What one issue do you struggle with the most?

Problem is, all of the above mentioned were proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

The system is too flawed to go about the business of deciding to kill people.

I want those fuckers dead too, trust me on that, as I have no problem with executing guilty people, zero, but at the expense of executing innocent people, no.
So you are definitely pro life in all cases even abortion.
There are alot of cases that need to be-relooked at with mew modern technology, ways to acquire evidence.

In cases where there is clear evidence - video, dna, witnesses, etc... - sorry, but they deserve justice.

Also, Innocent due to 'insanity' is the DUMBEST F*ing thing ever in murder crimes.

1. Did they do it - yes or no? Yes = GUILTY!

2. INSANITY should not be considered until SENTENCING!

I understand that point of view, completely.

My issue is with the system, as it is run by people, some of whom make it their business to convict people, even if they have to bend the rules, many times for their own career advancement. I can't agree to let that system, which is inherently flawed due to its composition of imperfect people, some of whom run on ego and on forwarding their own careers, make those types of decisions.
I used to not struggle with the death penalty at all, just thought that most of them should be fried- and quickly, but fact is that innocent people have been exonerated after being on death row for years, and some have been executed and later found to be innocent, so the system is too flawed for practical use.

I totally flipped on that one after learning that. Clear for me at this point.
Another thing on this:

Death penalty notwithstanding, I like the idea of someone like that rotting miserably in jail for a LONG time. But I'm not really convinced that it's misery for some of them. Either they're so fucked up in the head that they don't really care, or that's pretty much where they're the most comfortable.

So I definitely wobble on this one.
The number is minute!
Not as minute as you might think.

"Since 1973, 190 former death-row prisoners have been exonerated of all charges related to the wrongful convictions that had put them on death row."
Problem is, all of the above mentioned were proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Most were found innocent due to lack of dna ability / technology we have now.

Some were victims of intentional or accidental witness mis-identification.

Guys like the driver who struck a white doctor bicycling, stopped, stabbed him to death in what is being called a racisl murder - all caught on highway video (car, plates, his body, his face) - should be strapped to a chair and have less than $200 worth of electricity run through his body until he is pronounced dead, far less of a cost than keeping him alive in a facility with better libraries, gyms, TVs, food, board, and medical many Americsns not in jail can afford...at their tax payer expense.

An MS-13 gang member was recently arrested after being caught hacking a little girl to death with a machette and stuffing her remains in a duffle bag.

In the wild when a bear kills a human they deem him to have become an irredeemable threat that must be put down.

Such brutal, evil people as described above no longer have any socially redeeming value and are every much a threat to fellow human beings as that bear that is put down.

For those found truly, undeniably guilty as the driver who killed the bicyclist, I have no problem with the state / federal government putting him to death.
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Not as minute as you might think.

"Since 1973, 190 former death-row prisoners have been exonerated of all charges related to the wrongful convictions that had put them on death row."
3.8 a year and they probably had other criminal records.
Most were found innocent due to.lack of dna ability / technology we have now.

Some were victims of intentional or accidental witness mis-identification.

Guys like the driver who struck a white doctor bicycling, stopped, stabbed him to death in what is being calked a racisl murder - all caught on highway video (car, plates, his body, his face) - should be strapped to a chair and have less than $200 worth of electricity run through his body until he is pronounced dead.

An MS-13 gang member was recently arrested after being caught for hacking a little girl to death with a machette and stuffing her remains in a duffle bag.

In the wild when a bear kills a human they deem him to have become an irredeemable threat that must be put down.

Such brutal, evil people as described above no longer have any socially redeeming value and is every much a threat to fellow human beings as that bear that is put down.

For those found truly, undeniably guilty as the driver who killed the bicyclist, I have no problem with thexsyate / federal government putting him to death.

I don't disagree, and if we had a perfect system that we could rely on I'd buy popcorn and watch them die.

We don't disagree on those that deserve it, SHOULD get the death penalty. I have no moral issue with the death penalty itself. I have a problem with the fact that innocent people get swept up in that.
I understand that point of view, completely.

My issue is with the system, as it is run by people, some of whom make it their business to convict people, even if they have to bend the rules, many times for their own career advancement. I can't agree to let that system, which is inherently flawed due to its composition of imperfect people, some of whom run on ego and on forwarding their own careers, make those types of decisions.
I see your point and agree to a point.

Unfortunately the pendulum has been forced to swing too far the other way by liberal extremists and George Soros- funded DA zombies who care more about ensuring the violent offenders don't spend an hour in the police station let alone go to jail for their crimes while victims and their familes suffer the injustice.

This statement has more to do, of course, with the system you speak of and less so about the death penalty.
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I don't disagree, and if we had a perfect system that we could rely on I'd buy popcorn and watch them die.

We don't disagree on those that deserve it, SHOULD get the death penalty. I have no moral issue with the death penalty itself. I have a problem with the fact that innocent people get swept up in that.

How many death row inmates do you personally support by paying the costs of their incarceration?

As many as you pay to execute.

Not to be a smartass or considered a trouble-maker, the cost of an execution is far financially cheaper than granting them a life-time tax-payer funded stay in prison.

Stating a financial point, not a moral, ethical fact.
Not to be a smartass or considered a trouble-maker, the cost of an execution is far financially cheaper than granting them a life-time tax-payer funded stay in prison.

Stating a financial point, not a moral, ethical fact.
I know. I was being a smartass to a clearly leading question. lol.

Constitution / Rule of Law-violating, Patriot Act-violating, FISA coyrt defrauding, illegal American spying

Historic, largest criminal treasonous polilitical scandals, failed coup attempts, criminal failed Impeachments

Racist, sexist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, divisive, old, white, millionaire, corrupt, criminal, self-serving, treasonous, national-security threatening, Illegal UnConstitutional Open Border, CRT-pushing, Transgender-manipularing, child indoctrination targeting/mutilating, pedo, election fraud/stealing, authoritarian anti-American oppressive, perjurous fascists who put money, power, and control above all else

Brutally, criminally partisan weaponized govt administration and agencies directly targeting and punishing Conservatives for opposing their mandates and agendas

Proven compromised, bought-and-paid-for traitorous sell-outs like the Bidens, Clintons, Pelosi, Schiff, Boxer, Swalwell, Schumer, AOC, and on and on...

Democrats so weak they grovel to appease our enemies, so pathetic and desarate to prevent a 'international incident' or anger our enemies that they will not shoot down an enemy CCP spy balloon violating our national sovereignty by flying deep into the US over US ICBM missile silos collecting critical intel, sending the world a message that we can't protect Taiwan or anyone else because we are too weak to defend our own country.

And snowflakes who continuously defend them, putting misplaced, abused party loyalty over loyalty to the Country.
Everything you believe in is stupid.

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