What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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These are all good questions. And when you dive into the nitty-gritty, other questions come up. Does every black person get the handout, regardless of when they arrived and how much money they earn?

Why do you call it a handout? Was it a hand out to Japanese Americans? To Jews? Were their reparations income-based?

And what about blacks who got into med school with a 3.3 - when NO white student with that record could ever get in, anywhere. He’s already been rewarded for having dark skin.
I think that is largely a diversion. For every black student who got in with below average gpa, there is likely a white legacy student who got in or go through with a “gentleman’s C”.

And what about on the other end? Will all whites have to pay, regardless of when they arrived and how much money they earn?
Did all whites have to pay reparations to Japanese Americans? Fact is, no one race will pay. The federal government would pay, and if you complain about tax dollars…well it’s the tax dollars of everyone who pays income tax, sales tax etc and that is not divided by race.

Should whites working as car mechanics earning $50,000 a year have to pay black surgeons and law partners earning $500,000 a year?
Did they pay Japanese American surgeons earning $500,000 a year?
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Why do you call it a handout? Was it a hand out to Japanese Americans? To Jews? Were their reparations income-based?

I think that is largely a diversion. For every black student who got in with below average gpa, there is likely a white legacy student who got in or go through with a “gentleman’s C”.

Did all whites have to pay reparations to Japanese Americans? Fact is, no one race will pay. The federal government would pay, and if you complain about tax dollars…well it’s the tax dollars of everyone who pays income tax, sales tax etc and that is not divided by race.

Did they pay Japanese American surgeons earning $500,000 a year?
The Jewish Holocaust survivors and the Japanese Americans were DIRECT victims. Not so with blacks today, try as you might to claim they are. In fact, it’s downright insulting to say that the black girl whose parents are a dentist and a teacher has “suffered” like those who made it out of Nazi concentration camps, barely, and damaged for life.
Yeah, but it was based on their gender instead of their race. I would bet money than when a woman got hired instead of a man it was a white man who didn't get the job over a black guy. We're talking about racism here, ThomasSowells said this "Whites have affirmative action in hiring.". I think that is bullshit, is there evidence that white women were hired instead of a black person male or female because they were white?
Well…affirmative action applies to: women, people with disabilities, veterans, and the following minorities: Native Americans /Alaskan Natives, Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders. So, right there, saying it is “reparations” to Blacks doesn’t work.

On TS’s statement, it was once true. It was reason why AA was instituted. Is it still needed now? I don’t think so.

There is no evidence I can find as to who was hired instead of who. Was a white woman selected over a black woman? Or a white man? :dunno: Insufficient data so all we can do is conjecture.
The Jewish Holocaust survivors and the Japanese Americans were DIRECT victims. Not so with blacks today, try as you might to claim they are. In fact, it’s downright insulting to say that the black girl whose parents are a dentist and a teacher has “suffered” like those who made it out of Nazi concentration camps, barely, and damaged for life.
Blacks who are alive today and grew up under Jim Crowe, are the direct victims of those laws. Wealth was not a consideration on who they applied to. Only skin color. The only advantage wealth gave them was a better ability to shield their children from the reality of Jim Crowe and try to give them as normal a childhood as possible.
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Blacks who are alive today and grew up under Jim Crowe, are the direct victims of those laws. Wealth was not a consideration on who they applied to. Only skin color. The only advantage wealth gave them was a better ability to shield their children from the reality of Jim Crowe and try to give them as normal a childhood as possible.
You are welcome to resolve your guilt by contributing to any number of organizations for black people. Don't try to inflict your guilt on others. It doesn't work that way.
Blacks who are alive today and grew up under Jim Crowe, are the direct victims of those laws. Wealth was not a consideration on who they applied to. Only skin color. The only advantage wealth gave them was a better ability to shield their children from the reality of Jim Crowe and try to give them as normal a childhood as possible.
I’ve already said the Jim Crow survivors deserve something, but not blacks who were north and west of there and were not subject to it. Trying to get money because ancestors you never knew were slaves is ridiculous.

What about from the other end? Blacks in America, thanks to the opportunities here, live better than blacks anywhere else in the world. Truthfully, they are lucky to have been born here, just as I was.
The Jewish Holocaust survivors and the Japanese Americans were DIRECT victims. Not so with blacks today, try as you might to claim they are. In fact, it’s downright insulting to say that the black girl whose parents are a dentist and a teacher has “suffered” like those who made it out of Nazi concentration camps, barely, and damaged for life.
You are really ignorant. First off stop lying to yourself.

Today we have people who were born during Jim Crow, taught by people who practiced Jim Crow who are leaders in this country. We have them teaching the next generation the same garbage and they passed the teachings to succeeding generation. What's the fucking difference between running away from the Klan and getting out of concentration camp. Blacks lived in constant fear. Blacks were murdered and nothing done and still today we face the racism of people like you, some of whom wear badges, and have the authority to end lives. Look at you. You talk about what your father suffered but he taught you to be racist. Thats the same thing that happened during Jim Crow.
Well…affirmative action applies to: women, people with disabilities, veterans, and the following minorities: Native Americans /Alaskan Natives, Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders. So, right there, saying it is “reparations” to Blacks doesn’t work.

On TS’s statement, it was once true. It was reason why AA was instituted. Is it still needed now? I don’t think so.

