What Party is Telling More Truth in This Coming Election?

That's right, mark it funny and avoid challenging the Op with any proof of your own. Must suck to have to argue from a position like that.

Not as much as it must suck to use a partisan 'study' to make a point.

Fine. Would you like to use their examples and argue each one on its own merits?

Neither has any merits.

Well then that means you just want to pound the table to make your point. Me? I accept the work done by Politifact since it doesn't appear to have any challengers with hard data to counter their point. (besides pounding on the table)

You accept Politifact because it give you the partisan bullshit you want to hear.

I don't, because it's flawed on the surface.

Hillary, Bill, and Obama are more honest than the ENTIRE GOP field?

(Haven't they all won Liar of the Year Awards)

You'd have to swallow koolaid by the gallon to believe that.
That's right, mark it funny and avoid challenging the Op with any proof of your own. Must suck to have to argue from a position like that.

Not as much as it must suck to use a partisan 'study' to make a point.

Fine. Would you like to use their examples and argue each one on its own merits?

Neither has any merits.

Well then that means you just want to pound the table to make your point. Me? I accept the work done by Politifact since it doesn't appear to have any challengers with hard data to counter their point. (besides pounding on the table)

You accept Politifact because it give you the partisan bullshit you want to hear.

I don't, because it's flawed on the surface.

Hillary, Bill, and Obama are more honest than the ENTIRE GOP field?

(Haven't they all won Liar of the Year Awards)

You'd have to swallow koolaid by the gallon to believe that.

No, Politifact merely produced what we already knew. We on the left have been watching the outrageous claims from Carson, Trump and Cruz, since they declared their interest in running. We have even brought them up here in the forums only to be dismissed by the faithful who don't really care about the accuracy in their statements. Now we have a pulitzer prize winning journalism site who produced hard data examining those same statements and all the right has to counter it is with cries of partisanship but no hard data of their own. That speaks for itself.
Not as much as it must suck to use a partisan 'study' to make a point.

Fine. Would you like to use their examples and argue each one on its own merits?

Neither has any merits.

Well then that means you just want to pound the table to make your point. Me? I accept the work done by Politifact since it doesn't appear to have any challengers with hard data to counter their point. (besides pounding on the table)

You accept Politifact because it give you the partisan bullshit you want to hear.

I don't, because it's flawed on the surface.

Hillary, Bill, and Obama are more honest than the ENTIRE GOP field?

(Haven't they all won Liar of the Year Awards)

You'd have to swallow koolaid by the gallon to believe that.

No, Politifact merely produced what we already knew. We on the left have been watching the outrageous claims from Carson, Trump and Cruz, since they declared their interest in running. We have even brought them up here in the forums only to be dismissed by the faithful who don't really care about the accuracy in their statements. Now we have a pulitzer prize winning journalism site who produced hard data examining those same statements and all the right has to counter it is with cries of partisanship but no hard data of their own. That speaks for itself.

. We have even brought them up here in the forums only to be dismissed by the faithful who don't really care about the accuracy in their statements.

The same way you on the left dismiss Hillarys' lies?

Go away, little boy.

Your bullshit stinks.
Fine. Would you like to use their examples and argue each one on its own merits?

Neither has any merits.

Well then that means you just want to pound the table to make your point. Me? I accept the work done by Politifact since it doesn't appear to have any challengers with hard data to counter their point. (besides pounding on the table)

You accept Politifact because it give you the partisan bullshit you want to hear.

I don't, because it's flawed on the surface.

Hillary, Bill, and Obama are more honest than the ENTIRE GOP field?

(Haven't they all won Liar of the Year Awards)

You'd have to swallow koolaid by the gallon to believe that.

No, Politifact merely produced what we already knew. We on the left have been watching the outrageous claims from Carson, Trump and Cruz, since they declared their interest in running. We have even brought them up here in the forums only to be dismissed by the faithful who don't really care about the accuracy in their statements. Now we have a pulitzer prize winning journalism site who produced hard data examining those same statements and all the right has to counter it is with cries of partisanship but no hard data of their own. That speaks for itself.

. We have even brought them up here in the forums only to be dismissed by the faithful who don't really care about the accuracy in their statements.

The same way you on the left dismiss Hillarys' lies?

Go away, little boy.

Your bullshit stinks.

