What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
THe ideological problems with SOcial Security, which Conservatives have long discussed, have become reality.

BUT, as has often been pointed out, Trump is not really a conservative. He is a nationalist and a populist.

He has not run on cutting medicare and medicaid and there is no indication that he is going to do that.

You are letting your fears dominate your perceptions.

IF he does NOT do deep cuts, you will do the opposite of that, right?
Paul Ryan's already working on it. Just wait

Paul Ryan needs to focus on his ONE job. Kissing Trump's ass.

IF he does NOT do deep cuts, you will do the opposite of that, right?

What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

Hey, if I'm better off without social security I'll kiss Trump and your ass. But I don't think I'll be better off after 8 years.

You seem very certain deep cuts in SS, medicare, medicaid are coming.

What if that doesn't happen?
I can only go by what I see. Let's compare me a college educated man who's 45 almost 46. At Ford ID be 1 year away from a 30 year pension. I know you disagree but the point is now the middle class worker doesn't get enough the white collar gets it all now. The ceo's pay has skyrocketed and workers left behind under trump. Watch. Its not his fault it's the GOP. He's just the figure head.

Are you blaming Trump for the last 40 years of outsourcing, or predicting a future based on Trump doing the exact opposite of everything he has said?
Errr, are saying I should watch jobs, wages and effects also?

Yes. I won't be super critical of Trump. Even if he ends medicare and medicaid the stupid ass voters trusted the GOP and I warned them so anything libertarian the GOP does is ok with me. Fuck everybody else.

And if he does NOT end medicare and medicaid, then you will do the opposite of that? Right?
Sure but you'll see. Major cuts to both programs. And you'll clearly defend it.

In fact I started a thread about SS and Republicans are already arguing why SS needs to go.

THe ideological problems with SOcial Security, which Conservatives have long discussed, have become reality.

BUT, as has often been pointed out, Trump is not really a conservative. He is a nationalist and a populist.

He has not run on cutting medicare and medicaid and there is no indication that he is going to do that.

You are letting your fears dominate your perceptions.

IF he does NOT do deep cuts, you will do the opposite of that, right?
Paul Ryan's already working on it. Just wait

Which is hilarious, considering that he benefitted greatly from the very same program that he wants to dismantle

Hypocrite Paul Ryan Benefited From Same Social Security New GOP Congress Just Tried To Cut
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.
I guess thats why all the white hate groups voted for him then. :laugh:

You know that how?
They announced their support or are you going to claim it was all a liberal conspiracy?
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.
I guess thats why all the white hate groups voted for him then. :laugh:

You know that how?
They announced their support or are you going to claim it was all a liberal conspiracy?

Oh, so you take them at their word? How interesting.

I never trusted anything, that they have had to say, on the few occasions that I have heard what they have said.
Sealybobo wants to be a white savior so bad.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.
I guess thats why all the white hate groups voted for him then. :laugh:

You know that how?
They announced their support or are you going to claim it was all a liberal conspiracy?

The man who President-elect Donald Trump will nominate as the 84th attorney general of the United States was once rejected as a federal judge over allegations he called a black attorney “boy,” suggested a white lawyer working for black clients was a race traitor, joked that the only issue he had with the Ku Klux Klan was their drug use, and referred to civil rights groups as “un-American” organizations trying to “force civil rights down the throats of people who were trying to put problems behind them.”
Ever notice what a rabid, shameless racist you are, sock?
You're my #1 rabid fangurl.

I hope you are smart enough to understand this stuff

One important consequence of this legacy and continuing evolution of voting restrictions is unequal voter turnout in elections, with white Americans, and particularly affluent white Americans, out-participating people of color, low-income people, and young people by significant-to-wide margins. As a result, large numbers of lesser-advantaged Americans are left out of the democratic process: in 2012, 26 million eligible voters of color did not vote, and, among eligible voters earning less than $50,000, 47 million did not vote. In 2014, 44 million eligible voters of color did not vote, and 66 million eligible voters earning less than $50,000 did not vote.