There is no evidence I can find as to who was hired instead of who. Was a white woman selected over a black woman? Or a white man? :dunno: Insufficient data so all we can do is conjecture.
Affirmative Action is still needed now. Look at what you read as a moderator. And if you think any of these people are going to hire based on merit if AA is gone, you're solely mistaken.
Affirmative Action is still needed now. Look at what you read as a moderator. And if you think any of these people are going to hire based on merit if AA is gone, you're solely mistaken.
You owe money to whites. They didn't get paid for their slave losses. France made slaves pay for their freedom, the British paid slave owners for their losses, only in America did 750,000 men die to free your nasty ass. You owe whites.
1. We aren’t “repairing” anything. There are several definitions for reparations, the one I’m using is:
“the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.

Throughout history reparations have been made to people who have been wronged, but not their descendants. If your father murders somebody should you be forced to make reparations for that? If he stole money from somebody and you have the money then you should pay it back, but what if you don't have it? Your dad spent it and lost it or whatever, are you responsible for paying that money back? We should pay for our mistakes but not the mistakes of someone else.

2. Do we hold our government responsible for it’s actions? If so, reparations is about holding our government responsible for the actions it perpetrated on a group of people. We held the government accountable for the laws it passed when Japanese Americans were interned. No special taxes were implemented to cover it.

Reparations for the interned Japanese Americans during WWII was paid to them, but not their descendants. And that was a decision by the US Gov't, who paid reparations to those people who were wronged.

No special taxes levied, so what? You know as well as I do that any reparations will be added to the debt, which means everybody pays for it whether they themselves had anything to do with the wrong-doing. And we are talking about past gov'ts and past generations, is it justice for someone to pay reparations for actions they had nothing to do with? Is it justice to pay reparations to people who themselves were not wronged?

3. I gotta pay for something I didn’t do….we all do, and we do all the time. I pay for schools, though I have no kids. I pay for roads even if I don’t drive. I pay for the medical expenses of people with no insurance. I had nothing to do with the forest fires out west or the hurricane in Florida, but I pay for it. I had nothing to do with the repeat flooding in Houston due to bad urban development of those local ans state districts, but I pay for it.

It's called the common good of our society, services that benefit everybody in general. You tell me, how an I benefitted from paying reparations? When we build roads and schools and hospitals that is helping everybody. You yourself went to school somewhere and drive on roads and maybe went to a hospital at some point, so you did get a benefit for those expenditures.

4. Who get’s paid? Well, earlier in the thread that was discussed. Jim Crowe we’re a series of laws designed to enforce segregation, remove voting opportunities, imprison black people for minor crimes and more. It led to mass violence, loss of property and killings all of which were a direct effect of those laws. So as a starting point, lets say every living African American who lived under Jim Crowe.

Those were all state and local laws, not federal. I'm okay with states that passed Jim Crow laws paying reparations to living African Americans who lived in that state at that time. Not sure if that could be verified, but I don't see that as a federal debt.

5. Why do you call it a handout? I never heard that said about our reparations to Japanese Americans. I never heard that said in regards to Germanies reparations to Jews.

For me, the definition of a handout is something given that has not been earned. When Germany paid reparations to the Jews, it was to Holocaust survivors or those who were forced into slave labor, but not their descendants. Same deal with the Japanese, you had to be a person who was interned. You could say they earned it, no argument there. But their descendants didn't. What federal law or executive action might be considered actionable for reparations to African Americans where there are still living people who deserve it?
The Jewish Holocaust survivors and the Japanese Americans were DIRECT victims.
People have pointed this out MANY times, too.

The same goes for the dishonest statements in regards to affirmative action benefitting other groups more than blacks while intentionally ignoring the fact that this is only true because blacks are refusing to take advantage of the opportunity.

The entire deception falls apart if these truths are acknowledged.
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Whites have had affirmative action since this country started. And white males certainly get preferences in hiring and pay.
Get with the present and quit dwelling on the past when most of us either weren’t here or not involved in oppressing anyone
You owe money to whites. They didn't get paid for their slave losses. France made slaves pay for their freedom, the British paid slave owners for their losses, only in America did 750,000 men die to free your nasty ass. You owe whites.
Wrong. Whites were paid for their lost slaves. This matter is between us and the U.S. Government. The white race pimps are playing you.
Throughout history reparations have been made to people who have been wronged, but not their descendants.
In 2008 Native American tribes were awarded 3.4 billion in reparations because of the Dawes Act of 1887. Your post is nothing but excuses.
Wrong. Whites were paid for their lost slaves. This matter is between us and the U.S.
"Us"? So, who enslaved you? Were you a field slave or a house slave?

This certainly changes everything.knowing you were a slave.

Yes, you certainly deserve recompense for each and every hour you spent as a slave!
People have pointed this out MANY times, too.

The same goes for the dishonest statements in regards to affirmative action benefitting other groups more than blacks while intentionally ignoring the fact that this is only true because blacks are refusing to take advantage of the opportunity.

The entire deception falls apart if these truths are acknowledged.
Before the entire ”deception falls apart” do have any data to show any significant portion of African Americans “refused” to take advantage of it?
Get with the present and quit dwelling on the past when most of us either weren’t here or not involved in oppressing anyone
Do you tell that to the Japanese Americans? Jews? Native Americans?
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