What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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Try to read CAREFULLY; Reparations are ONLY given UNCONDITIONALLY to Holocaust SURVIVORS, not Holocaust Victims.
And the survivors were victims. So stop playing silly semantic games.
Bullshit. Chapter and verse, let's hear one example.
Whites have had affirmative action since this country started. And white males certainly get preferences in hiring and pay.
What will change? Does anyone believe that attitudes will change for the better? Will black Americans STFU and go about bettering their own lives?
When a 3 year old throws a screaming shit fit at the grocery check out line wanting that candy bar and wears down the parent to the point of buying it, they only learn that bad behavior gets them what they want.

We will only see MORE burning, looting and murdering if we give the "reparations" for something people never experienced, not less.
When a 3 year old throws a screaming shit fit at the grocery check out line wanting that candy bar and wears down the parent to the point of buying it, they only learn that bad behavior gets them what they want.

We will only see MORE burning, looting and murdering if we give the "reparations" for something people never experienced, not less.
It really is pretty arrogant for a minority population to make threats against the majority population unless they submit to their demands, and yielding to it, as you point out, only encourages more of the same. It’s the same reason we don’t negotiate with terrorists.
Thank you. (Of course, this was all before I was born, but my Dad was a teen at the time and it hit his family hard.)
So al this happened before you were born but you tell us how we are wrong to talk about things that happened before we were born. My dad was a sharecropper, he almost got lynched for defending his mother against a white man trying to rape her. My mother and her sister were walking down the street and did get off the sidewalk fast enough for some white girls, so one of them spit in my aunts mouth and on my mom. My mom beat the shit out of her and her mother had to beg in order to save her life. But hey that's nothing right Lisa? I wasn't born then so it doesn't matter. Right Lisa? And we are supposed to keep these conversations civil?
It really is pretty arrogant for a minority population to make threats against the majority population unless they submit to their demands, and yielding to it, as you point out, only encourages more of the same. It’s the same reason we don’t negotiate with terrorists.
It is not arrogant to demand redress from the government. Stop repeating that race pimped bullshit.
And no actual value either. Nothing will change.
How the fuck do you know this? You ask for chapter and verse to prove shit everybody knows happened but her you're marking assumptions about something that has never been done.
Once more; they automatically get reparations. Immediate families do not automatically get them unless they were also Survivors in the Camps. Relatives included Grandkids, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc do not automatically get them.It shouldn’t be so hard to understand it
The holocaust is not what happened to black people and what the government has allowed here has gone on well past slavery.
But basically destroys the entire concept of reparations.

Ok, tell me about the concept of reparations. What are we repairing? And you want to do this without regard to the future consequences for everybody? Should today's taxpayers be paying for the wrongs done in the past? I gotta pay for something I didn't do? That doesn't fit my idea of justice, I stand ready to pay for my mistakes but not someone else's. Who gets the money? Every black person in America? Do they all deserve a handout? Cuz that's what it is, they're getting money for something they didn't earn. Maybe someone else did, but not them, as we should give them money anyway? That doesn't fit my idea of justice either.
Ok, tell me about the concept of reparations. What are we repairing? And you want to do this without regard to the future consequences for everybody? Should today's taxpayers be paying for the wrongs done in the past? I gotta pay for something I didn't do? That doesn't fit my idea of justice, I stand ready to pay for my mistakes but not someone else's. Who gets the money? Every black person in America? Do they all deserve a handout? Cuz that's what it is, they're getting money for something they didn't earn. Maybe someone else did, but not them, as we should give them money anyway? That doesn't fit my idea of justice either.
These are all good questions. And when you dive into the nitty-gritty, other questions come up. Does every black person get the handout, regardless of when they arrived and how much money they earn? And what about blacks who got into med school with a 3.3 - when NO white student with that record could ever get in, anywhere. He’s already been rewarded for having dark skin.

And what about on the other end? Will all whites have to pay, regardless of when they arrived and how much money they earn? Should whites working as car mechanics earning $50,000 a year have to pay black surgeons and law partners earning $500,000 a year?
It matters if the conditions and circumstances don't change. I'm not saying we should tell them how to spend their money, but rather what is the benefit to everybody if the gov't gives reparations and we're right back where we were before we spent a dime.