These voter “turnout gaps” or voting inequalities are well-known among experts who study American democracy, but, in the following explainer, we argue that such voting inequality is underestimated in its social impact and in the larger policy debates about the direction of our country. More specifically, while it is obvious to many why the turnout gaps matter for democracy, it is less obvious why closing the turnout gaps and creating a more fully inclusive democracy matters for the policy decisions and social outcomes that should be the fruit of our democracy.
I don't give a rats ass about non black "people of color". The only thing " people of color aka COLORED PEOPLE" have in common is that we happened to not be born white in a majority white country. [emoji52] Latinos and Asians need to make their own civil right groups. These bastards don't hire black people in our own communities. Democrats love the lie of racial and cultural unity among their minority pets.

Well I don't give a fuck about you anymore. I don't feed wild stray pets, anymore. I used to but then I got bit and so now I just call animal control (the republicans) and let them deal with you.

You all let us down. And I'm a white. White people won but I feel like I lost. I was on your side. No more. Clearly America is an every man for himself type country and we don't accept your excuses.

Bitch who is "we". I don't need your white ass or any other cracker to feel validated. **** your opinion of me means nothing. Bye little shaved ape run back to your cage at the zoo. Democrats are as racist as the republicans. You "people" really need to find a new scare tactic for blacks. Racist pink skins existed before, during, and will continue to exist after half black Obama's presidency. Please it's nothing new. Crackers are gonna cracker.

Will you please let me know when you start seeing differences between the two parties? Will you please let me know when you finally admit black people who didn't show up to vote for Hillary really fucked up?

The man who President-elect Donald Trump will nominate as the 84th attorney general of the United States was once rejected as a federal judge over allegations he called a black attorney “boy,” suggested a white lawyer working for black clients was a race traitor, joked that the only issue he had with the Ku Klux Klan was their drug use, and referred to civil rights groups as “un-American” organizations trying to “force civil rights down the throats of people who were trying to put problems behind them.”
Being a son of two Greek immigrants, I see/saw how white people treated my immigrant parents. This is why, even though I'm pretty much a white dude, I don't agree with white racists. When I see whites being racist towards blacks I remember how those same white racists were racist towards my immigrant parents. But god damn blacks make it hard to defend them. LOL. Especially ones like sweet_dreams
Being a son of two Greek immigrants, I see/saw how white people treated my immigrant parents. This is why, even though I'm pretty much a white dude, I don't agree with white racists. When I see whites being racist towards blacks I remember how those same white racists were racist towards my immigrant parents. But god damn blacks make it hard to defend them. LOL. Especially ones like sweet_dreams

You should really read this. Trust me, it is very informative.

You Are Still Crying Wolf
Being a son of two Greek immigrants, I see/saw how white people treated my immigrant parents. This is why, even though I'm pretty much a white dude, I don't agree with white racists. When I see whites being racist towards blacks I remember how those same white racists were racist towards my immigrant parents. But god damn blacks make it hard to defend them. LOL. Especially ones like sweet_dreams

You should really read this. Trust me, it is very informative.

You Are Still Crying Wolf

Maybe you should read this

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP
Being a son of two Greek immigrants, I see/saw how white people treated my immigrant parents. This is why, even though I'm pretty much a white dude, I don't agree with white racists. When I see whites being racist towards blacks I remember how those same white racists were racist towards my immigrant parents. But god damn blacks make it hard to defend them. LOL. Especially ones like sweet_dreams

You should really read this. Trust me, it is very informative.

You Are Still Crying Wolf

Maybe you should read this

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP

I will if you read the one I posted.
If there's no difference between the parties why are BLACKS shitting themselves over the trump victory?

Actually other than hiring that alt right breitbart guy, I really don't see anything racist about trumps agenda. I think they just use race to win votes.

Clearly the GOP is going to be tough on welfare and that's going to negatively affect a lot of poor people not just blacks. So you are correct, white liberals are just as racist as conservatives, we just care more about poor people. All poor people. See the difference? You will.

So the racist part of me thinks Paul Ryan and trumps plan for poverty is going to be good for the poor black community just as its going to be good to get all the white slackers off welfare too. And if he brings jobs back no one will have any excuses. In fact unemployment is already pretty low. No excuse now. Is there?

Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.
I guess thats why all the white hate groups voted for him then. :laugh:

You know that how?
They announced their support or are you going to claim it was all a liberal conspiracy?

Oh, so you take them at their word? How interesting.

