Zone1 What more can your soul do?


Not all who wander are lost
Oct 21, 2014
Can your soul do more
  • in your career?
  • in your family?
  • when posting in this forum?
  • when consuming?
  • when talking?
  • in this moment?
  • in meditation, contemplation, prayer?

What more can your soul do?
Can your soul do more
  • in your career?
  • in your family?
  • when posting in this forum?
  • when consuming?
  • when talking?
  • in this moment?
  • in meditation, contemplation, prayer?

What more can your soul do?
It can connect me to other souls.
How does it do this?
Love primarily. Anytime you love your fellow man this connection will be there. It's not just about the love between a man and a woman. It's the same as the love in the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the love that proceeds from the Father and the Son. It's in all of us, not just some of us. It's in us but not part of us. It's the connection which binds us to one another.
You learn most between lives .
By seeing yourself and learning .

Guidance . Never coercion .
Love primarily ....
- could that be, using - one of the three desert religions or all three together ... asking for a friend.
It's in everyone at all times.

gee -


and that includes christianity as well. who would have known.
Do we follow the guidance of our souls?
Have a look at Michael Newton .
He and his team past - life regressed thousands of patients about the time of and after their previous deaths and about the time between incarnations .

Him first hand is better than me second hand .

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