What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
That was so retarded a post that it just may be true. Its amazing how much you think like them.

Calling it "retarded" does not change the fact that I just gave you 5 good reasons that Duke would lie.

You of course, prefer to place you faith in the trustworthyness nest of David Duke.
Its retarded because not even 1 of those are valid reasons to not believe he indeed supports Drumpf. I could break it down for you but I know your intellect is very limited and the main reason you came up with such retarded reasons in the first place. Think hard about each one of your listed reasons and maybe you will see why they are so retarded.

Money and recruits isn't a valid reason?

Its only a valid reason to support Drumpf like Duke came out and admitted. Now explain to the board why he doesnt really support Drumpf if the best candidate to get that money and recruits was Drumpf?

No, it's a valid reason to tell the vile media what they want to hear, in order to play them to get free PR for money and recruiting purposes.

Try to be less dishonest and stupid
I figured you would fail to prove he didnt really support Drumpf. You fail all the time but I was hoping for once in your life you would step up to the plate.
Calling it "retarded" does not change the fact that I just gave you 5 good reasons that Duke would lie.

You of course, prefer to place you faith in the trustworthyness nest of David Duke.
Its retarded because not even 1 of those are valid reasons to not believe he indeed supports Drumpf. I could break it down for you but I know your intellect is very limited and the main reason you came up with such retarded reasons in the first place. Think hard about each one of your listed reasons and maybe you will see why they are so retarded.

Money and recruits isn't a valid reason?

Its only a valid reason to support Drumpf like Duke came out and admitted. Now explain to the board why he doesnt really support Drumpf if the best candidate to get that money and recruits was Drumpf?

No, it's a valid reason to tell the vile media what they want to hear, in order to play them to get free PR for money and recruiting purposes.

Try to be less dishonest and stupid
I figured you would fail to prove he didnt really support Drumpf. You fail all the time but I was hoping for once in your life you would step up to the plate.

YOu are the one that taking David Duke at his word.

You asked what reason he could have to say he supports Trump when he doesn't.

I gave you a list of good reasons to lie.

Proof? NOw you move the goal post to be PROOF about what someone else is thinking?


Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Coming from a successful white male middle class liberal, this is going to be interesting the next couple/few years. I want to hear blacks say blm. I fucking dare them. Because it is official that BLDM. Black lives DON'T matter. You have to vote for your opinion to matter, right? Well if they didn't vote, then they don't matter.

My conservative buddy was in MGM Casino in Detroit in 2008 when Obama won. The blacks were acting crazy celebrating and cheering that it was "their turn". Well I hope they enjoyed the last 8 years because if you think America sucked for black people before, just wait.
Whites cant do anything they havent done before. Yall mofos gonna catch a surprise you try the wrong thing however.

So whatever they do is ok as long as they've done it before? I see. Because that's the point. They want to roll things back to way things were, BEFORE!
Yep. We survived your white asses before. Not too much you can do.

Yesterday they had a really good interview on NPR with the guy who designed the AIDS quilt. He reminded me of how Ronald Reagan didn't give a damn about aids because it was only affecting the gay and black communities. I think you black people have forgotten just how shitty the GOP treated you in the past. To suggest the Democrats let you down? I don't think they did. I think you let the Democrats down by not being good citizens and showing up to vote IN DROVES. So now we will go back to the time when conservatives ruled and hey, what's the big deal right? Not much they can do, right? Other than if another epidemic hits the black population sit back and watch.

Think about how many blacks died because Reagan refused to put money into research.

Think about how many black lives were ruined because of Ronny's war on drugs.
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.
We need blacks to turn out like they did for Obama.

Tell them black lives only matter if they are a big voting block

If any blacks in flint don't vote after being given lead poisoned water they should be ashamed
Or most likely they dont believe anything will change so why bother voting?
it won't change if you don't vote. Pick a black leader and vote for them.

If one democrat screws you vote for a more progressive liberal in the primaries.

Obama couldn't do shit for black people because blacks rewarded Republicans who obstructed Obama by not voting in the 2010 midterms. Rather than vote out the obstructionists you rewarded by staying home.

Blacks never vote midterms. Don't act like you tried a couple midterms in a row and didn't have a lot of success. If I'm wrong whens the last time a lot of blacks voted in a midterm?

Don't vote don't matter.

Why don't liberals vote in the midterms?

Liberals do. It's the people who are independent or undecided that usually agree with us every 4 years that don't show up to midterms.
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

And you're ultimately perpetuating the problem, tbh. The votes of people who have to be dragged kicking and screaming only cancels out the votes of informed proactive citizens.
Bull. Most people know if they agree more with the democratic position or Republican. You just don't want to hear what most people think.

