What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
You should remember that the NPR is completely biased.
I love NPR. So do a lot of cons I know. Even though its bias they still love it.

And if bias you mean right then I agree.

Its more fair than rush fox breitbart or Drudge.

And again, NPR is right so being liberal must be right. But what do I know I'm bias too

Reagan did not drag his feet on funding AIDS, research.

NPR is lying to you.

Yea, the gay community made that up. LOL

LGBTQ Activist Cleve Jones: 'I'm Well Aware How Fragile Life Is'

Not just the gay community, but lefties in general.

After all, why let a good pandemic go to waste?

Domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan administration - Wikipedia

"Supporters of Reagan past and present have pointed out the fact that he declared in the aforementioned September 1985 press conference that he wanted from Congress massive government research effort against AIDS similar to one President Nixon had overseen against cancer. Reagan said, "It's been one of the top priorities with us, and over the last 4 years, and including what we have in the budget for '86, it will amount to over a half a billion dollars that we have provided for research on AIDS in addition to what I'm sure other medical groups are doing." He also remarked, "Yes, there's no question about the seriousness of this and the need to find an answer." Annual AIDS related funding was $44 million in 1983, 2 years after he took office, and was $1.6 billion in 1988, an increase of over 1000 percent."

Don't trust NPR.
He dragged his feet in the beginning. Don't believe breitbarf

He did not. He was not a hater who wanted to see people die. That's a hateful myth spread by his enemies.

Coming from a successful white male middle class liberal, this is going to be interesting the next couple/few years. I want to hear blacks say blm. I fucking dare them. Because it is official that BLDM. Black lives DON'T matter. You have to vote for your opinion to matter, right? Well if they didn't vote, then they don't matter.

My conservative buddy was in MGM Casino in Detroit in 2008 when Obama won. The blacks were acting crazy celebrating and cheering that it was "their turn". Well I hope they enjoyed the last 8 years because if you think America sucked for black people before, just wait.
Whites cant do anything they havent done before. Yall mofos gonna catch a surprise you try the wrong thing however.

So whatever they do is ok as long as they've done it before? I see. Because that's the point. They want to roll things back to way things were, BEFORE!
Yep. We survived your white asses before. Not too much you can do.

Yesterday they had a really good interview on NPR with the guy who designed the AIDS quilt. He reminded me of how Ronald Reagan didn't give a damn about aids because it was only affecting the gay and black communities. I think you black people have forgotten just how shitty the GOP treated you in the past. To suggest the Democrats let you down? I don't think they did. I think you let the Democrats down by not being good citizens and showing up to vote IN DROVES. So now we will go back to the time when conservatives ruled and hey, what's the big deal right? Not much they can do, right? Other than if another epidemic hits the black population sit back and watch.

Think about how many blacks died because Reagan refused to put money into research.

Think about how many black lives were ruined because of Ronny's war on drugs.

You make some good points. ANY black citizen who does not see what the GOP thinks of the self interest of the black population is either dead or in a coma. Their primary concern is the interest of the super wealthy, and reducing governent presence in regulations that control THEIR interests. Now we have a president elect who do whatever it takes to continue that pursuit. If all of those poor white people in the heartland who voted for Trump thinks he is going to "make them great again" all they need to do is look at how he is already waffling on a number of his campaign promises.

As far as the democrats go, they are not much better. What black citizens need to realize is that the Democratic party, after years of support fron black voters takes the black vote for granted.

What will improve the condition of predominately black communities more expediently is immediate involvement in more local elections.
Coming from a successful white male middle class liberal, this is going to be interesting the next couple/few years. I want to hear blacks say blm. I fucking dare them. Because it is official that BLDM. Black lives DON'T matter. You have to vote for your opinion to matter, right? Well if they didn't vote, then they don't matter.

My conservative buddy was in MGM Casino in Detroit in 2008 when Obama won. The blacks were acting crazy celebrating and cheering that it was "their turn". Well I hope they enjoyed the last 8 years because if you think America sucked for black people before, just wait.
Whites cant do anything they havent done before. Yall mofos gonna catch a surprise you try the wrong thing however.

So whatever they do is ok as long as they've done it before? I see. Because that's the point. They want to roll things back to way things were, BEFORE!
Yep. We survived your white asses before. Not too much you can do.