Most of the allegations of lies end up without substance and with nothing to back itself up. You guys project but rarely offer any proof, you might try that for a change.
Neither has any merits.

Well then that means you just want to pound the table to make your point. Me? I accept the work done by Politifact since it doesn't appear to have any challengers with hard data to counter their point. (besides pounding on the table)

You accept Politifact because it give you the partisan bullshit you want to hear.

I don't, because it's flawed on the surface.

Hillary, Bill, and Obama are more honest than the ENTIRE GOP field?

(Haven't they all won Liar of the Year Awards)

You'd have to swallow koolaid by the gallon to believe that.

No, Politifact merely produced what we already knew. We on the left have been watching the outrageous claims from Carson, Trump and Cruz, since they declared their interest in running. We have even brought them up here in the forums only to be dismissed by the faithful who don't really care about the accuracy in their statements. Now we have a pulitzer prize winning journalism site who produced hard data examining those same statements and all the right has to counter it is with cries of partisanship but no hard data of their own. That speaks for itself.

. We have even brought them up here in the forums only to be dismissed by the faithful who don't really care about the accuracy in their statements.

The same way you on the left dismiss Hillarys' lies?

Go away, little boy.

Your bullshit stinks.

Most of the allegations of lies end up without substance and with nothing to back itself up. You guys project but rarely offer any proof, you might try that for a change.

Go away, little boy.

Your bullshit stinks.
I kind of knew that these responses would pop up but I must say if my leading candidates were lying 2/3, 75% or almost 85% of the time I would be damn pissed about it.

Sounds like you're trying to taunt conservatives because this is the only victory that you will ever achieve in life as a loser, by riding the democrat coattails of Bill Cosby Clinton's misogynist rapist victories, which makes you disgusting celebrating the victory a female molesting narcissist liar. No Republican lie can be as bad as a sexually assaulting females.

The long list of lies from democrats:

Bill Clinton lies:
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
Whitewater scandal
other affairs
alleged rapes
alleged sexual assaults
alleged baby daddy
too many coincidences

Hillary lies:
Benghazi tape blame
deleting emails cover up
Whitewater scandal
covering up husband affairs

Obama lies:
Change what? his drawers
Obama "we have ISIS contained"
Obamacare penalties
Obamacare same as regular care
Obama getting us out of debt
Obama employment promises
Obama war on terror
Distancing himself as fake false flagger from his pastor Jeremiah Wright "Goddamn America" and terrorist Bill Ayers

Jimmy Carter:
Peace in the Middle East (Hostages taken in Iran)
Nobel Peace Prize fraud (Hostages taken, no peace prize for that)

Franklin D Roosevelt:
Had affairs on wife and covered it up while President, lied to America
Prepared for war behind Congress back
Formed Social Security as a guaranteed socialist program that would work

John F Kennedy:
Lied about multiple affairs
Covered up bay of pigs until it was a disaster
Cheated on wife
Made nuke deals under the table with Russian president, not revealed until later

Bobby Kennedy:
Promises to MLK about getting Civil Rights and support in South, until televised then acted

Ted Kennedy:
Homicide of female which was covered up because his father was connected

Lyndon Johnson:
Lied to MLK about passing Civil Rights bill, stalled until brutal South events were televised
Lied about Vietnam war, promised it would be a short war and over in months

Myth about atomic bomb being used to save millions of soldiers

Illinois Democrat Governors:
Corrupted for lying and fraud now serving time

Jesse Jackson Jr:
Corrupted for lying and fraud, served time on probation

Bernie Sanders wife:
Bankruptcy fraud and lying about funds (google it)

Bernie Sanders:
Says he's not a communist or socialist
Bernie hung a Soviet Flag in office when he was mayor.
Bernie in Soviet Union, he honeymooned there.
Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."
Too many coincidences adding up

Jesse Jackson: (Democrat Politician and Democrat Presidential Nominee)
Lied about affairs on wife

Gary Hart: (Presidential Nominee)
Lied and had affairs on wife while in office as politician
I think it could go either way. What is truthful is this: The next candidate that says "This Election isn't about me..." should get tomatoes hurled at her/his dome.

As long as Trump is in the contest, the GOP has a credibility problem. As long as Ted Cruz is in the contest, America is in danger.

