What odds are you giving Trump


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
With a media as fake as the USSR
Massive corruption of voting ballots
Tens of billions from the tech giants
Massive cover up of Hunter Biden and Joe
Millions of new chain migration voters

I give him a 1/3 shot
30-35 percent

Against Hillary I gave him 1/5 or 20 percent
Odds of giving Trump at what, staying in control?

I think he has already lost control.

The truth is out there, yet the majority of Americans are so completely and totally in complete fear, they don't give a shit.

Everyone telling the truth has been demonized to the point, where none of it matters.

Giuliani With Lou Dobbs — FBI told computer tech ‘keep your mouth shut and nothing will happen to you’…

. . . and yet,

Obviously trending tweets are fake as fuck. :dunno:

Just like I said in 2015 in regards to 2016, Trump has a 100% chance of winning 2020. The only issue is the voter fraud which always existed to vote in dems, but this time they are serious.
Obviously trending tweets are fake as fuck. :dunno:

Just like I said in 2015 in regards to 2016, Trump has a 100% chance of winning 2020. The only issue is the voter fraud which always existed to vote in dems, but this time they are serious.
Leftist were willing to vote ten times for Obama.
But, they will not risk it for Biden who might be going to jail.
1000% chance.
Biden is a proven sex offender. He's been a politician since 1973, 47 years, Trump accomplished more in 47 days. He's as corrupt as they come.
There isn't one person in America who doesn't know this.
Kamala is a bitch from hell that has been sabotaging her and Biden's campaign the last couple of weeks. There's a million things on her that proves she's an evil k#nt, but everything she said on the first day of the Amy Coney Barrett hearing killed any shot they had.
It doesn't matter how much money Joe has for campaigning. The polls and numbers mean jack squat, they are exactly about what they were at this point in the Hilary campaign. Guess what? That sh#@t doesn't equate to a win. It just tells us what we already know, the major population centers are highly democratic, and the rest of the country is 100% red which equates to another electoral vote onslaught.
The Swamp Strikes Back - cue the Star Wars music. The swamp has spent the past 4 years preparing to defeat president Trump. 24/7 negative news coverage. The corruption of social media. Lost count of the number of fake investigations. The fake impeachment. The swamp got caught sleeping in 2016 and Trump did the unthinkable, he beat them. Love president Trump but considering the swamp's assault I think the odds of him winning are 40% in 2020.
There is simply no way that the President can win.

The Deep State/Swamp/Establishment has set up everything so that the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will win.

Even the President realizes deep down that he is toast.

At least he's going down fighting. Even though the Dems are serious are jailing him after he leaves office in three months, he is still joking about jailing some of his enemies. Now that is chutzpah!

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