What now libs? Less than 18,000 jobs and

Anyone can click bls.gov and see---


--with unemployment at 6.6%, then Obama get's elected and employers flee. Obama must have a super cold but if it took him a month to warm up his chair...

Your are not the only person who feels that way
It is amazing how this economy, all of it really fell off the cliff when Obama became the clear leader in the presidential race
Tarp only cost us about 250 billion out the gate and its original intent
we got most of that back
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On October 14, 2008, Secretary of the Treasury Paulson and President Bush separately announced revisions to the TARP program. The Treasury announced their intention to buy senior preferred stock and warrants from the nine largest American banks. The shares would qualify as Tier 1 capital and were non-voting shares. To qualify for this program, the Treasury required participating institutions to meet certain criteria, including: "(1) ensuring that incentive compensation for senior executives does not encourage unnecessary and excessive risks that threaten the value of the financial institution; (2) required clawback of any bonus or incentive compensation paid to a senior executive based on statements of earnings, gains or other criteria that are later proven to be materially inaccurate; (3) prohibition on the financial institution from making any golden parachute payment to a senior executive based on the Internal Revenue Code provision; and (4) agreement not to deduct for tax purposes executive compensation in excess of $500,000 for each senior executive."[12] The Treasury also bought preferred stock and warrants from hundreds of smaller banks, using the first $250 billion allotted to the program.[13]

That stopped the bleeding, the end of the world scenario
the only fix we have from now on is the expansion of places we can invest and grow out economy
like oil shale

As the goalpost moves even further to the left

Now Obama is responsible for the economy just because he was "running" for president

I dont recall stating that
I recall noting the facts

Did you miss the part in which I do not blame W or Obama for the 08 crash or did you just ignore that?
To me it is about 2 things

1) never allow a crises to go to waste. BHO has not as he increased the deficit by trillions in the name of job creation
2) Standing in the way of new work. Obama will not allow shale oil expansion and the EPA (Under Obama) is standing in the way of new refineries, power plants

Dept of Interior Cancels Bush Administration Oil Shale Leasing Plans : TreeHugger
JRK must be heavily invested in shale oil machinery. That's the only possible explanation for his obsession with it.

By the way, who is proposing to build a new refinery?
I believe it peaked at 6.3%. Obama would give his left nut for those numbers.....
well yes indeed, he would. But it was 8.2% before he'd even warmed the chair in the oval office.
Anyone can click bls.gov and see---


--with unemployment at 6.6%, then Obama get's elected and employers flee. Obama must have a super cold but if it took him a month to warm up his chair...

yes indeed, people can go to BLS.gov! And when there, they can see trends (those that care to look, of course).

Like this trend: Unemployment started moving upwards right about the time the recession officially started, in and around December of 2007 - a bit over a year after housing values began their long decline.

I'm sure you can find a way to blame the Obama presidency for that. Or Clinton perhaps. Or maybe FDR.
JRK must be heavily invested in shale oil machinery. That's the only possible explanation for his obsession with it.

By the way, who is proposing to build a new refinery?

I think he said he worked in a shale area.

I work in the lets go create some opportunity
I am building a new refinery as we speak. the largest in North America
'The company has about 15,000 people here building it
its called a job
The company is being forced to build it in the middle of there old plant. they had enough land o do this
most do not so there goes 15,000 jobs with each company that has intrest in this

Shale oil?
we buy it raw from Canada and refine it here
Rank Country Imports % of Total % of Domestic consumption
1 Canada 2.275 18.6% 11.0%
2 Saudi Arabia 1.427 11.7% 6.9%
3 Mexico 1.333 10.9% 6.4%
4 Venezuela 1.326 10.9% 6.4%
5 Nigeria 1.009 9.0% 5.3%
6 Algeria 0.723 5.9% 3.5%
7 Angola 0.596 4.9% 2.9%
8 Iraq 0.458 3.8% 2.2%
9 Russia 0.420 3.4% 2.0%
10 Virgin Islands* 0.338 2.8% 1.6%
from 2007
U.S. Dependence on Foreign Oil, by Country

shale oil is found in many states
much of it is on govt land
United States Oil Shale Deposits | Map, Geology & Resources
there are more deposits, why look Obama is not going to allow those jobs to take root
Dept of Interior Cancels Bush Administration Oil Shale Leasing Plans : TreeHugger
To my favorite kooks
one is on ignore, the other has had little to say sense I ask him to explain to me what was so funny about the current status of our great nation and why he thought the tax issues we face today are issues he thinks I am no qualified to discuss