As long as Trump is in the contest, the GOP has a credibility problem

as long as Hillary is in the contest, the DNC has a credibility problem.

Man, the GOP has been reduced to a bunch of scared little boys by Ms. Clinton.

the GOP?

The GOP has nothing to do with it.

I dislike both Hillary and Trump.

Neither has any business even running for the office.

If either is elected president, the country will only continue downhill.

2 time Senator, 4 yrs as SoS. Easily the best qualified candidate in the last 25 years
I kind of knew that these responses would pop up but I must say if my leading candidates were lying 2/3, 75% or almost 85% of the time I would be damn pissed about it.

Sounds like you're trying to taunt conservatives because this is the only victory that you will ever achieve in life as a loser, by riding the democrat coattails of Bill Cosby Clinton's misogynist rapist victories, which makes you disgusting celebrating the victory a female molesting narcissist liar. No Republican lie can be as bad as a sexually assaulting females.

The long list of lies from democrats:

Bill Clinton lies:
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
Whitewater scandal
other affairs
alleged rapes
alleged sexual assaults
alleged baby daddy
too many coincidences

Hillary lies:
Benghazi tape blame
deleting emails cover up
Whitewater scandal
covering up husband affairs

Obama lies:
Change what? his drawers
Obama "we have ISIS contained"
Obamacare penalties
Obamacare same as regular care
Obama getting us out of debt
Obama employment promises
Obama war on terror
Distancing himself as fake false flagger from his pastor Jeremiah Wright "Goddamn America" and terrorist Bill Ayers

Jimmy Carter:
Peace in the Middle East (Hostages taken in Iran)
Nobel Peace Prize fraud (Hostages taken, no peace prize for that)

Franklin D Roosevelt:
Had affairs on wife and covered it up while President, lied to America
Prepared for war behind Congress back
Formed Social Security as a guaranteed socialist program that would work

John F Kennedy:
Lied about multiple affairs
Covered up bay of pigs until it was a disaster
Cheated on wife
Made nuke deals under the table with Russian president, not revealed until later

Bobby Kennedy:
Promises to MLK about getting Civil Rights and support in South, until televised then acted

Ted Kennedy:
Homicide of female which was covered up because his father was connected

Lyndon Johnson:
Lied to MLK about passing Civil Rights bill, stalled until brutal South events were televised
Lied about Vietnam war, promised it would be a short war and over in months

Myth about atomic bomb being used to save millions of soldiers

Illinois Democrat Governors:
Corrupted for lying and fraud now serving time

Jesse Jackson Jr:
Corrupted for lying and fraud, served time on probation

Bernie Sanders wife:
Bankruptcy fraud and lying about funds (google it)

Bernie Sanders:
Says he's not a communist or socialist
Bernie hung a Soviet Flag in office when he was mayor.
Bernie in Soviet Union, he honeymooned there.
Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."
Too many coincidences adding up

Jesse Jackson: (Democrat Politician and Democrat Presidential Nominee)
Lied about affairs on wife

Gary Hart: (Presidential Nominee)
Lied and had affairs on wife while in office as politician

LOL, if Politifact had reversed the analysis and had said that it was Democrats who lied more often, Republicans would make this a 10,000 post thread praising Politifact's astute analysis. You people are simple like that. No depth to your thinking at all.
I think it could go either way. What is truthful is this: The next candidate that says "This Election isn't about me..." should get tomatoes hurled at her/his dome.

As long as Trump is in the contest, the GOP has a credibility problem. As long as Ted Cruz is in the contest, America is in danger.

As long as Trump is in the contest, the GOP has a credibility problem

as long as Hillary is in the contest, the DNC has a credibility problem.

Man, the GOP has been reduced to a bunch of scared little boys by Ms. Clinton.

the GOP?

The GOP has nothing to do with it.

I dislike both Hillary and Trump.

Neither has any business even running for the office.

If either is elected president, the country will only continue downhill.

2 time Senator, 4 yrs as SoS. Easily the best qualified candidate in the last 25 years

2 time Senator,

An election she won on her husbands name, and by carpetbagging to a dark blue state, and running against the weakest candidate available

4 yrs as SoS

Booby prize for losing to someone with even less experience than she had.

Easily the best qualified candidate in the last 25 years

Not qualified at all.

Romney and Dole both had her beat in experience.

