What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
YOur point was that blacks "don't matter" when they don't vote.

I pointed out that they don't matter when they do vote (dem) because that voting is taken for granted by both sides.

"Caring"? That's the first you mentioned caring.
Well the more I think the more optimistic I am and the more liberal protests I see the less sympathetic I am to liberals who now blame hillary for their inaction.

Sorry, the right clearly wanted it more.

And let's be honest this is only temporary because power eventually corrupts and destroys both parties. That's why we have two parties.

THis is likely only temporary because the majority of births in this country are non-white already.

The dem strategy of turning this nation into a defacto One Party State is still on track.

Unless something shakes up the lock that the Left's Race Baiting and Propaganda has given it on minority bloc voting, the Two Party system will be dead very soon.
It shouldn't matter if you are Muslim Christian or atheist. You can't deny using religion got white America to show up

All the blm bs got whites to show up and blacks to stay home.

Who's benefitting from dividing us with wedge issues?

You may be right if these poor minorities voted or if the whites don't show up in droves because they don't see results.

We now want to see results. The protesters need to stfu and get out the way.

1. Religion got White America to show up? Not that I noticed, but I don't have cable.

2. BLM might have helped white turnout. THey are obviously dangerous violent racists assholes.

3. Wedge Issues? Trump ran on Trade and Immigration and Persuasion techniques. What wedge issues are you referring to?

God, Gays, Guns and Racism. Also sexism.

Don't worry about it now. I'm on the Trump bandwagon. My mind is wide open.

1. Trump made the weakest of attempts to build bridges with the Religious Right. I didn't find it especially convincing, and I'm sure they did not either. I'm willing to be that most of that vote was really voting against Hillary.

2. Trump has not made an issue of gays.

3. Guns?

4. Deporting illegals is not about race.
Well the more I think the more optimistic I am and the more liberal protests I see the less sympathetic I am to liberals who now blame hillary for their inaction.

Sorry, the right clearly wanted it more.

And let's be honest this is only temporary because power eventually corrupts and destroys both parties. That's why we have two parties.

THis is likely only temporary because the majority of births in this country are non-white already.

The dem strategy of turning this nation into a defacto One Party State is still on track.

Unless something shakes up the lock that the Left's Race Baiting and Propaganda has given it on minority bloc voting, the Two Party system will be dead very soon.
It shouldn't matter if you are Muslim Christian or atheist. You can't deny using religion got white America to show up

All the blm bs got whites to show up and blacks to stay home.

Who's benefitting from dividing us with wedge issues?

You may be right if these poor minorities voted or if the whites don't show up in droves because they don't see results.

We now want to see results. The protesters need to stfu and get out the way.

1. Religion got White America to show up? Not that I noticed, but I don't have cable.

2. BLM might have helped white turnout. THey are obviously dangerous violent racists assholes.

3. Wedge Issues? Trump ran on Trade and Immigration and Persuasion techniques. What wedge issues are you referring to?

God, Gays, Guns and Racism. Also sexism.

Don't worry about it now. I'm on the Trump bandwagon. My mind is wide open.

1. Trump made the weakest of attempts to build bridges with the Religious Right. I didn't find it especially convincing, and I'm sure they did not either. I'm willing to be that most of that vote was really voting against Hillary.

2. Trump has not made an issue of gays.

3. Guns?

4. Deporting illegals is not about race.

1. Agree. But he will appoint a pro life judge

2. Trump don't care about gays

3. I love my guns

4. Hispanics and blacks who were offended didn't vote so they don't matter. And I've woke up. Who cares if you are a black or muslim or women or gay. Why are these special protected classes of people? They are Americans just like us white guys are. We have to compete too and we get no special attention nor should we. Everyone should get the same opportunity but we are not really born equal. A rich kid is going to have a better life than a middle class kid. A middle class kid is going to have it better than a poor kid. If poor people don't like it, don't have kids.
THis is likely only temporary because the majority of births in this country are non-white already.

The dem strategy of turning this nation into a defacto One Party State is still on track.

Unless something shakes up the lock that the Left's Race Baiting and Propaganda has given it on minority bloc voting, the Two Party system will be dead very soon.
It shouldn't matter if you are Muslim Christian or atheist. You can't deny using religion got white America to show up

All the blm bs got whites to show up and blacks to stay home.

Who's benefitting from dividing us with wedge issues?

You may be right if these poor minorities voted or if the whites don't show up in droves because they don't see results.

We now want to see results. The protesters need to stfu and get out the way.

1. Religion got White America to show up? Not that I noticed, but I don't have cable.

2. BLM might have helped white turnout. THey are obviously dangerous violent racists assholes.

3. Wedge Issues? Trump ran on Trade and Immigration and Persuasion techniques. What wedge issues are you referring to?

God, Gays, Guns and Racism. Also sexism.

