GOP controlled south who get more in federal tax dollars than they pay in.

time to get off the free welfare ride.

those are actually the least educated states as well.

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