What percentage of Israeli settlers are terrorists?


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
The title pretty much says it all. We had a similar thread asking about the Palestinians. But I even narrowed it down for our happy discussions here.
The title pretty much says it all. We had a similar thread asking about the Palestinians. But I even narrowed it down for our happy discussions here.
I can't find any stats on that, but the fact that they are armed and the Palestinians have been disarmed and the fact that their terror comes with the protection of the ADF (Apartheid Demolition Forces) is something that must be considered. There is also the fact that these racial colonies are funded by the Israeli government which brings the whole notion of state funded terror into play.
Ahahahhahaha and our local anti Israeli film maker steps in as if it's a serious question.

Maybe you should make a film about it abi ;-) and post a thread LOL

how about NONE as there are no settlers, what we have is returnees coming back to their native homelands
Ahahahhahaha and our local anti Israeli film maker steps in as if it's a serious question.
I don't know why you think I make films.

As opposed to antisemites, I see the zionists as the greatest danger to the Jewish people. Also, I am hated here because I am a Jew, but not a zionist. I have thick skin; it's fine.

how about NONE as there are no settlers, what we have is returnees coming back to their native homelands
This is the extremist position that disqualifies you as a fair source. There are obviously settlers. Israel admits this. The settlers refer to themselves as this.

And obviously, one cannot return to a continent that they have never even been to. I guess you are doubly disqualified.
Ahahahhahaha and our local anti Israeli film maker steps in as if it's a serious question.
This is a very serious question as these settlers lie at he base of this brutal and illegal occupation. We are talking about a state funded system that incorporates terror as policy. Again, watch the videos yourself. Not only does the Israeli government finance these illegal racial colonies, but the ADF supports the actions of these terrorist brigades.
Ahahahhahaha and our local anti Israeli film maker steps in as if it's a serious question.
I don't know why you think I make films.

As opposed to antisemites, I see the zionists as the greatest danger to the Jewish people. Also, I am hated here because I am a Jew, but not a zionist. I have thick skin; it's fine.

how about NONE as there are no settlers, what we have is returnees coming back to their native homelands
This is the extremist position that disqualifies you as a fair source. There are obviously settlers. Israel admits this. The settlers refer to themselves as this.

And obviously, one cannot return to a continent that they have never even been to. I guess you are doubly disqualified.
A "Jew" who is educating himself one Jew Hating Google search at a time.
You're a jackass.
I still can't find any stats on that, but here is a situation that is all too common for many of the 2 1/2 million West Bank Palestinians who live under occupation.

The Israeli human rights group B'tselem has released a video showing Israeli settlers shooting at Palestinians in the West Bank.

hold it there Spivy, Judea Samaria are within the UN mandated area designated for the creation of the state of Israel and although Israel didn't originally claim the area originally it was won the good ole fashioned way eventually. Through conquest of war. Just like pretty much every other nation on the planet determined its borders.

Why be such a sore looser ?

What you should be pushing for here is for the Israeli's to segregate combatants, suspected combatants, combatant collaborators, suspected combatant collaborators, and their descendants and repatriating them to the nearest debarkation point exactly as specified by the Geneva Conventions. That way once the trouble makers are returned to wherever they originated ( not Israel's responsibility to determine where they originated ) the rest of Israel can go about the business of living in peace

And what occupation ? The Arabs in Judea Samaria are Jordanian, King what's his name revoked their citizenship at just the right moment to try and leave Israel stuck with them but, the geneva conventions don't recognize the abandonment of civilian forces as a legal excuse for foisting off a hostile population on a controlling power.
I still can't find any stats on that, but here is a situation that is all too common for many of the 2 1/2 million West Bank Palestinians who live under occupation.

Bold lies. Only around 300,000 Arab Palestinians live in Area C and have any interaction whatsoever with either Jews or Israelis.
I still can't find any stats on that, but here is a situation that is all too common for many of the 2 1/2 million West Bank Palestinians who live under occupation.

Bold lies. Only around 300,000 Arab Palestinians live in Area C and have any interaction whatsoever with either Jews or Israelis.

Seems to be a mainstay of abi's discourse here. Make a wildly false claim, move on.
I still can't find any stats on that, but here is a situation that is all too common for many of the 2 1/2 million West Bank Palestinians who live under occupation.

Bold lies. Only around 300,000 Arab Palestinians live in Area C and have any interaction whatsoever with either Jews or Israelis.

Seems to be a mainstay of abi's discourse here. Make a wildly false claim, move on.
The mainstay is how google is unknown to you people...
I still can't find any stats on that, but here is a situation that is all too common for many of the 2 1/2 million West Bank Palestinians who live under occupation.

Bold lies. Only around 300,000 Arab Palestinians live in Area C and have any interaction whatsoever with either Jews or Israelis.

Seems to be a mainstay of abi's discourse here. Make a wildly false claim, move on.
The mainstay is how google is unknown to you people...

LOL you mean, no one is wasting time with your poorly researched films

That's a surprise
That's strange as I was using a Jewish source quoting Israel's own numbers:
In May 2012, the Palestinian population of the West Bank stood at 2,657,029, according to a Civil Administration document obtained by Haaretz.
read more: How many Palestinians actually live in the West Bank?

Your problem is with Shusha.

Now that that is settled, let's get back to our topic. This short video explains that one reason these children get attacked is because the settler terrorists consider international observers a provocation. This is truly sad and it is daily life for these poor kids.
Don't know her, never met her, sounds like more of your pally hasbara to me

Odd I thought our topic was your inability to accept Judaic people are the first nations people of Judea which of course includes Judea and Samaria. Which kinda blows the doors off your incorect use of the term settler. Now if you are referring to the Arabs settling the Judaic area of Judea and Samaria then of course we'll be able to agree that many of those Arabs are terrorists, relatives of terrorists or have assisted terrorists. In which case the Geneva convention clearly allows for Israel as the controlling power to repatriate them to the nearest debarkation point.

You might do a little studying up on the issues before continuing to embarrass yourself with all the disinformation you keep trying to spread
The mainstay is not understanding the basic terminology of the conflict. Important words like "Area C".
I totally realize that this response on the surface is off topic, but when abi reports it, I hope the mod looks at the content first.

The usage of lmgtfy (Let me google that for you) has been considered for years and years to be the epitome of snarkyness on internet forums. It pushes right up to the edge of being considered an internet 'troll'.

But not only that, but abi has found a way to use it to post the same post twice so far without being considered a chant, mantra, or otherwise not actually addressing a post.

:clap: abi.
abi, you started a thread asking what percentage of Palestinians were considered terrorists. I gave you a very simple and concrete answer in it. To wit: 1-2%.

Instead of going the long way around the barn to continue your Israeli (or zionist) bashing, you have not given any respect to me to give your simple answer. Will you?

p.s., spoiler alert, if you want to 'mention' another poster here, just use the "@" in front of the user name. It's much easier.

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