What new parties does the US need?

II think both major parties would split - GOP into Tea Party and a more business-focused urban party; the Dems into a genuine Social Democrat Party and a centrist party focusing on small businesses and urban professionals

Why would the Democratic party split? They are a collectivist party where every Democrat has the exact same position for the same reason on every issue.

Your GOP split made no sense. The Tea Party ... think about the name ... is an anti-tax, anti spending movement. How does it make sense the GOP would spit into two economic focused groups? Republicans would split into a socon and fiscal group. What's happening though is that rather then splitting off, the fiscal consertative tea party is co-opting the Republican party. It's a better plan considering they are facing the monolithic left.

The only splits are the ones that exist now. Libertarians come from the Republican party, we're the extreme anti-socon agenda element. The Greens are Democrats who don't mind being called communists. Both poll 1 percent or less and we're not going to change that anytime soon.

Don't kid yourself that just the republicans would vote libertarian. Many democrats are equally concerned about the erosion of civil liberties and the growth of our international military presence and would vote libertarian also.
Why would the Democratic party split? They are a collectivist party where every Democrat has the exact same position for the same reason on every issue.


Well, that is just patent nosense, obviously.

There is arguably a greater swathe of opinion in the Dems - from communists and hardcore animal rights activists through Greens and Social Democrats to entrerepreneurial centrists.
The difficulty of other parties getting votes could be linked to a herd mentality with many voters. Negative ads work. People get so scared of one guy that they're willing to settle for the other guy, not because he's good but because he's not as bad.
This is a list of parties in the US that get some votes and some support.

Democratic Party
Republican Party
Libertarian Party
Green Party
Constitution Party

Here is a list of all parties with affiliation if not support.

America First Party
American Party
American Populist Party
American Third Position Party
Americans Elect
America's Party
Christian Liberty Party
Citizens Party of the United States
Communist Party of the United States of America
Freedom Socialist Party
Independence Party of America
Independent American Party
Jefferson Republican Party
Justice Party
Labor Party
Modern Whig Party
National Socialist Movement
Objectivist Party
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Peace and Freedom Party
Prohibition Party
Raza Unida Party
Reform Party of the United States of America
Socialist Action
Socialist Alternative Party
Socialist Equality Party
Socialist Party USA
Socialist Workers Party
United States Marijuana Party
United States Pacifist Party
United States Pirate Party
Unity Party of America
Workers World Party

How many more do we need and what would they do?
Katz -

Can you imagine if ALL of those parties had some chance of real representation?

I doubt the Pacifist Party would get too mant senate seats, but ome of the others could gain a lot of support.
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How about the "All we wanna do is party, party"?

They won't get anything done, but people will love them regardless, because having fun, is contagious.
Don't kid yourself that just the republicans would vote libertarian. Many democrats are equally concerned about the erosion of civil liberties and the growth of our international military presence and would vote libertarian also.

Don't kid yourself, they don't. First of all, the ones who talk about "civil liberties" are usually only cherry picking the argument. And usually it's usually in areas that serve Democratic party interests. The military is another example of their doing that. But mostly they don't because liberals trust government.
Why would the Democratic party split? They are a collectivist party where every Democrat has the exact same position for the same reason on every issue.


Well, that is just patent nosense, obviously.

There is arguably a greater swathe of opinion in the Dems - from communists and hardcore animal rights activists through Greens and Social Democrats to entrerepreneurial centrists.

I like how you get all huffy and indignant, then you can't back it up...
And I don't consider you libertarian.

Really? Out of curiosity, what leads you to consider me 'un-libertarian'? Simply because I don't support Republicans?

No, because you spend all day arguing for the party that wants to maximize the size of government.

When and where I have I ever done that? Are you sure you don't have me confused with someone else?
This is a list of parties in the US that get some votes and some support.

Democratic Party
Republican Party
Libertarian Party
Green Party
Constitution Party

Here is a list of all parties with affiliation if not support.

America First Party
American Party
American Populist Party
American Third Position Party
Americans Elect
America's Party
Christian Liberty Party
Citizens Party of the United States
Communist Party of the United States of America
Freedom Socialist Party
Independence Party of America
Independent American Party
Jefferson Republican Party
Justice Party
Labor Party
Modern Whig Party
National Socialist Movement
Objectivist Party
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Peace and Freedom Party
Prohibition Party
Raza Unida Party
Reform Party of the United States of America
Socialist Action
Socialist Alternative Party
Socialist Equality Party
Socialist Party USA
Socialist Workers Party
United States Marijuana Party
United States Pacifist Party
United States Pirate Party
Unity Party of America
Workers World Party

How many more do we need and what would they do?

Imagine if they all had equal access to a publicly funded election process and private money was restricted only to primaries. Obviously, there would have to be some kind of qualifier to get access to those public dollars in the general election.

But I think it's time for positions on the issues be the forefront of our elections, not who can afford to bombard the American Public with the most ads. I think debates and personal appearances should be the method of campaigning, not distorted half truths and outright lies by SuperPACs.
Don't kid yourself that just the republicans would vote libertarian. Many democrats are equally concerned about the erosion of civil liberties and the growth of our international military presence and would vote libertarian also.

Don't kid yourself, they don't. First of all, the ones who talk about "civil liberties" are usually only cherry picking the argument. And usually it's usually in areas that serve Democratic party interests. The military is another example of their doing that. But mostly they don't because liberals trust government.

I know from first hand experience that this simply isn't true. Especially when it comes to younger people. I was heavily involved in the Libertarian Party campus outreach programs in the eighties, and I can tell you that approximately 30-40%, some of our most enthusiastic supporters, were self-described Democrats before joining the cause.
Imagine if the US were to switch to multi-party democracy for this election. What parties do you think would stand, and what parties would you like to see stand?

I think both major parties would split - GOP into Tea Party and a more business-focused urban party; the Dems into a genuine Social Democrat Party and a centrist party focusing on small businesses and urban professionals.

Plus I guess there would also be a Greens Party, and maybe Christian Democrats.

Would there be an NAACP party? A pro-Israel party?

Any other party who might gather 5% of a national vote.

Well right now we really only have 1 party I would say Libertarian party but a new name...Freedom party or Liberty party or maybe Freedom and Liberty party....of course a Communist party for the disaffected democrats, anti federalist party would be awesome.Probably have a NWO party who want to rule the world,a feminist party,national socialist party....not sure what else we would have...this is fun!
In a perfect world there would be no political parties just people running on their views not based on the letter beside their name...
What this country needs is a return to the fairness doctrine and the return of real journalism. The amount of Pubcrappe is amazing. See "Obama gutted Medicare and Workfare, had control for 2 years", sig pp3.

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