The mindset for most Americans IMHO is, when I pay money for something I get something of value back. So, what is the payback for reparations? I've seen estimates of $10 trillion and up, who here wants to raise the debt by that much in one fell swoop? Can you imagine the inflation, all that new money and no increase in the production of goods and services?
The economic stimulus would be huge. All these questions and conditions were not demanded for the Native Americans who filed a class action lawsuit against the government for damages caused by the Dawes Act who were awarded over 3 billion dollars from our government in 2008. Most of you race pimped people with anti black animosity know nothing about this.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia

The ONLY way things don't change is if butthurt racist whites get it in their minds they are losing out and start rioting and burning like they did when blacks tried building up after slavery.
White women have been the biggest benificiary of affirmative. The program was not set for blacks only.

Yeah, but it was based on their gender instead of their race. I would bet money than when a woman got hired instead of a man it was a white man who didn't get the job over a black guy. We're talking about racism here, ThomasSowells said this "Whites have affirmative action in hiring.". I think that is bullshit, is there evidence that white women were hired instead of a black person male or female because they were white?
Ok, tell me about the concept of reparations. What are we repairing? And you want to do this without regard to the future consequences for everybody? Should today's taxpayers be paying for the wrongs done in the past? I gotta pay for something I didn't do? That doesn't fit my idea of justice, I stand ready to pay for my mistakes but not someone else's. Who gets the money? Every black person in America? Do they all deserve a handout? Cuz that's what it is, they're getting money for something they didn't earn. Maybe someone else did, but not them, as we should give them money anyway? That doesn't fit my idea of justice either.
Did you say that to the Native Americans who got 3.4 billion for damages created by the Dawes Act that was passed before any of them were alive? Your post is full of BS excuses.


Citygroup did a study focusing on U.S. GDP from 2000 until 2020. The study revealed huge losses in GDP due to continuing discrimination against blacks in business revenue, education, housing credit, and income. The study determined that since the year 2000, continuing discriminatory practices in the four areas mentioned in the prior sentence resulted in a loss of 16 trillion dollars in GDP.25 The breakdown is as follows:

“Closing the Black racial wage gap 20 years ago might have provided an additional $2.7 trillion in income available for consumption and investment.

Improving access to housing credit might have added an additional 770,000 Black homeowners over the last 20 years, with combined sales and expenditures adding another $218 billion to GDP over that time.

Facilitating increased access to higher education (college, graduate, and vocational schools) for Black students might have bolstered lifetime incomes that in aggregate sums to $90 to $113 billion.

Providing fair and equitable lending to Black entrepreneurs might have resulted in the creation of an additional $13 trillion in business revenue over the last 20 years. This could have been used for investments in labor, technology, capital equipment, and structures and 6.1 million jobs might have been created per year.”

For years I have listened to the “I’m not responsible” or “I didn’t own anybody” and “I was not alive then” membership sections of the United States of America. Citigroup determined money lost due to racial discrimination against blacks since 2000. At a minimum, reparations can be requested for money lost from 2000 until right now. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000, it equals $57,569 per black person in America based on the 2020 U.S. Census. Including all losses due to racial discrimination equals $277,185 per black person in America. This is money owed NOW for things done in OUR LIFETIMES.
These are all good questions. And when you dive into the nitty-gritty, other questions come up. Does every black person get the handout, regardless of when they arrived and how much money they earn? And what about blacks who got into med school with a 3.3 - when NO white student with that record could ever get in, anywhere. He’s already been rewarded for having dark skin.

And what about on the other end? Will all whites have to pay, regardless of when they arrived and how much money they earn? Should whites working as car mechanics earning $50,000 a year have to pay black surgeons and law partners earning $500,000 a year?
Does Obama get a share? He had no slave ancestors except maybe in Africa. What about his daughters, 1/2 share from their mother? Do Chinese, left-handed people, gays, women and pretty much anyone but straight WASP males get shares too?