Don't worry about it now. I'm on the Trump bandwagon. My mind is wide open.

1. Trump made the weakest of attempts to build bridges with the Religious Right. I didn't find it especially convincing, and I'm sure they did not either. I'm willing to be that most of that vote was really voting against Hillary.

2. Trump has not made an issue of gays.

3. Guns?

4. Deporting illegals is not about race.

1. Agree. But he will appoint a pro life judge

2. Trump don't care about gays

3. I love my guns

4. Hispanics and blacks who were offended didn't vote so they don't matter. And I've woke up. Who cares if you are a black or muslim or women or gay. Why are these special protected classes of people? They are Americans just like us white guys are. We have to compete too and we get no special attention nor should we. Everyone should get the same opportunity but we are not really born equal. A rich kid is going to have a better life than a middle class kid. A middle class kid is going to have it better than a poor kid. If poor people don't like it, don't have kids.

1. As well he should. THe rational of Privacy was bad law.

2. Care? DO they want good government or validation?

3. DItto.

4. All of us having the same opportunity is not racism, it is the opposite of racism. Nothing in Trump's platform is about reducing opportunity for any American. There are, and will continue to be plenty of avenues/attempts to aid poor/middle class people as compared to rich.
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.
You can't have a Dave Bannon and Breitbart working for you and say that. You can't ignore that whites overwhelmingly voted for trump and no one else did. How do you explain that?
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.

The robber baron bankster himself J.P. Morgan commented after the Great Depression:

When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of [crony] capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us.

Three quarters of a century later when the 2008 housing bubble crisis exploded 5 million homes were lostby hapless Americans fraudulently tricked by devious criminal banksters (that not more than one ever served any jail time over), the mega-rich crime boss’ prophetic words take on even greater significance.
The easy answer is Donald J. Trump. True, Trump was the first modern Republican to win the nomination based on racial prejudice. And, yes, racial resentment does more to explain support for Trump than even ideology.

But Trump is not acting in a vacuum. He is instead riding forces set in motion a half-century ago. His identity-based nomination should be seen as the logical culmination of Republicans' 50-year "Southern strategy" to make politics primarily about race and identity instead of economics.

What happens in politics," Schattschneider writes, "depends on the way in which people are divided into factions, parties, groups, classes, etc. The outcome of the game of politics depends on which of a multitude of possible conflicts gains the dominant position."

Politics involves many issues, across multiple dimensions. But in a two-party system like the one we have in America, there can really only be one primary dividing conflict at any given time, since there are only two parties.
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.
You can't have a Dave Bannon and Breitbart working for you and say that. You can't ignore that whites overwhelmingly voted for trump and no one else did. How do you explain that?

You want me, a republican to explain why whites voted majority for Trump?

Because we believe his policies will be for the best for America as a whole.

imo, Trump gave American workers filled with job insecurity motivation to come out and vote.

That is not "using race" to get votes.
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.

The robber baron bankster himself J.P. Morgan commented after the Great Depression:

When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of [crony] capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us.

Three quarters of a century later when the 2008 housing bubble crisis exploded 5 million homes were lostby hapless Americans fraudulently tricked by devious criminal banksters (that not more than one ever served any jail time over), the mega-rich crime boss’ prophetic words take on even greater significance.

The strategy of making people dependent on government in order to make them compliant is a long standing DEMOCRATIC strategy.

That is what Newt was referring to when he referred to Obama as the "Food Stamp President".

Trump's policies, that fired up the Republicans base is all about increasing the INDEPENDENCE OF American workers.
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.

The robber baron bankster himself J.P. Morgan commented after the Great Depression:

When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of [crony] capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us.

Three quarters of a century later when the 2008 housing bubble crisis exploded 5 million homes were lostby hapless Americans fraudulently tricked by devious criminal banksters (that not more than one ever served any jail time over), the mega-rich crime boss’ prophetic words take on even greater significance.

The strategy of making people dependent on government in order to make them compliant is a long standing DEMOCRATIC strategy.

That is what Newt was referring to when he referred to Obama as the "Food Stamp President".

Trump's policies, that fired up the Republicans base is all about increasing the INDEPENDENCE OF American workers.
Lets see his results. Just don't tell me he's doing a good job like you guys did Bush in 2007.
The easy answer is Donald J. Trump. True, Trump was the first modern Republican to win the nomination based on racial prejudice. And, yes, racial resentment does more to explain support for Trump than even ideology.

But Trump is not acting in a vacuum. He is instead riding forces set in motion a half-century ago. His identity-based nomination should be seen as the logical culmination of Republicans' 50-year "Southern strategy" to make politics primarily about race and identity instead of economics.