See men this is about jobs
its not about taxes
its not about Iraq
Its not about GWB

Its about jobs and what Obama is not doing to help create the opportunity for the free enterprise to create some
18,000 jobs in one month after 30 months and trillions of dollars
where did it go Toro?
you think the jobs shale oil would create is also funny?

That's cool you're building a refinery. We should build many more.

However, you have a reading comprehension problem, aren't very swift, or aren't reading what I've written, which I will not write again but for this one more time. (I will be charitable and assume the latter.)

I do not find the debt problem funny. I find it funny that someone who doesn't understand the very basics of the tax code asking others if they understand taxes.

That's cool you're building a refinery. We should build many more.

However, you have a reading comprehension problem, aren't very swift, or aren't reading what I've written, which I will not write again but for this one more time. (I will be charitable and assume the latter.)

I do not find the debt problem funny. I find it funny that someone who doesn't understand the very basics of the tax code asking others if they understand taxes.

thats it?
what do you want to debate Toro?
that our president has spent trillions of dollars we do not have to create 18,000 jobs 30 months into it
or the tax code
and exactly why is it you think I do not understand the tax code Toro?

That is broke Toro?
You want to call the messenger "not to swift" to ignore the message Toro?

Good Luck with that

That's cool you're building a refinery. We should build many more.

However, you have a reading comprehension problem, aren't very swift, or aren't reading what I've written, which I will not write again but for this one more time. (I will be charitable and assume the latter.)

I do not find the debt problem funny. I find it funny that someone who doesn't understand the very basics of the tax code asking others if they understand taxes.

one more thing Toro
Exactly what was i did that makes you think I do not understand the tax code?
did it have anything to do with 57 states?
People make mistakes, some do not have the class ot let it go
its all they have

That's cool you're building a refinery. We should build many more.

However, you have a reading comprehension problem, aren't very swift, or aren't reading what I've written, which I will not write again but for this one more time. (I will be charitable and assume the latter.)

I do not find the debt problem funny. I find it funny that someone who doesn't understand the very basics of the tax code asking others if they understand taxes.

one more thing Toro
Exactly what was i did that makes you think I do not understand the tax code?
did it have anything to do with 57 states?
People make mistakes, some do not have the class ot let it go
its all they have

Yet you keep calling me out. See, that's the irony that amuses me. Its not me that keeps bringing it up. You should take your own advice and let it go and move on.

That's cool you're building a refinery. We should build many more.

However, you have a reading comprehension problem, aren't very swift, or aren't reading what I've written, which I will not write again but for this one more time. (I will be charitable and assume the latter.)

I do not find the debt problem funny. I find it funny that someone who doesn't understand the very basics of the tax code asking others if they understand taxes.

one more thing Toro
Exactly what was i did that makes you think I do not understand the tax code?
did it have anything to do with 57 states?
People make mistakes, some do not have the class ot let it go
its all they have

Yet you keep calling me out. See, that's the irony that amuses me. Its not me that keeps bringing it up. You should take your own advice and let it go and move on.