It's fucking loony tunes. No one serious takes this seriously, only the usual freeloaders.
Yeah, but it was based on their gender instead of their race. I would bet money than when a woman got hired instead of a man it was a white man who didn't get the job over a black guy. We're talking about racism here, ThomasSowells said this "Whites have affirmative action in hiring.". I think that is bullshit, is there evidence that white women were hired instead of a black person male or female because they were white?
So? Women were discriminated against. There is no real difference in being discriminated against because you have a vagina than because of the color of your skin. Both are things you were born with, neither should be a hindrance to equality. Women of color get the double whammy. White males have had what you think AA is from the start. But you don't call it that and you want to deny it. Sowell is right. Affirmative Action applies to blacks, asians, hispanics, pacific islanders, native Americans, people of middle eastern descent, and women. This notion that it is only for blacks another example of right wing white race pimping
Does Obama get a share? He had no slave ancestors except maybe in Africa. What about his daughters, 1/2 share from their mother? Do Chinese, left-handed people, gays, women and pretty much anyone but straight WASP males get shares too?

It's fucking loony tunes. No one serious takes this seriously, only the usual freeloaders.
Don't forget Jaden and Willow Smith. now, either.

They grew up SO disadvantaged and it's all because of the white devil and the way they stack the deck in favor of their fellow white devils living their priviledged lives in trailer parks n stuff.
Ok, tell me about the concept of reparations.

I outlined it in post 679, what the concept is.

What are we repairing? And you want to do this without regard to the future consequences for everybody? Should today's taxpayers be paying for the wrongs done in the past? I gotta pay for something I didn't do? That doesn't fit my idea of justice, I stand ready to pay for my mistakes but not someone else's. Who gets the money? Every black person in America? Do they all deserve a handout? Cuz that's what it is, they're getting money for something they didn't earn. Maybe someone else did, but not them, as we should give them money anyway? That doesn't fit my idea of justice either.

A lot of questions, rather than break up the quotes, I’ll answer it in one segment.

1. We aren’t “repairing” anything. There are several definitions for reparations, the one I’m using is:
“the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.”

2. Do we hold our government responsible for it’s actions? If so, reparations is about holding our government responsible for the actions it perpetrated on a group of people. We held the government accountable for the laws it passed when Japanese Americans were interned. No special taxes were implemented to cover it.

3. I gotta pay for something I didn’t do….we all do, and we do all the time. I pay for schools, though I have no kids. I pay for roads even if I don’t drive. I pay for the medical expenses of people with no insurance. I had nothing to do with the forest fires out west or the hurricane in Florida, but I pay for it. I had nothing to do with the repeat flooding in Houston due to bad urban development of those local ans state districts, but I pay for it.

4. Who get’s paid? Well, earlier in the thread that was discussed. Jim Crowe was a series of laws designed to enforce segregation, remove voting opportunities, imprison black people for minor crimes and more. It led to mass violence, loss of property and killings all of which were a direct effect of those laws. So as a starting point, lets say every living African American who lived under Jim Crowe.

5. Why do you call it a handout? I never heard that said about our reparations to Japanese Americans. I never heard that said in regards to Germanies reparations to Jews.
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I outlined it in post 679, what the concept is.

A lot of questions, rather than break up the quotes, I’ll answer it in one segment.

1. We aren’t “repairing” anything. There are several definitions for reparations, the one I’m using is:
“the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.”

2. Do we hold our government responsible for it’s actions? If so, reparations is about holding our government responsible for the actions it perpetrated on a group of people. We held the government accountable for the laws it passed when Japanese Americans were interned. No special taxes were implemented to cover it.

3. I gotta pay for something I didn’t do….we all do, and we do all the time. I pay for schools, though I have no kids. I pay for roads even if I don’t drive. I pay for the medical expenses of people with no insurance. I had nothing to do with the forest fires out west or the hurricane in Florida, but I pay for it. I had nothing to do with the repeat flooding in Houston due to bad urban development of those local ans state districts, but I pay for it.

4. Who get’s paid? Well, earlier in the thread that was discussed. Jim Crowe we’re a series of laws designed to enforce segregation, remove voting opportunities, imprison black people for minor crimes and more. It led to mass violence, loss of property and killings all of which were a direct effect of those laws. So as a starting point, lets say every living African American who lived under Jim Crowe.

5. Why do you call it a handout? I never heard that said about our reparations to Japanese Americans. I never heard that said in regards to Germanies reparations to Jews.
Good, the Dems should run on this. Kamala should put it on her platform in 2024. BTW, would she get a share since her ancestors were never slaves, at least in the USA?
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