What? No logical explaination?


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2014
For all these years I have told my wife about the events that happen along the way, the coffee kind of thing, see earlier thread of mine. I skip most all of the little unexplained events simply because there is no point really. If anyone has read my posts in the last two weeks or so I have been vocal about my relation with God. I have also found Jesus Christ. So four days ago or so I converted my wife. I have mentioned what religion she was, not really practicing though, I will not mention it again here. We were talking about sin and I asked her how her religion gets rid of sin, which they don't because they have no Jesus or equivalent. There might, sort of, possibly been some sex before the two of us before we were married. In her religion that is a ticket straight to Hell, and there is no second chances. When I explained Jesus she was very interested. I said in another post something like Jesus could be considered as part of a mathematical equation. It is not that I am making any less of Jesus but why would it not make sense to have a rational explanation for Jesus. She did not jump up and down shouting, "Jesus is here!" I don't believe in that, "Jesus is a get out of jail free card." kind of thing anyway. She is now working with the idea of Jesus in her head anyway. So now I get reason for the post. I come downstairs this morning and my wife has the contents of her purse all over the counter, she has one of those large purses, money, makeup, and filing cabinet. So I ask what happened. Apparently this morning she went to get something and the inside of her purse was soaked. I started asking why it was soaked. After the first couple of questions I got the idea. One of those, "What? No logical explanation?" but I continue nonetheless, "Maybe that happened.", "How about this?", "I could have been that." She gets frustrated because all my questions are not realistic possibilities. It finally just comes down to, "You did it." Which I did not but if that works for her. In my head I have a grin and am thinking, "Welcome to my world." Why water in the purse? My guess is that it is definitely hers, same as with my coffee, it is very noticeable, one can deny the reasons but not the fact that everything is wet, and it was water, which did not do any damage to anything that got wet. I guess one could think of it as her purse got Baptized.
Glad to hear you turned to Christ. Pray for truth and guidance and wisdom and keep reading you're Bible.

I take it this is just a rant without a real topic to discus?​

You are welcome to make one up if you like. There is no such thing as 'off topic' on one of my threads.

Really,RV?? OH BOY!!

My "Off-topic" topic is--

'If Aliens exist, what kind of religious belief you think(or hope) they have and why?"

Personally, I hope they have a humble Pantheist view of the Universe because this point of view would tend to cause the very powerful, dangerous and potentially Imperialistic Aliens to leave us alone.

Thank you

I take it this is just a rant without a real topic to discus?​

You are welcome to make one up if you like. There is no such thing as 'off topic' on one of my threads.

Really,RV?? OH BOY!!

My "Off-topic" topic is--

'If Aliens exist, what kind of religious belief you think(or hope) they have and why?"

Personally, I hope they have a humble Pantheist view of the Universe because this point of view would tend to cause the very powerful, dangerous and potentially Imperialistic Aliens to leave us alone.

Thank you

Ha! You did not succeed for that is not off-topic at all. Why the 'if'? Are you stating a doubt or simply using the if-then structure of the proposition? As I am learning about other religions I believe there might be a 'generational gap' between religions as they are written and what would be if a religion was written today. As far as the aliens go there are three possibilities, right? They can either be atheist, agnostic, or religious. Having talked with God myself I think He would have told them not to be atheist by now. The aliens could be agnostic. They are flying around the cosmos not really knowing if there is a God but given black holes and asteroid belts, and God know what else they probably pray every now and then all the same. Now we get to the religious aliens. This is where all us insignificant human types hope and pray that they don't have the same religions we do. The common logic why they would not is that they would have all ray gunned themselves to death long before interstellar travel. A religious stage above that is that they are religious but not fundamentalist and only slightly kill each other off every generation or so. Now we get to the really pointy end of the spear. What if they are fundamentalist? According to our understanding of religion any fundamentally religious aliens who come to this planet are going to blow us to pieces. And this leaves us with only two possibilities; a) they are either agnostic or b) they have a religion where all the followers can behave civilly. The lesson for us to take away from this is this leaves us three religious possibilities; a) give up on space exploration, b) everyone become agnostic, or c) find the true nature of God. I don't know about you but God told me to go for (c).

Better luck next time on being off-topic. :D

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