Yesterday they had a really good interview on NPR with the guy who designed the AIDS quilt. He reminded me of how Ronald Reagan didn't give a damn about aids because it was only affecting the gay and black communities. I think you black people have forgotten just how shitty the GOP treated you in the past. To suggest the Democrats let you down? I don't think they did. I think you let the Democrats down by not being good citizens and showing up to vote IN DROVES. So now we will go back to the time when conservatives ruled and hey, what's the big deal right? Not much they can do, right? Other than if another epidemic hits the black population sit back and watch.

Think about how many blacks died because Reagan refused to put money into research.

Think about how many black lives were ruined because of Ronny's war on drugs.

You make some good points. ANY black citizen who does not see what the GOP thinks of the self interest of the black population is either dead or in a coma. Their primary concern is the interest of the super wealthy, and reducing governent presence in regulations that control their interests.

As far as the democrats go, they are not much better. What black citizens need to realize is that the Democratic party, after years of support fron black voters takes the black vote for granted.

What will improve the condition of predominately black communities more expediently is immediate involvement in more local elections.

Trump's policies of bring back jobs and deporting illegals has the potential to greatly improve teh conditions of black Americans.
Whites cant do anything they havent done before. Yall mofos gonna catch a surprise you try the wrong thing however.

So whatever they do is ok as long as they've done it before? I see. Because that's the point. They want to roll things back to way things were, BEFORE!
Yep. We survived your white asses before. Not too much you can do.

Yesterday they had a really good interview on NPR with the guy who designed the AIDS quilt. He reminded me of how Ronald Reagan didn't give a damn about aids because it was only affecting the gay and black communities. I think you black people have forgotten just how shitty the GOP treated you in the past. To suggest the Democrats let you down? I don't think they did. I think you let the Democrats down by not being good citizens and showing up to vote IN DROVES. So now we will go back to the time when conservatives ruled and hey, what's the big deal right? Not much they can do, right? Other than if another epidemic hits the black population sit back and watch.

Think about how many blacks died because Reagan refused to put money into research.

Think about how many black lives were ruined because of Ronny's war on drugs.

You make some good points. ANY black citizen who does not see what the GOP thinks of the self interest of the black population is either dead or in a coma. Their primary concern is the interest of the super wealthy, and reducing governent presence in regulations that control their interests.

As far as the democrats go, they are not much better. What black citizens need to realize is that the Democratic party, after years of support fron black voters takes the black vote for granted.

What will improve the condition of predominately black communities more expediently is immediate involvement in more local elections.

Trump's policies of bring back jobs and deporting illegals has the potential to greatly improve teh conditions of black Americans.

You actually believe that Trump is going to earnestly pursue the mass deportation of the very people who do much of the grunt work in his own hotels and resorts?

Trump is first and foremost a developer, and the presence of immigrants is vital to his businesses.

Furthermore, Trumps own business empire has a huge presence outside the U.Saturday.

Is he going to start by bringing jobs back to America within his own circle of influence?

My prediction is that Trumps fortune will grow exponentially during his administration, and he will also show that he is not quite as "conservative" as everyone thinks.
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So whatever they do is ok as long as they've done it before? I see. Because that's the point. They want to roll things back to way things were, BEFORE!
Yep. We survived your white asses before. Not too much you can do.

Yesterday they had a really good interview on NPR with the guy who designed the AIDS quilt. He reminded me of how Ronald Reagan didn't give a damn about aids because it was only affecting the gay and black communities. I think you black people have forgotten just how shitty the GOP treated you in the past. To suggest the Democrats let you down? I don't think they did. I think you let the Democrats down by not being good citizens and showing up to vote IN DROVES. So now we will go back to the time when conservatives ruled and hey, what's the big deal right? Not much they can do, right? Other than if another epidemic hits the black population sit back and watch.

Think about how many blacks died because Reagan refused to put money into research.

Think about how many black lives were ruined because of Ronny's war on drugs.

You make some good points. ANY black citizen who does not see what the GOP thinks of the self interest of the black population is either dead or in a coma. Their primary concern is the interest of the super wealthy, and reducing governent presence in regulations that control their interests.