Kasich has her beat.

Having been mayors, Sanders and Webb have her beat in experience.

But, she's a female, her last name is Clinton, and it's her turn.

She has been annointed
Your 'study' had both Obama and Bill Clinton listed.

My point is still valid, the OP has nothing to do with people who have been president, only with those that want to be.

My point is still valid,

With 2 two term presidents in your study, your point is INvalid

Not true since the OP is about candidates. The study also mentions Dick Cheney and I'm pretty sure he was never a candidate.

If you want it to be only about candidates, find a 'study' with only candidates on it.

Include them if you want, it doesn't change the fact that Republicans running for the presidency are lying three times as much as Democrats.

Really? Which candidate is under investigation by the FBI again under the Espionage act for lying, mishandling classified, and endangering natl security?


My point is still valid, the OP has nothing to do with people who have been president, only with those that want to be.

My point is still valid,

With 2 two term presidents in your study, your point is INvalid

Not true since the OP is about candidates. The study also mentions Dick Cheney and I'm pretty sure he was never a candidate.

If you want it to be only about candidates, find a 'study' with only candidates on it.

Include them if you want, it doesn't change the fact that Republicans running for the presidency are lying three times as much as Democrats.

Really? Which candidate is under investigation by the FBI again under the Espionage act for lying, mishandling classified, and endangering natl security?



So you have nothing to counter the fact that Republicans lie more. What are you going to do when the FBI comes out with nothing more than criticism? Do you honestly expect more after eight investigations, 32 congressional hearings, 11 published reports, 70,000 documents provided by the State Department, 2,800 questions asked and answered, in a more than $20 million dollar investigation? You must be dumb as a rock.
I kind of knew that these responses would pop up but I must say if my leading candidates were lying 2/3, 75% or almost 85% of the time I would be damn pissed about it.

Sounds like you're trying to taunt conservatives because this is the only victory that you will ever achieve in life as a loser, by riding the democrat coattails of Bill Cosby Clinton's misogynist rapist victories, which makes you disgusting celebrating the victory a female molesting narcissist liar. No Republican lie can be as bad as a sexually assaulting females.

The long list of lies from democrats:

Bill Clinton lies:
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
Whitewater scandal
other affairs
alleged rapes
alleged sexual assaults
alleged baby daddy
too many coincidences

Hillary lies:
Benghazi tape blame
deleting emails cover up
Whitewater scandal
covering up husband affairs

Obama lies:
Change what? his drawers
Obama "we have ISIS contained"
Obamacare penalties
Obamacare same as regular care
Obama getting us out of debt
Obama employment promises
Obama war on terror
Distancing himself as fake false flagger from his pastor Jeremiah Wright "Goddamn America" and terrorist Bill Ayers

Jimmy Carter:
Peace in the Middle East (Hostages taken in Iran)
Nobel Peace Prize fraud (Hostages taken, no peace prize for that)

Franklin D Roosevelt:
Had affairs on wife and covered it up while President, lied to America
Prepared for war behind Congress back
Formed Social Security as a guaranteed socialist program that would work

John F Kennedy:
Lied about multiple affairs
Covered up bay of pigs until it was a disaster
Cheated on wife
Made nuke deals under the table with Russian president, not revealed until later

Bobby Kennedy:
Promises to MLK about getting Civil Rights and support in South, until televised then acted

Ted Kennedy:
Homicide of female which was covered up because his father was connected

Lyndon Johnson:
Lied to MLK about passing Civil Rights bill, stalled until brutal South events were televised
Lied about Vietnam war, promised it would be a short war and over in months

Myth about atomic bomb being used to save millions of soldiers

Illinois Democrat Governors:
Corrupted for lying and fraud now serving time

Jesse Jackson Jr:
Corrupted for lying and fraud, served time on probation

Bernie Sanders wife:
Bankruptcy fraud and lying about funds (google it)

Bernie Sanders:
Says he's not a communist or socialist
Bernie hung a Soviet Flag in office when he was mayor.
Bernie in Soviet Union, he honeymooned there.
Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."
Too many coincidences adding up

Jesse Jackson: (Democrat Politician and Democrat Presidential Nominee)
Lied about affairs on wife

Gary Hart: (Presidential Nominee)
Lied and had affairs on wife while in office as politician

LOL, if Politifact had reversed the analysis and had said that it was Democrats who lied more often, Republicans would make this a 10,000 post thread praising Politifact's astute analysis. You people are simple like that. No depth to your thinking at all.

