What Moonbat Charge Will Democrats Come Up With Next ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
That’s what everyone keeps asking. Everyone of sanity and legal status that is. What moonbat accusations will the Democrat scammers conjure up next ?

Well, we just saw it. Now they accuse Trump of giving classified US information to the Russians. Then, the dopey charge was immediately refuted by National Security Advisor, McMaster, who promptly declared it as FALSE.

Nevertheless, Democrats desperate to somehow derail the Trump presidency any way they can, keep throwing their political silly stones. Clown spokesman Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, said “If true…….”

There need not be any more quoting of this foolishness, after those first 2 words, because there IS NO “if true”. It simply is NOT true, just like the phony Russian collusion scam, the series of lying TV ads run by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the millions of illegal alien votes cast in the 2016 election (protected by Democrats’ sanctuary cities), and all the rest of the moonbat stuff coming from the frenzied nutjobs, calling themselves Democrats.

Warner et al would be better off bagging groceries and rounding up shopping carts for WalMart. At least it would be a respectable, honest living. Personally, I wouldn’t take a congressional seat for any amount of money, if I had to go around lying like these scammers are continuously doing.
The entire Russian meddling and collusion narrative is a ridiculous, evidence-free attempt to re-litigate the last election.

Sit and spin LWNJ's.......Sit and spin.

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
Probably Trump will sell us out to the Saudi's in some major way on his trip. So that will most likely be the next charge.
Yeah!! He's doing it for the money!!!

He wants a new golden toilet!!

He's building a hotel in Russian!!

And Saudi Arabia!!
Whatever the charge is, Trump himself will quickly confirm it, and the Trumptards will be left twisting in the wind, again.

They're pathetic excuses for human beings. No matter how many times they get tossed under the bus, the Trumptards still always crawl back to Trump and lick his boots.
Except for Democrat true cocksuckers the public has stopped believing and moving into not even caring. It's another wild story from the fiction writers.
That’s what everyone keeps asking. Everyone of sanity and legal status that is. What moonbat accusations will the Democrat scammers conjure up next ?

Well, we just saw it. Now they accuse Trump of giving classified US information to the Russians. Then, the dopey charge was immediately refuted by National Security Advisor, McMaster, who promptly declared it as FALSE.

Nevertheless, Democrats desperate to somehow derail the Trump presidency any way they can, keep throwing their political silly stones. Clown spokesman Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, said “If true…….”

There need not be any more quoting of this foolishness, after those first 2 words, because there IS NO “if true”. It simply is NOT true, just like the phony Russian collusion scam, the series of lying TV ads run by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the millions of illegal alien votes cast in the 2016 election (protected by Democrats’ sanctuary cities), and all the rest of the moonbat stuff coming from the frenzied nutjobs, calling themselves Democrats.

Warner et al would be better off bagging groceries and rounding up shopping carts for WalMart. At least it would be a respectable, honest living. Personally, I wouldn’t take a congressional seat for any amount of money, if I had to go around lying like these scammers are continuously doing.
McMaster attempted to play a word game as he attempted to throw water on the Blabbergate scandal. It only worked onb the hardcore trump believers and cult followers. Most people recognize the game McMaster was playing.

As National Security Advisor, Mc Master needs to be questioned about whether trump discussed leaking the information he now claims he (trump) declassified. Did McMaster advise the President that it was OK to leak the information or did trump decide on his own without consulting anyone about what he was going to do?
I'm still waiting for Trump to deliver on something.

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed bills undoing Obama damage.

Plus + on immigration >>

13. Increases in Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents,

14. Increase in immigration judges,

15. Withholding visas from countries that refuse to repatriate deported aliens,

16. An end to catch-and-release,

17. The construction of more detention facilities for detained illegal aliens along the border.

18. Granting Border Patrol access to federal lands,

19. Ending Pres. Obama's Priority Enforcement Program (PEP),

20. Reinstating Secure Communities and encouraging increased participation from local police in immigration enforcement, and

21. Creation of an office for victims of illegal-alien crimes.
Whatever the charge is, Trump himself will quickly confirm it, and the Trumptards will be left twisting in the wind, again.

They're pathetic excuses for human beings. No matter how many times they get tossed under the bus, the Trumptards still always crawl back to Trump and lick his boots.
Name one example of getting "tossed under the bus" :laugh:
Except for Democrat true cocksuckers the public has stopped believing and moving into not even caring. It's another wild story from the fiction writers.
Yup. It's the old boy who cried wolf thing. Democrats wore themselves out during the campaign. Every time they came up with a new derail (they thought), it scored more polling points for Trump.
McMaster attempted to play a word game as he attempted to throw water on the Blabbergate scandal. It only worked onb the hardcore trump believers and cult followers. Most people recognize the game McMaster was playing.

As National Security Advisor, Mc Master needs to be questioned about whether trump discussed leaking the information he now claims he (trump) declassified. Did McMaster advise the President that it was OK to leak the information or did trump decide on his own without consulting anyone about what he was going to do?
You're saying this has some credibility ? Last I heard, it was from an anonyomous source. :rolleyes:
McMaster attempted to play a word game as he attempted to throw water on the Blabbergate scandal. It only worked onb the hardcore trump believers and cult followers. Most people recognize the game McMaster was playing.

As National Security Advisor, Mc Master needs to be questioned about whether trump discussed leaking the information he now claims he (trump) declassified. Did McMaster advise the President that it was OK to leak the information or did trump decide on his own without consulting anyone about what he was going to do?
You're saying this has some credibility ? Last I heard, it was from an anonyomous source. :rolleyes:
Well, you are not paying attention to the "latest". Trump has thrown McMaster under the bus and admitted that he divulged classified information to his Russian visitors to the Oval Office. Of course, he stipulated that as President he was allowed to do that, but none the less, he made McMaster look like a fool.
Do you feel comfortable knowing your President can blurt out classified and secret information at will and on impulse without any consultation with advisors?
That’s what everyone keeps asking. Everyone of sanity and legal status that is. What moonbat accusations will the Democrat scammers conjure up next ?

Well, we just saw it. Now they accuse Trump of giving classified US information to the Russians. Then, the dopey charge was immediately refuted by National Security Advisor, McMaster, who promptly declared it as FALSE.

Nevertheless, Democrats desperate to somehow derail the Trump presidency any way they can, keep throwing their political silly stones. Clown spokesman Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, said “If true…….”

There need not be any more quoting of this foolishness, after those first 2 words, because there IS NO “if true”. It simply is NOT true, just like the phony Russian collusion scam, the series of lying TV ads run by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the millions of illegal alien votes cast in the 2016 election (protected by Democrats’ sanctuary cities), and all the rest of the moonbat stuff coming from the frenzied nutjobs, calling themselves Democrats.

Warner et al would be better off bagging groceries and rounding up shopping carts for WalMart. At least it would be a respectable, honest living. Personally, I wouldn’t take a congressional seat for any amount of money, if I had to go around lying like these scammers are continuously doing.
whatever it is that donnie provides us with.
Well, you are not paying attention to the "latest". Trump has thrown McMaster under the bus and admitted that he divulged classified information to his Russian visitors to the Oval Office. Of course, he stipulated that as President he was allowed to do that, but none the less, he made McMaster look like a fool.
Do you feel comfortable knowing your President can blurt out classified and secret information at will and on impulse without any consultation with advisors?

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