As far as the democrats go, they are not much better. What black citizens need to realize is that the Democratic party, after years of support fron black voters takes the black vote for granted.

What will improve the condition of predominately black communities more expediently is immediate involvement in more local elections.

Trump's policies of bring back jobs and deporting illegals has the potential to greatly improve teh conditions of black Americans.

You actually believe that Trump is going to earnestly pursue the mass deportation of the very people who do much of the grunt work in his own hotels and resorts?

Trump is first and foremost a developer, and the presence of immigrants is vital to his businesses.

The presence of immigrants is not vital to his business. Native born Americans are happy to work in hotels and resorts.

The filling of his campaign promises is vital to how his Presidency will be. Trump isn't an insider to get a pass for no reason. He needs to deliver, or his bosses, ie the voters will let him know in two short years.

and again in 4.
Yep. We survived your white asses before. Not too much you can do.

Yesterday they had a really good interview on NPR with the guy who designed the AIDS quilt. He reminded me of how Ronald Reagan didn't give a damn about aids because it was only affecting the gay and black communities. I think you black people have forgotten just how shitty the GOP treated you in the past. To suggest the Democrats let you down? I don't think they did. I think you let the Democrats down by not being good citizens and showing up to vote IN DROVES. So now we will go back to the time when conservatives ruled and hey, what's the big deal right? Not much they can do, right? Other than if another epidemic hits the black population sit back and watch.

Think about how many blacks died because Reagan refused to put money into research.

Think about how many black lives were ruined because of Ronny's war on drugs.

You make some good points. ANY black citizen who does not see what the GOP thinks of the self interest of the black population is either dead or in a coma. Their primary concern is the interest of the super wealthy, and reducing governent presence in regulations that control their interests.

As far as the democrats go, they are not much better. What black citizens need to realize is that the Democratic party, after years of support fron black voters takes the black vote for granted.

What will improve the condition of predominately black communities more expediently is immediate involvement in more local elections.

Trump's policies of bring back jobs and deporting illegals has the potential to greatly improve teh conditions of black Americans.

You actually believe that Trump is going to earnestly pursue the mass deportation of the very people who do much of the grunt work in his own hotels and resorts?

Trump is first and foremost a developer, and the presence of immigrants is vital to his businesses.

The presence of immigrants is not vital to his business. Native born Americans are happy to work in hotels and resorts.

The filling of his campaign promises is vital to how his Presidency will be. Trump isn't an insider to get a pass for no reason. He needs to deliver, or his bosses, ie the voters will let him know in two short years.

and again in 4.

Though they hired some Americans for just this one resort, they still imported foreign workers for this project. I'm certain some "Native Americans" could have been brought in instead....would you like to respeculate on just how many immigrants are employed by him? This is but one example.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers
Yesterday they had a really good interview on NPR with the guy who designed the AIDS quilt. He reminded me of how Ronald Reagan didn't give a damn about aids because it was only affecting the gay and black communities. I think you black people have forgotten just how shitty the GOP treated you in the past. To suggest the Democrats let you down? I don't think they did. I think you let the Democrats down by not being good citizens and showing up to vote IN DROVES. So now we will go back to the time when conservatives ruled and hey, what's the big deal right? Not much they can do, right? Other than if another epidemic hits the black population sit back and watch.

Think about how many blacks died because Reagan refused to put money into research.

Think about how many black lives were ruined because of Ronny's war on drugs.

You make some good points. ANY black citizen who does not see what the GOP thinks of the self interest of the black population is either dead or in a coma. Their primary concern is the interest of the super wealthy, and reducing governent presence in regulations that control their interests.

As far as the democrats go, they are not much better. What black citizens need to realize is that the Democratic party, after years of support fron black voters takes the black vote for granted.

What will improve the condition of predominately black communities more expediently is immediate involvement in more local elections.

Trump's policies of bring back jobs and deporting illegals has the potential to greatly improve teh conditions of black Americans.

You actually believe that Trump is going to earnestly pursue the mass deportation of the very people who do much of the grunt work in his own hotels and resorts?

Trump is first and foremost a developer, and the presence of immigrants is vital to his businesses.

The presence of immigrants is not vital to his business. Native born Americans are happy to work in hotels and resorts.