I never trusted anything, that they have had to say, on the few occasions that I have heard what they have said.
Of course I take them at their word. Why would they announce they support Drumpf if they didnt mean it?
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.
We need blacks to turn out like they did for Obama.

Tell them black lives only matter if they are a big voting block

If any blacks in flint don't vote after being given lead poisoned water they should be ashamed
Or most likely they dont believe anything will change so why bother voting?

Attorneys for Gov. Rick Snyder and state education officials say no fundamental right to literacy exists for Detroit schoolchildren who are suing the state over the quality of their education.

They don't think things will change? Yes they will. FOR THE WORSE!
Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.
I guess thats why all the white hate groups voted for him then. :laugh:

You know that how?
They announced their support or are you going to claim it was all a liberal conspiracy?

Oh, so you take them at their word? How interesting.

I never trusted anything, that they have had to say, on the few occasions that I have heard what they have said.
Of course I take them at their word. Why would they announce they support Drumpf if they didnt mean it?

I remember you telling me that black neighborhoods are just as nice and safe as white neighborhoods. Is that still your position or do you want to walk that back?

For the first time, a Michigan agency has been assessing children in Wayne County to measure trauma and its impact. And the news isn’t good: More than 70% of children seen by Community Mental Health officials in Wayne County have experienced at least three potentially traumatic events that could change how they think and learn. Most of these kids are from Detroit.

Rochelle Riley: Children are not problems; they need solutions

Sounds pretty traumatic living in a poor black community.
Republicans don't use race to get votes. That is a myth.
I guess thats why all the white hate groups voted for him then. :laugh:

You know that how?
They announced their support or are you going to claim it was all a liberal conspiracy?

Oh, so you take them at their word? How interesting.

I never trusted anything, that they have had to say, on the few occasions that I have heard what they have said.
Of course I take them at their word. Why would they announce they support Drumpf if they didnt mean it?

1. TO play the media to get free advertising for fund raising and recruiting purposes.

2. To harm a big pile of their enemies, ie the Republican Party.

3. To help the dems undermine the Two Party system so that at some point they might look like the ONLY option for whites who have a real grievance.

4. To gain the illusion of relevance to increase their status internally within their little worlds.

5. To maintain for themselves the illusion that they are relevant.
I guess thats why all the white hate groups voted for him then. :laugh:

You know that how?
They announced their support or are you going to claim it was all a liberal conspiracy?

Oh, so you take them at their word? How interesting.

I never trusted anything, that they have had to say, on the few occasions that I have heard what they have said.
Of course I take them at their word. Why would they announce they support Drumpf if they didnt mean it?

1. TO play the media to get free advertising for fund raising and recruiting purposes.

2. To harm a big pile of their enemies, ie the Republican Party.

3. To help the dems undermine the Two Party system so that at some point they might look like the ONLY option for whites who have a real grievance.

4. To gain the illusion of relevance to increase their status internally within their little worlds.

5. To maintain for themselves the illusion that they are relevant.
That was so retarded a post that it just may be true. Its amazing how much you think like them.
You know that how?
They announced their support or are you going to claim it was all a liberal conspiracy?

Oh, so you take them at their word? How interesting.

I never trusted anything, that they have had to say, on the few occasions that I have heard what they have said.
Of course I take them at their word. Why would they announce they support Drumpf if they didnt mean it?

1. TO play the media to get free advertising for fund raising and recruiting purposes.

2. To harm a big pile of their enemies, ie the Republican Party.

3. To help the dems undermine the Two Party system so that at some point they might look like the ONLY option for whites who have a real grievance.

4. To gain the illusion of relevance to increase their status internally within their little worlds.

5. To maintain for themselves the illusion that they are relevant.
That was so retarded a post that it just may be true. Its amazing how much you think like them.

Calling it "retarded" does not change the fact that I just gave you 5 good reasons that Duke would lie.

You of course, prefer to place you faith in the trustworthyness nest of David Duke.
They announced their support or are you going to claim it was all a liberal conspiracy?

Oh, so you take them at their word? How interesting.

I never trusted anything, that they have had to say, on the few occasions that I have heard what they have said.
Of course I take them at their word. Why would they announce they support Drumpf if they didnt mean it?