Toro let what go?
that if you get down to it a person who makes 200k a year probably pays close to 50% in taxes?
fuel tax
all of them combined
the issue this country faces is serious
What the conservative cannot understand is why is it the Liberal is not taking it as such
You want a government like we have today?
My agitation with you is you think this is a joke. It has nothing to do with your childish remarks about me and my knowledge of the tax code
Well its not a joke. This country was attacked on 9-11-2001 and we act like now GWB did it. The first time we went to war with Iraq it was done in weeks, so why did it take 8 years this time?
because we were not fighting Iraqis this time

This country will survive Obama.
It will survive the debt he has added for no reason that can be shown except a slush fund for the UAW, the teachers union and the democratic party

But it will do it with people who do not think this mess is a joke. Who will offer solutions like the GOP has sense March
One cannot both support the people who object to job creation programs and still complaim when jobs are not created.

And THAT is what the GOP supporters are doing and have been doing for the last couple years.
Obama's atimulut, clunker,etc plan saved us from a depression and unemployment would have been 16% or more but is only 9.1% and we are in recovery as any recovery you take one steps forward and two backwards before we fully recover. This mess was put in motion by Bush's unfunded war and out of control spending and tax cut for the rich, big corporation that created jobs overseas. We were losing jobs at at the rate of millions and and it did not suddenly stop when Obama took office. You cannot expect Obama to fix over night what took Bush 8 years to break.
Obama knows what he is doing will work so shut the fuck up and let him do his job.
Obama's atimulut, clunker,etc plan saved us from a depression and unemployment would have been 16% or more but is only 9.1% and we are in recovery as any recovery you take one steps forward and two backwards before we fully recover. This mess was put in motion by Bush's unfunded war and out of control spending and tax cut for the rich, big corporation that created jobs overseas. We were losing jobs at at the rate of millions and and it did not suddenly stop when Obama took office. You cannot expect Obama to fix over night what took Bush 8 years to break.
Obama knows what he is doing will work so shut the fuck up and let him do his job.

It is CONGRESS whose job it is to come up with the plan.

This obsession with the POTUS continues to confuse rather stupid people, doesn't it?
One cannot both support the people who object to job creation programs and still complaim when jobs are not created.
Sure you can. We've seen how Obama's expensive "jobs programs" have failed and we'd prefer to stop wasting money.

Those jobs programs lead to the creation of over 2 million jobs

Where is the jobs creation legislation that the Republicans promised in 2010? Oh yes....I forgot.....Obama must fail was their priority
Obama's atimulut, clunker,etc plan saved us from a depression and unemployment would have been 16% or more but is only 9.1% and we are in recovery as any recovery you take one steps forward and two backwards before we fully recover. This mess was put in motion by Bush's unfunded war and out of control spending and tax cut for the rich, big corporation that created jobs overseas. We were losing jobs at at the rate of millions and and it did not suddenly stop when Obama took office. You cannot expect Obama to fix over night what took Bush 8 years to break.
Obama knows what he is doing will work so shut the fuck up and let him do his job.

2 1/2 years and it's still Bush's fault? And you have the gall to mention out of control spending and not blame any of it on the current administration... Please do yourself a favor and step away from the Kool-aide.
People on these boards that have Obama Derangement Syndrome...that focus on Obama Obama Obama just aren't reasonable and can't be trusted when it comes to debating objectively.

It was the same for the people who had Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Obama's atimulut, clunker,etc plan saved us from a depression and unemployment would have been 16% or more but is only 9.1% and we are in recovery as any recovery you take one steps forward and two backwards before we fully recover. This mess was put in motion by Bush's unfunded war and out of control spending and tax cut for the rich, big corporation that created jobs overseas. We were losing jobs at at the rate of millions and and it did not suddenly stop when Obama took office. You cannot expect Obama to fix over night what took Bush 8 years to break.
Obama knows what he is doing will work so shut the fuck up and let him do his job.

2 1/2 years and it's still Bush's fault? And you have the gall to mention out of control spending and not blame any of it on the current administration... Please do yourself a favor and step away from the Kool-aide.

Do you really think all the problems or even most of them can be fixed in 2 1/2 years??? :cuckoo: 2 1/2 years with Republicans fighting Obama and the Dems tooth and nail?

Sounds like you've got your own vat of Kool-Aide.
In fact, with the current slashes in Government spending, we will lose even more jobs

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