The filling of his campaign promises is vital to how his Presidency will be. Trump isn't an insider to get a pass for no reason. He needs to deliver, or his bosses, ie the voters will let him know in two short years.

and again in 4.

Though they hired some Americans for just this one resort, they still imported foreign workers for this project. I'm certain some "Native Americans" could have been brought in instead....would you like to respeculate on just how many immigrants are employed by him? This is but one example.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

NOthing in that post contradicts anything in my post.
You make some good points. ANY black citizen who does not see what the GOP thinks of the self interest of the black population is either dead or in a coma. Their primary concern is the interest of the super wealthy, and reducing governent presence in regulations that control their interests.

As far as the democrats go, they are not much better. What black citizens need to realize is that the Democratic party, after years of support fron black voters takes the black vote for granted.

What will improve the condition of predominately black communities more expediently is immediate involvement in more local elections.

Trump's policies of bring back jobs and deporting illegals has the potential to greatly improve teh conditions of black Americans.

You actually believe that Trump is going to earnestly pursue the mass deportation of the very people who do much of the grunt work in his own hotels and resorts?

Trump is first and foremost a developer, and the presence of immigrants is vital to his businesses.

The presence of immigrants is not vital to his business. Native born Americans are happy to work in hotels and resorts.

The filling of his campaign promises is vital to how his Presidency will be. Trump isn't an insider to get a pass for no reason. He needs to deliver, or his bosses, ie the voters will let him know in two short years.

and again in 4.

Though they hired some Americans for just this one resort, they still imported foreign workers for this project. I'm certain some "Native Americans" could have been brought in instead....would you like to respeculate on just how many immigrants are employed by him? This is but one example.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

NOthing in that post contradicts anything in my post.

Well, you claim that Native Americans would be happy to work in his resorts and hotels. In just this one instance her could have gotten on Twitter like he often does and sent a public message to aspiring American workers to come to the resort and apply for a job.

I guess that those who you speak of will just have to wait until he builds "the wall"?
I love NPR. So do a lot of cons I know. Even though its bias they still love it.

And if bias you mean right then I agree.

Its more fair than rush fox breitbart or Drudge.

And again, NPR is right so being liberal must be right. But what do I know I'm bias too

Reagan did not drag his feet on funding AIDS, research.

NPR is lying to you.

Yea, the gay community made that up. LOL

LGBTQ Activist Cleve Jones: 'I'm Well Aware How Fragile Life Is'

Not just the gay community, but lefties in general.

After all, why let a good pandemic go to waste?

Domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan administration - Wikipedia

"Supporters of Reagan past and present have pointed out the fact that he declared in the aforementioned September 1985 press conference that he wanted from Congress massive government research effort against AIDS similar to one President Nixon had overseen against cancer. Reagan said, "It's been one of the top priorities with us, and over the last 4 years, and including what we have in the budget for '86, it will amount to over a half a billion dollars that we have provided for research on AIDS in addition to what I'm sure other medical groups are doing." He also remarked, "Yes, there's no question about the seriousness of this and the need to find an answer." Annual AIDS related funding was $44 million in 1983, 2 years after he took office, and was $1.6 billion in 1988, an increase of over 1000 percent."

Don't trust NPR.
He dragged his feet in the beginning. Don't believe breitbarf

He did not. He was not a hater who wanted to see people die. That's a hateful myth spread by his enemies.
Stop listening to the corporate media. Trump didn't save 1000 jobs he lost 1000. Net loss not gain. Lyin media.
Trump's policies of bring back jobs and deporting illegals has the potential to greatly improve teh conditions of black Americans.

You actually believe that Trump is going to earnestly pursue the mass deportation of the very people who do much of the grunt work in his own hotels and resorts?

Trump is first and foremost a developer, and the presence of immigrants is vital to his businesses.

The presence of immigrants is not vital to his business. Native born Americans are happy to work in hotels and resorts.

The filling of his campaign promises is vital to how his Presidency will be. Trump isn't an insider to get a pass for no reason. He needs to deliver, or his bosses, ie the voters will let him know in two short years.

and again in 4.

Though they hired some Americans for just this one resort, they still imported foreign workers for this project. I'm certain some "Native Americans" could have been brought in instead....would you like to respeculate on just how many immigrants are employed by him? This is but one example.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

NOthing in that post contradicts anything in my post.