Democrats don't lie...they just say "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE!" like Hillary said at her hearing UNDER OATH.


Show a liberal hard evidence, liberals say its inadmissible, bring a liberal witnesses and the criminal's testimony confession, liberals say it was false witnesses and a forced confession. The jury finds the criminal guilty on 12 charges, the libs say the criminal didn't commit one crime. Democrats love defending their politician criminals like Bill Clinton, Killer Mike, Hillary, ISIS, Ted Kennedy, Southern Democrat Ku Klux Klan harassing and hanging blacks in the South for voting Republican and still blacks harassed today by bigots for being an Uncle Tom for voting Republican. No wonder libs condone their criminal behavior, they're the Mafia!

Liberals are always in denial like an abused wife that deflect the facts and switch over to emotional reasoning to justify the abuse. Excuses are like assssholes, everybody has one. Show a liberal the truth, liberals say it's not true, then show liberals the source, then liberals justify it with it's not that bad nobody is perfect, until liberals point out conservatives flaws.
I kind of knew that these responses would pop up but I must say if my leading candidates were lying 2/3, 75% or almost 85% of the time I would be damn pissed about it.

Sounds like you're trying to taunt conservatives because this is the only victory that you will ever achieve in life as a loser, by riding the democrat coattails of Bill Cosby Clinton's misogynist rapist victories, which makes you disgusting celebrating the victory a female molesting narcissist liar. No Republican lie can be as bad as a sexually assaulting females.

The long list of lies from democrats:

Bill Clinton lies:
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
Whitewater scandal
other affairs
alleged rapes
alleged sexual assaults
alleged baby daddy
too many coincidences

Hillary lies:
Benghazi tape blame
deleting emails cover up
Whitewater scandal
covering up husband affairs

Obama lies:
Change what? his drawers
Obama "we have ISIS contained"
Obamacare penalties
Obamacare same as regular care
Obama getting us out of debt
Obama employment promises
Obama war on terror
Distancing himself as fake false flagger from his pastor Jeremiah Wright "Goddamn America" and terrorist Bill Ayers

Jimmy Carter:
Peace in the Middle East (Hostages taken in Iran)
Nobel Peace Prize fraud (Hostages taken, no peace prize for that)

Franklin D Roosevelt:
Had affairs on wife and covered it up while President, lied to America
Prepared for war behind Congress back
Formed Social Security as a guaranteed socialist program that would work

John F Kennedy:
Lied about multiple affairs
Covered up bay of pigs until it was a disaster
Cheated on wife
Made nuke deals under the table with Russian president, not revealed until later

Bobby Kennedy:
Promises to MLK about getting Civil Rights and support in South, until televised then acted

Ted Kennedy:
Homicide of female which was covered up because his father was connected

Lyndon Johnson:
Lied to MLK about passing Civil Rights bill, stalled until brutal South events were televised
Lied about Vietnam war, promised it would be a short war and over in months

Myth about atomic bomb being used to save millions of soldiers

Illinois Democrat Governors:
Corrupted for lying and fraud now serving time

Jesse Jackson Jr:
Corrupted for lying and fraud, served time on probation

Bernie Sanders wife:
Bankruptcy fraud and lying about funds (google it)

Bernie Sanders:
Says he's not a communist or socialist
Bernie hung a Soviet Flag in office when he was mayor.
Bernie in Soviet Union, he honeymooned there.
Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."
Too many coincidences adding up

Jesse Jackson: (Democrat Politician and Democrat Presidential Nominee)
Lied about affairs on wife

Gary Hart: (Presidential Nominee)
Lied and had affairs on wife while in office as politician

LOL, if Politifact had reversed the analysis and had said that it was Democrats who lied more often, Republicans would make this a 10,000 post thread praising Politifact's astute analysis. You people are simple like that. No depth to your thinking at all.

Democrats don't lie...they just say "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE!" like Hillary said at her hearing UNDER OATH.


