What one issue do you struggle with the most?

In judging the cases, yes. But not when it comes between choosing two possible sentences. Even the jury (not related to either the accused or the victim) recommends sentencing. In either case it's up to the judge to hand down the sentence.

And we do not allow family members on the jury for the very reason they cannot remove their emptions from the process
I'm all for swift penalties including the death sentence by hanging or bullets.

What bugs me most is the deep state and their pawns who dumb us down for their interests, while the Democrack's idea of leadership and narratives prove absurd. That and inflation is so bad.
This thread isn't about what bugs you from a partisan perspective. It's about issues with which you struggle to take one side or the other.
But you want to give them the power of life or death...which from a legal standpoint should not be based upon emotions.

Do you think jurors who are religious or object to the death penalty on some sort of moral grounds are not emotional? It's a murder trial for crying out loud. The entire thing is emotional.
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

Life in prison seems like the cheaper option. Plus, the prison system these days seems to fuck up the executions (by using the wrong cocktail of expensive chemicals) they do carry out.
If someone claims to be against "Big Government" this should be a no-brainer and they shouldn't want government anywhere near making these decisions of life and death.
The perps make that decision. The government just helps them out with it.
Life in prison seems like the cheaper option. Plus, the prison system these days seems to fuck up the executions (by using the wrong cocktail of expensive chemicals) they do carry out.
Limit DP appeals and the cost will come down.

Many chemical companies forbid the use of their products for lethal injections.
Do you think jurors who are religious or object to the death penalty on some sort of moral grounds are not emotional? It's a murder trial for crying out loud. The entire thing is emotional.
Jurors determine guilt or innocence; they generally don't hand down sentences.
Life in prison seems like the cheaper option. Plus, the prison system these days seems to fuck up the executions (by using the wrong cocktail of expensive chemicals) they do carry out.
The cheaper option would be a solar-powered 'EV-variant Chair' execution (no more fossil fuel-generated electric chairs).

Concern over a violent murderous scum's 'humane, painless death should not factor in since they did not offer their victims the same.

If you still want to give them a relatively painless death, dose 'em with some of that Fentynal Joe has been facilitating being smuggled into the Us, the bit we have managed to seize before powering up the solar-powerd 'E-Chair'.
The cheaper option would be a solar-powered 'EV-variant Chair' execution (no more fossil fuel-generated electric chairs).

Concern over a violent murderous scum's 'humane, painless death should not factor in since they did not offer their victims the same.

If you still want to give them a relatively painless death, dose 'em with some of that Fentynal Joe has been facilitating being smuggled into the Us, the bit we have managed to seize before powering up the solar-powerd 'E-Chair'.
Most criminals deserve the "eye for an eye" treatment.
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?


Constitution / Rule of Law-violating, Patriot Act-violating, FISA coyrt defrauding, illegal American spying

Historic, largest criminal treasonous polilitical scandals, failed coup attempts, criminal failed Impeachments

Racist, sexist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, divisive, old, white, millionaire, corrupt, criminal, self-serving, treasonous, national-security threatening, Illegal UnConstitutional Open Border, CRT-pushing, Transgender-manipularing, child indoctrination targeting/mutilating, pedo, election fraud/stealing, authoritarian anti-American oppressive, perjurous fascists who put money, power, and control above all else

Brutally, criminally partisan weaponized govt administration and agencies directly targeting and punishing Conservatives for opposing their mandates and agendas

Proven compromised, bought-and-paid-for traitorous sell-outs like the Bidens, Clintons, Pelosi, Schiff, Boxer, Swalwell, Schumer, AOC, and on and on...

Democrats so weak they grovel to appease our enemies, so pathetic and desarate to prevent a 'international incident' or anger our enemies that they will not shoot down an enemy CCP spy balloon violating our national sovereignty by flying deep into the US over US ICBM missile silos collecting critical intel, sending the world a message that we can't protect Taiwan or anyone else because we are too weak to defend our own country.

And snowflakes who continuously defend them, putting misplaced, abused party loyalty over loyalty to the Country.

Constitution / Rule of Law-violating, Patriot Act-violating, FISA coyrt defrauding, illegal American spying

Historic, largest criminal treasonous polilitical scandals, failed coup attempts, criminal failed Impeachments

Racist, sexist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, divisive, old, white, millionaire, corrupt, criminal, self-serving, treasonous, national-security threatening, Illegal UnConstitutional Open Border, CRT-pushing, Transgender-manipularing, child indoctrination targeting/mutilating, pedo, election fraud/stealing, authoritarian anti-American oppressive, perjurous fascists who put money, power, and control above all else

Brutally, criminally partisan weaponized govt administration and agencies directly targeting and punishing Conservatives for opposing their mandates and agendas

Proven compromised, bought-and-paid-for traitorous sell-outs like the Bidens, Clintons, Pelosi, Schiff, Boxer, Swalwell, Schumer, AOC, and on and on...

Democrats so weak they grovel to appease our enemies, so pathetic and desarate to prevent a 'international incident' or anger our enemies that they will not shoot down an enemy CCP spy balloon violating our national sovereignty by flying deep into the US over US ICBM missile silos collecting critical intel, sending the world a message that we can't protect Taiwan or anyone else because we are too weak to defend our own country.

And snowflakes who continuously defend them, putting misplaced, abused party loyalty over loyalty to the Country.
Another who doesn't understand the question.

Just one speed: Attack, attack, attack.

What one issue do you struggle with the most?​

Wiping my back side with no arms

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