Well, you claim that Native Americans would be happy to work in his resorts and hotels. In just this one instance her could have gotten on Twitter like he often does and sent a public message to aspiring American workers to come to the resort and apply for a job.

I guess that those who you speak of will just have to wait until he builds "the wall"?

Native born Americans, not indians.

Beyond that, my point stands. ONce the Wall is built and the illegals deported, those jobs will be available for Americans.

NOthing you have said challenges that.
Reagan did not drag his feet on funding AIDS, research.

NPR is lying to you.

Yea, the gay community made that up. LOL

LGBTQ Activist Cleve Jones: 'I'm Well Aware How Fragile Life Is'

Not just the gay community, but lefties in general.

After all, why let a good pandemic go to waste?

Domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan administration - Wikipedia

"Supporters of Reagan past and present have pointed out the fact that he declared in the aforementioned September 1985 press conference that he wanted from Congress massive government research effort against AIDS similar to one President Nixon had overseen against cancer. Reagan said, "It's been one of the top priorities with us, and over the last 4 years, and including what we have in the budget for '86, it will amount to over a half a billion dollars that we have provided for research on AIDS in addition to what I'm sure other medical groups are doing." He also remarked, "Yes, there's no question about the seriousness of this and the need to find an answer." Annual AIDS related funding was $44 million in 1983, 2 years after he took office, and was $1.6 billion in 1988, an increase of over 1000 percent."

Don't trust NPR.
He dragged his feet in the beginning. Don't believe breitbarf

He did not. He was not a hater who wanted to see people die. That's a hateful myth spread by his enemies.
Stop listening to the corporate media. Trump didn't save 1000 jobs he lost 1000. Net loss not gain. Lyin media.

I quoted numbers on the way AIDS research grew under Reagan. I've quoted him saying that it was a top priority.

He was close friends with Rock Hudson who died of AIDS.

He did not want people to die of AIDS.

NPR is lying to you.

Trump is not yet in office. When he is in office, NPR will, at best spin what he does, if not out right lie.

Do you want to be lied to?
You actually believe that Trump is going to earnestly pursue the mass deportation of the very people who do much of the grunt work in his own hotels and resorts?

Trump is first and foremost a developer, and the presence of immigrants is vital to his businesses.

The presence of immigrants is not vital to his business. Native born Americans are happy to work in hotels and resorts.

The filling of his campaign promises is vital to how his Presidency will be. Trump isn't an insider to get a pass for no reason. He needs to deliver, or his bosses, ie the voters will let him know in two short years.

and again in 4.

Though they hired some Americans for just this one resort, they still imported foreign workers for this project. I'm certain some "Native Americans" could have been brought in instead....would you like to respeculate on just how many immigrants are employed by him? This is but one example.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

NOthing in that post contradicts anything in my post.

Well, you claim that Native Americans would be happy to work in his resorts and hotels. In just this one instance her could have gotten on Twitter like he often does and sent a public message to aspiring American workers to come to the resort and apply for a job.

I guess that those who you speak of will just have to wait until he builds "the wall"?

Native born Americans, not indians.

Beyond that, my point stands. ONce the Wall is built and the illegals deported, those jobs will be available for Americans.

NOthing you have said challenges that.

I don't have to "say" anything. Trump's past record of hiring native BORN Americans first says it all:

Blog: Trump says illegal workers make his American resorts great

Trump's Dirty History of Hiring and Exploiting Undocumented Workers
The presence of immigrants is not vital to his business. Native born Americans are happy to work in hotels and resorts.

The filling of his campaign promises is vital to how his Presidency will be. Trump isn't an insider to get a pass for no reason. He needs to deliver, or his bosses, ie the voters will let him know in two short years.

and again in 4.

Though they hired some Americans for just this one resort, they still imported foreign workers for this project. I'm certain some "Native Americans" could have been brought in instead....would you like to respeculate on just how many immigrants are employed by him? This is but one example.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

NOthing in that post contradicts anything in my post.

Well, you claim that Native Americans would be happy to work in his resorts and hotels. In just this one instance her could have gotten on Twitter like he often does and sent a public message to aspiring American workers to come to the resort and apply for a job.