But when you win midterms with low voter turnout you talk about mandates

No. Most people believe in fairy tales and propaganda. If people were tested on the issues before they voted, the majority would fail.
We've seen your tests. You don't need a test to have a baby you don't need one to vote.

Just another hurdle you want to use to discourage voter turnout of people you know won't vote for you.

How many one issue wedge issue republicans voters would pass? The religious lady who only votes because of abortion or gays. The guy who votes Republican because of guns.

You're right that I would want to discourage dumbasses from voting. I wouldn't want them managing a business; why would I want them in effect managing the country's business?

It's their country too. Shouldn't they have a say?
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

Let the nasty non black faggots die. The ungrateful LGBT community never thanked black Obama for legalizing immoral faggot marriage. Burn in hell ungrateful whitey. Blacks built this country you uneducated ungrateful bum.

Now white faggots can marry and white trannies can receive courage rewards for wearing ugly lopsided cheap wigs. You immoral crackers are always ungrateful and never satisfied.

Lmao you're a self hating white liberal projecting your insecurities and need to be in control onto others.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

Let the nasty non black faggots die. The ungrateful LGBT community never thanked black Obama for legalizing immoral faggot marriage. Burn in hell ungrateful whitey. Blacks built this country you uneducated ungrateful bum.

Now white faggots can marry and white trannies can receive courage rewards for wearing ugly lopsided cheap wigs. You immoral crackers are always ungrateful and never satisfied.

Lmao you're a self hating white liberal projecting your insecurities and need to be in control onto others.

You are right the gays are ungrateful. So are you blacks.

And you sound a lot like Reagan when blacks were dying of aids in the 80's. He too said let the black poor mooches who are a drag on our society die. Who gives a fuck about them.

Funny how you only wish non black faggots die. The black ones you want to live. LOL.

Yes blacks did build this country for us. Thank you very much. And you will continue to do all the labor while we lap up all the rewards. The only blacks getting their fair share are Lebron and MJ.

The more you talk the more you lose the support of white liberals. Do you think you'd even be free if it weren't for us? We freed your ass. You'd still be yes massa this and yes massa that if it weren't for us. Ungrateful is right.

Now every time you cry about what the GOP did to your communities I will just laugh and laugh. Fuck them. Stop breeding like rats then.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

Let the nasty non black faggots die. The ungrateful LGBT community never thanked black Obama for legalizing immoral faggot marriage. Burn in hell ungrateful whitey. Blacks built this country you uneducated ungrateful bum.

Now white faggots can marry and white trannies can receive courage rewards for wearing ugly lopsided cheap wigs. You immoral crackers are always ungrateful and never satisfied.

Lmao you're a self hating white liberal projecting your insecurities and need to be in control onto others.

You blacks don't know what it's like to be in control. And when we ever gave you a little bit of power what did you do with it?

Is Obama going to pardon him?
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

Let the nasty non black faggots die. The ungrateful LGBT community never thanked black Obama for legalizing immoral faggot marriage. Burn in hell ungrateful whitey. Blacks built this country you uneducated ungrateful bum.

Now white faggots can marry and white trannies can receive courage rewards for wearing ugly lopsided cheap wigs. You immoral crackers are always ungrateful and never satisfied.

Lmao you're a self hating white liberal projecting your insecurities and need to be in control onto others.

I hope you know I plan on insulting every demographic that doesn't like the GOP for not voting. I want to POUND it into everyone's head that if they don't like it they need to vote. You shouldn't be arguing with me. You should agree your lazy ass black neighbors who didn't vote set this country back. Gays who now can marry and adopt and so now they vote GOP need to have those rights taken away from them. Poor people should lose affordable healthcare. College costs should go up. Public school, social security and medicare/medicaid should be abolished. All the fucking young people who are too lazy and ignorant to know voting matters. Women who want pro choice.

I'm not just picking on blacks. I'm picking on anyone who who shouldn't be voting GOP or shouldn't be staying home and not voting every 2 years. The rich and the GOP show up and vote GOP every 2 years. So clearly voting matters. They are not dumb to think voting matters. YOU are dumb to think it doesn't.

Anyways, I'm not even mad at YOU specifically. I'm mad at the black community who now is going to bitch and moan for the next fucking 4 years. Too fucking late. Should have voted.

Do you see I'm on your side? I'm insulting you but my goal is to egg you on to vote. At least my goal is not to get you to NOT vote. That's what the GOP wants and we see from this election why. Blacks don't vote and Republicans win. Do you really not think there is a difference? You can't be that stupid.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

Let the nasty non black faggots die. Burn in hell ungrateful whitey.

Why would whites give a fuck about blacks if this is how you feel?
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

Let the nasty non black faggots die. The ungrateful LGBT community never thanked black Obama for legalizing immoral faggot marriage. Burn in hell ungrateful whitey. Blacks built this country you uneducated ungrateful bum.