1. TO play the media to get free advertising for fund raising and recruiting purposes.

2. To harm a big pile of their enemies, ie the Republican Party.

3. To help the dems undermine the Two Party system so that at some point they might look like the ONLY option for whites who have a real grievance.

4. To gain the illusion of relevance to increase their status internally within their little worlds.

5. To maintain for themselves the illusion that they are relevant.
That was so retarded a post that it just may be true. Its amazing how much you think like them.

Calling it "retarded" does not change the fact that I just gave you 5 good reasons that Duke would lie.

You of course, prefer to place you faith in the trustworthyness nest of David Duke.
Its retarded because not even 1 of those are valid reasons to not believe he indeed supports Drumpf. I could break it down for you but I know your intellect is very limited and the main reason you came up with such retarded reasons in the first place. Think hard about each one of your listed reasons and maybe you will see why they are so retarded.
Oh, so you take them at their word? How interesting.

I never trusted anything, that they have had to say, on the few occasions that I have heard what they have said.
Of course I take them at their word. Why would they announce they support Drumpf if they didnt mean it?

1. TO play the media to get free advertising for fund raising and recruiting purposes.

2. To harm a big pile of their enemies, ie the Republican Party.

3. To help the dems undermine the Two Party system so that at some point they might look like the ONLY option for whites who have a real grievance.

4. To gain the illusion of relevance to increase their status internally within their little worlds.

5. To maintain for themselves the illusion that they are relevant.
That was so retarded a post that it just may be true. Its amazing how much you think like them.

Calling it "retarded" does not change the fact that I just gave you 5 good reasons that Duke would lie.

You of course, prefer to place you faith in the trustworthyness nest of David Duke.
Its retarded because not even 1 of those are valid reasons to not believe he indeed supports Drumpf. I could break it down for you but I know your intellect is very limited and the main reason you came up with such retarded reasons in the first place. Think hard about each one of your listed reasons and maybe you will see why they are so retarded.

Money and recruits isn't a valid reason?

Of course I take them at their word. Why would they announce they support Drumpf if they didnt mean it?

1. TO play the media to get free advertising for fund raising and recruiting purposes.

2. To harm a big pile of their enemies, ie the Republican Party.

3. To help the dems undermine the Two Party system so that at some point they might look like the ONLY option for whites who have a real grievance.

4. To gain the illusion of relevance to increase their status internally within their little worlds.

5. To maintain for themselves the illusion that they are relevant.
That was so retarded a post that it just may be true. Its amazing how much you think like them.

Calling it "retarded" does not change the fact that I just gave you 5 good reasons that Duke would lie.

You of course, prefer to place you faith in the trustworthyness nest of David Duke.
Its retarded because not even 1 of those are valid reasons to not believe he indeed supports Drumpf. I could break it down for you but I know your intellect is very limited and the main reason you came up with such retarded reasons in the first place. Think hard about each one of your listed reasons and maybe you will see why they are so retarded.

Money and recruits isn't a valid reason?

Its only a valid reason to support Drumpf like Duke came out and admitted. Now explain to the board why he doesnt really support Drumpf if the best candidate to get that money and recruits was Drumpf?
1. TO play the media to get free advertising for fund raising and recruiting purposes.

2. To harm a big pile of their enemies, ie the Republican Party.

3. To help the dems undermine the Two Party system so that at some point they might look like the ONLY option for whites who have a real grievance.

4. To gain the illusion of relevance to increase their status internally within their little worlds.

5. To maintain for themselves the illusion that they are relevant.
That was so retarded a post that it just may be true. Its amazing how much you think like them.

Calling it "retarded" does not change the fact that I just gave you 5 good reasons that Duke would lie.

You of course, prefer to place you faith in the trustworthyness nest of David Duke.
Its retarded because not even 1 of those are valid reasons to not believe he indeed supports Drumpf. I could break it down for you but I know your intellect is very limited and the main reason you came up with such retarded reasons in the first place. Think hard about each one of your listed reasons and maybe you will see why they are so retarded.

Money and recruits isn't a valid reason?

Its only a valid reason to support Drumpf like Duke came out and admitted. Now explain to the board why he doesnt really support Drumpf if the best candidate to get that money and recruits was Drumpf?

No, it's a valid reason to tell the vile media what they want to hear, in order to play them to get free PR for money and recruiting purposes.

Try to be less dishonest and stupid

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