I guess that those who you speak of will just have to wait until he builds "the wall"?

Native born Americans, not indians.

Beyond that, my point stands. ONce the Wall is built and the illegals deported, those jobs will be available for Americans.

NOthing you have said challenges that.

I don't have to "say" anything. Trump's past record of hiring native BORN Americans first says it all:

Blog: Trump says illegal workers make his American resorts great

NOthing in that piece challenges anything I have posted either.

Do you understand that a man can do different actions when in different situations?

As resort developer, his responsibility was to make money for his investor.s

As President, his responsibility will be to improve jobs and wages for his supporters.
Though they hired some Americans for just this one resort, they still imported foreign workers for this project. I'm certain some "Native Americans" could have been brought in instead....would you like to respeculate on just how many immigrants are employed by him? This is but one example.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

NOthing in that post contradicts anything in my post.

Well, you claim that Native Americans would be happy to work in his resorts and hotels. In just this one instance her could have gotten on Twitter like he often does and sent a public message to aspiring American workers to come to the resort and apply for a job.

I guess that those who you speak of will just have to wait until he builds "the wall"?

Native born Americans, not indians.

Beyond that, my point stands. ONce the Wall is built and the illegals deported, those jobs will be available for Americans.

NOthing you have said challenges that.

I don't have to "say" anything. Trump's past record of hiring native BORN Americans first says it all:

Blog: Trump says illegal workers make his American resorts great

NOthing in that piece challenges anything I have posted either.

Do you understand that a man can do different actions when in different situations?

As resort developer, his responsibility was to make money for his investor.s

As President, his responsibility will be to improve jobs and wages for his supporters.

Do YOU understand that his past and fairly recent actions do not support what YOU "anticipate" his future actions to be?

And are you actually gullible enough to believe that he is going to jeopardize his business empire and fortune?

And your really believe his "building a wall" B.S.?
Last edited:
NOthing in that post contradicts anything in my post.

Well, you claim that Native Americans would be happy to work in his resorts and hotels. In just this one instance her could have gotten on Twitter like he often does and sent a public message to aspiring American workers to come to the resort and apply for a job.

I guess that those who you speak of will just have to wait until he builds "the wall"?

Native born Americans, not indians.

Beyond that, my point stands. ONce the Wall is built and the illegals deported, those jobs will be available for Americans.

NOthing you have said challenges that.

I don't have to "say" anything. Trump's past record of hiring native BORN Americans first says it all:

Blog: Trump says illegal workers make his American resorts great

NOthing in that piece challenges anything I have posted either.

Do you understand that a man can do different actions when in different situations?

As resort developer, his responsibility was to make money for his investor.s

As President, his responsibility will be to improve jobs and wages for his supporters.

Do YOU understand that his past and fairly recent actions do not support what YOU "anticipate" his future actions to be?


I can see why you would say that. And my answer is above. In his new position, he will have different responsibilities.

And his resorts having to pay Americans will not be a competitive disadvantage if his competitors are forced to do the same.
Well, you claim that Native Americans would be happy to work in his resorts and hotels. In just this one instance her could have gotten on Twitter like he often does and sent a public message to aspiring American workers to come to the resort and apply for a job.

I guess that those who you speak of will just have to wait until he builds "the wall"?

Native born Americans, not indians.

Beyond that, my point stands. ONce the Wall is built and the illegals deported, those jobs will be available for Americans.

NOthing you have said challenges that.

I don't have to "say" anything. Trump's past record of hiring native BORN Americans first says it all:

Blog: Trump says illegal workers make his American resorts great

NOthing in that piece challenges anything I have posted either.

Do you understand that a man can do different actions when in different situations?

As resort developer, his responsibility was to make money for his investor.s

As President, his responsibility will be to improve jobs and wages for his supporters.

Do YOU understand that his past and fairly recent actions do not support what YOU "anticipate" his future actions to be?


I can see why you would say that. And my answer is above. In his new position, he will have different responsibilities.

And his resorts having to pay Americans will not be a competitive disadvantage if his competitors are forced to do the same.

That is if his resorts do pay Americans. He has already publicly stated that he would distance himself from his businesses.....that's likely a facade to create the illusion that he really has the best interest of working class Americans at heart.
Native born Americans, not indians.