Now white faggots can marry and white trannies can receive courage rewards for wearing ugly lopsided cheap wigs. You immoral crackers are always ungrateful and never satisfied.

Lmao you're a self hating white liberal projecting your insecurities and need to be in control onto others.

No charges will be filed against the police officer who killed Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina on Sept. 20, Mecklenburg County District Attorney Andrew Murray said at a press conference Wednesday.

Scott, a 43-year-old black man, was fatally shot by Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer Brentley Vinson following an encounter with officers, who were pursuing another man when they found Scott waiting for his son to get off the school bus.

“After a thorough review, and given the totality of the circumstances and credible evidence in this case, it is my opinion that Officer Vincent acted lawfully when he shot Mr. Scott,” Murray said.

What happened at the time of the shooting is unclear, with witnesses and the police department offering different accounts. A cell phone video shot by Rakeyia Scott, the deceased’s wife, can be heard yelling “don’t shoot him,” “he doesn’t have a gun” and “he just took his medicine.” Officers appear to disregard her pleas and, after firing shots, they can be seen standing over her husband’s body as she shouts at them to call for help.

Hey, maybe stories like this will get your black asses to the polls. Oh wait, it's too late. So rather than vote in liberals who might do something about this, you decided there is no difference between white liberals and conservative liberals. Well guess what? From now on it's open season on black men. And please don't protest or send Jesse Jackson on tv to cry for you. No one gives a fuck until you decide to show up and vote. If you don't like what happened to this man then vote. If you don't vote then what you think doesn't matter.

Now I don't know if this is true because it comes from a lying website but is this true? Donald Trump is on track to double Gov. Mitt Romney’s support among African-American voters, according to a series of state polls.

However, although Trump fared little better among blacks and Hispanics than Romney did four years ago, Hillary Clinton did not run as strongly among these core Democratic groups as Obama did in 2012. Clinton held an 80-point advantage among blacks (88% to 8%) compared with Obama’s 87-point edge four years ago (93% to 6%). In 2008, Obama had a 91-point advantage among blacks.

So literally black people were the difference for Trump. Congrats. I hope you enjoy the new America that is most definitely coming your way soon.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

Let the nasty non black faggots die. The ungrateful LGBT community never thanked black Obama for legalizing immoral faggot marriage. Burn in hell ungrateful whitey. Blacks built this country you uneducated ungrateful bum.

Now white faggots can marry and white trannies can receive courage rewards for wearing ugly lopsided cheap wigs. You immoral crackers are always ungrateful and never satisfied.

Lmao you're a self hating white liberal projecting your insecurities and need to be in control onto others.

They even shot this guy

And even this didn't get you guys to show up and vote. I guess seeing the first black president was more important than clean drinking water or being shot by cops when you are laying down and have your hands raised.

Just remember what I said. The Democratic party did not let black people down. When you didn't show up in 2010, 2014 or 2016 you fucked yourselves.

Why do I care being a middle class white man? I don't like this shit happening either. That's why I showed up and voted Democratic.

Why is it that I care more about black people than black people?

Coming from a successful white male middle class liberal, this is going to be interesting the next couple/few years. I want to hear blacks say blm. I fucking dare them. Because it is official that BLDM. Black lives DON'T matter. You have to vote for your opinion to matter, right? Well if they didn't vote, then they don't matter.

My conservative buddy was in MGM Casino in Detroit in 2008 when Obama won. The blacks were acting crazy celebrating and cheering that it was "their turn". Well I hope they enjoyed the last 8 years because if you think America sucked for black people before, just wait.
Whites cant do anything they havent done before. Yall mofos gonna catch a surprise you try the wrong thing however.

So whatever they do is ok as long as they've done it before? I see. Because that's the point. They want to roll things back to way things were, BEFORE!
Yep. We survived your white asses before. Not too much you can do.

Yesterday they had a really good interview on NPR with the guy who designed the AIDS quilt. He reminded me of how Ronald Reagan didn't give a damn about aids because it was only affecting the gay and black communities. I think you black people have forgotten just how shitty the GOP treated you in the past. To suggest the Democrats let you down? I don't think they did. I think you let the Democrats down by not being good citizens and showing up to vote IN DROVES. So now we will go back to the time when conservatives ruled and hey, what's the big deal right? Not much they can do, right? Other than if another epidemic hits the black population sit back and watch.

Think about how many blacks died because Reagan refused to put money into research.

Think about how many black lives were ruined because of Ronny's war on drugs.

You just swallow everything they tell you, don't you?

Reagan did not refuse to put money into AIDS research.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

You should remember that the NPR is completely biased.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

You should remember that the NPR is completely biased.
I love NPR. So do a lot of cons I know. Even though its bias they still love it.