Show a liberal hard evidence, liberals say its inadmissible, bring a liberal witnesses and the criminal's testimony confession, liberals say it was false witnesses and a forced confession. The jury finds the criminal guilty on 12 charges, the libs say the criminal didn't commit one crime. Democrats love defending their politician criminals like Bill Clinton, Killer Mike, Hillary, ISIS, Ted Kennedy, Southern Democrat Ku Klux Klan harassing and hanging blacks in the South for voting Republican and still blacks harassed today by bigots for being an Uncle Tom for voting Republican. No wonder libs condone their criminal behavior, they're the Mafia!

Liberals are always in denial like an abused wife that deflect the facts and switch over to emotional reasoning to justify the abuse. Excuses are like assssholes, everybody has one. Show a liberal the truth, liberals say it's not true, then show liberals the source, then liberals justify it with it's not that bad nobody is perfect, until liberals point out conservatives flaws.

nuhuh said:

I kind of knew that these responses would pop up but I must say if my leading candidates were lying 2/3, 75% or almost 85% of the time I would be damn pissed about it.
Click to expand...
Sounds like you're trying to taunt conservatives because this is the only victory that you will ever achieve in life as a loser, by riding the democrat coattails of Bill Cosby Clinton's misogynist rapist victories, which makes you disgusting celebrating the victory a female molesting narcissist liar. No Republican lie can be as bad as a sexually assaulting females.

The long list of lies from democrats:

Bill Clinton lies:
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
Whitewater scandal
other affairs
alleged rapes
alleged sexual assaults
alleged baby daddy
too many coincidences

Hillary lies:
Benghazi tape blame
deleting emails cover up
Whitewater scandal
covering up husband affairs

Obama lies:
Change what? his drawers
Obama "we have ISIS contained"
Obamacare penalties
Obamacare same as regular care
Obama getting us out of debt
Obama employment promises
Obama war on terror
Distancing himself as fake false flagger from his pastor Jeremiah Wright "Goddamn America" and terrorist Bill Ayers

Jimmy Carter:
Peace in the Middle East (Hostages taken in Iran)
Nobel Peace Prize fraud (Hostages taken, no peace prize for that)

Franklin D Roosevelt:
Had affairs on wife and covered it up while President, lied to America
Prepared for war behind Congress back
Formed Social Security as a guaranteed socialist program that would work

John F Kennedy:
Lied about multiple affairs
Covered up bay of pigs until it was a disaster
Cheated on wife
Made nuke deals under the table with Russian president, not revealed until later

Bobby Kennedy:
Promises to MLK about getting Civil Rights and support in South, until televised then acted

Ted Kennedy:
Homicide of female which was covered up because his father was connected

Lyndon Johnson:
Lied to MLK about passing Civil Rights bill, stalled until brutal South events were televised
Lied about Vietnam war, promised it would be a short war and over in months

Myth about atomic bomb being used to save millions of soldiers

Illinois Democrat Governors:
Corrupted for lying and fraud now serving time

Jesse Jackson Jr:
Corrupted for lying and fraud, served time on probation

Bernie Sanders wife:
Bankruptcy fraud and lying about funds (google it)

Bernie Sanders:
Says he's not a communist or socialist
Bernie hung a Soviet Flag in office when he was mayor.
Bernie in Soviet Union, he honeymooned there.
Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."
Too many coincidences adding up

Jesse Jackson: (Democrat Politician and Democrat Presidential Nominee)
Lied about affairs on wife

Gary Hart: (Presidential Nominee)
Lied and had affairs on wife while in office as politician
Click to expand...
LOL, if Politifact had reversed the analysis and had said that it was Democrats who lied more often, Republicans would make this a 10,000 post thread praising Politifact's astute analysis. You people are simple like that. No depth to your thinking at all.
Click to expand...
Democrats don't lie...they just say "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE!" like Hillary said at her hearing UNDER OATH.


Show a liberal hard evidence, liberals say its inadmissible, bring a liberal witnesses and the criminal's testimony confession, liberals say it was false witnesses and a forced confession. The jury finds the criminal guilty on 12 charges, the libs say the criminal didn't commit one crime. Democrats love defending their politician criminals like Bill Clinton, Killer Mike, Hillary, ISIS, Ted Kennedy, Southern Democrat Ku Klux Klan harassing and hanging blacks in the South for voting Republican and still blacks harassed today by bigots for being an Uncle Tom for voting Republican. No wonder libs condone their criminal behavior, they're the Mafia!

