What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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Plus…..it will become a bidding war for black votes. “Vote for me, and I will increase reparations by 20%!” “No….no…..vote for ME, and will increase them by 30!” “No….no…..no…..vote for and I will expand the parameters so that more blacks qualify!”

There would be no end to all of this.
was it a bidding war for Japanese Americans?
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Why does it matter how they will spend it? Did we tell the Jewish victims of the Nazi's how to spend it? Did we demand that the Japanese Americans be responsible for the actions of bad actors who also happen to be Japanese Americans?
Pointless. Reparations more than a century and a half after emancipation is absurd. There is no one to compensate.
Try to read CAREFULLY; Reparations are ONLY given UNCONDITIONALLY to Holocaust SURVIVORS, not Holocaust Victims.
True. My grandmother was certainly a victim, having lost her mother, sister, nieces and nephews. She never received a dime. Her mother, or sister, or nieces, or nephews WOULD have gotten reparations if any one of them had survived the camps. They didn’t.

Try to listen carefully. Holocaust survivors are also victims.
Once more; they automatically get reparations. Immediate families do not automatically get them unless they were also Survivors in the Camps. Relatives included Grandkids, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc do not automatically get them.It shouldn’t be so hard to understand it
Why does it matter how they will spend it? Did we tell the Jewish victims of the Nazi's how to spend it? Did we demand that the Japanese Americans be responsible for the actions of bad actors who also happen to be Japanese Americans?

It matters if the conditions and circumstances don't change. I'm not saying we should tell them how to spend their money, but rather what is the benefit to everybody if the gov't gives reparations and we're right back where we were before we spent a dime.

The mindset for most Americans IMHO is, when I pay money for something I get something of value back. So, what is the payback for reparations? I've seen estimates of $10 trillion and up, who here wants to raise the debt by that much in one fell swoop? Can you imagine the inflation, all that new money and no increase in the production of goods and services?
It wasn't directed at you, multiple posters have made that remark. (Not everything is about you).

Affirmative Action was not an opportunity available to everyone in marginalized groups. Nor did it address what was done.
You know what you were doing.

You make a statement saying that affirmative action didn't do what is designed to do while calling it flippant" to point out WHY it hasn't done so.

You see black people as if they are nothing but children who cannot be expected to be responsible for ANY of their own actions or decisions.

To view black people as actual adults would undermine all your specious screed on the subject.
True. My grandmother was certainly a victim, having lost her mother, sister, nieces and nephews. She never received a dime. Her mother, or sister, or nieces, or nephews WOULD have gotten reparations if any one of them had survived the camps. They didn’t.

I know! The reason why Coyote and others can’t understand this simple fact is because they don’t want to . Sorry 😢 for your family and what they endured
So let me ask some questions: say we gave reparations to every black American, whatever the amount is. How will they spend the money? What will change? Does anyone believe that attitudes will change for the better? Will black Americans STFU and go about bettering their own lives? No more riots and BLM? IOW, what will the reward be for those of us will have to pay the bill? What benefit does the American taxpayer get out of it?
Why are you concerned with this? White paternalism has got to stop. That's the attitude that must change. Whites have rioted forever, and most of them have been for no other reason than whites could not get their way. So let me put it to you this way, if blacks got reparations and nothing changed, and whites don't riot, burn, loot and murder blacks trying to build, then we have nothing else to say. If anyone black were to start complaining about white racism under those circumstances, whites have every right to tell us to shut the fuck up.
You know what you were doing.

You make a statement saying that affirmative action didn't do what is designed to do while calling it flippant" to point out WHY it hasn't done so.

You see black people as if they are nothing but children who cannot be expected to be responsible for ANY of their own actions or decisions.

To view black people as actual adults would undermine all your specious screed on the subject.
Alas, the bigotry of low expectations. It's a liberal thing.
It matters if the conditions and circumstances don't change. I'm not saying we should tell them how to spend their money, but rather what is the benefit to everybody if the gov't gives reparations and we're right back where we were before we spent a dime.

The mindset for most Americans IMHO is, when I pay money for something I get something of value back. So, what is the payback for reparations? I've seen estimates of $10 trillion and up, who here wants to raise the debt by that much in one fell swoop? Can you imagine the inflation, all that new money and no increase in the production of goods and services?
But basically destroys the entire concept of reparations. There should be no expectation of quid pro quo. In fact there should not even be an expectation of gratitude or forgiveness. Reparations (for anything) is and should be entirely one sided.
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I know! The reason why Coyote and others can’t understand this simple fact is because they don’t want to . Sorry 😢 for your family and what they endured
Thank you. (Of course, this was all before I was born, but my Dad was a teen at the time and it hit his family hard.)
Uh, whut? Affirmative action for white women? You need to put a little more meat on that bone.
No she doesn't. You need to go do some research. You have been race pimped by your white leaders into believing on blacks are considered for AA.
You know what you were doing.

You make a statement saying that affirmative action didn't do what is designed to do while calling it flippant" to point out WHY it hasn't done so.

You see black people as if they are nothing but children who cannot be expected to be responsible for ANY of their own actions or decisions.

To view black people as actual adults would undermine all your specious screed on the subject.
What ever you say.

Reparations have nothing to do with the behavior of those wronged.
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I know! The reason why Coyote and others can’t understand this simple fact is because they don’t want to . Sorry 😢 for your family and what they endured
We all understand. Lisa is the one who doesn't understand because she doesn't want to.
Uh, whut? Affirmative action for white women? You need to put a little more meat on that bone.
White women have been the biggest benificiary of affirmative. The program was not set for blacks only.
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