Beyond that, my point stands. ONce the Wall is built and the illegals deported, those jobs will be available for Americans.

NOthing you have said challenges that.

I don't have to "say" anything. Trump's past record of hiring native BORN Americans first says it all:

Blog: Trump says illegal workers make his American resorts great

NOthing in that piece challenges anything I have posted either.

Do you understand that a man can do different actions when in different situations?

As resort developer, his responsibility was to make money for his investor.s

As President, his responsibility will be to improve jobs and wages for his supporters.

Do YOU understand that his past and fairly recent actions do not support what YOU "anticipate" his future actions to be?


I can see why you would say that. And my answer is above. In his new position, he will have different responsibilities.

And his resorts having to pay Americans will not be a competitive disadvantage if his competitors are forced to do the same.

That is if his resorts do pay Americans. He has already publicly stated that he would distance himself from his businesses.....that's likely a facade to create the illusion that he really has the best interest of working class Americans at heart.

You just spent several posts arguing that he won't keep his promises because of his business interests, and now you are downplaying his business interests.
I don't have to "say" anything. Trump's past record of hiring native BORN Americans first says it all:

Blog: Trump says illegal workers make his American resorts great

NOthing in that piece challenges anything I have posted either.

Do you understand that a man can do different actions when in different situations?

As resort developer, his responsibility was to make money for his investor.s

As President, his responsibility will be to improve jobs and wages for his supporters.

Do YOU understand that his past and fairly recent actions do not support what YOU "anticipate" his future actions to be?


I can see why you would say that. And my answer is above. In his new position, he will have different responsibilities.

And his resorts having to pay Americans will not be a competitive disadvantage if his competitors are forced to do the same.

That is if his resorts do pay Americans. He has already publicly stated that he would distance himself from his businesses.....that's likely a facade to create the illusion that he really has the best interest of working class Americans at heart.

You just spent several posts arguing that he won't keep his promises because of his business interests, and now you are downplaying his business interests.

No. What I am saying is that "he says" his business interests will take a backseat to the job of president
NOthing in that piece challenges anything I have posted either.

Do you understand that a man can do different actions when in different situations?

As resort developer, his responsibility was to make money for his investor.s

As President, his responsibility will be to improve jobs and wages for his supporters.

Do YOU understand that his past and fairly recent actions do not support what YOU "anticipate" his future actions to be?


I can see why you would say that. And my answer is above. In his new position, he will have different responsibilities.

And his resorts having to pay Americans will not be a competitive disadvantage if his competitors are forced to do the same.

That is if his resorts do pay Americans. He has already publicly stated that he would distance himself from his businesses.....that's likely a facade to create the illusion that he really has the best interest of working class Americans at heart.

You just spent several posts arguing that he won't keep his promises because of his business interests, and now you are downplaying his business interests.

No. What I am saying is that "he says" his business interests will take a backseat to the job of president

I'M saying that his Presidency will be more important than his business interests.

500 million, a billion, not that big of a difference in lifestyle.

A popular President with a same party Administration and the support of a strong base is a lot different than an unpopular president with a hostile population and a hostile Congress.

If he/you assume he will live long enough to have a significant POST presidency, the difference becomes even more stark.
And you're ultimately perpetuating the problem, tbh. The votes of people who have to be dragged kicking and screaming only cancels out the votes of informed proactive citizens.
Bull. Most people know if they agree more with the democratic position or Republican. You just don't want to hear what most people think.

But when you win midterms with low voter turnout you talk about mandates

No. Most people believe in fairy tales and propaganda. If people were tested on the issues before they voted, the majority would fail.
We've seen your tests. You don't need a test to have a baby you don't need one to vote.

Just another hurdle you want to use to discourage voter turnout of people you know won't vote for you.

How many one issue wedge issue republicans voters would pass? The religious lady who only votes because of abortion or gays. The guy who votes Republican because of guns.

You're right that I would want to discourage dumbasses from voting. I wouldn't want them managing a business; why would I want them in effect managing the country's business?

It's their country too. Shouldn't they have a say?

So, your question is it effectively a good outcome for an immature child to have as much say as a mature adult? You figure that one out.

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