What happens in politics," Schattschneider writes, "depends on the way in which people are divided into factions, parties, groups, classes, etc. The outcome of the game of politics depends on which of a multitude of possible conflicts gains the dominant position."

Politics involves many issues, across multiple dimensions. But in a two-party system like the one we have in America, there can really only be one primary dividing conflict at any given time, since there are only two parties.

1. The Southern Strategy is a myth.

2. Trump ran on Trade and Immigration.

3. If you don't let go of the Racism Myth, you will never understand anything about half this nation.
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.

The robber baron bankster himself J.P. Morgan commented after the Great Depression:

When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of [crony] capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us.

Three quarters of a century later when the 2008 housing bubble crisis exploded 5 million homes were lostby hapless Americans fraudulently tricked by devious criminal banksters (that not more than one ever served any jail time over), the mega-rich crime boss’ prophetic words take on even greater significance.

The strategy of making people dependent on government in order to make them compliant is a long standing DEMOCRATIC strategy.

That is what Newt was referring to when he referred to Obama as the "Food Stamp President".

Trump's policies, that fired up the Republicans base is all about increasing the INDEPENDENCE OF American workers.
Lets see his results.

WATCH FOR THE MEDIA trying to distract you from that. They will be lying to you.

The easy answer is Donald J. Trump. True, Trump was the first modern Republican to win the nomination based on racial prejudice. And, yes, racial resentment does more to explain support for Trump than even ideology.

But Trump is not acting in a vacuum. He is instead riding forces set in motion a half-century ago. His identity-based nomination should be seen as the logical culmination of Republicans' 50-year "Southern strategy" to make politics primarily about race and identity instead of economics.

What happens in politics," Schattschneider writes, "depends on the way in which people are divided into factions, parties, groups, classes, etc. The outcome of the game of politics depends on which of a multitude of possible conflicts gains the dominant position."

Politics involves many issues, across multiple dimensions. But in a two-party system like the one we have in America, there can really only be one primary dividing conflict at any given time, since there are only two parties.

1. The Southern Strategy is a myth.

2. Trump ran on Trade and Immigration.

3. If you don't let go of the Racism Myth, you will never understand anything about half this nation.
The southern strategy was not a myth. It's a fact. Do you know who Lee Atwater is?

If you are going to pretend it's a myth or if you really believe that then I'll take you a lot less seriously.

Lee Atwater - Wikipedia
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.

The robber baron bankster himself J.P. Morgan commented after the Great Depression:

When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of [crony] capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us.

Three quarters of a century later when the 2008 housing bubble crisis exploded 5 million homes were lostby hapless Americans fraudulently tricked by devious criminal banksters (that not more than one ever served any jail time over), the mega-rich crime boss’ prophetic words take on even greater significance.

The strategy of making people dependent on government in order to make them compliant is a long standing DEMOCRATIC strategy.

That is what Newt was referring to when he referred to Obama as the "Food Stamp President".

Trump's policies, that fired up the Republicans base is all about increasing the INDEPENDENCE OF American workers.
Lets see his results.

WATCH FOR THE MEDIA trying to distract you from that. They will be lying to you.

Yes, I notice you guys are setting things up so when you pull shinanigans and the media exposes you you'll just say, "the media is lying".
The easy answer is Donald J. Trump. True, Trump was the first modern Republican to win the nomination based on racial prejudice. And, yes, racial resentment does more to explain support for Trump than even ideology.

But Trump is not acting in a vacuum. He is instead riding forces set in motion a half-century ago. His identity-based nomination should be seen as the logical culmination of Republicans' 50-year "Southern strategy" to make politics primarily about race and identity instead of economics.

What happens in politics," Schattschneider writes, "depends on the way in which people are divided into factions, parties, groups, classes, etc. The outcome of the game of politics depends on which of a multitude of possible conflicts gains the dominant position."

Politics involves many issues, across multiple dimensions. But in a two-party system like the one we have in America, there can really only be one primary dividing conflict at any given time, since there are only two parties.

1. The Southern Strategy is a myth.

2. Trump ran on Trade and Immigration.

3. If you don't let go of the Racism Myth, you will never understand anything about half this nation.
The southern strategy was not a myth. It's a fact. Do you know who Lee Atwater is?

If you are going to pretend it's a myth or if you really believe that then I'll take you a lot less seriously.

Lee Atwater - Wikipedia

Yes, maybe that was actually Atwater. Or maybe it wasn't.

He gave his opinion. One that is not backed up by the facts.

If it was him, it is not clear that he ever voiced these ideas in his head out loud. It has not been established that his view of the South flipping was correct and indeed, I have seen convincing studies showing otherwise.

Nixon, the supposed father of the Southern Strategy was THE major force in desegregating Southern Schools, and enforcing busing in general.

