What percent of GDP should be devoted to a universal minimum income

What percent of GDP should be devoted to a universal minimum income

  • 0 %

    Votes: 18 72.0%
  • 5% ( $4,000 per year) --> above international poverty line

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10% ( $8,000 per year)

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • 15% ( $12,000 per year )

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • 20% ($16,000 per year ) --> Close to a minimum wage

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • 25% ($20,000 per year )

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • 30% ($24,000 per year )

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters
There is no unemployment under Capitalism, only underpayment.

The overwhelmingly vast majority of workers are paid their exact worth.
This is true just like the majority of products for sale on the market are priced at their exact worth. This is a basic concept but a liberal lacks the IQ to understand it.
that only happens in right wing fantasy. the left understands that, and merely indulges the right wing, for fun and practice.
No fear for automation at all ?

Paying people to do nothing is not the answer to unemployment caused by automation. All you do is create a restless idle underclass.

People (most people) need to be kept busy and given a purpose, even if that purpose is handing out French fries or digging a ditch.
Employment is at-will in most US States.

And your point is? Do you want to return to some form of serfdom?
are you on the right wing?

employment is at-will in our at-will employment States.

Labor as the least wealthy should be able to have recourse to equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes.

All I hear is "GIVE ME FREE MONEY"

Stop trying to sound smart by stringing along words to create gibberish.
All I hear is, "don't take me seriously Because, I really am clueless and Causeless about economics, and Proud of it."
Paying people to do nothing is not the answer to unemployment caused by automation. All you do is create a restless idle underclass.

People (most people) need to be kept busy and given a purpose, even if that purpose is handing out French fries or digging a ditch.
Employment is at-will in most US States.

And your point is? Do you want to return to some form of serfdom?
are you on the right wing?

employment is at-will in our at-will employment States.

Labor as the least wealthy should be able to have recourse to equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes.

All I hear is "GIVE ME FREE MONEY"

Stop trying to sound smart by stringing along words to create gibberish.
All I hear is, "don't take me seriously Because, I really am clueless and Causeless about economics, and Proud of it."

Ah back to the old "clueless and causeless" blathering you do to make yourself feel smarter.
Employment is at-will in most US States.

And your point is? Do you want to return to some form of serfdom?
are you on the right wing?

employment is at-will in our at-will employment States.

Labor as the least wealthy should be able to have recourse to equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes.

All I hear is "GIVE ME FREE MONEY"

Stop trying to sound smart by stringing along words to create gibberish.
All I hear is, "don't take me seriously Because, I really am clueless and Causeless about economics, and Proud of it."

Ah back to the old "clueless and causeless" blathering you do to make yourself feel smarter.
It isn't about "percentage of GDP, but about correcting for capitalism's, laziness regarding full employment of resources in the market for labor. Solving simple poverty on an at-will basis via unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed, will act in a manner analogous to an oil pump to ensure capital circulates in our economy.
And your point is? Do you want to return to some form of serfdom?
are you on the right wing?

employment is at-will in our at-will employment States.

Labor as the least wealthy should be able to have recourse to equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes.

All I hear is "GIVE ME FREE MONEY"

Stop trying to sound smart by stringing along words to create gibberish.
All I hear is, "don't take me seriously Because, I really am clueless and Causeless about economics, and Proud of it."

Ah back to the old "clueless and causeless" blathering you do to make yourself feel smarter.
It isn't about "percentage of GDP, but about correcting for capitalism's, laziness regarding full employment of resources in the market for labor. Solving simple poverty on an at-will basis via unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed, will act in a manner analogous to an oil pump to ensure capital circulates in our economy.

There you go trying to sound smart again by stringing words together and thinking it means something....
are you on the right wing?

employment is at-will in our at-will employment States.

Labor as the least wealthy should be able to have recourse to equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes.

All I hear is "GIVE ME FREE MONEY"

Stop trying to sound smart by stringing along words to create gibberish.
All I hear is, "don't take me seriously Because, I really am clueless and Causeless about economics, and Proud of it."

Ah back to the old "clueless and causeless" blathering you do to make yourself feel smarter.
It isn't about "percentage of GDP, but about correcting for capitalism's, laziness regarding full employment of resources in the market for labor. Solving simple poverty on an at-will basis via unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed, will act in a manner analogous to an oil pump to ensure capital circulates in our economy.

There you go trying to sound smart again by stringing words together and thinking it means something....
Ah back to the old "clueless and causeless" blathering you do to make yourself feel smarter.
All I hear is "GIVE ME FREE MONEY"

Stop trying to sound smart by stringing along words to create gibberish.
All I hear is, "don't take me seriously Because, I really am clueless and Causeless about economics, and Proud of it."

Ah back to the old "clueless and causeless" blathering you do to make yourself feel smarter.
It isn't about "percentage of GDP, but about correcting for capitalism's, laziness regarding full employment of resources in the market for labor. Solving simple poverty on an at-will basis via unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed, will act in a manner analogous to an oil pump to ensure capital circulates in our economy.

There you go trying to sound smart again by stringing words together and thinking it means something....
Ah back to the old "clueless and causeless" blathering you do to make yourself feel smarter.

Yep, back to your fuh fuh fuh, clueless, fuh fuh fuh, causeless" blathering you go to when you have nothing else to say.

Must suck to have a room temperature IQ.
It isn't about "percentage of GDP", but about correcting for capitalism's, laissez-fair laziness regarding full employment of resources in the market for labor.

Solving simple poverty on an at-will basis via unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed, will act in a manner analogous to an oil pump to ensure capital circulates in our economy.
The only thing the right wing does while claiming a work ethic from the Age of Iron is important modern times…

There's another parasite, someone who thinks that expecting anyone to carry his fair share is an “iron age” work ethic—one who has no intention of contributing to society, and just wants society to support him.
I raise my number to 15% out of spite to the loserterians.

Fuck with our ssi = I support UBI the next time the democrats win all branches of government.
The only thing the right wing does while claiming a work ethic from the Age of Iron is important modern times…

There's another parasite, someone who thinks that expecting anyone to carry his fair share is an “iron age” work ethic—one who has no intention of contributing to society, and just wants society to support him.
You don't know what you are talking about.
The American worker is already the most worked in the freaking western world.

We get next to shit while our upper class takes nearly all the new wealth...That is why the middle class is dying in this country.

I say tax the fucking rich and give all the workers and people that don't want to at the moment a goddamn UBI.
"zero", "cipher", "null", "naught", "nought", "love", "duck", "nil", "nada", "zilch", "zip", ("o" (), "aught",, nada, nothing,
I say tax the f•••ing rich and give all the workers and people that don't want to at the moment a goddamn UBI.

Those who don't want to work can starve.

It is one thing to provide a “safety net” for those who want to work, but are temporarily unemployed; but worthless, lazy parasites, such as yourself, are another matter entirely. If you are unwilling to contribute anything to society, then you are not entitled to what others have worked hard to produce. You are most especially not entitled to the wealth of those who might otherwise use it to create opportunities for others to work and earn an honest living.

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