And if bias you mean right then I agree.

Its more fair than rush fox breitbart or Drudge.

And again, NPR is right so being liberal must be right. But what do I know I'm bias too
You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

You should remember that the NPR is completely biased.
I love NPR. So do a lot of cons I know. Even though its bias they still love it.

And if bias you mean right then I agree.

Its more fair than rush fox breitbart or Drudge.

And again, NPR is right so being liberal must be right. But what do I know I'm bias too

Reagan did not drag his feet on funding AIDS, research.

NPR is lying to you.
Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

You should remember that the NPR is completely biased.
I love NPR. So do a lot of cons I know. Even though its bias they still love it.

And if bias you mean right then I agree.

Its more fair than rush fox breitbart or Drudge.

And again, NPR is right so being liberal must be right. But what do I know I'm bias too

Reagan did not drag his feet on funding AIDS, research.

NPR is lying to you.

Yea, the gay community made that up. LOL

LGBTQ Activist Cleve Jones: 'I'm Well Aware How Fragile Life Is'
Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.

Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

You should remember that the NPR is completely biased.
I love NPR. So do a lot of cons I know. Even though its bias they still love it.

And if bias you mean right then I agree.

Its more fair than rush fox breitbart or Drudge.

And again, NPR is right so being liberal must be right. But what do I know I'm bias too

Reagan did not drag his feet on funding AIDS, research.

NPR is lying to you.

Yea, the gay community made that up. LOL

LGBTQ Activist Cleve Jones: 'I'm Well Aware How Fragile Life Is'

Not just the gay community, but lefties in general.

After all, why let a good pandemic go to waste?

Domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan administration - Wikipedia

"Supporters of Reagan past and present have pointed out the fact that he declared in the aforementioned September 1985 press conference that he wanted from Congress massive government research effort against AIDS similar to one President Nixon had overseen against cancer. Reagan said, "It's been one of the top priorities with us, and over the last 4 years, and including what we have in the budget for '86, it will amount to over a half a billion dollars that we have provided for research on AIDS in addition to what I'm sure other medical groups are doing." He also remarked, "Yes, there's no question about the seriousness of this and the need to find an answer." Annual AIDS related funding was $44 million in 1983, 2 years after he took office, and was $1.6 billion in 1988, an increase of over 1000 percent."

Don't trust NPR.
Yesterday a guy on NPR was reminding me how when blacks and gays were dying of aids but no one else, Ronald Reagan didn't give a fuck and dragged his feet on funding research to come up with a cure. Those were the good old days.

And I think in the next 4 years you're going to be reminded just how different liberal and conservative whites are and how that will affect poor black communities very badly. But to be fair those policies will fuck poor whites too. So it's not technically racist, right?

Democrats didn't let blacks and gays down, blacks and gays let us down. They forgot how much we did for them. Look at the ACA. How many poor black kids are getting free healthcare because of us? That's going away.

NPR was also talking about the GOP alternative to the ACA. Do you know who the losers will be in their new healthcare plan? The sick and poor. Let me know if their plan is better or worse for the black community than what us liberals provided for you.

I'm actually fucking glad. You blacks and gays are so fucking ungrateful. I know so many gays who vote GOP now that they can marry and adopt. I hope the GOP takes all that shit away from them and I hope they don't expect me to go to bat for their queer asses again. Stupid fuckers.

You should remember that the NPR is completely biased.
I love NPR. So do a lot of cons I know. Even though its bias they still love it.

And if bias you mean right then I agree.

Its more fair than rush fox breitbart or Drudge.

And again, NPR is right so being liberal must be right. But what do I know I'm bias too

Reagan did not drag his feet on funding AIDS, research.

NPR is lying to you.

Yea, the gay community made that up. LOL

LGBTQ Activist Cleve Jones: 'I'm Well Aware How Fragile Life Is'

Not just the gay community, but lefties in general.

After all, why let a good pandemic go to waste?

Domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan administration - Wikipedia

"Supporters of Reagan past and present have pointed out the fact that he declared in the aforementioned September 1985 press conference that he wanted from Congress massive government research effort against AIDS similar to one President Nixon had overseen against cancer. Reagan said, "It's been one of the top priorities with us, and over the last 4 years, and including what we have in the budget for '86, it will amount to over a half a billion dollars that we have provided for research on AIDS in addition to what I'm sure other medical groups are doing." He also remarked, "Yes, there's no question about the seriousness of this and the need to find an answer." Annual AIDS related funding was $44 million in 1983, 2 years after he took office, and was $1.6 billion in 1988, an increase of over 1000 percent."

Don't trust NPR.
He dragged his feet in the beginning. Don't believe breitbarf

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