He also vastly expanded Affirmative Action.

His way of "dealing" with Southern Racist voters, was to slam though desegregation fast and early so that it would be a done deal by the time of his reelection.

That's hardly pandering to them.

You need to be more suspicious when liberals tell you bad things about their enemies.
Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.

The robber baron bankster himself J.P. Morgan commented after the Great Depression:

When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of [crony] capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us.

Three quarters of a century later when the 2008 housing bubble crisis exploded 5 million homes were lostby hapless Americans fraudulently tricked by devious criminal banksters (that not more than one ever served any jail time over), the mega-rich crime boss’ prophetic words take on even greater significance.

The strategy of making people dependent on government in order to make them compliant is a long standing DEMOCRATIC strategy.

That is what Newt was referring to when he referred to Obama as the "Food Stamp President".

Trump's policies, that fired up the Republicans base is all about increasing the INDEPENDENCE OF American workers.
Lets see his results.

WATCH FOR THE MEDIA trying to distract you from that. They will be lying to you.

Yes, I notice you guys are setting things up so when you pull shinanigans and the media exposes you you'll just say, "the media is lying".

NOt sure what you are referring to.

I'm talking about results. Jobs. Wages. Improvements in healthy families. Decreases in crime.

Watch and listen for them, because the media will NOT TELL YOU, any news supporting the idea that Trumps policies are working.
The easy answer is Donald J. Trump. True, Trump was the first modern Republican to win the nomination based on racial prejudice. And, yes, racial resentment does more to explain support for Trump than even ideology.

But Trump is not acting in a vacuum. He is instead riding forces set in motion a half-century ago. His identity-based nomination should be seen as the logical culmination of Republicans' 50-year "Southern strategy" to make politics primarily about race and identity instead of economics.

What happens in politics," Schattschneider writes, "depends on the way in which people are divided into factions, parties, groups, classes, etc. The outcome of the game of politics depends on which of a multitude of possible conflicts gains the dominant position."

Politics involves many issues, across multiple dimensions. But in a two-party system like the one we have in America, there can really only be one primary dividing conflict at any given time, since there are only two parties.

1. The Southern Strategy is a myth.

2. Trump ran on Trade and Immigration.

3. If you don't let go of the Racism Myth, you will never understand anything about half this nation.
The southern strategy was not a myth. It's a fact. Do you know who Lee Atwater is?

If you are going to pretend it's a myth or if you really believe that then I'll take you a lot less seriously.

Lee Atwater - Wikipedia

Yes, maybe that was actually Atwater. Or maybe it wasn't.

He gave his opinion. One that is not backed up by the facts.

If it was him, it is not clear that he ever voiced these ideas in his head out loud. It has not been established that his view of the South flipping was correct and indeed, I have seen convincing studies showing otherwise.

Nixon, the supposed father of the Southern Strategy was THE major force in desegregating Southern Schools, and enforcing busing in general.

He also vastly expanded Affirmative Action.

His way of "dealing" with Southern Racist voters, was to slam though desegregation fast and early so that it would be a done deal by the time of his reelection.

That's hardly pandering to them.

You need to be more suspicious when liberals tell you bad things about their enemies.
You're just being stubborn. Or in denial.

Here's a new question. What % of blacks will vote for trump in 2018? If he wins even 1 over hell be a 2 termer. If not why didn't he win them over.
The robber baron bankster himself J.P. Morgan commented after the Great Depression:

When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of [crony] capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us.

Three quarters of a century later when the 2008 housing bubble crisis exploded 5 million homes were lostby hapless Americans fraudulently tricked by devious criminal banksters (that not more than one ever served any jail time over), the mega-rich crime boss’ prophetic words take on even greater significance.

The strategy of making people dependent on government in order to make them compliant is a long standing DEMOCRATIC strategy.

That is what Newt was referring to when he referred to Obama as the "Food Stamp President".

Trump's policies, that fired up the Republicans base is all about increasing the INDEPENDENCE OF American workers.
Lets see his results.

WATCH FOR THE MEDIA trying to distract you from that. They will be lying to you.

Yes, I notice you guys are setting things up so when you pull shinanigans and the media exposes you you'll just say, "the media is lying".

NOt sure what you are referring to.

I'm talking about results. Jobs. Wages. Improvements in healthy families. Decreases in crime.

Watch and listen for them, because the media will NOT TELL YOU, any news supporting the idea that Trumps policies are working.
I disagree. You're fooled into thinking the midia is liberal. I got news for you. Even the cons didn't want trump. They just embrace him now
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.
You can't have a Dave Bannon and Breitbart working for you and say that. You can't ignore that whites overwhelmingly voted for trump and no one else did. How do you explain that?

Ignorant and illogical as usual.

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