Liberals are always in denial like an abused wife that deflect the facts and switch over to emotional reasoning to justify the abuse. Excuses are like assssholes, everybody has one. Show a liberal the truth, liberals say it's not true, then show liberals the source, then liberals justify it with it's not that bad nobody is perfect, until liberals point out conservatives flaws.

var dark_postrating_minimum_opacity = 0.3;

"Excuses are like assholes, every liberal has one!"
As conservatives allegedly don't have assholes, explains why they are always full of shit?:dance:
I'm sure most of you already knew that Democrats tell the truth more often than their Republican counterparts and Politifact, the nonpartisan fact checking organization has a sampling of the results of a recent analysis that proves this point. In fact, the evidence shows Republicans are liars of a huge magnitude and there is a fair and substantial basis for rejecting everything they have to say.


Democrats are telling the truth more often and that fact alone should be a solid reason to listen to what they have to say.
There is some bias in this poll since Politifact has only been checking the facts since 2007, so Bill Clinton may be getting a way with some previous falsehoods but eight years of fact gauging is still solid evidence of the current facts.
Fact-checking U.S. politics | PolitiFact

Democrats lie every time they open their mouths.

Who are you trying to kid?

Democrats are the truth tellers in this campaign and all you got to say is Nah Nah Nah.

"Absolutely. In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism," Sanders said on Nov. 14. "If we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you’re gonna see countries all over the world — this is what the CIA says — they’re going to be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops, and you’re going to see all kinds of international conflict."

We rate Sanders' claim Mostly False.

Fact-checking Bernie Sanders' comments on climate change and terrorism

And? Your post only reinforces that point the OP is making. This source calls out Democrats and Republicans for telling lies and they never said Bernie Sanders has never told a lie. The chart referenced even shows that.

So thanks for showing you put faith in to what Politifact is saying.

I don't have much faith in any biased source, I was simply showing you rubes how idiotic the left is.

You morons believe every word Hillary and Barack tells you.

How is Politifact biased? Be specific.
The post is based on an editorial by the NY Times. The reason lefties confuse news with editorials is because 1. they have been conditioned by years of public education to trust propaganda and 2. lefties only believe in their personal fantasies and disregard the truth. The real question boils down to who the public can trust for unbiased information. The NY Times admitted that they selectively editorialized Hillary's E-mail stories. The liberal media editorialized 9-11 phone calls in the Trevon Martin case to promote racial outrage and the liberal media even tried to indict a security officer in the Atlanta Olympic bombing case. Of course the most notorious case of mid-information by the liberal media was CBS using forged documents to try to influence a presidential election. Which political party do we trust to tell the truth? More importantly which media source do we trust not to spin the truth?
I'm sure most of you already knew that Democrats tell the truth more often than their Republican counterparts and Politifact, the nonpartisan fact checking organization has a sampling of the results of a recent analysis that proves this point. In fact, the evidence shows Republicans are liars of a huge magnitude and there is a fair and substantial basis for rejecting everything they have to say.


Democrats are telling the truth more often and that fact alone should be a solid reason to listen to what they have to say.
There is some bias in this poll since Politifact has only been checking the facts since 2007, so Bill Clinton may be getting a way with some previous falsehoods but eight years of fact gauging is still solid evidence of the current facts.
Fact-checking U.S. politics | PolitiFact

Hard to believe that Cheney isn't at the top of the list. Undisclosed loquation?

As in: "And there's Mrs. Malaprop, possessing a strong pretension for elegant loquation but always misconcerting her vocabularly."
So the RWers have to look at there candidates and know they are lying more often than Democrats and there answer is source is biased...

The RWers (especially on this board) don't know what center is. You have been filling yourself full of crap so long you have no concept of what is even reality.

We have seen RWers us Alex Jones as a source... I mean can you be serious...

Swim, has brought this up on a separate thread that the GOP party has been hijacked by extremists and this is them.

Politifact is not a biased org. Nice try but none of you put actual any proof together on that. The Right has been fed a daily does of manure and now there candidates have to keep feeding them manure.

Trump the leading contender has still to say an actual 'True' statement out of 74 statements... That is unbelievable... He has 4 pants of fire statements in the last 4 weeks.

Hillary has said two since the website started and her last was in 2008.

Different league, Different class.

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